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Fantasy The Worlds End


The First Iron Warrior
The end of days is not yet here, yet the world is on the brink of Armageddon angels banished from heaven with Lucifer have stuck out onto the earth in human form to sway Mankind to the darkness. Angels sent from God have come to save the souls of Gods children. A war is about to unfold, not on the fields of battle, but in the hearts and souls of man. These are dark time we live in, Angels, Demons, Humans, and even the Banished fight for the fate of humanity.

This can go any way you guys want to although i want there to be some conflict and clasking not only of warriors but ideals, not only are the souls of Man at stake, The fate of Angels and Demons alike will be made. Will God cast the Demons back to hell? or will Lucifer and his army Topple God from his throne? or will the strength and will of Man deny both their Victory

In the begging there were Angels and God, and then God made man. Lucifer did not agree with his fathers plan for mankind, that being they would have to suffer trials and tribulations in order to be found worthy of entering into the kingdom of heaven. The father dismissed his sons notions for peace and enlightenment, so Lucifer rallied those that were like minded and waged a war upon god for the fate of humanity. In the end Lucifer failed, and those that fought along side him were banished from paradise. fast forward and the world has changed greatly, demons and angels fight each other in a covert war to win over the souls of mankind.

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I walked the ever bustling streets of New York City, a city lost to time, yet still building. None alive to this day remember those that died to make the underground rail systems, the sewer tunnels, the foundations for the many towering sky scrapers. I look up above me and see those Goliaths of steel and human will, looking down upon their creators, judging them as lame children in comparison to their majesty and might. These towers would long outlast the simple and short lives of mankind, watching as generations walk beneath there feet still they stand the test of time. I continued my walk down the bustling street, passing people of all walks and creeds living in the same world, fighting the same problems, yet none of them able to see anything other then their own plight, this is their one and only downfall. I have watched these creatures walk the earth for eons, before there was an America, before Britain, before Egypt, before Babylon. I would seem rather foolish to most others when they saw this seeming normal man quizzically looking towards the heavens seemingly lost in himself. I always questioned everything that came before me and such was my nature that bore me my black wings. I made my choice a long time ago, and only now eons later would that choice finally come back full circle, only here near the end. Angels and Demons both have tried to sway me over to their cause, by peace or war they both have tried to appeal to my more human nature, and that of my angelic origin. Angels and Demons walked in the flesh of men more now then ever, and this further proved to me that they were both preparing for the end.
She watched him from an impossible distance, between the highest of heavens and the mortal realm. He was in one of their greatest cities again it seemed, like always, too eager to remain at the forefront of of humanity, if only to defend them. Quite foolish, the notion was, for one thought to be the angel of death, the youngest of the Seraphim, to be both banished and in one last act of rebellion, keep humanity from that he was supposed to bring. Yet, it was the one act of foolishness she did not correct all these eons. Not once did she make herself known to him, even before he fell from Heaven.Yes she watched others of her kin, other fallen and other demons speak with him, trying to pull him into the war she was so tired of fighting in, but not once did she come down and speak to him herself. That would soon change, the end is upon us and if all the angels are to return to heaven, I have to go down there myself She thought before spreading her wings. "All Powers still in Heaven, guard the scribe. I will join the fight myself."
Lyssanna Gray loved this time of day. No professor giving her assignments, no boss to order her around, no idiot trying to bother her for some idiotic reason! Most of all she loved to look up at the sky and the tall skyscrapers that reached up to touch it. Unfortunately that sky looked like it was about to rain at the moment which made Lysa unwillingly gain speed. Her leisurely stroll burst into a full on run to a diner in order to beat the rain. "Gray! You're early." He pointed towards the employee changing room. "Get dressed and get to work."

Lysa opened her mouth to argue but shut it just as quickly, she had been hoping to get some studying done before waitressing. "Working outside my normal hours should be considered overtime and get me paid accordingly."

Her boss let out a bellow of a laugh. "Just be lucky you even have this job to pay you."With that Lysa went to the back, got dressed, exchanged her glasses for contacts, and emerged ready to take orders.

I watched as the likeness of demons walked in the flesh of men and stalked them, swaying them to the darkness. I watched as pair of them walked into a dinner, what their twisted purpose was, I don't know. The rain thundered down on what would otherwise be a bright day in the sun. I walked into the Dinner after them and saw as they ordered their meal from a quite beautiful young lady. Demons always had an eye for the more beautiful of people, seeing them as gods gifts, they wanted to bring them as low as they were. It was rare, but increasingly so that I didnt recognize demons, which means that human souls that went to hell were staring to become demons themselves. The fact of this matter shocked me for just a moment. I decided to take my place at a booth in the corner so I could keep an eye on the demons.
She sighed, entering the diner unnoticed, just after the one she tailed, right before the rain started to fall. Seating herself in one of the more secluded tables, she watched as he scanned the room. Quickly following his eyes, it was no surprise that she saw a pair of demons he was particularly interested in, aside from a few other demons and angels content to watch the action from the silence. She smiled to herself, in every war there had to be carrion, and that would always attract the scavengers. He's getting sloppy She noted when it looked like he was completely oblivious to the rest watching him. She simply waited in her area, knowing if she had a chance of talking to him, she needed no other aware of the situation in the room
"Are you ready to take up our offer Ms. Gray? One of the pair of business asked her. It was strange. Exactly three days they were back and sitting in the same booth. Four o'clock, down to the precise second of when they were there last.

"Well they're punctual, I'll give 'em that." Lysa thought to herself. She kept her polite waitress's smile on her face despite how creeped out she was by them. "I'm sorry sirs but I'm currently working now and not your waitress for the afternoon." She walked away as if they were just regular customers and they didn't unnerve her in the slightest. "Let Charlie deal with them, they're in his section anyways. But seriously! Who tries to hirer an undergrad student who hasn't even finished their last semester yet?!" She had of course heard of miracle stories like the one that was potentially happening to her, but those only ever happened on tv and Lysa knew that she would only ever get anywhere by her own hard work. Even if she was at the top of her class, this was too good to be true so honestly, she was a bit skeptical.

After returning from the kitchen with a piping hot order for an elderly couple, Lysa passed a woman and said, "I'll be right with you ma'am." She brought out her pen and notepad to take the order of a man sitting at a booth. "Hello sir! My name is Lyssanna and I will be your waitress for the afternoon. What would you like to drink?"

I looked to the demons and saw that they took a certain interest into this young woman, for whatever reason it might be I wouldnt let them live to see another dawn. At that moment I felt a slightly uneasy feeling that concerned me. I only got this feeling when in the presence of angels. That means if I was in their presence and demons were here as well, this might turn really ugly fast. That is when the younf woman whom the demons had an interest in came to my table and asked me what I would like to drink today. "A Coffee please miss" I said with a genuine smile. There were a lot of people in New York that had forgotten manners and kindness.
Maybe not so sloppy. Seraphiel noted as she quietly drummed her fingers on the table, pulling out a simple pocket book to make herself look busy. Still even if he could sense her presence, he would not do anything to outright endanger the people, the mortals, in the diner. It was his nature to wait for the most opportune moment it seemed. But she would not antagonize him, not yet. It looked like he would take care of the demons, himself, work the other angels won't mind him doing for them. They were in a war after all, and the enemy of the enemy was a friend, or an asset. As long as there was someone powerful enough to put that asset down when they turned into a liability.
"One coffee coming right up." She gave him a bright smile to match his. It wasn't all that often people did nice things for a waitress in a diner and his smile just seemed so... genuine. Writing the order down, she made her way to the woman's table. She looked busy as she stared at her pocketbook. "Excuse me. Ma'am? Would you like to order a drink?"
"Oh, just some water." She said with a polite smile, her voice ringing with contentment. It would have been more noticeable if she did not remind herself to speak normally, as a mortal would. Throughout creation, there was no doubt that a Seraph would recognize the voice of another, especially when the one speaking was known to be the constant companion of the Scribe. "No ice, if you don't mind, sweetie." She added in an almost motherly tone, like when speaking to the Putti in the gardens of cloud.
"Water. No ice, no problem." Lyssanna scribbled it down on her notepad with a smile and made her way to the kitchens with a few other orders for drinks. Soon she came back out with a tray full of beverages for several tables. Lysa weaved through the diner making sure that each customer got their order. When she made her way back to the booth table, she set the man's coffee down along with several cream and sugar packets for his optional taking. With the tray under her arm and her notepad and pen out she asked, "Have you decided on what you're having to eat?"

it took a little bit but eventually the young woman came back to my table and gave me my coffee. Keeping a close eye on the demons I still couldnt shake this feeling that I was being watched. If the angel, or worse angels, were watching me and had not attacked yet or made their intentions clear, then it was most likely that they were not meaning me harm. That aside it still bothered me greatly that I was being watched and I did not know why yet. "Biscuits and gray please" I said with a smile once more. Demons stalking their pray in the middle of the day was not a good sign. that along with an angel nearby and not taking action might be equally so.
She turned another page with feigned nonchalance as he eyes alternated lazily between the pair of demons that seemed after the girl and the angel she was originally observing. It was a chain in seemed, the girl was being tailed by the demons and the demons by the angel. The rest of the angels and demons in the room were ignoring the three outright, afraid of the consequences of being caught in the crossfire. It seemed that even if he didn't know of the scavengers, they knew of hi, The demons are self explanatory, some banished are loosely affiliated with both parties most of the time, but why the girl? She wondered as she scanned the page before turning it once more. Things will be explained in due time, all I have to do is wait.
"Coming right up." Lyssanna flashed him another smile and went back to the kitchens with his order. When she returned, she received a strange feeling, like someone was watching her. She looked around for whomever was making the hair on her neck stand up on a reflex. Quick as a whip, Lysa turned her head to double check what she saw. Instead of seeing the impossible, she was met with a smile from one of the two business men. She turned her head back and made her way towards the woman with the pocketbook as if nothing happened. "Hello there ma'am." She said just as she made it near the table and brought out her pen and notepad. "What can I get you get you today?"
"Get me a stack of Vermont, drag one through Wisconsin and a bucket of cold mud." She said with an amused smile, quickly glancing at the demons before the girl got to the table. She had been wanting to try speaking to the locals in their own language, now following the banished one, it presented the perfect opportunity. Still, she needed the girl the the kitchen as soon as possible, hence the longer order. She needed time, and this was the perfect way to get it, buying it quite literally. It looked like whatever the demons were up to, they were going to execute it now, and she did not want to obliterate them, not in front of the fallen, or so many witnesses. Not just yet.
"Get me a stack of Vermont, drag one through Wisconsin and a bucket of cold mud." Lyssanna looked at the customer strangely for a second before remember herself and putting on her waitress's smile. It wasn't very often that a non-regular knew diner slang. She quickly wrote the order for the stack of pancakes down and made her way to the kitchens.

It would seem that the feeling was still there at the back of my mind. I looked the young waitress and saw a woman who spoke like she was from the area but didn't dress like it. The order sent her once again into the back, which wouldn't have concerned me, but it seemed like those that I had been tailing were getting impatient. The restrooms were in a little hall way, which if I went towards the restrooms I would have an opportunity to be closer to them and if they chose this moment to strike I will be there when it happens. I stood up from the table and started my way slowly towards the restrooms, as if it were just on cue the demons stood up as well. They made their way right for the kitchen directly after the waitress. I quickened my pace to catch up to them before they could do much damage. It took me only five seconds to reach the kitchen just after they did, but right before opening the kitchen door I heard a commotion from the kitchen.
"Excuse me sirs, but you can't come back here." Normally Lyssanna wouldn't even have bothered paying attention to the conversation as she wasn't one for drama, but something made her turn around. "Do you need something?" It was the two businessmen from before. Jeez they creeped her out. The feeling that she had earlier was back but more intense and starting to give her a headache. As they got closer the pain flared up all of a sudden, making the coffee pot she was holding drop to the ground. Dizzy and in pain, Lysa soon followed it.
She was worried. They had followed the girl in. The fallen one followed soon after. Something was coming, something bad, something dark. A battle, maybe. Possession, there were two of them, yeah sure Legion happened, but still. That does not happen like that, not anymore. She was patient, yes, she would wait. But after the sound of the pot impossibly faint reaching her ears and a thud that soon followed it she knew something was happening. She felt it. Demonic energy, they were acting as she did nothing. Still she needed a reason to get in the kitchen without being conspicuous, or overly obvious. She just needed to use her power just a bit and... there. She walked to the kitchen leisurely soon after.

The demons were almost on top of her in those five seconds as I turned the corner. In an instant my wings were out and I had used them to bost into the demons knocking them over before almost any damage could be done. I turned towards the door and saw the woman from a few seats back was there at the door. The angel. He had one of them pinned beneath them as it spat curses at him. "Quite fiend" I harshly whispered into his ear. "Or I will make you want to go back to the pit."

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"Um, I'll come back later then. Maybe Steven could wait a few more minutes" She said as awkwardly as possible, as she made her way back to her seat, visibly shaken. It was the perfect ploy. She now knew the name of the owner, and with her power, suggested that they had been friends from a while back. She looked almost scared when she saw the quick scuffle, convincingly enough so that the fallen might think that she was just there to greet the owner of the establishment. And her wings weren't out, another point for her. From the single awkward glance she had of the situation, it looked like the fallen had the demons under control anyway. She would just have to wait a bit longer.
Lyssanna opened her eyes to a view of the kitchens that she only had when she dropped her glasses that one time. Her head was swimming, but she felt pain first and foremost. Pain in her head, pain in her arms... "Wait... My arms?" The return of her hearing came next as at first it was a dim ringing, but then heightened to the panic of her co-workers. Lysa tried to sit up and as she did, she noticed shards of the shattered coffee pot sticking out of her arms.

What was me originally pinning the demon beneath me soon turned into a fist fight with both of them. Having to put myself inbetween them and her I faught them to a stalemate, that is until they knocked me over to get at her. The police were most likely going to be here soon and I didn't need to be here when they did. This is also the first time I saw her in her condition, her arms were bleeding quite a bit and I needed to end this fight now. They picked her up and started to run for the back door, wings out ready to fly. I was not going to let them get away that easily. Once they were outside they started to fly, their now near leathery bat like wings taking them further away. I unleashed my own wings with as much force as I could to catch up to them. I was far faster then them, either that or they wernt expecting me to follow. I plowed into the first one and made him drop her, following that I took my knife and slashed giant tears into his wings so he couldn't follow me. I dived down to catch her just before she hit the ground. I stood there holding her for a while in the alley so the demons wouldn't spot us from up high. I slowly grazed my hand from her shoulder to where the galss was. "I am so very sorry about all of that" was all I could say as I healed her wounds and glass fell to the paved alleyway.

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"Well that was a waste of time." Seraphiel said with finality as she heard the last of the commotion exit the two doors. It was like time stopped when she strolled out, looking at the area the trio fled to, in the middle of the day too. She unfurled her wings and took to the sky, the second sun only visible to her, she needed to keep her identity secret for the time being after all. She watched with pride as a seraph despatched the two demosn easily, with a kings of all things, but still there was work to do. The demons still lived, not for long. Her light was made visible to them and them alone, golden eyes staring into the pitch black darkness. These were demons, never angels like the banished or the truly fallen like her brother and the lords of hell, still she would give them the chance. "Do you wish to receive salvation?" She asked evenly, already knowing the answer. They roads in defiance, the signal for a wave of light to crush them totally, not even banishing them back to the pit but obliterating them with heaven's light. Now there was a girl to get to. "We have much to discuss" she said evenly as she flapped her wings, sending her to the alleyway almost instantly, to stand before the girl and the fallen in all her glory. "Angel of Death, and child of the Nephilim."

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