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Futuristic The Zelrian War

HimeragiSeiker said:
kay. Oh and make sure she comes in like those little supply packages
Alright. They'll stop by a station for repairs and supplies, and we'll send her in there. How's that sound?
HimeragiSeiker said:
still waiting xD
Right now it's on @theManCalledSting xD Elena's (supposed to be) taking the Starcutter to the nearest space station for repairs and restocking, you'll be able to join in then!
Name: Cavalier [cAvALIER -> c-Analog-v-Artificial LIfE foRm]

Age: Active for less than a year. ~2 Months. Personality age: young adult.

Race & Racial Traits, if applicable: Artificial Intelligence (Class-V, Class-Voyager). Capable of compiling code, communicating through nearby computers, projecting holographs (when the necessary hardware is available.), learning, and otherwise inherits most all machine and computer traits.

Appearance: Cavalier's real physical form is simply a black box. In order to accomodate for potentially weaker computers, his graphical form is a glass geometric shape:


If available, he may take a humanoid form, but due to a current inability to create a unique appearance, and make it seem normal, he will often copy the form of another individual.

Personality: Cavalier, even in battle, is very calm and collected as intended. He is quite capable and intelligent, providing assistance to any and all allies. Even though it is unobserved, he can get quite attatched to people, which can lead to irrationality and bias. Cavalier is neither male nor female, and will often switch between masculine and feminine voices.

Backstory: Several years went into the creation of a true artificial intelligence that can learn using new analog technologies. The result was a series of quark computing artificial intelligences. Later down the line, Cavalier was created, along with other Class-V AI, with the intention of being used aboard voyaging space craft and combat vehicles. After a few months of psychological observation, Cavalier was noted to be exceptionally stable, operating well above expectations. Later that week, he was shipped to the Starcutter for installation.

Position: Starcutter Clerk/Assistant

Skills: Cavalier's skills are entirely mental. He is endowed well with knowledge on most subjects, can learn and calculate well above human limits, and utilize any accessible hardware. He cannot, however, utilize any physical skills unless there is available hardware to accommodate. For what he is named after, he is most notably able to carry out his duties without getting in anyone's way.

Preferred Equipment: While not physical, Cavalier often uses a code compiler to write code in order to carry out tasks, access otherwise incompatible computers, and to use non-native peripheral hardware.
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CalamariHero said:
Name: Cavalier [cAvALIER -> c-Analog-v-Artificial LIfE foRm]
Age: Active for less than a year. ~2 Months. Personality age: young adult.

Race & Racial Traits, if applicable: Artificial Intelligence (Class-V, Class-Voyager). Capable of compiling code, communicating through nearby computers, projecting holographs (when the necessary hardware is available.), learning, and otherwise inherits most all machine and computer traits.

Appearance: Cavalier's real physical form is simply a black box. In order to accomodate for potentially weaker computers, his graphical form is a glass geometric shape:


If available, he may take a humanoid form, but due to a current inability to create a unique appearance, and make it seem normal, he will often copy the form of another individual.

Personality: Cavalier, even in battle, is very calm and collected as intended. He is quite capable and intelligent, providing assistance to any and all allies. Even though it is unobserved, he can get quite attatched to people, which can lead to irrationality and bias. Cavalier is neither male nor female, and will often switch between masculine and feminine voices.

Backstory: Several years went into the creation of a true artificial intelligence that can learn using new analog technologies. The result was a series of quark computing artificial intelligences. Later down the line, Cavalier was created, along with other Class-V AI, with the intention of being used aboard voyaging space craft and combat vehicles. After a few months of psychological observation, Cavalier was noted to be exceptionally stable, operating well above expectations. Later that week, he was shipped to the Starcutter for installation.

Position: Starcutter Clerk/Assistant

Skills: Cavalier's skills are entirely mental. He is endowed well with knowledge on most subjects, can learn and calculate well above human limits, and utilize any accessible hardware. He cannot, however, utilize any physical skills unless there is available hardware to accommodate. For what he is named after, he is most notably able to carry out his duties without getting in anyone's way.

Preferred Equipment: While not physical, Cavalier often uses a code compiler to write code in order to carry out tasks, access otherwise incompatible computers, and to use non-native peripheral hardware.

So basically, you want to be the Starcutter's ship-wide AI, am I reading this right?
CalamariHero said:
Pretty much.
Mkay, I'll have a worker from the station contact the Starcutter to let Jared know of the AI change, and Cavalier will be downloaded onto the ship.
Name: Sgt. Pingu

Age: 26

Race & Racial Traits, if applicable: He is a penguin from Antarctica, the coldest region on Earth. So, he is immune to cold and freezing weathers.

Appearance: Looks like a cute penguin with a head bandage. Doesn't wear clothes.


Likes to explode things, kill seals, shoot rockets and slide on his belly. He his mercyless when necessary. A little psycopath because of the tests applied on him. Likes the color red. Can learn new things if taught well. He doesn't feel pain. He cares about his teammates and tries to protect them with his best.

He was a normal penguin in Antarctica until the government started to test things on the animals like making them go faster, stronger or smarter. They chose a penguin a named it Pingu. They started to run tests on the animal to make it more intelligent, stronger and faster. After 3 and a half years, Pingu started to think like a human being. Then the government sent the intelligent animals to war against Zelrians. Pingu met Col. Pyotr Wittgenstein in the battle. When Col. Piotr selected a few soldiers for his team he chose Pingu too. Then they got to the spaceship. That's how Pingu came to the spaceship.

Position: Commando

Skills: Very skilled with rocket launcher. Can shoot a target from 3 km. Can outsmart humans.

Preferred Equipment: He prefers a Rocket Launcher because he likes to make one-shot multiple kills on the battlefield.
Name: Colonel Pyotr Wittgenstein

Age: 61

Race & Racial Traits, if applicable: Human



He wears an old Military Officer uniform that is adorned with many medals as well as many stiches,He has an cybernetic eye that replaced his left eye after he lost it in a intense battle with Zelrians

Personality: He is a man of honor who sticks to a code of honor on the battlefield.He has an

Backstory: Born as the Second son to the Noble family of Wittgenstein on the Colony of Mars,He was soon sent to the Boarding Military school to keeep the Wittgenstein tradition of Having ties with the Military.graduating from the Academy of Federation Army back in Terra (Earth) with the rank of Major.He was soon sent to the Frontline where he made a reputation for himself as a stern commanding officer and a stauch defender against the Zerlian masses organizing many successful defense lines and holding his position regardless of how many men he would lose.He was soon promoted to rank of Liutenant Colonel for his Victories against the Enemy and sent off to one of the rebeling planets to put down the rebels where he met then Private Pingu who he transfared to his own battelion as his Personal Guard.After re-securing the planet he was promoted yet again to the rank of Colonel yet his disagreements with the Goverment of the Federation has led to him being recalled from the frontlines and assigned to Inspection duty.

Position: Strategist/Inspecting Officer

Skills: knowledge of Federation History,Expert Swordsman,Strategist

Preferred Equipment: He prefers to use a automatic laser pistol for long range but he prefers to use a Officer's sabre for close quarters combat.
PinguTheOtterfucker said:
Name: Sgt. Pingu
Age: 26

Race & Racial Traits, if applicable: He is a penguin from Antarctica, the coldest region on Earth. So, he is immune to cold and freezing weathers.

Appearance: Looks like a cute penguin with a head bandage. Doesn't wear clothes.


Likes to explode things, kill seals, shoot rockets and slide on his belly. He his mercyless when necessary. A little psycopath because of the tests applied on him. Likes the color red. Can learn new things if taught well. He doesn't feel pain. He cares about his teammates and tries to protect them with his best.

He was a normal penguin in Antarctica until the government started to test things on the animals like making them go faster, stronger or smarter. They chose a penguin a named it Pingu. They started to run tests on the animal to make it more intelligent, stronger and faster. After 3 and a half years, Pingu started to think like a human being. Then the government sent the intelligent animals to war against Zelrians. Pingu met Col. Pyotr Wittgenstein in the battle. When Col. Piotr selected a few soldiers for his team he chose Pingu too. Then they got to the spaceship. That's how Pingu came to the spaceship.

Position: Commando

Skills: Very skilled with rocket launcher. Can shoot a target from 3 km. Can outsmart humans.

Preferred Equipment: He prefers a Rocket Launcher because he likes to make one-shot multiple kills on the battlefield.
DefendKebab1918 said:
Name: Colonel Pyotr Wittgenstein
Age: 61

Race & Racial Traits, if applicable: Human



He wears an old Military Officer uniform that is adorned with many medals as well as many stiches,He has an cybernetic eye that replaced his left eye after he lost it in a intense battle with Zelrians

Personality: He is a man of honor who sticks to a code of honor on the battlefield.He has an

Backstory: Born as the Second son to the Noble family of Wittgenstein on the Colony of Mars,He was soon sent to the Boarding Military school to keeep the Wittgenstein tradition of Having ties with the Military.graduating from the Academy of Federation Army back in Terra (Earth) with the rank of Major.He was soon sent to the Frontline where he made a reputation for himself as a stern commanding officer and a stauch defender against the Zerlian masses organizing many successful defense lines and holding his position regardless of how many men he would lose.He was soon promoted to rank of Liutenant Colonel for his Victories against the Enemy and sent off to one of the rebeling planets to put down the rebels where he met then Private Pingu who he transfared to his own battelion as his Personal Guard.After re-securing the planet he was promoted yet again to the rank of Colonel yet his disagreements with the Goverment of the Federation has led to him being recalled from the frontlines and assigned to Inspection duty.

Position: Strategist/Inspecting Officer

Skills: knowledge of Federation History,Expert Swordsman,Strategist

Preferred Equipment: He prefers to use a automatic laser pistol for long range but he prefers to use a Officer's sabre for close quarters combat.
I'd accept Pyotr because he seems like an interesting person to have on the crew (Not Pingu since, well, he's a penguin, and as a result there's no way I can take it seriously) this RP is in fact dead. I apologize.
LegoLad659 said:
I'd accept Pyotr because he seems like an interesting person to have on the crew (Not Pingu since, well, he's a penguin, and as a result there's no way I can take it seriously) this RP is in fact dead. I apologize.
welp thats bad to hear.I was trying to teach my friend here about Rpnation and he made that character eventhough I warned him.So No chance of revive this? This seemed like a fun idea.
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DefendKebab1918 said:
welp thats bad to hear.I was trying to teach my friend here about Rpnation and he made that character eventhough I warned him.So No chance of revive this? This seçemedi like a fun idea.
died anyway.
PinguTheOtterfucker said:
why you can't take penguins seriously, there is an ant in the RP. I understand the rp is dead but just sayin
But if you think about it, a penguin vs a lizard-like race that evolves around combat and is combat orientated? Is that real?
HimeragiSeiker said:
You underestimate mine as well. The RP's dead anyway. Besides, you could only do much with a rocket launcher.
Well, ok then, i am new in here, can you suggest me a RP that is not dead? (I won't be a penguin i promise)

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