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Futuristic The Zelrian War

Guess I might as well throw mine into the mix;

Asane Naki



Racial Traits:
Subrace of human which is as is, athletic, Nekomimi's have a heightened ability in their dexterity and general atheletics. Capable of movements, acrobatics, and being flexible which known of usually only citizens that spend their time mastering gymnastics, comes natural. Sleight of hand is almost an understatement had it not been such a general and over-encompassing term.




Not to bring the whole stereotypical "upbeat and exciting catgirl" to the crew, but one with actual maturity if even a bit vulgar and outwards with her actions, which tend to be part of her plans that she becomes quite adamant about. That being said, who doesn't love a girl that brings a wide smile to the face of the crew most of the time? At least when usually that face in combat is one of sternness and in contrast, almost fear-inducing seriousness.


Galatic federation this, galactic federation that. She never cared what it stood for or what it meant; she was too busy training to survive after being born into a family that ran a mercenary group out in the far reaches of space that was too busy trying to survive and make a name for themselves in a time of civil war on their planet. Which to add, only had sand dunes to block out the hot and raging suns of the binary star system they were unlucky enough to be stranded for decades because of a colony ship that had a little bit more than an 'infestation' of parasites that ate anything if it hadn't already mated with it first; which had hit the pilots and navigators first. That's the history of history however and is a story for another time, being this is about Asane, not about their ship the Gilgamesh.

But as to continue, Asane was born into the family that ran the group of mercenaries that she was forced into. By the time she could walk, she learned had to hold a rifle. She made any child soldier think to themselves how lucky they were to actually get a few years into their life before being enlisted. Luckily, she was only drilled year after year until she hit the double digits; and on the dot. Her tenth birthday the camp she stayed in was attacked. Now this isn't a sob story, even though her parents didn't make it out. They weren't the best parents you could imagine, so despite being blood, Asane couldn't give less of a damn if she tried. However, the pent up anger and depression of her life being run into the ground by the drill sergeant that every single resident of the camp was, this was a nice excuse to let out some of this careless anger. Not only was the attack on the camp, minus her parents, a complete and utter failure, she herself did a large chunk of the losses. On both sides. It was a failure on the enemies, who aren't named out of laziness, but only because Asane made sure the name was so tarnished it was forgotten by all, even her, as if it was just another fly that buzzed by her eye, that she snatched with her hand and crushed. On her side of things, this was a time to get revenge on all. Had she been older she would've understand that they only did what they had to, because thats how they lived, and Asane had to match up with everyone else; but at the time, she wasn't capable of those thoughts.

Now, what is a ten year old to do in the middle of a desert, on a planet that only knows one season; "Blazing Hot", and in the middle of a civil war? What else than ditch the robes, binds, and gauze used to cover themselves that would make a tusken raider straight out of star wars say that they're dressing a bit prudish, and make her own outfit that more suitably comforted her races appearance and traits to be a bit more athletic? That being said, that was around the same time she hit puberty, she still wandered the wastes being a bit short of a mercenary for a few years donning the bloody robes of her fallen. Again, hearing anything about the galactic federation, she couldnt care less about; until they picked up on this little civil war this planet was having and in an attempt of 'peace' pretty much forced both sides to either shut up or nut up, because they waltzed their forces straight onto the planets surface and showed everyone even hover tanks can leave treadmarks on flags. Stage a couple of guriella tactics against the 'feds for a couple of years, and by the time she was twenty three she was shoved into the slammer stammering on the lines between execution and life in the equivalent of 'space jail', until the head of staff for hiring people got lazy when he noticed the starcutter still had a space missing for anyone that actually knew how to run a weapons system, and picked the most skilled person right out of jail and gave them the option. They declined. Then it went to Asane, who saw it as a way of a new payroll plus a way to survive. Priorities, people.

Chief of Weapons and Weapons Systems

Anything you'd think a Mercenary turned Weapons Chief would have; a wide range in different types of small arms firearms, whether kinetic or laser, as well as the ability to run and upkeep large armed ordnance and artillary.

Preferred Equipment:
If considered outdated even so; her two Colt pistols that were passed down from her family after procuring them through means unknown. Whether stolen from a military museum or found out in the middle of nowhere, where perhaps a battle once took; the means justified by the end, she will guard them with her life.
Facethelight said:
Would this perhaps still be open to new applicants?
Yep, we're always going to be open ( :) ) The shuttle's in bay 2, and the Starcutter hasn't left the station yet, so go ahead and hop in.

Or pounce, as the case may be. Take your pick ( :P )
@LegoLad659 Since you're always open............... I was wondering if I could join in with two characters... despite the fact that the Starcutter is already in Tetralight speed to a combat zone

I already know how I'd work my characters in, being aboard from a shuttle delivery before the latest shuttle, if that makes sense? Meaning they would have had some time as a part of the crew already.
Advent Azure] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15047-legolad659/ said:
@LegoLad659[/URL] Since you're always open............... I was wondering if I could join in with two characters... despite the fact that the Starcutter is already in Tetralight speed to a combat zone
I already know how I'd work my characters in, being aboard from a shuttle delivery before the latest shuttle, if that makes sense? Meaning they would have had some time as a part of the crew already.
Yep, that's fine ( :) ) Just post your characters and I'll take a look at them.
  • Name: Milia Starhock

    Age: 24

    Race: Human


    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c93858457_MiliaVerne.jpg.5002ddd145a63a97863497d1cd48d658.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119104" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c93858457_MiliaVerne.jpg.5002ddd145a63a97863497d1cd48d658.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Personality: Milia is a snarky, clever, and determined girl. She's not the easiest to get along with and tends to poke jabs at other's personal issues, but is friendly nonetheless. If you can get past her intentional annoyance's she's manageable as a friend, and reliable as your mock 'big sister' with vigor to boot. Besides all that, self-interest drives her as well

    Backstory: Milia was born into a Military family, and as such was giving an upbringing revolved around eventually enlisting to fight in the Zelrian War. As a result, much of her early childhood was spent training, to the best of her ability to find her talents, not to monstrous lengths mind you. Despite what her family had hoped, her talents as a combatant were nowhere to be found. When it came down to it, the position she held the most aptitude was her piloting skills, which were rather average. From that, she grew stronger and more capable, hard work pushing her further than her lack of talent would otherwise suggest. The end result developed her towards being a compitant soldier, formidable both in the sky, space, and land, and from this, came her pride as a soldier.

    The time not spent honing her skills was used to be with her childhood friend, Azure. She found herself able to work harder when she had someone to impress, which was easy for his standards. From this developed a sort of 'big sister' attitude, looking out for Azure whenever trouble was hanging out with him, if she herself could not be considered trouble at the same time.

    A few years before joining the Starcutter, her parents ended up dying while on a mission that ended up going badly, sealing her mindset on wanting to dedicate the Military as a part of her life. She's been aboard the Starcutter for a while now as a crew member, and dragged Azure along with her

    Position: Starfighter Pilot/Reconnesence

    Skills: Somewhat Adept at piloting Starfighters, and Infiltration. Better at strategy than head on confrontations on land

    Preferred Equipment: Stolen Zelrian Saber, Standard-Issue Plasma Assault Rifle, and Starfighters.



  • Milia Verne.jpg
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[QUOTE="Advent Azure]
  • Name: Milia Starhock
    Age: 24

    Race: Human


    View attachment 265120

    Personality: Milia is a snarky, clever, and determined girl. She's not the easiest to get along with and tends to poke jabs at other's personal issues, but is friendly nonetheless. If you can get past her intentional annoyance's she's manageable as a friend, and reliable as your mock 'big sister' with vigor to boot. Besides all that, self-interest drives her as well

    Backstory: Milia was born into a Military family, and as such was giving an upbringing revolved around eventually enlisting to fight in the Zelrian War. As a result, much of her early childhood was spent training, to the best of her ability to find her talents, not to monstrous lengths mind you. Despite what her family had hoped, her talents as a combatant were nowhere to be found. When it came down to it, the position she held the most aptitude was her piloting skills, which were rather average. From that, she grew stronger and more capable, hard work pushing her further than her lack of talent would otherwise suggest. The end result developed her towards being a compitant soldier, formidable both in the sky, space, and land, and from this, came her pride as a soldier.

    The time not spent honing her skills was used to be with her childhood friend, Azure. She found herself able to work harder when she had someone to impress, which was easy for his standards. From this developed a sort of 'big sister' attitude, looking out for Azure whenever trouble was hanging out with him, if she herself could not be considered trouble at the same time.

    A few years before joining the Starcutter, her parents ended up dying while on a mission that ended up going badly, sealing her mindset on wanting to dedicate the Military as a part of her life. She's been aboard the Starcutter for a while now as a crew member, and dragged Azure along with her

    Position: Starfighter Pilot/Reconnesence

    Skills: Somewhat Adept at piloting Starfighters, and Infiltration. Better at strategy than head on confrontations on land

    Preferred Equipment: Stolen Zelrian Saber, Standard-Issue Plasma Assault Rifle, and Starfighters.

Looks good ( :) ) You can have Milia be on her way to the fighter bay, and Azure in engineering with Larkinson and Ryder.
Name: Taylor

Age 18

Race & Racial Traits, if applicable: Human

Appearance: long brown hair, female, standing at 5'7", fairly skinned bright blue eyes. She has black armor, which resists the severity of burns from lasers and is bulletproof.

Personality Quiet, quick to get the job done, willing to sacrifice herself over her friends

Backstory: She was a fighter pilot, enlisted right before a small skrimrish that broke out between the hum ans and Zelrians. It resulted in a stalemate, and she got a promotion to fighter squadron based on her efforts. Her ship was shot in the wing to save another ship that was critically injured. After getting shot, the squadron pulled out of the area to retreat to the USS Firefly. From there, she got reassigned to the USS Starcutter.

Position Fighter squadron commander

Skills: Leader-like, quick reflexes, knows parkour for ground combat, agile, and fast.

Preferred Equipment: She has a laser rifle that she carries around, usually stored in her cockpit in case she needs to board enemy ships.
TeaMMatE11 said:
Name: Taylor
Age 18

Race & Racial Traits, if applicable: Human

Appearance: long brown hair, female, standing at 5'7", fairly skinned bright blue eyes. She has black armor, which resists the severity of burns from lasers and is bulletproof.

Personality Quiet, quick to get the job done, willing to sacrifice herself over her friends

Backstory: She was a fighter pilot, enlisted right before a small skrimrish that broke out between the hum ans and Zelrians. It resulted in a stalemate, and she got a promotion to fighter squadron based on her efforts. Her ship was shot in the wing to save another ship that was critically injured. After getting shot, the squadron pulled out of the area to retreat to the USS Firefly. From there, she got reassigned to the USS Starcutter.

Position Fighter squadron commander

Skills: Leader-like, quick reflexes, knows parkour for ground combat, agile, and fast.

Preferred Equipment: She has a laser rifle that she carries around, usually stored in her cockpit in case she needs to board enemy ships.
Looks pretty good ( :) ) Are you planning on having her arrive after this battle, or will she already be in the fight?
LegoLad659 said:
Looks pretty good ( :) ) Are you planning on having her arrive after this battle, or will she already be in the fight?
Battle is over, I'll have her fly over from Firefly to Starcutter on my first post.
TeaMMatE11 said:
Battle is over, I'll have her fly over from Firefly to Starcutter on my first post.
Alright. We can have the Firefly be one of the friendly cruisers, then. How about that?
Name: Aron Nelson

Age: 18

Race & Racial Traits, if applicable: Human

Appearance: Has long brown hair and bright green eyes. Wears a cloak and wears combat boots.

Personality: Suspicious and accusing. Often likes to hide.

Backstory: When he was younger his colony was attacked where everyone he knew died. Has vowed to get revenge. He has a record for violence with anyone who attacks him.

Position: Scout

Skills: Stealth and is able to disguise as enemy's is a self trained survivalist.

Preferred Equipment: Rations. A short range assault rifle just in case. A handgun. A tactical knife that is balanced to be thrown. '

Stuff for scouting planets:
Drawing tools for mapping out what he scouts and recording wildlife and fauna. Large backpack. Camping gear. Tools to survive.
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LocoBlock said:
Name: Aron Nelson
Age: 18

Race & Racial Traits, if applicable: Human

Appearance: Has long brown hair and bright green eyes. Wears a cloak and wears combat boots.

Personality: Suspicious and accusing. Often likes to hide.

Backstory: When he was younger his colony was attacked where everyone he knew died. Has vowed to get revenge. He has a record for violence with anyone who attacks him.

Position: Scout

Skills: Stealth and is able to disguise as enemy's is a self trained survivalist.

Preferred Equipment: Camping gear. Tools to survive. Rations. A long range sniper rifle that is magazine loaded with ballistic or armor piercing rounds. A handgun. A tactical knife that is balanced to be thrown. Drawing tools for mapping out what he scouts and recording wildlife and fauna. Large backpack.
He looks mostly okay, I just have one problem with it. Isn't a sniper rifle a bit big of a weapon for a scout, especially considering all the other, likely heavy, stuff he's carrying with him?
LegoLad659 said:
He looks mostly okay, I just have one problem with it. Isn't a sniper rifle a bit big of a weapon for a scout, especially considering all the other, likely heavy, stuff he's carrying with him?
Its the future don't you think carrying technology would be better also hes being dropped in the middle of no where from a ship where his supplys are carried.
LocoBlock said:
Its the future don't you think carrying technology would be better
Future or not, we can't defy the laws of physics. Stuff is heavy. You can't carry too much.

LocoBlock said:
also hes being dropped in the middle of no where from a ship where his supplys are carried.
He still has to be able to scout. It's difficult to do that when you're carrying a heavy load. With all of this stuff, most of the soldiers themselves would be faster than him.
LegoLad659 said:
Future or not, we can't defy the laws of physics. Stuff is heavy. You can't carry too much.
He still has to be able to scout. It's difficult to do that when you're carrying a heavy load. With all of this stuff, most of the soldiers themselves would be faster than him.
Ok Ill change it for that stuff to be when he is scouting out a new planet.
LocoBlock said:
Ok Ill change it for that stuff to be when he is scouting out a new planet.
That's reasonable, I guess. Just remove the sniper rifle after that, and we should be good. The pistol and the knife are good enough weapons.
LegoLad659 said:
That's reasonable, I guess. Just remove the sniper rifle after that, and we should be good. The pistol and the knife are good enough weapons.
Can I please keep the sniper rifle with what I changed it to.
LocoBlock said:
Can I please keep the sniper rifle with what I changed it to.
If you can sufficiently answer why a scout would need a long-range sniper rifle that a laser pistol wouldn't solve as well. As a scout, he's not going to be sent into battle, or into any position where he would be able to use it. Any sniping job that needs to be done, Jared has every intention of doing himself.
LegoLad659 said:
If you can sufficiently answer why a scout would need a long-range sniper rifle that a laser pistol wouldn't solve as well. As a scout, he's not going to be sent into battle, or into any position where he would be able to use it. Any sniping job that needs to be done, Jared has every intention of doing himself.
But can I have more than a handgun?

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