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Fandom The Zodiac Curse (REBORN YAY^w^)

Isa walks around in his room glad to be out of bed he walks out the door and slowly makes his way down the long stairs
Miyo listened to Serenity speak, her face falling slightly. She nodded, signifying she understood. She had become excited too quickly. Of course it was unlikely there were any more Zodiacs around, she realized, or she would likely have found them already. She sighed slightly. Things had been the same in her home town. Everyone had passed away or disappeared, until it was really only Miyo and her grandfather, and then, not even that. "So...It's really only me and you here," she said to Serenity, speaking slowly. @eclipsehowls
"A princess dress hmm?" Rylic questioned. "Well I will see what I can manage," he said to Yuzyu. @Zeldafangirl

"Who is out there?" Enya snarled. I'm starting to get sick and tired of these people, she thought. She smelled tiger close by and snarled to herself before hissing at Leo to go investigate. The African Lion quickly followed the scent, roaring at the strange tiger as he came across it. @Kittycat

"As far as daddy knew yeah," Serenity said. "But daddy said if the other zodiacs had left the tiger alone then she wouldn't have had them all killed so it is it their own fault for dying." @Sp00ky Nerd
Yuzyu just went under her father arm as she smiled" daddy i don't wanna learn how to swim tomorrow yuzyu scared" she say

Kendell just fell asleep as she was holding the train
Miyo nodded. "Sometimes it's best to let people be." She responded thoughtfully. She wasn't quite sure what else to say. She looked up to Amy. "It's getting a little late," She said, "And I need to find a place to sleep here for the night. But I'd really like to talk to you two again. When can we meet up?" @eclipsehowls
"This isn't your land kitty. Get off," hissed Leo. "This land belongs to my mistress and her mate. This land has been the hunting grounds of my mistress for all fifteen years of her life" @Kittycat

"Swimming is good for you," Rylic said. "I won't let you drown. It will keep you fit and you never know when you'll have to cross a lake or a stream." @Zeldafangirl

Amy nodded in agreement about leaving people alone who wanted to be left alone. "Tomorrow's Sunday. I have off work tomorrow so we can meet up sometime in the morning," Amy said.

"Mommy can she stay with us? Even if she is a snake. She can sleep in the guest room," Serenity said.

"Hmmm....alright," said Amy. "But keep your rats in your room." @Sp00ky Nerd
Yuzyu looked at her dad" okay daddy i give it a try daddy can i sleep with you" she say yawning as she saw kendell sleeping holding the train
But you don't know is I have been and traveled in her my hole life you idiot Yui roared/said.
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"Sure," Rylic said. "I doubt your mother's going to bother coming up to bed any time soon anyway." He picked Kendell up and went into the master bedroom where he set Kendell on the bed and then went to sleep himself. @Zeldafangirl

"You are a damn fool kit," snarled Leo. "My mistress's mate has hunted these woods ten years of his life. You aren't even close to laying claim to these woods." The lion wasn't having strangers on his mistress's hunting grounds at all. "But stick around if you wish. There will be dozens of hunters here ready to skin your hide from your still twitching corpse," Leo said snickering. @Kittycat
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Well bye then Yui says turning into human form bye Yui says walking away don't even try to follow me your be die I have Zodiac on my side the dog the cat, the Dragon they are my friends Yui says in a sweet voice.
"Thank you," Miyo said, bowing slightly. "I won't hurt a hair on any of Serenity's little friends' heads." She smiled a bit. She remembered being a young girl herself, hiding snakes under her bed from her grandfather. She stood up completely on slightly shaky legs. "Which way do we go?" @eclipsehowls
Luna nodded politely smiling "Enjoy" she said closing the door and walking into her room and laying on the bed.
The police officer's smile faded into a more serious expression. "That is unfortunate. I had heard about those night terrors of his... well I hope he gets better" The smile returned.

"Yeah, me too" said Mika

If there had been any suspicion about the cop's lack of interest in the scene, it soon vanished as a shiny black car followed by a heavy duty van pulled up at the entrance of the alleyway.
Of course she is here. Out of the shimmering black vehicle stepped a woman with short blond hair wearing high heels and an outfit that screamed of some large business corporation. Sewn upon her coat and appearing on the two vehicles was a leviathan symbol to which the meaning was unknown to Mika. Just some science corporation, she had been told. As the lady strode down the alley four masked figures got out of the van carrying an assortment of tranquilizers or tasers, save the last man who looked like he was carrying a sub machine gun that meant business. Sharp clicking sounds echoed off of the brick walls as she walked towards Mika with her armed goons trailing.

Thank you officer Malorn, but I think we can take it from here now." the woman said with a silken voice that made no effort to mask her dominance. Reaching into her pocket she pulled out an ID and flashed it towards the cop.

He didn't need to look at the ID to know what to do. "Sure thing ma'am, if you need any help don't hesitate to call the station." Turning back to Mika he tipped his hat, "See ya around Mika, say hi to your father for me." Then the two police officers were gone. Mika could not believe it.

Pale eyes turned towards Mika, "
Hello Mika Sark, It is good to see you again." the woman said with the politeness of a snake.
(i am making a main character.wich means that the others are ether died of left so i am putting the story below it is a short one.)

after violet woke up and her and ruby got caught up in what happened the past 3 years they went back to there moms and dads house in Italy.

and hannah was adopted by a lady wail she was on her way to iceland.
isa finally made it to the bottom of the stairs.

"way way!!" he said as he looked around the room before him.
Lilly wash crouched on top of a news building as she watched over the town.she saw the little people run back and forth from car to shop.car.shop.car.shop.it was weird why does no one have a life in this world.they all just spend spend spend.she let out a long sigh as she looked at her little camp on top of the building.she had a sleeping bag,trail mix and water.she makes up camp for 2 days on top of one building then she gos to a new one.she had just finished setting up this one 2 minutes ago.she turned away from her camp and looked into the city.
Kat came down with her kid and set her down also and heard Isa come on when is she coming back we have to many kids in the house hold Kat says.
juliette was in her cat form not sure how to tranform back

kendell held onto her daddy

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