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Realistic or Modern The Zombie Paradise O_o ((Closed for now!))

Yuuto made a wolf like howl as he reached into his duffle back pack and pulled out his wooden sword. Though the weapon was for practice, it was still good as a blunt force weapon.

Running forward, he dive rolled into a low kick and then came across the humanoid creature's face with the practice sword. Putting muscle and a adrenaline fueled scream behind it,he pushed the weapon through the creature's soft decayed skull.

After the zombie stopped moving,he saw another closing in fast,bracing himself for the onslaught.

ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes
Tasteless Tasteless
Bleu Mochi Bleu Mochi
KingofAesir KingofAesir



Lorelei soon followed the steps of the others and headed for the apartments. She was at the back of the group that when she heard Kai speak and suddenly motioned forward to attack, Lorelei frozed. Will you stop doing that, Lorelei! She snapped at herself. Gripping the stone she had picked up earlier, the woman watched in fear as blood spluttered to the ground. An attack on one of the zombies sent a chill down her spine. Eventually, Lorelei took a step forward when Avalon and Yuuto took their turns to attack the zombie, killing them. "Ugh, that's really gross!" Without second thought, Lorelei threw her stone at the fourth zombie who was now approaching them. She would grab another rubble and throw that one, too, at the zombie. No effect at all, the zombie did not even flinch. Lorelei has no choice but to step back and find other stuff to throw. My camera! "No!" She said to herself. She looked back at the others and thought of hiding behind them. But she could not bring herself to do that; it was her, after all, who threw the rock at the zombie. Her hand went to her pocket, feeling the pocket knife her grandfather gave her. Taking it out with shaking hand, she pointed it at the zombie. "Don't come near! Or else," she quickly glanced at the dead zombies' bodies, "---or else you'll end up like them.!"

Let us through, Zombies. KingofAesir KingofAesir
Avalon Dalton
Avalon yelled into the air, a modern day war cry.

"GET DIE YOU FUCKING ROTTING ASS HOLES!" She thrust the crowbar in the air. A rock whizzing by her head and colliding faithfully into a zombies head caught her attention. She spun around and caught site of Lorelei. "Hella good throw!" Avalon watched the clambering thing run by her and toward Lorelei. She grinned when Lorelei pulled out her knife and threatened the thing.

"That's the spirit! Hold on, I'll help!" Avalon threw her crowbar, it spun through the air and collided with the things head and knocked it to the ground. "Kick its head! Make sure it's dead!" Avalon plucked up her crowbar, standing by ready to help. "I'll do it if you want me to."
Bleu Mochi Bleu Mochi



A little panic swept over Lorelei as she swung her knife towards the creature. She was about to give up and just lunged forward when Avalon's voice broke through the air. The crowbar flew overhead as if it was in slow motion until it finally reached its target. One zombie body down. "Kick it?!" Lorelei lifted her left foot slowly, carefully nudging the sides of the thing. "Uhh--," shuddering, she quickly stepped back. "I can't. It's too much!" Still aiming her knife at the zombie, she moved aside to give space to Avalon. She had thought of stabbing the zombie's skull, but even that was too gruesome a feat.

Let us through, Zombies. KingofAesir KingofAesir
Leo & Callie
Location :: The Apartments
Feeling :: Protective
Interactions :: KingofAesir KingofAesir Bleu Mochi Bleu Mochi

Leo grimaced slightly as the attack began, he placed Callie on the ground. "Do not move. Cover your ears and whisper the song we sing to yourself, do not watch." He instructs, facing her towards one of the blank walls in the building.
His sisters soft humming made him turn towards the zombie that was now on the ground, he quickly picks up the large piece of concrete Lorelei had thrown.
He places one of his feet on the zombies chest, forcing it back down onto the ground. He then raises the rouged piece of concrete, before slamming it onto the zombies skull. Not once, not twice, but four times. He didn't stop until it's skull was caved in, and his hands, arms, and shirt were splattered with dark blood.
He exhales heavily, looking towards Avalon. "Nice throw." He praises, a soft smile forming on his lips.
Yet the smile didn't last, Callie's soft humming was no longer audible, causing him to turn his head in her direction. Yet his sibling wasn't where he had left her, panic rose in his chest and he looked towards Avalon and Kai. His eyes were large, and showed terror on all levels.
A shriek made his skin go pale, and every once of hope drained from his soul. He looks towards the stairs, where his sibling came crashing down with a zombie on top of her. Time slowed to a terrifying crawl, yet for some reason Leo couldn't move his body fast enough.
He sprints towards his sibling, his throat itching and chest aching. Along the way he ended up picking up a stray piece of rebar, once he was close enough, he swings his arm back, using his momentum to force the rebar into the zombies throat. He then throws the creature quite a distance, causing the rebar to lodge deeper into its throat.
He collapses beside his sibling, frantically combing her brown hair out of her face and away from her throat. Blood quickly pooled around the child, who was whimpering in agony, her eyes draining of life rapidly. Leo could feel the tears welling in his eyes, his throat ached to wail, his chest heaving in rapid breaths.
Callie claws at his shirt, tears streaming down her flushed cheeks. "I know.. I know baby." He coos, his voice trembling as he held back tears. He could bare to look at her wound, which was a massive chunk ripped from her throat. Her jugular was severed, causing an extreme amount of blood. Callie couldn't speak, her vocal cords severed as well, instead she merely whimpers and chokes on her own blood.
Leo pulls his body close to his, sitting on his bum now as he holds his trembling sister. "Everything will be alright." He whispers, tears freely streaming down his cheeks now. His body shakes, his shirt becoming drenched in her blood.
He didn't care about anyone else in this moment, as he looked into Callie's fading brown eyes. Stroking her cheeks as she chokes and quickly withers in his arms, he didn't even care for the zombie that had now gotten to its feet and began approaching him.

Avalon Dalton
One minute Avalon was smiling at Leo and giving a little bow and the next Callie was screaming. When she saw Leo running toward Callie and the few straggling zombies left swarming them, she turned to Lorelei and shouted

"Hide or find something long than than that to hit then with!" With that she took off toward the zombies surrounding Leo. One was batted aside by her crowbar, another had its head smashed between the elbow of her right arm and her left hand, the last one managed to side at the side of her face before she kicked him away. She groaned, but continued forward, blood running down the side of her face. She didn't care of some of those things weren't dead because there was a little girl in the steps with her fucking throat ripped out.

Avalon picked a piece of fallen building. "Damnit." She kept the few remaining zombies away from Leo and Callie, swinging and yelling obscene things at the top of her lungs. Her arms were getting tired and the gash in her cheek was gushing blood.

"Leo, I-I cant keep them back!" She swung and one zombie fell back but the other took hold of her arm. She kicked him off. There's no way she could keep doing this.
Bleu Mochi Bleu Mochi Tasteless Tasteless
Patrick stumbled, seeing the little girl's throat being ripped out. After swallowing his fear, Pat instinctively ran towards Leo and Callie, trying to help him get her free of the zombies. He fought, trying to keep the zombie's hands off of him. However, the zombies pinned Callie down, her face bloody and her screams a bloodcurdling frequency. Tears dripped down Pat's face, not being prepared with seeing a girl die right before his eyes.

Kai thought there was only 1 zombie left. However a hoard of possibly 7 holding Callie down. "NO!" She cried, running towards them, slashing at the zombies to try and hold them off. Her knife found one zombie's head, immediately its weight dropping onto Callie. "TOO MANY!" She yelled, experienced in fighting but not so much in using knives. After all, these humans were humans but acting like sheer animals. "Lift her up Leo!" She cried, still trying to hild them back. Kai wasn't prepared to see that innocent girl die. Eventhough her jugular had been severed, in her mind she still wanted to try and save her.

Tasteless Tasteless KingofAesir KingofAesir Bleu Mochi Bleu Mochi
Leo & Callie CojLOzCWIAAqfY3.jpg


Location :: Apartments
Feeling :: Distressed - Sorrow
Tags :: KingofAesir KingofAesir ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes Bleu Mochi Bleu Mochi


Avalon was first to reach Leo and Callie, but Leo couldn't focus. A growl emits from his throat when a zombie collapses on top of them. He shoves the corpse off, yet obliges to Kai.
He slides his arms under Callie's limp body, before lifting her with ease. The young girls head falls backwards, her arms outstretched and limp. She was pale and growing cold, much to Leo's desperation. He couldn't find the words to speak, but his mind was screaming for him to run. To take Callie and run, find a safe place to fix her up. Yet sadly, he knew there was no saving his sister. Her eyes were clouded and unfocused, her pupils dilated so large that he could barely see the soft brown.
Sorrow gripped him like the touch of death, and he finally couldn't take it. One hand lifts his shirt, before he pulls his pistol from its holster. He pulls back the hammer, watching a zombie go to grab Avalon once more.
A feeling of hate brews in his stomach, these people had brought him here, they were the reason Callie was dead. Because they listened to some fucking kid and now his only family member left, was dead.
He shoves the thought away, his eyes clouded with anger. His vision was blurred with tears, yet he still pulled the trigger. The bullet slices through the air, before carving into the zombies skull. It drops like a sack of rocks, before Leo pulls away, the zombies were held back. They couldn't move as fast as the group could, so Leo merely glances at Avalon, before taking off up the stairs.
He was skipping two stairs at a time, using his long, powerful legs to push him forward. He comes to the second floor, and looks around frantically. He knew the group would be right behind him, but he didn't want to enter a room without them.
He looks down at Callie, who was barely breathing now. The whites of her eyes had become bloodshot, and her veins turned a dark bluish black. Her pale skin was nearly transparent, and horror engulfed him. His sister was not only dying, but she was infected.


Hands trembling,he dropped the practice sword

"Oh man that's just a kid dude."

Yuuto muttered under his breath as he watched the horrendous scene unfold in front of him. He ran up to one of the last few zombies remaining, scooping up a piece of concrete on the run and attempting to smash the things head in. Getting it to the ground,he took a page from Leo,pummeling the beasts head into a pulp. Loud animalistic grunts of rage were heard from Yuuto as he repeatedly stuck the zombie.

How could these....these things do this? To a kid!?

Raising from the splattered mess,his clothes were covered in the beast's dark blood. Looking back as Leo climbed the stairs with Callie's body in hand. He quickly turned to follow and reached into his jacket pocket fumbling for his keys,almost dropping them,he caught them mid fall as he ran up the stairs 3 at a time.

He took one glance at Leo and wanted to try to comfort him,but couldn't get the words out. After all they hadn't had the best of introductions. Instead he ran his hands through his hair and unlocked the door.

"Mi casa es su casa" he said opening the door and holding it behind for the group to follow.

The apartment was gracious, at least for a student. It had one bedroom, but a large living room with 2 couches and a glass coffee table. Due to Yuuto's own tastes,he walls were decorated with many martial arts and parkour posters and he'd even placed a mural of Bruce Lee above his small kitchenette table.

On his kitchen counter top was the essentials and even some nonessentials thanks to his mother. And he also just so happened to leave out an embarrassing note from his mother to her "lil Yuuto-bear".

He quickly walked to the bathroom,leaving the door open as he turned the faucet on full cold water, he cupped his blood soaked hands as the water pooled in them and splashed his face before looking into the mirror and running his wet hands through his hair and then exiting to join back with the group.

"Alright man,you can do this,you're the man. It's time to step up and be the rock everyone needs right now. Remember,you've got training for this shit. You can't let this shit break you."

Finishing his self pep talk as he rounded the corner back to the entryway. He took in a breath and exhaled. It was time to be the rock.

ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes
Tasteless Tasteless
Bleu Mochi Bleu Mochi
KingofAesir KingofAesir
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Patrick rushed into the apartment block along with Yuuto and Leo. He was glared to get out of the way of the ones in the group taking care of the zombies. Pat put a hand on Leo's shoulder before bending down to look into Callie's eyes. "Be in peace Callie." He told her, gliding his fingers down her eyelids, closing her eyes. "There you go. Now she looks like she's sleeping." He whispered, trying to comfort Leo in any way he could.

With the help of the group, there were only a 4 zombies left. However, Kai didn't want to hang around, not wanting her luck of survival to run out. She dashed into the apartment, holding the door open for a second to let the other group in. After they were in, Kai immediately shut the door, locking it quickly. The door itself was sturdy and was capable of withstanding the force of zombies banging into it. She could see blood from the zombies being smeared onto the door window as they tried to break through. "Come on let's find the others." She told the rest of the group that weren't already upstairs. Kai climbed the steps quickly, soon reaching Yuuto's apartment.

KingofAesir KingofAesir Bleu Mochi Bleu Mochi Tasteless Tasteless BeastofMyth22 BeastofMyth22

[Apartment block - Few doors down]

Aadesh wasn't necessarily a brave man, but he'd been able to act in situations many would find terrifying. Until his elderly neighbour had attempted to both attack him and try tearing his throat out - which he didn't think was quite usual of the little old woman from 23a. Especially since it appeared she'd had quite the feast on those poor cats, once doted on. "MARGERET, CALM DOWN. YOU'RE SICK, I CAN HELP YOU!" The doctor shouted through the door of his study, which he'd currently locked himself in. Searching the shelves for a weapon; only to end up with the newest Oxford medical encyclopaedia. A hardback choice. Krishnamurti wasn't a killer, that was for sure. He'd never liked the idea of having a gun in the house, perhaps from his rather British upbringing. Nor was he an advocate for violence, refraining from taking any martial arts. The only combat experience he'd had was a meagre self-defence class whilst working in a night trauma shift, out in Africa on a sponsored trip from 'Doctors Beyond Borders'. Being threatened was hardly his strong point. Or the light yet evident racism which the doctor could only grimace at.

Only now he wasn't being held at knife point by cautious addicts, but faced with an old woman who had a surprising amount of strength for her age. "I take it back, I believe. Oh please, oh God - Vishnu, Shiva, Ganapati -" Holding the textbook tightly to his chest, crouching behind the desk Aadesh reeled off his divines. Breathing progressively quicker, till he disrupted the hyperventilation. "You're a Doctor. She's ill. Quick fix." He swallowed a partial lump of fear, shaking his head. He was dressed in a pullover, shirt, and socks. Hardly used for facing off an intruder. Neither good for running.

Krishnamurti had already missed his train today, as well as the flight yesterday. Truthfully, today had been held back by a mental. cannibal fuelled pensioner but at this rate the CDC would ditch him for another. However, the blackout had hit and in his moment of kindness, he'd thought that Maggie, kindly cat lady needed a torch. That was before she began to growl. What had happened, was none of his business. Aadesh merely realised he couldn't hide in his study forever. Especially since it was entirely impossible to consume books. Hypothetically perhaps, but he wouldn't come down to eating the expensive academic records. "HELP - ANYONE OUT THERE?" Checking his phone repeatedly, all bars were down. He wasn't able to get through to the police, let alone use the wifi. The scariest thing was knowing that no one was coming for him.

Straightening himself up, he shuffled around the desk. Banging on the door and rasping howls halting for a few seconds. Tiptoeing towards the study entrance, Aadesh peered through the keyhole. Met with a floral dress design and then sudden rattling which had the Doctor jump. Holding his medical textbook threateningly. If only he could appear threatening for a doe-eyed academic.
ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes KingofAesir KingofAesir Tasteless Tasteless BeastofMyth22 BeastofMyth22 Bleu Mochi Bleu Mochi
Kai continued to climb up the stairs, then walking down the corridor to find Yuuto's apartment. That was until she heard banging on the door and what seemed like a man yelling for help. She signalled for everyone else with her to continue to Yuuto's apartment. After she took a few deep breaths in, then barging into the room. There she saw someone with their back to her. "Woah woah. I'm friend." Kai explained, not wanting him to attack her. "Everything okay? Come with me, we can help." She called out to him, however gripping her knife slightly just in case. She walked further into the living room, realising he wasn't there. In fact, she was talking to a female zombie. Due to her making that much noise, the zombie turned its attention to her. Kai sighed, not wanting to kill but of course having to. The zombie snarled, shuffling towards her, trying to grab at her arms. She struggled, trying to make sure its fingers did not scratch into her skin. Her right hand tried to hold the zombie's arms whilst her left held the knife, trying to stab the zombie from behind in the head. After what seemed for ever, Kai managed to pierce the zombie's skull with her knife. It consequently didn't take long for the zombie to drop to the floor. "Safe now." She called out once again as she tried to wipe off the blood splatter from her face.

idalie idalie
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Leo & CallieCojLOzCWIAAqfY3.jpg


Location :: Apartments
Feeling :: Sorrowful
Tags :: KingofAesir KingofAesir ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes Bleu Mochi Bleu Mochi BeastofMyth22 BeastofMyth22


As Patrick closed Callie's eyes, Leo's chest heaved. He places his sister on the floor, getting on his knees beside her. He clutches her tiny hand, and brushes her brunette hair out of her face.
"If only I hadn't set her down.. Why did I do that.." He whispers softly, he carefully takes the white, Stuffed kitten from his deceased Sibling. He shakes his head slowly, "fuck.." He whimpers, his gaze settling on the massive wound on her throat.
Her blood had stopped pouring out, it was now a trickle. Leo quickly wipes the tears off of his cheeks, staring at his sister.
Her skin was growing more pale as the moments passed, her lips were now tinted blue. With her eyes closed, she did look as if she was sleeping, yet that didn't comfort Leo.
"I couldn't move fast enough. I couldn't get to her.. fucking hell."

He'd never been so glad to hear another human voice. "I'M IN HERE, I THINK SHE'S SICK." Aadesh shouted, listening to the attempts of coaxing poor old Margaret away from the door. Till he heard the sounds of struggle, beginning to unlock his study door - just before the female called 'Safe now'. Aadesh shoved open the study, holding his textbook close whilst observing the scene in a state of shock. "Oh my God -" He pressed his fist to his forehead, and bent forwards to examine the corpse. "You killed Maggie." Biting at his knuckles, the Doctor whined in a state of alarm. "What's going on? Who are you, I mean thank you for potentially saving my life - but I haven't seen anything like this before."

Bending down, Aadesh pulled his sleeve over a hand and shoved the frail body of the old woman over. Gagging at the sight. "This is - Ugh - Such an advanced form of necrosis. She was alive and well last night, but - it seems she's been dead for over a week. Looking at the state of her - already putrefaction has set in. Blood is leaking from her eyes and mouth - this is - this is as if a high functioning strain of ebola or necrotising fasciitis." Glancing up, towards the female he cleared his throat. "Doctor Aadesh Krishnamurti, at your disposal. And - well, I do suppose this is where I grab my coat?"

ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes
Avalon Dalton
Avalon moved idly around the apartment she'd followed Kai into. She flicked
a bobble head on the table. The word doctor got her attention and she turned to the guy Kai was talking to.

"Doctor, huh? Say, does this look bad?" Avalon pointed to the gash on the side of her face. "I got bitch slapped by a dead dude." She shrugged, finger the crowbar she'd slid into her belt.
ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes idalie idalie
His attention pulled from the corpse to the second female who had entered his apartment, pausing. "Ah, well, let me just -" Hopping over the body of Margaret, the doctor gently grabbed Avalon's chin to inspect the wound closely. "It's a superficial laceration. Might have some scarring, but it'll fade given a few months or so. Let me grab my bag and first aid, perhaps put a pair of shoes on. I'm not comfortable treating patients when I could possibly contaminate the injury." Krishnamurti continued to bustle around, slipping into hiking boots after some serious decision making, to grab his coat and prepacked bag (The one he was supposed to have taken to the CDC headquarters). Continuing to snatch his medkit from the bathroom till making his way back.

Dousing his hands in antibacterial gel, he drew out a packet of butterfly stitches and what appeared to be another antibiotic based gel. Slathering one over the open gash, with a muttered apology - clearing away the coagulated blood to then masterfully draw the cut into a nice, neat line with the strips of plaster. It took less than a few minutes, but he proceeded to pack up his kit and shove it in the top of his rucksack. "Keep an eye on the wound for infection, if you begin to find it sore or swollen, talk to me again. Don't risk it."

ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes KingofAesir KingofAesir
"Huh a doctor. Very useful." Kai mumbled to herself as she admired Dr. Aadesh work his magic. Once he was done patching up Avalon, she decided to speak up. "Seems like we can trust you přítel. Come with us. We can help eachother." Kai told the Doctor, smiling warmly at him in order to give him the right vibes about her. "Careful with some of group. Callie just died." She informed him, not telling him that Callie was indeed a little girl.

Kai walked into the Kitchin, opening up the fridge first. She could see that there was milk in there and some other perishables. Leaving the gone off milk in the fridge, she put all the other things like some cured fish and jams on the side aswell as a carton of juice. After finishing off in the fridge, she moved onto what was the freezer. Kai found some frozen leftover dinners, additionally putting them on the side. The cupboards were next, taking out all the cans and spices. After all the edible food was on the side, she found a big box, putting everything in there as fast as she took. "Should get going next door. Avalon lock door of Yuuto's apartment after the Doctor." Kai told them both before heading to next door, still seeing Leo grieving. "Got food." She told everyone, trying to lighten the mood.

idalie idalie KingofAesir KingofAesir

Yuuto approached Leo, grasping his shoulder.

"Hey man,it's gonna be okay. She's in a better place now. Safe,away from all this shit. We've gotta survive now dude. That's what your sis would want. Survive" he said, wrapping his arm around his shoulder, consoling him.

Yuuto looked over his shoulder as the small group entered.

Turning to them he gave a casual 2 finger salute. "Well hey, glad to see you guys aren't zombies. He said with a confident smirk as his eyes went from Kai,to Avalon and then to the Doctor.

"Who's the new guy?" Yuuto said leaning against the back of a couch,arms folded.
"Also,what's our plan? Cause we'll definitely need one he said as he nodded to window. If one looked outside, you could see small groups of the undead parading on the streets.

ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes
Tasteless Tasteless
Bleu Mochi Bleu Mochi
KingofAesir KingofAesir


After the kind of welcome the zombies had given them, Lorelei had kept her distance from the group and mostly remained at the back. But what made her do so was not her fear of the surge of zombies, no; rather, it was the overwhelming pain and sorrow she felt when Callie, the little innocent girl, was brutally attacked. She had watched as Leo took hold of his sister's body, as Avalon and the others marched towards Leo, and as each of the remaining zombies were either killed or slowed down. She had followed Kai and the last group up the stairs in search of Yuuto's apartment. She had stood outside of the so-called doctor's door while Kai busied herself disposing of the old-woman-turned-zombie. Now, inside Yuuto's apartment, Lorelei had positioned herself near the window and away from where the rest had gathered. Eyes still on Callie's body, her mind continued to process the recent happenings. Images of dead bodies, zombies, blood, and Callie flood her mind that she had to take a step backward in order to save herself from hitting the ground. Her body shivered and shook as if she was going into shock. Wrapping her arms around her, Lorelei tried to pace her breathing and forced herself back to reality. Voices. The others's voices. That was the only thing that had kept this real. They were still alive. Here. In Yuuto's apartment. With no energy left, the camera girl slouched against the wall until her bottom reached the floor. For whatever reason, she just had to take one more shot. Aiming her camera at the rest of the group, she pressed the shutter button, set the camera down, then closed her eyes.

... ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes KingofAesir KingofAesir Tasteless Tasteless idalie idalie BeastofMyth22 BeastofMyth22
Patrick didn't know what else to do. He had done all he could to try and help Leo through this trying time. The truth was that Patrick himself was feeling lost. After all, he had just seen an innocent girl die right before his eyes. He sat next to the girl, resting is back on the sofa. Patrick closed his eyes, wondering how he was going to manage to carry on.

Once Kai had finished putting the food on the side, Kai peeked out the window. She immediately saw an increase in zombie-like humans walking around aimlessly down there. Part of her didn't want to sleep; her defensive instincts telling her to keep watch for the safety of the group. However, she knew that they should be safe in Yuuto's apartment. That and truth be told, Kai was exhausted. Before she could sleep, Kai went into the bathroom. She washed as much blood as she could off her face before going back into the living room. Kai laid her coat out on the floor, laying down and then closing her eyes. "Everyone get some sleep." She muttered before drifting off into a light slumber.

Little did anyone know that Callie's body was changing. Her eyes became increasingly bloodshot and cloudy, whilst puss filled cysts started to form on her body. The pathogen was spreading quickly within her body, everyone in the room unaware of what was happening. Surely she couldn't become what people were outside? After all she was already dead...

idalie idalie KingofAesir KingofAesir Bleu Mochi Bleu Mochi BeastofMyth22 BeastofMyth22 Tasteless Tasteless

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