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Futuristic The Zelrian War

LegoLad659 said:
The thing is, I don't know what it is I don't like about it. That was just a guess, but I just don't know. That's why I'm asking for other opinions.
Maybe it's the crude sketch? xD

But seriously, it might be the innocence of the character, and the cartoonish look to it.

(If you want me to sit this one out, I'm fine with that. I'm nervous beyond all belief xD )
Daisie said:
Maybe it's the crude sketch? xD
But seriously, it might be the innocence of the character, and the cartoonish look to it.

(If you want me to sit this one out, I'm fine with that. I'm nervous beyond all belief xD )
true, it might be that... but really I don't mind
Daisie said:
Maybe it's the crude sketch? xD
But seriously, it might be the innocence of the character, and the cartoonish look to it.

(If you want me to sit this one out, I'm fine with that. I'm nervous beyond all belief xD )
I want you to participate, and I'm okay with the character's innocence... And the drawing is just fine xD

Y'know what, I'll go ahead and add it to the crew. If I can come up with something later on I'll let you know about it.
LegoLad659 said:
I want you to participate, and I'm okay with the character's innocence... And the drawing is just fine xD
Y'know what, I'll go ahead and add it to the crew. If I can come up with something later on I'll let you know about it.
Yaaay! If I screw this up, I'm so sorry. xD
Fixed the problems with the character sheet. Made the history a bit more clear and tuned down the Paralyzer Weapon.
AlphaDraco said:
Fixed the problems with the character sheet. Made the history a bit more clear and tuned down the Paralyzer Weapon.
Alright, that works. Thank you ( :) )

Vespertide said:
Well, I think we need two pilots... Is that okay with everyone else if that's myself and @theManCalledSting ?
Two pilots? Alright, sure, that's fine.
Name: Nathan Sterling

Age: 24

Race: Human



Tends to be lighthearted and social. Even if he's not great at the latter. It's a running joke among the crew of the Starcutter that he's "A natural chick repellant" due to many slip-ups he's had in the past, especially towards females.

Backstory: Nathan lived a relatively peaceful life on the space station Omega-37, orbiting the planet Teratha. His father was a genetic scientist, who performed experiments with the DNA of animals from Earth - The planet was close to Earth, so this wasn't much of a problem - fusing it with the DNA of various volunteers. Some people have questioned the ethical implications of such experimentation, despite the fact that all of his subjects knew exactly what they were getting into when they signed up. Rumors and slander have dropped the reputation of the Sterling family, but he doesn't let that bother him.

Position: Squad Leader/Starfighter Pilot

Skills: Is about on par with your standard soldier in regards to land combat. In space is where he really excels, he enjoys riding in the cockpit of a starfighter.

Preferred Equipment: Standard-issue plasma assault rifle, and not really much else. He prefers his starfighter.

Name: Emalaquinarasha (Most just call her Emma for short)

Age: 29 Human Years

Race: Mithala Lamia

Racial Traits: Her snakelike tail is very strong, and is capable of holding a single fully-grown Human in place. Her body is also able to neutralize and manufacture poisons, injected through her fangs.



She holds a less-than-innocent demeanor, and doesn't hide her attraction to others. Even if they're of other races. If she becomes upset she is very condescending and passive-aggressive.

Backstory: The Mithala were one of the first alien races the Humans encountered. Living on their home planet Molathi, they often came to Earth in ancient times to have a bit of fun with the sentient race living there. The majority of mythical creatures spawned from visits by various Mithala. Their genetic structure is somewhat similar to the Humans', so the majority of them look Human or have Humanlike features.

Emma is of the Lamia type of Mithala, who enjoy their time the most spent with other races. She has always taken an interest in the Humans and their technology (Not to mention, in her own words, "So many of them are just so adorable") and, when the Federation started recruiting more people for the front lines, she eagerly jumped at the opportunity.

Position: Diplomatic Relations, though she likes helping out in the kitchen sometimes as well.

Skills: She likes to think of herself as having great people skills, and due to cooking a lot both on the Starcutter and back home, she can make quite a meal as well.

Preferred Equipment: A standard laser pistol. She rarely gets into combat, and even less often needs more protection than this.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/20120403135555_original.jpg.ecb0ff6563baa5d8fc0792f12a1741a3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114094" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/20120403135555_original.jpg.ecb0ff6563baa5d8fc0792f12a1741a3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/untitled_drawing_by_sdrawcabdaer-d9wdiek.png.d9957ec4455e4bb0f4cd23339d84d6fe.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114095" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/untitled_drawing_by_sdrawcabdaer-d9wdiek.png.d9957ec4455e4bb0f4cd23339d84d6fe.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name

MIO_112, most people call her Mio


9 months

Race & Racial Traits

Sentient Android/AI. Androids can do anything a computer can do, including projecting a holographic screen for showing pictures, accessing networks and downloading information.


Mio is very intelligent, as her head is literally a computer. She never forgets anything, and is a very logical thinker. However, like a computer, she's very literal, and doesn't understand sarcasm, metaphors and such. She can be seen as naive, as she is unable to recognise a lie unless it directly conflicts with knowledge she already has. She's also very bad at lying if she isn't directly told when and where to lie, and what the lie should be. She can be socially awkward, as she often doesn't understand of people think. She doesn't understand that speach should be filtered, and will often say innapropriate things. Still, she is sentient and does have emotions. Mio is very curious,and is always yearning to learn more. She's very submissive and obedient, as it is her nature as an android but also, she greatly longs fror belonging and will do anything to fit in. She seems to like the cute and the silly, although it is often hard to tell what she's thinking.


Tyl Inc. is a company that was known for producing androids that could be used as computers (thinks persocoms from Chobits). Although it was a niche market, the company did rather well. One day they went the extra step and created ana android with true artificial intelligence, MIO_112. This instantly gained the attention of the public, and the first model was to be sold for a very high price. However, before that could happen, the Galactic Federation stepped in and forbade it, as it was basically a form of slavery, since these machines could actually emotions. The few existing AIs were released, and have all gone their own way now. Mio decided that she would join the frontier, in gratitude of the Galactic Federation. Tyl Inc. has lost in popularity.


System engineer/Computer technician


Mio is an excellent programmer and hacker, being a sort of computer herself. She has a great understanding of how computers work, and her memory is excellent. Being an android is a double edged sword though, as she can be hacked herself, and it can be done without her being able to do anything about it or notice it.

Preferred Equipment

Mio always carries a charger with her.



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  • untitled_drawing_by_sdrawcabdaer-d9wdiek.png
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SdrawcabDaer said:

View attachment 253913 Name

MIO_112, most people call her Mio


9 months

Race & Racial Traits

Sentient Android/AI. Androids can do anything a computer can do, including projecting a holographic screen for showing pictures, accessing networks and downloading information.


Mio is very intelligent, as her head is literally a computer. She never forgets anything, and is a very logical thinker. However, like a computer, she's very literal, and doesn't understand sarcasm, metaphors and such. She can be seen as naive, as she is unable to recognise a lie unless it directly conflicts with knowledge she already has. She's also very bad at lying if she isn't directly told when and where to lie, and what the lie should be. She can be socially awkward, as she often doesn't understand of people think. She doesn't understand that speach should be filtered, and will often say innapropriate things. Still, she is sentient and does have emotions. Mio is very curious,and is always yearning to learn more. She's very submissive and obedient, as it is her nature as an android but also, she greatly longs fror belonging and will do anything to fit in. She seems to like the cute and the silly, although it is often hard to tell what she's thinking.


Tyl Inc. is a company that was known for producing androids that could be used as computers (thinks persocoms from Chobits). Although it was a niche market, the company did rather well. One day they went the extra step and created ana android with true artificial intelligence, MIO_112. This instantly gained the attention of the public, and the first model was to be sold for a very high price. However, before that could happen, the Galactic Federation stepped in and forbade it, as it was basically a form of slavery, since these machines could actually emotions. The few existing AIs were released, and have all gone their own way now. Mio decided that she would join the frontier, in gratitude of the Galactic Federation. Tyl Inc. has lost in popularity.


System engineer/Computer technician


Mio is an excellent programmer and hacker, being a sort of computer herself. She has a great understanding of how computers work, and her memory is excellent. Being an android is a double edged sword though, as she can be hacked herself, and it can be done without her being able to do anything about it or notice it.

Preferred Equipment

Mio always carries a charger with her.
She should be interesting ( :) ) She's also pretty adorable, too.

Ryder Willoughby

  • cyber_ginger.jpg

    Ryder Willoughby

    Age: 32

    Race: Human/Caucasian

    Height: 6'2"

    Weight: 215 lbs.

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[QUOTE="The Endergod]He loathes rules and guidelines

He's gonna have a fun time working under Jared, then xD
[QUOTE="The Endergod]Indeed.

Go ahead and have him leave the shuttle in bay 2. Then have him go... Wherever, I guess. Probably to his assigned quarters, then reporting to the captain like everyone else.
Forgot to make this earlier... q.q

Larkinson Desforate

Age: 19

Race & Racial Traits, if applicable: The Norf

Small creatures, standing at about 1'-4' averagely based on age.

They live 40-60 years on average.

"Norf" is also used for plural, or at least, in English.


3'10" tall, replace with black fur. Replace arm-paws with hands, however his thin fingers and sharp claws stay.


Even for his small size, this bear-like creature keeps to his appearance as a brute and stubborn creature. Cool-headed and works well under pressure.

Backstory: Larkinson enrolled in the military at the earliest age possible for his species- twelve. He excelled as a sharpshooter but wasn't the best tactician and was bad at following orders, so they kicked him out under the pretense it wasn't safe for him or his colleagues.

He moved on to engineering, his father's job was mainly ship maintenance and he'd picked up a few things as a youngling, and he quickly learned everything there was to know about standard starships and other spacecraft created by his species. He once again enrolled in the military, as an engineer. They accepted him, and he worked mainly on his home planet or in its orbit repairing starships that were damaged in battle.

When his species joined forces with the humans to fight the Zelrians, he started to learn as much as he could about standard human starships and other craft, and though it was hard with it being very different to his own, and his previous knowledge interfering, he did learn and applied to help the humans.

Position: Engineering and Maintenance Officer

Skills: Sharpshooting, engineering and fixing, analyzing most ship components and knowledge of its workings.

Preferred Equipment: Wrench, driver, welding and soldering tools, other such tools for maintaining the ship.


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Coriandr said:
Forgot to make this earlier... q.q

Larkinson Desforate

Age: 19

Race & Racial Traits, if applicable: The Norf

Small creatures, standing at about 1'-4' averagely based on age.

They live 40-60 years on average.

"Norf" is also used for plural, or at least, in English.


3'10" tall, replace with black fur. Replace arm-paws with hands, however his thin fingers and sharp claws stay.


Even for his small size, this bear-like creature keeps to his appearance as a brute, stubborn, but tactful creature. He may not be the strongest or largest thing ever but he's no idiot when it comes to war. Cool-headed and works well under pressure.

Backstory: Larkinson enrolled in the military at the earliest age possible for his species- twelve. He excelled as a sharpshooter but wasn't the best tactician and was bad at following orders, so they kicked him out under the pretense it wasn't safe for him or his colleagues.

He moved on to engineering, his father's job was mainly ship maintenance and he'd picked up a few things as a youngling, and he quickly learned everything there was to know about standard starships and other spacecraft created by his species. He once again enrolled in the military, as an engineer. They accepted him, and he worked mainly on his home planet or in its orbit repairing starships that were damaged in battle.

When his species joined forces with the humans to fight the Zelrians, he started to learn as much as he could about standard human starships and other craft, and though it was hard with it being very different to his own, and his previous knowledge interfering, he did learn and applied to help the humans.

Position: Engineering and Maintenance Officer

Skills: Sharpshooting, engineering and fixing, analyzing most ship components and knowledge of its workings.

Preferred Equipment: Wrench, driver, welding and soldering tools, other such tools for maintaining the ship.



So he's a bear version of Ryder. Sweet.
Of who? I looked up the name and all I came up with was a trucking company. q.q

EDIT: Derp, you meant your character... but yeah kinda, but it seems like your character would have much more of an attitude than him. He's just bad at following them, whereas it seems like you meant for Ryder to be a jerk about it.
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Coriandr said:
Of who? I looked up the name and all I came up with was a trucking company. q.q
EDIT: Derp, you meant your character... but yeah kinda, but it seems like your character would have much more of an attitude than him. He's just bad at following them, whereas it seems like you meant for Ryder to be a jerk about it.
Our characters are going to be the defiant engineering duo.

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