Things and stuff. [With nail & Eye of Autocthon]

Luckier and wiser ones naturally flow around such petty inconveniences such as 'loyalty' and 'honor' like the noxious waters of a city sewer flow around the posh neighbors.
If had the means of doing so, the Peleps would die before the match began, but this isn't my original version of Shinji who was a backstabber extraordinare. :P
Hrm, Reisa finds Shinji to be quite the sadistic masochist, considering that he lives, continues to live, and continues to say things that seem to bring the knives upon him. With that said she doesn't hate him, and she won't... strongly avoid him... yet... after all she has her own little reasons to not being ostracized at the moment. ^^
Reisa huggles her petty reputation and sticks her tongue out at the infamous Shinji. "Mine." :P
Apparently the servers went kaboom, dragging all the day's posts kicking and screaming into the Void. :(
It's 2am here. I'm going to bed. I'll worry about bringing things back up to date tomorrow. Maybe with whisky.
Look what I found fishing in the browser's cache...



"Uh, we have no fireworks shop as such, but Mistress Bei-Mei is the Palace's resident sorcerer, I am sure she either has or could make some for you.

I shall bring the wax to your room immediately, and to get to the roof, one may use the main stairway until the fourth floor, where there is a set of double doors clearly marked for the rooftop area on the other side of the balcony.

Will there be anything else my lord? I must attend to the delivery of any mail at Mistress Farah's command..."

Yethet, Reisa:

You reach Dionis' room. After knocking Dionis himself bids you enter. He and Farah are by the window, looking confused, Dionis in particular, who is seated.

Farah says "Did you have any luck finding other creatures so afflicted? This whole situation is getting stranger by the minute."


You leave the room stunned, half in shocked silence, the other half spluttering indignation.

Out in the hall you hear a woman's voice, a hint of amusement in her voice.

"Hold a moment please, Shinji-san. Could I beg a moment of your time, or are you expecting to be busy duelling the day away?"

The voice belongs to one of the women who was having breakfast near you.

You don't recall her having a reaction at all to your outburst.

From the tint of her skin she looks to be a Wood-aspect.


Cathak Yethet

Yethet smiles at Dionis; it's genuine.

"Good to see you recovered, cousin."

Turning back to the hostess, he says "Reisa found a bird's nest in the gardens where it had happened to the chicks in the shell. One of them had recovered when we were interrupted. We didn't find anything else."


Tepet Nehir

"Ah, no, thanks, that will be all.

You have been most precious."

This said, Nehir walks away and calmly makes his way on the roof, where he seeks an isolated spot.

Here he quietly starts to shape Essence, that flows slowly out from his hands.

Code: Casting Infallible Messenger with personal essence. Does it succeed?

How many people are snooping in?


Someone posted after this, but I didn't have the time to see it.
You're an awesome ST and this is an awesome game we're playing, it's my pleasure. =)
Guys, I'll be away until the 20 August.

Unlikely that I will be able to post.

Enjoy without me! =)
I've been kinda busy looking for a new place to live on the other side of the country, so updates haven't happened all too much...
Ireland. I spent much of last three years breaking- I mean, shaping Chaka into the fine young man he is now.
Right, I'm mostly back in business, so I'll be able to drop in and keep this going if anyone's interested?

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