Things and stuff. [With nail & Eye of Autocthon]

Oh, did you think that Farah wanted to...


Oh dear.

Um... How's Yethet's pain threshold..? Just asking...
Time to wrap the prologue up, I think. Feel free to continue posting there until I have a new thread up. If you want to get something out of the way before the following morning though, then now's the time.

Everyone who posted can have 6xp.

I had really hoped action did not finish there.

But then again, with the other players silent, I would have had no hook.. =(

Oh, well...

Btw, so far I'm enjoying the game a lot. =)

(Do I get my channel back?)
Must dash to an AC/DC concert, I'll deal with the thread on Monday. Assuming I'll be able to move by then...
I haven't heard from either for a month at least... I think. As Alconoth runs one game I'm in and Snuggly plays in one of mine. I had hoped it was like Exam related or something but not a post or anything.
I don't know :(

I'll give them a little longer and then see about changing things radically. Given what I'd intended to post next, it'd be no trouble to kill off a couple of people to let some new players in, but I'm already quite fond of the others...
I'm still around, but Yethet doesn't really have anything to add at this point in the conversation, so I'm waiting to see what happens next.
I'm about. Did I miss a response O.o ? Oh or perhaps I need to push it along, nod nod. Reisa plans to get Yethet to speak of what I haven't the foggiest yet ><
Much as it pains me to do so, I'm going to continue on for a while. If they show up soon, great. If they don't, well, I can accommodate for that too.
I had just finished a nice welcome post too, but you beat me to it. Bah.

Say hello everyone, Mr. _Wakes shall be joining the game.
Hahaha, I feel that crashing through windows usually trumps the most eloquent of speeches. When you want people to pay attention, break things!

I shall get to dreaming up a PC currently.

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