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Futuristic The Zelrian War

LocoBlock said:
But can I have more than a handgun?
You can replace it with something a bit more powerful, if you like. I don't believe a scout should be better equipped than a soldier, though, since they're not intended to participate in full-on combat.
LegoLad659 said:
You can replace it with something a bit more powerful, if you like. I don't believe a scout should be better equipped than a soldier, though, since they're not intended to participate in full-on combat.
Now is it acceptable.
LocoBlock said:
So can I just come in now doing my scouting of stuff?
Well, the Starcutter's kind of in the middle of a battle right now, but once we find something that needs scouting you'll be the first one to call. In the meantime you can interact with anyone that's not busy due to the battle.
Name: John Abraus

Age: 23

Race & Racial Traits, if applicable: Human


Personality: A somewhat laid back individual, teamworking is his forte. He generally socializes with his screw, and only does so. He can be over protective of his commrades, and has costed a lot of expensive equipment under him.

Backstory: Hailing from Earth, John Abraus was a once quiet individual. Smashed with wartime propoganda, he joined the military when he was 16, enlisting in the garrison forces. Over time, he was rejected from many positions, in his armored group. He was not a very good gunner, his scrawny arms making it weak for him to load the gun in time. He lacked the coordination to drive the enourmous vehicle, crashing many times. But he could command... 2 years before he joined the Expeditionary forces of the ship, he became a commander of his very own crew...

Position: Tank Commander, 2nd Armored Regiment

Skills: He provides an "Aura of Command" as some describe, always surveying the battlefield... always analysing... he still has the same crew from two years ago. And he is still alive for sure...

Preferred Equipment: He carries a Semi-Auto Pulse Pistol, for use in emergencies.

Other: His body has been torn and beaten from countless slugs, causing him to have numerous cybernetic transplants, just to keep him alive. Scars can be seen everywhere, from bottom to up, making him seem much, much older than he actually is.

Name: Drake Evergreen

Age: 20

Race & Racial Traits, if applicable: Human


A bit of a wild card, he tends to be... very insubordinate. He is a loose cannon, and will do anything to meet his goals, no matter the cost. He will steal, bribe, do ANYTHING, for what he wants. Except offer help to "Xenos" as he calls then. A little xenophobic towards aliens...

Backstory: A "Martian", he has grown up in the bitter soils of Mars, working in a water plant. As an escape to his meaningless lifestyle (And for the pensions... Greedy motherfucker...) He decided to sign up for the military. Originally training as a gunner for the Navy, the officials decided he was not... competent enough for this, they sent him straight into the arms of Abraus, and was enlisted in his crew.

Position: Tank Gunner/Loader (Abraus' crew)

Skills: He is more than good at his job, a fast loader and gunner, he has saved the asses of countless infantry men, especially on ground assaults...

Preferred Equipment: He has "bought" a long dagger, forged from the very best "Stainless Steel" (He still believes it's something... special... he isn't known for his intellect...)

The Vehicle itself:


The Ancient
Vanquisher is an outdated tank chassis built before humans could even send long lasting manned missions. Generally built by militia, this was issued to Mr. Abraus, as an inexpensive replacement. For what it lacks in technology, it makes up for VERY heavy armor, and a giant Battle Cannon. Modifications have been made to this to stand up to the current times, such as different ammunition (Including E.M.P.), and a computer system that removes the need of a large crew. Still, 4 people are needed to man this behemoth... A different approach was taken to create this armored vehicle. Instead of creating a more modern approach, the tank has a small mortar in front, with the machine gun replaced for the new computers. At the sides, are two heavy machine guns to provide anti-infantry support. With these weapons, a direct hit would be very fatal, as the ammunition required for it is extreme. Why do you think it has almost a foot of armor?

(I think that if this ship is capable of supporting a long array of vessels and weaponry, I think it's classified as a "battle-carrier". Just saying if it is a carrier based ship, Aircraft carriers carry a ground team always for a planetary assault, or as in World War 2, a beach landing... If I need to change it, I will)
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Arty said:
(I think that if this ship is capable of supporting a long array of vessels and weaponry, I think it's classified as a "battle-carrier". Just saying if it is a carrier based ship, Aircraft carriers carry a ground team always for a planetary assault, or as in World War 2, a beach landing... If I need to change it, I will)
The Starcutter isn't really equipped with land vehicles... Just the starfighters and shuttles to take crew planetside, or into space stations. Though I suppose that means it could benefit from some heavy weaponry, just keep in mind that the tank that they bring is the only one that they've got - Jared's not going to pay for replacements.

I have a question, though - How old is the tank they'll be piloting? Most recent heavy vehicles are equipped with heavy pulse cannons, and a lot of systems nowadays are self-reloading. Kinetic weapons are still useful, mind you, they're just the ones that require manual reloading since the system can't generate its ammunition on its own (Aside from assault rifles and other handheld weapons - They don't have generators powerful enough to supply them with the constant ammo they'd need, so instead their users carry clips with them).
LegoLad659 said:
The Starcutter isn't really equipped with land vehicles... Just the starfighters and shuttles to take crew planetside, or into space stations. Though I suppose that means it could benefit from some heavy weaponry, just keep in mind that the tank that they bring is the only one that they've got - Jared's not going to pay for replacements.
I have a question, though - How old is the tank they'll be piloting? Most recent heavy vehicles are equipped with heavy pulse cannons, and a lot of systems nowadays are self-reloading. Kinetic weapons are still useful, mind you, they're just the ones that require manual reloading since the system can't generate its ammunition on its own (Aside from assault rifles and other handheld weapons - They don't have generators powerful enough to supply them with the constant ammo they'd need, so instead their users carry clips with them).
(I suppose that if it's just one vehicle, it could be some sort of APC for expeditionary purposes.)

LegoLad659 said:
The Starcutter isn't really equipped with land vehicles... Just the starfighters and shuttles to take crew planetside, or into space stations. Though I suppose that means it could benefit from some heavy weaponry, just keep in mind that the tank that they bring is the only one that they've got - Jared's not going to pay for replacements.
I have a question, though - How old is the tank they'll be piloting? Most recent heavy vehicles are equipped with heavy pulse cannons, and a lot of systems nowadays are self-reloading. Kinetic weapons are still useful, mind you, they're just the ones that require manual reloading since the system can't generate its ammunition on its own (Aside from assault rifles and other handheld weapons - They don't have generators powerful enough to supply them with the constant ammo they'd need, so instead their users carry clips with them).
(And I believe that it is a sort of mass driver on top, specifically built for all round purpose. Different shells, different ammunition.)
Arty said:
(I suppose that if it's just one vehicle, it could be some sort of APC for expeditionary purposes.)
Arty said:
(And I believe that it is a sort of mass driver on top, specifically built for all round purpose. Different shells, different ammunition.)
All I'm really asking is if the tank is old enough to still use kinetic ammo, which requires manual reloading. What you use it for afterwards is up to you xD I assume that the mention of different types of shells means yes?

LegoLad659 said:
All I'm really asking is if the tank is old enough to still use kinetic ammo, which requires manual reloading. What you use it for afterwards is up to you xD I assume that the mention of different types of shells means yes?
Yeah... It is actually... old enough. Don't laugh
LegoLad659 said:
I'm not, don't worry ( :) ) Other crew members might not take it as seriously, though.
Your characters are accepted. We'll have the other Federation starship involved in this battle be carrying your characters and vehicle. They'll be transferred to the Starcutter after the battle's over.
LegoLad659 said:
I'm not, don't worry ( :) ) Other crew members might not take it as seriously, though.
Until the treads of the things start to roll over them, they laugh... :D
LegoLad659 said:
Your characters are accepted. We'll have the other Federation starship involved in this battle be carrying your characters and vehicle. They'll be transferred to the Starcutter after the battle's over.
I see. How big is the max. size?


...?Pizuya Ishgria?...



Race & Racial Traits, if applicable

Appears as an experimented human


Note: She has no tan.

Mind Broken

After human acceptance


Quite cold and serious and would accept being lower than a human due to her mind being broken. If she accepts the fact she's human, she could be a little cute sometimes. And cut her hair while braiding a strip of her hair


A daughter of an insane scientist who soon later used her when he ran out of test subject. She was called his 'masterpiece' and his final experiment as bandits found them and killed the scientist but not Ishgria being well hidden from sight.

Born without a left arm, and always told her dad that one of her wishes were to have a left arm. Once she completely mind broken and became a test subject, her dad gave her the arm she wanted. Not exactly. This arm seemed more like a weapon than a harmless arm. Once she was discovered by the military, they thought of her being a robot seeing a human-like body structure with a arm not covered in flesh. They branded her as military property and as a security weapon and/or bodyguard.


Military Property - Security 'Drone'


Expert Swordsmanship / Fast and nimble speed / High-Jumping

Arm melee || The metallic claw being sharp to just claw at anything and the arm being very strong and durable which can also pack a punch. Or ram through objects as her arm is used as a flat surface to ram against targets.

Flame || Gasoline stored in her arm is used for flamethrowers and heating up projectiles she grabs before inserting into the arm through the hole in the palm of it and then shooting it out as it is ablaze or just set her claw a blaze as she scratches and punches

Note: This will cause a feature to her arm called Overheat where if she uses flame attacks too much, the arm will overheat. While her arm is on Overheat, she can cause extra damage but also harm herself

Fire Blade || When she heats up her palm in the robotic arm and then coats her sword with it which soon catches a blaze and in a certain duration of time, she can swing waves of fire at her enemies.

Preferred Equipment

Her Crafted Sword

and her Arm.

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HimeragiSeiker said:


...?Ishgria Seiker?...



Race & Racial Traits, if applicable

Appears as an experimented human


Note: She has no tan.

Mind Broken

After human acceptance


Quite cold and serious and would accept being lower than a human due to her mind being broken. If she accepts the fact she's human, she could be a little cute sometimes. And cut her hair while braiding a strip of her hair


A daughter of an insane scientist who soon later used her when he ran out of test subject. She was called his 'masterpiece' and his final experiment as bandits found them and killed the scientist but not Ishgria being well hidden from sight.

Born without a left arm, and always told her dad that one of her wishes were to have a left arm. Once she completely mind broken and became a test subject, her dad gave her the arm she wanted. Not exactly. This arm seemed more like a weapon than a harmless arm. Once she was discovered by the military, they thought of her being a robot seeing a human-like body structure with a arm not covered in flesh. They branded her as military property and as a security weapon and/or bodyguard.


Military Property - Security 'Drone'


Expert Swordsmanship / Fast and nimble speed / High-Jumping

Arm melee || The metallic claw being sharp to just claw at anything and the arm being very strong and durable which can also pack a punch. Or ram through objects as her arm is used as a flat surface to ram against targets.

Flame || Gasoline stored in her arm is used for flamethrowers and heating up projectiles she grabs before inserting into the arm through the hole in the palm of it and then shooting it out as it is ablaze or just set her claw a blaze as she scratches and punches

Note: This will cause a feature to her arm called Overheat where if she uses flame attacks too much, the arm will overheat. While her arm is on Overheat, she can cause extra damage but also harm herself

Fire Blade || When she heats up her palm in the robotic arm and then coats her sword with it which soon catches a blaze and in a certain duration of time, she can swing waves of fire at her enemies.

Preferred Equipment

Her Crafted Sword

and her Arm.

We'll send her to the Starcutter once the battle's over ( :) )

(Hurry up @Vespertide (' :) ) I can't keep them at bay for too long)

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