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Realistic or Modern The Zombie Paradise O_o ((Closed for now!))

The man's head was no gripping blood with some flesh hanging down from his scalp. However, he still started to get up. A usual person would be either of two things in this situation: knocked out cold, or dead. Kai couldn't believe her eyes. This man wasn't. He wasn't human, he couldn't be with his reactions to the blows. 'Why's he not going down?!' She thought, thinking of what to do next. The only thing that Kai could think of was kicking him right in the head again. However, this did nothing. Instead the man grabbed her leg, looking as if he was going to bit her. She scrabbled with him, trying to strangle him using her hands so he would lose consciousness. When that didn't work, Kai kept twisting her hands and squeezing violently. This eventually led to her breaking his neck, an audible snap could be heard. The man's head was now tilted to one side, making it slightly easier for Kai to release his grip on her as she looked at him in horror. She had just killed a man...

These thoughts were all going through her head. Yes it was self defence and necessary at that. Just as she was trying to come to terms with what she had just done, the man got up again.
"Co to sakra?!" She bellowed, not knowing what else to do. Kai couldn't think how this was humanly possible.

KingofAesir KingofAesir Raku Raku Bleu Mochi Bleu Mochi
Avalon Dalton
Avalon was breathing hard now, the crowbar in her hand dripping with blood. She gripped it tighter and stepped forward again, pushing Kai behind her. "God damnit, die already!" She swung her weapon again and the tongs in the end of the crowbar dug themselves into the flesh of his neck.

"Shit, this is gonna be messy." Avalon yanked the bar back, pulling vocal cord clean out of his neck. After momentarily staring at the gap in his neck as he continued to approach she swung the thing again and his head snapped backwards with a loud crack as his body followed. He straightened himself up again despite this. Avalon yelled agrily. Nothing could operate without its head, of she could just get it off somehow. "I'm gonna tear your goddamn head off." He was slow. She could easily get behind him, and that's what she did. Grabbing in by what was left of his hair, she snapped what remained of his neck back and tossed the crowbar to Kai pointing to his exposed neck.

"Hit it. There's no way he can keep going without his head!" The man.... thing struggled, his arms flying back and trying to grasp at Avalons, "Hurry!"
ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes
Leo & Callie
Location :: Train Station
Feeling :: Confused - Shocked
Interactions :: ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes Raku Raku KingofAesir KingofAesir

It was so sudden, a strange sound came from outside the train station. Pat yelled for everyone to get down, instinctively, Leo grabs Callie who shrieks in shock. He pins her to the ground, using his body to cover hers.
The train station trembles and shudders as explosions sound nearby. He grips Callie tightly, barely hearing her wails of terror.
Then just as it began, it was over. His heart began to race, and he scoops up Callie as he gets to his feet. Tears stream down her flushed cheeks, and Leo doesn't comfort her. He is to busy staring at the sickly man. Everyone begins to approach the disoriented man, and Leo steps forward. Blood covered the man's mouth, and his eyes looked dead. "No, we need to get away from him. Something is really wrong!" He growls to Kai and Avalon, he wasn't scared for his own safety, instead he was worried for Callie's. "Something is really wrong, he has the dead eyes. What the fuck is going on?" He snaps at no one in particular, watching the man tremble and twitch uncontrollably.
Kai suddenly is in a fight with the man, and Leo watches in horror as the pair shuffle slightly. When Kai snaps the man's neck, he covers Callie's eyes. The sickening crack made him shudder, until the man began to get up again.
Instinctively, Leo pulls Kai back by her shirt. Avalon has the man pinned by his hair, and he takes the initiative, he wasn't about to let the girls get hurt in any way. He shoves Callie towards Kai, once she takes the child he lunges towards the man.
In one solid movement, he rips the man away from Avalon. He could feel the man's rotten throat tear more. Yet he wasn't taking a chance, he throws the man to the ground. The creature squirms, attempting to get up. But before he can, Leo delivers a powerful kick to the man's skull. His head smacks on the concrete, and before he can get up again, Leo stomps the man's soft skull. He continues to stomp, until the man's skull is a fleshy pulp, and the man stopped moving.
He breaths heavily, blood covering his jeans and shoes. Callie looks up at Kai, her innocent eyes filled with tears. "I...is it dead?"
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Avalon Dalton
Avalon grabbed her crowbar and went over to where Leo had smashed its head in. She poked the thing with her bar. It didn't move. "I-I think h-it's dead." She breathed, staring at the bloody mass that how covered her crowbar. This was crazy. These people, this guy, they weren't protesters. There's no way.

"What the... what is this thing. Kai broke its neck, I ripped its damn throat out for Gods sake. What could possibly keep going after that?"
ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes Tasteless Tasteless



Lorelei watched the man advanced his steps towards them, and towards her specifically, with fear in her eyes. She tried to open her mouth to yell or scream but nothing came out. Seeing the other woman kicked the man had only relieved little of her fear, especially after the man got up unscathed. Lorelei took one step back, still frozen, when another hit the man with a crowbar. Wide-eyed, Lorelei wondered if this man was even alive. "Be--because...why not?" She replied to the woman with the crowbar. She stepped back once more, gripping the camera with one hand while feeling the pocket knife in her pocket with the other.

An urge to take another shot came upon her until she saw the other woman suffered a small gash. "Are you alright?" She asked yet did not dare go near her. All she could do was watch while others took initiative to do something with this creature. "Come on, Lorelei, it's just a--a thing. Don't be such a coward." Shaking, she walked to the side, still careful not to come in direct contact with the man. She was now closer to the three than before when the other woman had managed to break the man's neck. "Is he de----" Her words were cut off. She has never seen someone or something come back to life.

The actions of the woman with the crowbar somewhat amazes Lorelei. How does she manage to be so close to him? It's...gross. She shuddered at the thought of even touching the man's blood-drenched clothing. The other woman seems skillful and fearless, too. But what of this weird man who doesn't die? "Ugh, this is crazy!" In panic, Lorelei looked around for anything she could use to at least help the others. A rubble? A piece of broken concrete? She picked up a small suitcase that was laying on the ground, aiming it at the man in case it gets away. To what extent she can hurt the man, she doesn't know, but at least she's ready. Another voice was heard and Lorelei turned her head to see one of the others, the one with the little girl, speak up. She looked back at the strange man who's still trapped between the woman and her crowbar when the other man took a step forward, hauling the creature away. Lorelei remained in the same spot, watching, waiting, until the the attack was over. Peering at the scene, which now reeked of blood, Lorelei felt lightheaded. She hesitatingly took a step towards the others and again aimed her camera at the corpse.

A strange man! ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes KingofAesir KingofAesir Tasteless Tasteless Raku Raku
Avalon Dalton
Avalon sighed and stood up to turn around again, spotting the woman with the camera just as she lifted it to her face to take another picture. Avalon cocked her head and turned to look at the corpse again and then back at the woman. Taking pictures of mutilated corpses. Nice hobby she had there.

"You are one weird chick." She managed a smile and a laugh through her nose, "I like it." She winced as her arm throbbed and she looked down at the gash again. "Damn, that's so freaky shit right there." She shook her head and looked up again, "I'm Avalon, nice to meet you, camera girl."

Bleu Mochi Bleu Mochi




Lorelei's breathing steadied as she took her time taking pictures of the corpse. One or two shots should be enough to calm her nerves but the situation proved to be beyond surreal. That guy was hit multiple times yet managed to get up. Blood and flesh oozed out of him yet he still managed to growl and come at them. He stinks, that's one thing for sure, though. Her thoughts were distracted by the sound of a woman's voice. She tilted her head and saw that it was coming from the woman with a crowbar. "Not as weird as yourself," she smiled back. "That was a really gross thing to do, but it was brave of you," Lorelei said, looking back at the corpse. Her thoughts began to wonder again when she heard the woman winced. Reaching to her back pack, she took out a water bottle and first aid kit and handed them to her. "That's something. I hope these will help. My name is Lorelei. Nice to meet you, crowbar girl." She glanced at the gash and wondered how deep it was. A horrible thought entered her mind. "Umm, he's not sick or anything, is he? I mean, that gash...." She looked away, not wanting to say anything more. "Sorry, I'm just---scared." She let out a nervous laugh and once again fumbled with her camera. Her current thoughts led her to viruses such as HIV and Ebola. She shook her head and sighed deeply. "Just what in the world is going on here?" She raised her head and looked back at direction of train track. "You think there's more than one...him?"

Dead or Alive? KingofAesir KingofAesir
Avalon Dalton
Avalon took the offered first aid but refused the water bottle with a shake of her head, "I've got one. You might need that." Avalon plucked her water bottle out of her back pack near them and cleaned her wound before wrapping it with wrap in the kit. She stood up and brushed herself off, handing the it back to Lorelei.

"Well, I hope he's not sick. That would mean some pretty bad things for myself, of whatever it is is spread that way." She scuffed her boot on the concrete and decided to wipe her crowbar off on her jeans. "I think everybody's scared. You'll be okay though, we'll stick together. Better to be a group than alone." The question of more of then had Avalon remembering the people from before with a deep frown.

"Yes. I've seen people with his eyes.....dead eyes. I think there are more."
Bleu Mochi Bleu Mochi
Carlos stood by as these began to escalate. Kai appeared to take it into her hands as the man took aggressive action towards an idiotic photographer. He set down his toolbox in the darkness and walked closer to the scene. He crouched down closer to the fallen, presumably dead, man to get a better look. The man was no more the blood covered remains and barely resembling a human. Even with seeing the effects of heavy drugs Carlos couldn't explain it. With a low, quick growl, he stood up at went off in Spanish. "What the hell is even happening!? First a flaming train, then explosions, to this. What the fuck is next!?" Luckily he was saying this in his native tongue because he hadn't notice Callie come to the scene.


Location :: Train Station
Feeling :: Worried
Interactions :: ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes Raku Raku KingofAesir KingofAesir Bleu Mochi Bleu Mochi

He steps away from the corpse, before pulling Callie out of Kai's arms. "I'm out of here." her growls, loud enough for the others to hear. His face was twisted, almost upset. His jeans were splattered with deep red blood, as well were his shoes. Callie whimpers softly, and clings to her brothers shirt tightly, her white kitten draped over Leo's muscular shoulder. He didn't wait for the others, he didn't care. He needed to find a car, he needed to drive far away from this town, this city, this country even. He couldn't risk Callie's life. "Good luck." he says gruffly
Callie looks toward Avalon, Kai, and Lorelei, before raising her tiny hand and offering a small wave of goodbye, before squeaking out;
"bye, Kai". Leo quickly heads for the stairs out of the train station, holding Callie tightly. He could hear screaming outside the station, yet he couldn't careless.



With a nod, Lorelei took the water bottle and tuck it back inside her backpack. She watched Avalon faithfully clean her crowbar. The chances of it getting tainted by blood again seems to be likely, especially after hearing Avalon speak of the other people she had seen and the possibility that there might really be others out there. She could not believe her ears. Lorelei closed her eyes and the events played back in her mind almost immediately. With a sigh, she opened them again in time to notice the man, who earlier was clutching a toolbox, drew nigh. She heard him utter words she could not understand and was about to aim her camera at him but this time thought twice about doing so. A perfect shot, it would have been, she thought. The man who successfully broke the death-stricken man's skull spoke up, which made Lorelei turn her head. A wave from the little girl and then he was gone. She lingered in the direction he was heading and thought of following him. Perhaps the outside world could offer some answers about the madness going on here. About to go after the lad and his sister out the subway, she stopped and remembered Avalon and the others. Sure, she was not obligated to watch, protect, nor follow them and vice versa. If ever, her fear and cowardice might only bring them more harm. This sort of thing that appeared before them was exactly the kind of situation that would render her useless, sucking out all the courage she has left, causing her to act rather irrational. She does not watch horror movies for a reason, much more live in one. The faint light at the end of the tunnel seemed enticing. "Avalon, I-- I'll go check the outside. Maybe the police or someone could inform us about what's going on." Lorelei hoped that Avalon will not sense the fear in her voice. All she wanted was to get out of there. Gripping her camera, she would soon walk forward and make her way towards the exit.

If struck by fear, aim for the Light. Otherwise known as Flee. KingofAesir KingofAesir Raku Raku Tasteless Tasteless
Finally the man was dead, his skull broken into pieces. His brain and blood painted the floor of the underground from where he had fallen. "I think he dead." Kai said, slightly in shock from what just happened. He wasn't human, he couldn't be. Kai had snapped his neck and that should have killed him but it didn't- even someone with rabies would have died from a snapped neck. "He not human...We need to get to somewhere safe together." She ran her fingers through her hair whilst trying to figure out everything and what had just unfolded.

Patrick had watched everything unfold in front of his eyes. He was too afraid to do anything and he was a pacifist therefore stopping him from fighting the man. He knew that the others could take care of themselves, but truth be told he wasn't strong enough to intervene anyway. "He was acting like...a zombie. Now I know I can't be right but...but Kai snapped his neck and he acted like nothing happened..." Patrick then heard that the man with the girl Callie wanted to leave. "I agree on getting out of here but we need to stick together. Maybe get some knives or just sticks for you to defend yourself if there are any more of these people. I-I won't have anything of course but you guys look like-like you would want some protection..." He stammered, almost going into shock.

arkadia arkadia Raku Raku KingofAesir KingofAesir Tasteless Tasteless
Avalon Dalton

Avalon watched Lorelei go up the steps to outside. She started to follow her when she heard Kai speaking and Patrick soon after. Avalon sighed, she agreed. Grabbing her pocket knife out of the side of her bag and handing it to Kai. "Here, now you're armed. We need to get out of here before more of those things come."

Avalon jogged up the stairs after Lorelei, calling out to her as she did so. "Hey, camera girl, you don't-whoa..." Avalon was cut short by the sight before her. The city was in shambles. The sky seemed dark and looming. There were... bodies. Everywhere. "Dear God." Avalon whispered, eyes wide. "Lorelei?" She seemed to snap out of it. This place was dangerous. She might've just met these people but she sure as hell wasn't going to let them die.

ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes Bleu Mochi Bleu Mochi
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Leo & Callie
Location :: Outside Train Station
Feeling :: Conflicted
Tags :: KingofAesir KingofAesir ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes Bleu Mochi Bleu Mochi

Leo stopped at the entrance to the train station, the world around them seemed to change so quickly. The sky was black with smoke and the air was filled with a horrid odor. He covers his mouth, the stench burning his throat.
Several buildings were in shambles, a few in the distance were in the process of collapsing. Corpses littered the streets, and panic slowly engulfs Leo. The feeling of helplessness had began to officially set in, and he looks towards Kai, Avalon and Lorelei.
"We need to find somewhere safe. There has to be military or someone around, right?" He asks to no one in particular.
The city has officially gone dark, and he had a bad feeling brewing in the pit of his stomach.
Callie squirms and looks up at Leo,
"I'm hungry." She says quietly, to which Leo strokes her cheek gently. "Yes, I know sweetie. We will find something to eat soon." Callie smiles excitedly, "Can I have Dino nuggets?" She asks innocently, the brief moment between the pair makes Leo smile. Callie was oblivious to the corruption and death, she was much more worried about her nuggets. "We will see what we can find." Leo says gently, his gaze shifting back onto the ruined city before them.



Lorelei stopped walking as soon as she reached the exit. The light, the light that was supposed to give hope has been tainted. Signs of smoke from the recent air strike can be seen from where she stood. Darkness has befallen them and surely they are next to suffer this unknown fate. "Lorelei? Avalon's voice echoed through her head. Still in a daze, the camera girl looked far ahead and responded, "Avalon, do you think this is our end?" She watched Leo's and Callie's figures not too far from them and thought about all of their demise. "We can't just let this happen, can we?" She thought about what Leo said and wondered if the military could really help them, get them out of this place. Where are they, the police, the military?. Finally looking behind her, she caught sight of the others who had just emerged from the subway. A sigh of relief escaped her. She wasn't alone. Not yet. No, I will never be alone nor will I let anybody be alone in this forsaken place. Lorelei trembled, not knowing where to get her strength from. Guilt and disappointment towards herself filled her heart as she thought of her recent actions. I won't leave anyone just because I'm scared. Maybe disguising as those things would get us out of here, she laughed nervously to herself.

Escape to Where? KingofAesir KingofAesir ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes Tasteless Tasteless
Avalon Dalton
Avalon shook her head and stepped up next to Lorelei. She agreed with Leo. Military, police, firefighters, anyone could help them. "If this is my end, I'm going out kicking some ass." Avalon grinned at Lorelei as she dug around in her bag and produced a packaged and pristine granola bar.

"Here, hun, this isn't much but it'll help." She knelt as she handed the girl the bar with a smile. She straightened up and duster her pants off. "Well, you think we should head to the police station? I don't see anymore of... those things."
ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes Tasteless Tasteless Bleu Mochi Bleu Mochi
Yuuto couldn't believe his eyes.

"So.. they're like zombies?"

His hands clenched into fists as he found his resolve. He walked up the steps as he came upon the destroyed cityscape. He walked up behind Avalon and Lorelei,gently grasping each girls shoulder.

"I'm Yuuto. Pleased to meet ya." He saud with a smirk.

He then raised a pointed finger to Leo and Callie.

"We should probably not be like those guys,we should stick together. There's power in numbers. I do agree though we should probably head for the police station,they might have some idea what's going on. We should also try to stay to alleyways and sidestreets. Try to avoid as many of those...."things" as possible." He glanced around the destroyed area and sighed

"Guess I won't be making it back to Japan any time soon."

Bleu Mochi Bleu Mochi Tasteless Tasteless ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes KingofAesir KingofAesir

Leo & Callie
Location:: Outside of trainstation
Feeling :: Grateful - Irritated
Tags :: KingofAesir KingofAesir BeastofMyth22 BeastofMyth22

Callie smiles warmly at Avalon,
"thank you. I'm Callie by the way." She says softly, clinging to the woman's shirt slightly. Her large innocent eyes shift onto Yuuto, she furrows her brow slightly, before shielding herself behind Avalon.
Leo smiles warmly,
"thank you." He says quietly, grateful for the kindness showed to him and his younger sister.
Suddenly, a man shows up behind Avalon and Lorelei. He furrows his brow, he could feel the holster of his pistol rub against his hip.
"And I'm Leo." He interjects in an impolite manner. When the man points at him and his younger sister, and Leo growls under his breath. "I'd watch who you point fingers at." His tone is laced with malice and ill-intent. If looks could kill, Yuuto would have dropped dead on the spot.
His gaze shifts to Callie, who is hugging Avalons hip. He kneels down,
"let me open that for you Callie." He says gently, to which his younger sister breaks her grip from Avalon and approaches her muscular sibling. He gently takes it from her, and opens it.
Handing it back, the five year old takes the granola bar before quietly taking a bite. Leo slowly stands back up, and his gaze shifts to Avalon. His gaze becomes gentle again,
"I truly appreciate it, if I had known the world was going to go to shit, I would have packed food. Then again I figured we'd be on a plane back to Italy by now." He says lightly, yet his eyes were still dark. Irritation flowed through his blood, as well as his bad temper. While it was worse growing up, Leo still has his occasional retort or attitude. While he holds his tongue, all he can think was ; Perhaps his parents never taught him manners, shame.



"If this is my end, I'm going out kicking some ass." Lorelei could not help but let out a light chuckle. Her mood has slightly been lifted and felt that maybe she can go back to her usual cheery self after all amidst this....whatever this scary happening was. The lady smiled, watching Avalon hand a granola bar to the young girl. A ray of light, this girl was. I'll keep an eye on this child lest I forget what true innocence means.Lorelei eyed her camera and suppressed an urge to take some snapshots of the place. "I think the presence of officers would provide some comfort--to me, at least," she paused, then added, "I'm not familiar with this place but the police station is probably our best bet. What do you think?" She looked at Avalon. Feeling a hand on her shoulder, Lorelei spun around to see another one join them. "Z---zzombies!" Lorelei almost squeaked the word until one of her hands found its way to her mouth. "Have you gone mad?! Those things are not real. If ever, I'll say the man awhile ago was just, umm, sick." Lorelei tilted her head upon saying this since she could not bring herself to admit that zombies might be true. Giving a sigh, she held her hand out to Yuuto. "I'm Lorelei." Turning to Leo and Callie, "I don't believe we've officially met. My name is Lorelei." She looked at the little girl and gravely smiled at her.

Acquaintances KingofAesir KingofAesir ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes Tasteless Tasteless BeastofMyth22 BeastofMyth22
Pat could hear everything that people were saying, trying to make his own mind up in what was going to happen. "I think zombies is the closest word out there to what we have seen." He told everyone. "One thing is for sure, we need to stick together." He walked towards the outside, only seeing bodies littering the floor and smoke coming from the distance. It was the start of an apocalypse.

"We need to go to high ground. Need supplies and place to lay low. Find an apartment block, break in if necessary and come up with next plan." She informed everyone, thinking about the best way to stay alive as she gripped her knife tight. "Stay close, walk slowly. No noise." Kai instructed, beconing everyone to follow her. "May be more like that man...stay alert." She continued, checking that the outside was clear. "Police no good now. Follow."

KingofAesir KingofAesir Tasteless Tasteless Bleu Mochi Bleu Mochi BeastofMyth22 BeastofMyth22
Avalon Dalton
Avalon nodded at Leo with a smile and turned to look at the man who'd placed his hands in she and Lorelei's shoulders. A low growl eminated from her throat, "Yo, dude, watch where you put your hands. I could've thought you were one of those things and knocked you the hell out." She looked to Lorelei in concern, opening her mouth to say something that might comfort her when Kai started speaking and telling then to follow her.

"The police my not be any help but their weapons definetely would." Avalon moved to follow Kai, her voice assertive as she was trying to make a point. "Whatever is wrong with these people, we're not gonna be able to kill then with brute force everytime. Guns would be helpful."
ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes Tasteless Tasteless Bleu Mochi Bleu Mochi
Yuuto took Lorelei's hand with his own. "Awesome" he then looked back to Avalon.

"Sorry 'bout that. I'm Yuuto,pleased to meet ya." He said turning to Leo with a grin, "Yo dude this is the apocalypse man,no hard feelings. I need all the allies I can count on and I'm pretty good in a pinch." He said giving a friendly wave to the small girl and extending a firm handshake to him.

He paused slowly reaching onto his bag, pulling out a set of keys. "I've got a small student apartment,given to me for my international program. It's not to far it's about 3 blocks away. Crossing between buildings, alleys and rooftops we can make it there in about 6 minutes."

ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes
Tasteless Tasteless
Bleu Mochi Bleu Mochi
KingofAesir KingofAesir



"Zombies! Zombies!" Lorelei quietly mumbled to herself as she frantically searched for anything to grab. She found a piece of rubble from the ground and held on to it tightly. Hey eyes darted from one person to another, still finding it hard to believe that these people would actually entertain the idea of zombies. Still, it seems to be the only probable reason. But how? Why? She felt like screaming but held it within her even though those strange people--zombies-- were nowhere to be seen . Who knows what attracts them. Lorelei sighed. "Guns, yes, I'll take guns." Having her fair share of gaming with her family, she should feel pretty confident in handling one. However, she was rather doubting herself and wondered if she could even pull the trigger without causing an accident. She studied her companions once more, some thoughts forming in her mind. "Fine," she said to herself. Then to the rest, she said, "I'll dare to walk these streets in search of a more safer place. Though it's a few more hours until daylight, it's better to find shelter now. I have a few consumable items with me," she motioned to her backpack, "but I don't think they will hold any of us for the remainder of the night." There was a hint of nervousness in her voice which was only heightened by the new fear setting in her. It wasn't so much of a fear of death but rather fear of coming face to face with zombies. Lorelei shuddered once more before stepping into the direction of, where she'd guess, Yuuto's apartment. After taking several steps, she stopped and turned around to face the others. Right, don't panic. Don't panic. And don't leave people behind!

... KingofAesir KingofAesir ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes Tasteless Tasteless BeastofMyth22 BeastofMyth22
((I have emerged...))

Patrick heard the word "guns" and shuddered. "G-Guns? We should sort out our base before going out on excursions." He explained, however truth to be told, he was say anything to stop or delay the group from getting their hands on guns. After all, melee weapons were bad enough. Pat continued to walk down the streets, getting closer to what was the busy part of the city with all the apartments. Of course now it was littered with cars, bodies and debris.

Kai turned her focus onto Patrick. "I agree with Patrick. We need a base before we go on supply runs." She told everyone, still walking along the streets. Kai had almost become the leader and the figure head, mainly due to her assertive and controlling personality. They came close to the apartment block where Yuuto had rented his apartment. Kai immediately stopped, signalling for the rest of the group to do so too. There was a group of people in front of the apartment doors. "Might be some of them." She whispered to everyone as she saw at least 4 crouching on the floor. It seemed like they were eating something...

"Get ready. Seems like piercing the head is best way to stop them." She told everyone, deciding to get closer to them, moving carefully, trying not to alert the creatures. Unfortunately Kai had stepped on a shattered bottle, the glass cracking and crunching under her feet. "Do prdele! Hovno!" She cursed under her breath, now gripping her knife tightly. The four zombie-like humans immediately turned in her direction, snarling and then shuffling towards her. Kai decided to start stepping back so she wasn't overrun. The first approached her, immediately being met with the blade piercing it's brain. The rest of the group needed to help her and fast.

((When we get inside I will be introducing idalie idalie ))

KingofAesir KingofAesir Tasteless Tasteless BeastofMyth22 BeastofMyth22 Bleu Mochi Bleu Mochi
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Avalon Dalton
Avalon groaned and hit the crowbar on the concrete at the site of those things running toward them. She ran up next to Kai and swung the thing at the next approaching thing. It hissed at her when the crowbars tongs dug themselves into its head. She cursed and yanked the bar out, effectively throwing the hissing person flying the way she pulled.

"Umm... Yea, okay, shelter sounds good to me!" A sickening crunch as she stomped on the thing she'd thrown away from them. She dropped back next to Kai and spun the crowbar around in her hand. "Two down...." The remaining things got closer, "Two to go."
ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes

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