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Fandom The Zodiac Curse (REBORN YAY^w^)

Enya nodded. "Alright," she said. "I was just curious." She finished her cheeseburger and grabbed a hot dog.

Cameo lifted his head and hissed something. The leopard picked the kitten up and carried it into a shed where the big cats slept before dropping the kitten with some cubs, lying down and staring at it. @Zeldafangirl
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juliette just stared at it as she tilt her head she didn't know how to tranform back to human she just yawn

gabby just looked at her as she smiled' so uh... i was thinking maybe we can go out for christmas' she say jodging her birthday was that day too but she wanted to have fun with the kids
"i dont want ice cream i want to stay wight here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he yelled he wanted to stay that that house no other one.
Honey I don't want you to die so come with me Yui says sadly we can't go back Evan though I want to go back to.
nichole was crying as she needing a changing she was scared she threw her toy on the floor being fussy
isa sits down and starts to cry.

"i am not leaving cause of stupid people!"

"i am no going!" he yells at her as he puts his hands on his eyes.
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The leopard just huffed to itself before lying his head on its paws. "Kittens belong with the Cat," it muttered to itself, closing one of its eyes.

Enya blinked in surprise at going out for Christmas. "Sure. Maybe I'll learn to ice skate or try to ski," said Enya. Though she'd probably end up falling down and making a fool of herself. "Anywhere you want to go?" @Zeldafangirl
Kat went to nichole are you ok little one? Kat asked.

This hard for me to but..but can you try it here if you Don't like it here we can leave and go back to our old house Yui says.
Gabby just blushed a bit" no you don't have to celebrate my birthday i don't want to celebrate it" she say to her" me and you has to learn how to skate" she laughed a bit as she yawned a bit rubbing her eyes" well the movie is over i think i'm going to bed okay" she say tired
"fine." isa said

"but you have to promess that if i no like it you let me come back." he said to his mom as his small hands wiped away his tears. @Kittycat
isa let her this time pick her up and carry him into the house that he was sure he would hate because it was not home.
"Sure. Whatever you say," Enya said making a point to figure out some way to get cake on Gabby's birthday regardless. She could always say it was a cake for Christmas. Nodding at Gabby saying she was tired, she waved her friend off before putting another movie in, this one being A Cricket in Time's Square.

Rylic untangled Kendell's arms from his throat and left her beside Yuzyu as he made his way downstairs, the ring he had spent $12,000 on, in a box in his pocket that he was trying not to fiddle with.

One of the cubs pounced on the kitten, biting her ear, curious to see whether Juliette would play or not. @Zeldafangirl

Amy reached their home and stopped the car when she had pulled into the garage. She and Serenity got out, Serenity grabbing her backpack. @Sp00ky Nerd

Basil went to sleep, glad he could skip school for a few days.
Gabby went upstairs as she smiled looking around as she smiled going into the bed

Yuzyu haven't told her mum or dad she made a friend at school not even ash she knows how protective he gets

Juliette was playing with one of the cubs as she laughed she didn't know her family was at least she wasn't locked up in a cage anymore
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Grudgingly, Mika told the woman all that she knew about the crime, including the animal figure she had seen slipping away. Mika knew her as Mrs. Blackwell, and she had often showed up at The Daily Diviner to have hushed meetings with the owner of the newspaper. Needless to say, she was the muzzle on the press here in Everstone; every article was passed through her before being published. Now however, she only seemed to be interested in the manner of the man's death.

"Throat ripped out... by a dog considering you heard barking. But the tail you say didn't look like a dog..." the woman observed cooly. Mrs. Blackwell motioned to one of the armed men and calmly ordered, "Get the gorehounds ready; we have a hunt on our hands.Go quickly now, time Is of the essence. What better a way to test out the Beta 4 batch?" The guard saluted briskly before jogging back towards the vehicles

"As for you, Mika..." Blackwell said while looking at Mika with a smile, "We thank you for your contribution. You may now leave. I will have your employer grant you a suitable reward." As if she had grown bored with the conversation, the woman turned and stalked away.

"but-" Mika started angrily, taking a step forward. It only took a nasty glare from the ruffian holding the gun for her to back down, defeated. Grumbling, she walked back down the alley the way she had come. "Remember last time..." the thug warned after her with a richly accented voice. She waved her arm dismissively without turning. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

Mika didn't like remembering last time.
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Rylic entered the living room. "Hello Enya," he said to her.

"Hello Rylic," Enya said. Rylic sat down, appearing and smelling nervous.

"Enya...I haven't been the best person to be around," he said to her. "I've hit you and killed Pine. I ended up in a coma because of you and that flea bitten cat. But...I...I wanted..." he fumbled with the box in his pocket and pulled it out, dropping it and leaned over to pick it up. "I...wanted..." he sighed and decided to just say it. "Enya would you please accept me and be my wife?" he asked as he opened the box and held out the ring to her.

Enya stared at the ring inlaid with diamond, ruby and emeralds; the tigress's three favorite gems. "I..." Enya said staring at the ring. A dozen thoughts went through the girl's head before she nodded and let Rylic place the ring on her finger. The hunter smiled and left Enya as the teen turned back to the movie.

Josh was playing with the dogs in the living room as Rose was in the shower. Rose had told him what had happened but the family had no idea some psycho was trying to hunt dogs down.
Miyo opened the door and stepped out of the car, watching her step in the unfamiliar garage. It had been months since she had even stepped foot in a real house, and it felt strange, but still familiar in a sense. She walked out through the door into the main living space, ducking slightly on the frame of the garage door. She waited awkwardly just outside it, waiting for Amy and Serenity. @eclipsehowls
Amy locked the car and led the way into the house after shutting the garage door. "Serenity show our guest to the guest room," she said.

"Okay mommy. Come on Miyo," Serenity said as she began walking up the stairs. @Sp00ky Nerd

The cubs growled and tried tugging the kitten in half until the leopard stepped in and cuffed the cubs. They quieted down and tried not to be so rough with the kitten. @Zeldafangirl

Morning came and Amy was making breakfast. "Serenity! Come downstairs!"

Serenity grumbled and walked downstairs in her pajamas.

When morning came Rylic found all his kids in Ash's room, except for Kendell and Yuzyu who were still in the master bedroom. He shook his head and woke them up for breakfast.
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