Things and stuff. [With nail & Eye of Autocthon]

Do you really want to spend all those artifact dots on something you won't get any use out of? Really, they suck against individual opponents. Huge accuracy penalties and all.

Still working on my character.
Hehe, sounds good to me. So it'd basically become increasingly difficult to train using that method as my character accumulated more knowledge, if only because finding books containing knowledge he didn't already know would be less frequent. Quite fitting thematically, I must say. Good show :P .

fhgwdads05 said:
And as far as thieves go, the White and Black Treatises are available anywhere in the Realm (provided you're a Dynast) for Resources 3 (Artifact 1) or in the Threshold for Resources 4. Of course, they could make a pretty penny off it, but it's not like these things aren't difficult to come by :P . That said, if I make some of my own customized assortments of spells in text, those may be quite a bit more attractive, especially if some of the spells within them are less commonly used/known of. And before I go any further with that - would making up a custom collection/book of spells be cool with you? I'd be glad to write a history of the book if you want something spiffy, or it could simply be a collection of writings copied from the Heptagram libraries.
Just in cased you missed it due to the new post page. >_>

EDIT: Goddamn, so many posts while I was typing. Brickwall, what aspect are you? Before we go any further, I want to make sure we aren't going to step on each others' toes. I was planning for Earth, myself, but I was having trouble deciding between it and Air.
Well, if we have one warstrider... And the rest of the party holds the guy down.. Well, he won't pass by us in the hall without giving up his milk money again
Alconoth said:
Well, if we have one warstrider... And the rest of the party holds the guy down.. Well, he won't pass by us in the hall without giving up his milk money again
Heh, true. He'll most likely automatically just hand it over. With little to no trouble no less. Having that machine would benefit bullies everywhere xD
I'd suggest Air as the obvious choice for a sorceror. Also, their linguistics and lore charms are frankly awesome.
I was considering Air, yes, but Earth fits the mentality of the character I had in mind a little better. Plus, Jade Mountain Style + Unbreakable Bones of Stone + Earth Anima Power = Win.
fhgwdads05 said:
Ah. Hm. That makes two Water Aspects and two Fire Aspects. Whoooo booooy. :P
What the hell? That Water Aspect totally wasn't up there when I looked.

Okay, I guess I'll scrap this character and take whatever's left, since I'm now out a character concept.

Anyway, you should be focusing on Sorcery, not MA. We only get one spellcaster.
I am. There's nothing to say I can't do something on the side, though. I'm only taking a single Charm, that may or may not even be the Excellency.

And honestly, while the concern is flattering, I'll be fine - I know how to play my character. You'll see plenty of Sorcery, so don't worry. :)

EDIT: And there's nothing to say there can't be two Water Aspects. I just wanted to point out the Aspect-overlap.

Aspect isn't all that important. The Realm's best sorcerer is an Earth aspect, the greatest general is Wood.

Create whatever characters you like.
Exactly. And the Realm's best sorcerer is one day going to be usurped by another of her same aspect. ;)
Who cares about YOU? Think about the group: it's unlikely that more than one, if any, of us will be able to even get to picking up the Terrestrial Circle Sorcery Charm, much less many spells. If our sorcerer isn't diverse and powerful in sorcery, we might as well not have one for the good it'll do us.

We can keep you alive. DBs are good at keeping teammates alive. Heck, if you pick up Sworn Brotherhood, we get extra dice for it.
Brickwall, I'm going to be quite frank with you - how I play my character or chose what I chose is neither any of your business or concern. I will be getting spells, yes. I will be getting an absolute shitload of spells. But that doesn't mean I can't or shouldn't pick up other things. In fact, not doing so would be downright stupid. Now, please put a little more faith the idea that I knowing what I'm doing, because I do.
Huh? When did immediate results come into play? I'm not any rush to get a tricked-out combo going, if that's what you're trying to imply. And to think I thought you knew my gaming style better than that... :P

And in terms of the aforementioned combo, I need only the Jade Mountain Style Form (fifth Charm deep), along with the one Spell. That's 60 XP if I wanted to go for it right away, but as I said, I'm in no rush whatsoever. I'm probably trickle along, picking up one or two Spells for every Charm (or three Spells for two Charms) and taking stuff in different abilities as I go. Jade Mountain Style is only one of many things, alongside what will most likely be Craft, Occult, Resistance, Integrity, and maybe a wee bit of social things here and there (I've got my eye on you, Performance).
Well, since it looks like Air is the only thing left, but I can't be a sorcerer, I'm somewhat stuck on ideas. Give me some time to work out something that'll fit with the group.

P.S. guys, can we all take Elemental Bolt Attack? I know that, as Terrestrials, we're short on Charms, but if all of us can do it (or at least one of each Aspect), we've got a kickass superweapon. KaFOOSH.
Hmm.. How about the good ol' fashioned Air-ninja? Stealth, Thrown/Martial Arts (Night Breeze is fuckin' sweet, though Air Dragon is always an option if you want to go the Immaculate route), Athletics, possibly Investigation/Awareness/Linguistics, etc.

There's also the option of the Loremaster/Crafter. I probably won't have nearly enough XP to reliably go for Crafting stuff anywhere near the first part or two of the game, and if Magitech is going to be involved at all we'll need someone to tinker around with it, as well as other Artifacts and Manses.

I would take Elemental Bolt Attack, but I'm going to be limited on Charm slots as it is (I'm spending four on Spells, including the free one I get from Terrestrial Circle Sorcery).

EDIT: And remember, doubling up on Aspects isn't necessarily bad. Though we don't get as many Favored Abilities as other Exalt types, that doesn't mean your concept can't fit with another aspect still.
I know Chaka and I have Elemental bolt, though having a sexy earth aspect to act as the channel would be pretty sweet (with a thrown or athletics excellency). Also, you're ignoring the resident wood aspect :cry:
I'm going for an Earth Aspect. We'll have to see about an Archery (Elemental Bolt Technique doesn't use Thrown :P ) or Athletics Excellency, though; I didn't plan on Favoring either.
I've been unexpectedly busy these past few days, but I should have my character sheet up sometime tomorrow at the very latest.
I've gotta finish my Abyssal first >_<. But I'm much farther along; the backstory's content is basically set and I've mapped out what I want to do with Ishi mechanics-wise. I just need to actually solidify both of those and put them into their correct formats.

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