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Fantasy Their Spirit Animals

I laugh. "Cup of tea. I'm so honored queen Elizabeth." I had never had tea before so it seemed mandatory to bring up the British stereotype. "Anyways do you guys have any idea what this field trip was?" This conversation was going South and I new it. My fault for being so shallow and easy
"Why play rude, when all iam doing is be nice and invite you guys over?" he looks at Carr squinting his eyes
Jacob pushes Kassadin's hand off of his shoulder and glares at him, until he gets put in a headlock by Carr. "Carr, let me go or I will bite your leg. Do not test me on this one." He threatens, squirming a little.
Carr shrugs and lets go of Jacob, pulling his hand towards the buses, whispering about this new guy. She calls back to Marie "Museum of Zoology. Something like that. They have a new Greek display with some ancient something."
Kassadin felt like suddenly he wasnt wanted around. He meant nothing malevolent, just a hangout. That british insult pinched a bit.
Watching the exchange through hooded eyes, yes she was short, yes she was wearing faded clothing, and yes, she did not seem very extravagant, but really. Turning on her heal she passed them to board the bus slipping into the back of the bus, the single seat that she found herself tossing her things onto and flopping down.
I snarl. Lucifer did that thing where she told me what to do again,more like making me do it. "Sorry. I understand if you don't want to talk with me anymore." See,not my words. Lucifers. She made me say that! It sounds creepy but it's not. My friends were just very loving to me. Their spirit animals no doubt.
Kassadin looked at her and crossed his arms feeling confused and said:" I didnt understand a single word you just said" Kassadin accidently lets out a british accent? Quickly he plaves his palm over his mouth "oops.." he blurted out
"Previously unknown engagement?" Jacob questions Carr. "What even the fuck? Sound like a human, not a robot." He says it all with a joking tone of voice. He doesn't trust Kassadin at all.
What the hell? I had only had Lucifer make me DO things. Not say things. Did I just bark or growl? And did Kassadin's owl make him do the same? I shook my head. "Uh..sorry. " I felt Lucifer leave me,no longer telling me what to do,the warm fuzzy feeling I got going with her. "Let's just..go on the bus. "
Plugging in her headphones Skiz tapped away at the screen, to set the playlist. Reaching into her bag she retrieved a tablet with a keyboard before setting it up on her knees as she pulled her feet up on the seat, leaning her back against the wall, set to ignore the world.
Kassadin looks at the ground as he follows her up to the bus, he stops her for a second " Not my Spirit animal, i usually talk with a british accent. I just keep it hidden when with you americans. Just dont mention it unless i do please." he then looks at his soaking wet "ohh shit!! My leather boots!" with a thick british accent then quickly looks up to see who was looking.
Carr laughs at Kassadin's yelling and steps onto the bus. She thinks to herself about how the museum website showed people their Spirit Animals, and in Greece, some people were chosen by the Fates to receive the abilities and forms of their Animals at will.
"We are? What are we eating? An actual meal or just like, a few slices of bread?" Fooooood. The wonder substance for orphans.
Lucifer took over again,the feeling of the wolf coming into my body again. On that note. Fuck you Lucifer. I-well. Lucifer made me whip around,grabbing his collar. I was much shorter so I had to stand on my toes. "How do you know what I was thinking?" I demanded,my voice a low growl. "How did you know this?!" Oh god no! Please don't let Carr and Jacob see this they can't freaking see Lucifer taking me over!

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Carr leans her head on Jacob's shoulder, handing him two pb&j's. "Here I had to steal extra for you." She waved the food in front of his face.
Kassadin sees the way Jacob looks at him, and it makes him feel uncomfortable. "Marie? What the? Whats wrong?"
Lucifer left me again. As I said,fuck you Lucifer. He's never gonna talk to me. "Look. It's-" I sighed and saw Jacob looking at me. "Just..come into the bus with me and I'll-I'll explain. It's obvious you have one too. I don't know if he takes you ever or anything but it's a long story. Just don't judge me." I took your hand,staring up at you with my intense green eyes. "I'm sorry. Okay? I really didn't do that. "
He looks down at her and smiles, " No need to explain i think i already know" holding his hand he tightens the grip, at the same time,didnt want her friends to think he is sexist. He lets go and sits on a solo seat beside the window. "Dont get me wrong Marie."
I gulped and scratched the back of my head,waiting for Jacob and Carr to come into the bus. "Okay well. See. Carr,Jacob,me,you and the rest of us have spirit animals. My friends and I,ours are stronger than other peoples though. Mine is a wolf. I'm picking up on an owl for you but that's not important. Anyways. My spirit animal,Lucifer. Takes over my body sometimes,making me do things. She could smell your spirit animal the instant you sat next to me. She and I knew yours was strong. Now. I don't know if you've ever been taken over but my friends and I have. It happens to me more because I guess I'm like our leader...or something. Anyways. That's what happened back there." I blushed and stared down. I'd just completely opened up to this guy I'd just met. I didn't want to be judged again. Not again.
Jacob sees the sandwich. "Oh my god Carr I could kiss you right now." He smiles a little but doesn't reach for the food. It's out of place for him to do that. "Would you mind us sitting in the back? I think that some kids from the home are here..."
Kassadin laughed " well i mistook it i thought you were on ur.... You know well, my mother used to always tell me to wear this necklace." as he finished his sentence he unbuttoned his shirt to reach the necklace slightly exposing his buff body. The necklace was an owl!
Carr laughs and hands it to him, picking up her stuff. "Don't do that, I might put you in the friendzone!" She laughs a bell like laughter. "It's okay, we can move."

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