Things and stuff. [With nail & Eye of Autocthon]

I dunno, you never called the sire of your House a demon-consorting whore, did you? I think the elephant tied around my neck is larger. :D
Nah, she'd be in total shock. You could totally make it to the door before the fact that it really did happen computes.
I would normally expect Earth aspect not to be such hotheads, but hey, lovely PC Cthulu.
Hot head? Not at all. He just absolutely despises the whore. There's no real rage behind it at all. The entire Caras family line hates Mnemon, look it up in the book. Drinking doesn't fabricate lies (most times) it just makes people brutally honest. And despite his high Temperance, he has a weakness for drink. His tongue became looser and he just gave a very, very blunt opinion that will someday cost his head.

No, when I think hotheads, I look at out local Cathaks.
Wha? Why? xD this place is supposed to please you. So I suppose if getting beat and hated upon makes you happen then perhaps they can do that too? xD
You've not read my backhistory have you? ;P

Reputation 4, infamy really. People HATE me, all across the isle. I'm a walking faux pax. Hell, Shinji thinks he's been 'invited' here just to be killed.
SO, question to Myllinnia. Your opinion on the giant oaf with a deathwish? Shinji, that is. He would have been part of the clique at the House of Bells, before Unfortunate Events occured. Your opinion on the creature that he is now and the walking faux pax he represents?
For the record, Yethet is going to be very torn between friendship and career. Being honourable and loyal is a bitch in this society.
You'd be wiser choosing career in the end. Even being seen talking to me while not spitting or throwing a glove in my face for a duel is probably frowned upon at the least.
*shrugs* Fire-aspects are notoriously passionate, and Cathaks even more so. We can get away with a certain amount of leniency other aspects or other Houses might not. It's in the blood, don't you know.

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