Things and stuff. [With nail & Eye of Autocthon]

I understand. Having finally managed to get Thief Gold running on Vista last week, it's been consuming frankly embarrassing amounts of my time.

Jumping in won't be hard. Guests can arrive at the Palace any time, there's a small army of staff to accommodate people at any time.
In hindsight I should have just *poked* people here in case they missed a post or two before continuing on regardless.

I shall do so from now on. Apologies to anyone who missed out.
I hop in the forum like 5 times a day looking for a post unread indication xD I must have been very very distracted when I read it and not posted. I feel very bad at that horrible neglection on my part but ya whatever it doesn't hurt too much Yethet can bring things to Reisa's getting drunk attention perhaps ^^
The characters are all supposed to know each other, yes? If so, Dionis is probably going to be rather warm towards Yethet, and he thinks Yethet could probably stand to lighten up a bit. Regardless of whether or not he knows Yethet, he's heard of the Fire-Aspect's reputation and sees potential in him, and will likely try to foster some kind of relationship to cultivate benefits for everyone (though any benefits beyond those to Dionis and his House are happy by-products of his intent). How Yethet feels about Dionis is (of course) up to him, but Dionis certainly hopes that it can turn into something mutually beneficial.

EDIT: is there a particular dice roller we are supposed to use, or are we working on the honor system where dice are concerned?
I have no preference regarding dice-rollers. Use what you like. Hell, roll a bunch of d10s beside your keyboard and type in the result, if you prefer.
Sounds good to me, Chaka.

I only ask about dice rollers because I know some PbP STs prefer checking on rolls. I use the one at Invisible Castle myself, since it allows you to link to rolls if needed.
/me pokes fhgwdads05 and TheRealBrickWall

If you're still intent on playing guys, I must ask you to make it known soon. If I don't have working characters from you by Sunday, I'm afraid I'll have to open up the slots to someone else.
Fair enough. Sorry, I've been pretty busy the past two weeks, with everything culminating in early morning rehearsals for the past four days. I'm going to attempt to wrap things up tonight.
Having had no sleep in 36 hours, I can't remain to keep an eye on things tonight.

Both Chaka and Alconoth can adjudicate the other's stunts. Be nice to eachother.

For the sake of completeness, the duelling ring is cobblestone, 30 yards in diameter. Each combatant starts 20 yards apart, as agreed. That means 5 yards in from the ring edge, which is now impenetrable wall of essence.

Under the rules of the spell Bei-Mei just cast (I call it Sanctifying The Honoured Duelling Ground) any damage taken is non-lethal. Bones could still be broken, muscles torn etc, and the wound penalties remain the same, but no amount of damage will bring either of you below Incapacitated.

First one to yield or get knocked out loses. I'll decide what that means after a good night's sleep.

Have fun.
I just realised your damage roll is slightly wrong, you declared the use of fowling arrows, not frog crotch, so it was +2 instead of +4. Not that it makes much of a difference, mind you... :P
Heh, and here I was thinking I was going to try to have Ishi finished in time for him to intervene. Oh well. :P
I think we're drawing near the end of this little prologue, some actual plot should be making an appearance soon :)
If it makes you feel any better, we won't shave Yethet's eyes or head. Maybe take embarrassing pictures of him....

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