Things and stuff. [With nail & Eye of Autocthon]

...that's not making me feel any better about people taking their time. I'm fully aware of what you're capable of if you get time to plan. :P
I was just going to reply with how offended I was that you'd think I'd do something nasty, but something awesome popped into my head that I'm going to HAVE to include in the game now. And no, it won't be nice ^_^

On another note.... Virtuous Guardian of Flame (White Treatise, page 68) - it provides a DV based off the sorcerer's Occult score, and it lasts for the day. Since the DV suffers from penalties (save action penalties) normally, I was wondering... Could I use an Occult Excellency to boost the DV just as I would using a different Charm with any other DV? I'd like to think yes, but supposedly it could go either way.
Not really.

According to the core rulebook, you can't use charms to enhance sorcery at all, including Dragon-Blooded free reflexives. No combos of any sort.

The spell itself uses a DV separate from the caster's, even if it was based of his/her attributes. So excellencies won't work on it even if you COULD use them while casting.

Charms with long-lasting effects that were used before sorcery actions are explicitly allowed. So if you want to improve your Occult for the purposes of that spell, someone would have to use Terrestrial Occult Reinforcement on you before you cast it. And that someone would have to satisfy a number of conditions for the charm to have any effect on you.

So there IS a way around it, but it's awfully complicated.
Ah. I was figuring since it was a persistent effect that lasted long after casting it could be improved. Oh well.

By the by... end-of-primary school class picture?


Care of ~PaleLonginus on Deviantart. Earth Aspect is obviously Ishi. While the Water and Wood in the picture won't fit our group, something seems strikingly familiar about the other two. Maybe? :P
Sarky said:
The one on the left DOES remind me of Chaka for some reason...
I dunno if I'd prefer it if you were talking about the slightly confused-looking Air aspect or the Fire aspected girl.
The Air-aspect is Brickwall's character, and you're playing a Fire. So I'm guessing he's referring to Yethet as the red-haired princess there.
No, apparently the dazed and confused character was the correct option. This wasn't character based, it was personality-based. :P
Sorry it took so long to get my sheet up after I said it would be in a few days ago, but it is finally in!
You'll be getting my stuff shortly. Sorry, I've gotta finish my main stuff for xarvh's game first, as I joined that before all the others.
Is ok. But as soon as I get one more character I'll get the game going. Later characters can just arrive a day or two late due to weather/politics/assassination attempts...
With more than half of the characters in, I'm going to let those folks get into the swing of things. The rest of you are just going to be a bit late. And in Dynastic society, it's a well-known fact that there's no point in arriving unless everyone else is already there to see you do it...
Chaka said:
Will post reaction once Reisa and I decide how we like each other.
And ya. I'll drag it here unless yous want it pmed but since we have several Cathak's here and most of us went to that silly school, may as well start it set our opinions towards each other here.

So Reisa is one of those types that I can see as the 'party type.' Definately she cared not so much for the tactics, strategies, and structures of all those things Cathak and the House of Bells seems to play with. But she is friendly and well likes friends so I could see just being friendly like (Minus all that gruff military discipline) with all of members of House Cathak of/around her age. That said most likely anyone her age she would be friendly with, and of course if they don't like her she will not care, she'll still try to be friendly with them.
I think Yethet is the kind of person that would have had few friends in school, but they would be relatively close friends. And since we were all together in primary school and Reisa was his classmate in the house of bells, I imagine he'd consider her a friend. So I'll go with that.

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