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Fantasy The Worlds End


My attention had not been the angel that landed in our company soon after I had escaped, it had been on the young woman in my arms. Taking a glance over to the ever so righteous angel I simply nodded "Lorgar, first of the seraphim" his words were all he was going to do to stand on tradition. He then turned his head to the woman, now healed. "I am again horribly sorry about all of that, are you ok?" I was far more worried about this woman then the angel, angels were always so lofty and above all others. The titles I hated, the father is nothing more then a tyrant. Lucifer was driven to madness and now he is as well, neither would ever get my support.

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"First?" Seraphiel asked as if she heard a joke. She was there when he was made, when that fallen angel first drew breath as a Seraphim, that joyful day now simply the foreshadowing of the inevitable in her eyes. His eyes seemed just a bright as they were the first and last time she saw them, the omen of what was to come. He was more arrogant than she gave him credit for, that was for sure. She was tied for second Seraphim herself, only the Metatron, the Scribe could claim that title, he who would watch creation from beginning to eternity. Even then, they were named after her, SERAPHIEL. She did not bother to correct him this time, it was his nature to think he was above them, that his justice was greater than hers. That was just the way Death worked. But Light was brought into existence when Death was nothing but an illusion. She was just as worried for the girl as well, snapping her fingers and allowing her power to heal any other injury the fallen had missed. And again, she waited.
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"I am so very sorry about all of that." Lyssanna was highly confused about the speed and turn of events. She taken by two creatures that had wings of leather and then rescued by the man in the booth she had been serving. She had to be hallucinating or something as a result of her earlier fall. One good thing came out of this mess though, the pain in her arms was receding. "Is he.. healing me? Yep definitely hallucinating." Lysa's head was still swimming. The "hallucinations" got even stranger as a woman, whom she also had served, destroyed the two creatures. Lysa's head felt a bit better, but not quite peachy yet. "I am again horribly sorry about all of that, are you ok?"

As she nodded in a somewhat lethargic state, convinced she was dreaming, the woman spoke to the man. "First?" Lysa sensed some sort of historic tension between the two.

"The first seraphim to fall" I told the angel, I hadnt even looked at her when I had said it. I wasnt the first or the greatest, but my name once carried weight with it. Durring the beginning days the seraphim stood as the pillars from which the throne was held. The archs were in the lime light, commanding and what not, but it was always the seraphim that held faith in the father higher then even the archs. Imagine their shock when Lorgar, a seraphim took the side of lucifer, those days it was the righteous vs the righteous, and we all lost. The days that followed were dark indeed, Lucifer and all those that followed him were banished to hell, yet I was spared and walked the earth alone. In time, after many eons it seemed, others began to fall from grace, and demons started to take hold in this world, that is when this silent war started. I had set the woman down on her feet for the time being. "I am afraid my dear you are not hallucinating" I said to her as it seemed she was still in a bit of shock from all of what had just happened.
"Even then you are mistaken, that was my brother's mistake and his alone." She sighed as she remembered those days, right before the war. It was peaceful, as peaceful could be, but it was dim. Light was still there, but only hers and the Scribe's shone brightly. It was as if the other Seraphim were gone, each away from heaven, not in the presence of the Throne. Even her brother it seemed, deemed the most beautiful of them was missing. She did not think much of it then, knowing he had his whims and needed time away from her every now and again, a few hours of separation at most. He returned shortly after with a gleam in his eyes. Shortly after they spoke was the first time she fled from him. Those were memories for another time. She would talk to him, but also she needed to talk to the girl. "Yes, he speaks the truth. Your eyes are not lying to you." She offered a bright smile, her voice overflowing with compassion as she spoke.
Lyssanna was pretty sure that either she crazy or they were. She had just hit her head or something! In reality, Lysa knew it was the truth as she ignored seeing things like this almost every day. Though this was the first time she had gotten involved with anything that was part of what she deemed "ignorable". "Okay." Lysa said with and awkward, nervous laughter. "Well that's all very good and all that so I'm going to get back to work now." She turned to leave. "Thanks for the heal by the way." She had caught glimpses of what happened to people when they spent too much time with something that wasn't normal. It usually didn't end up well in her sidelines experience.
"You're going back to the place they tried to take you the first time?" Seraphiel asked, still amazed at some of the foolishness she saw. "Really, sweetie, you're just asking for it. If it wasn't for Lorgar here, you would have been killed, at best. Possessed, dragged down to hell itself, turned into an actual demon, are other worse alternatives to what may have occurred and you insist on returning?" She asked firmly but in a gentle chiding manner. She still cared about the well being of humans, they were after all, still children of the Father. She could not tail her forever, keeping her from harm, but she would at least hide her, or help her if she asked for it.
"And what would you have me do? Not finish my shift and not get my desperately needed paycheck from that," Lysa waved her arm towards the diner trying to think of what to say since she wasn't used to complaining. "Cheapskate, misogynistic pig?" Lysa took a deep breath and ran her hands through her hair to calm herself. "Look lady, I thank you both from the bottom of my heart for helping me out but freak attack or not, I have other things to worry about."
I apologize for now being around, work and sickness has kept me away! But I return! )

The days for Lopa passed one after the other with little to no incidents and little to no contact with any other beings like herself. Which was fine by her, she liked living the mundane illusion of a normal, human life. Hand in the pockets of her denim skirt the blonde female strolled down the pavement, her brown eyes roaming the shop fronts and cafes. Hair twisted to tumble over one shoulder her rucksack was hiked on the other, leather sleeves of her jacket pushed up to her elbows, a cooling pink cotton vest preventing her from sweating too much in the summer’s heat.

Chewing on gum the low ranking angel crossed the road to the stores opposite, and it was in mind-crossing that she heard a distinctive, frantic flapping of wings above her. Stopping in the middle of the busy road she tilted her head back and looked to the skies. She didn’t see anything a moment, but then a dark, winged creature went barrelling by, its wings shredded. Her brow folded, removing her hands from her pockets, ignoring the blasting horns of car as she ran back, following the falling demon.

She knew it was a demon by such a slight sighting. She may be living an average, human life but she had lived far more many years in the supernatural and could tell by the shape of the wings alone that it was a malevolent being. By the time she had located where it had landed she was catching her breath, spotting a spattering of blood around the corner and behind a string of restaurants, and there, she found him. Dressed in a suit and quite handsome, her gaze flitted over those bat-like wings, the rips in them smoothly cut, as if by a blade.

Unexpectedly the creature spun on her with a snarl, his handsome features turning ugly and twisted. Lopa calmly advanced on him just as he did on her, stretching an arm out with a flare of her brilliance in silver light to blind and startle him. Arm outstretched her hand clasped around his throat; a ripple of flames licked down her wrist and engulfed him in a matter of seconds. Giving the demon not a moment to cry out he was turned to ash and reduced to nothing.

The female dusted her hands off, her expression unimpressed. Whoever had taken this demon out had been fast, and strong, but messy in leaving the demon to fall within the city where any moral human could come across it. Head tilting up she’d scan the skies again yet saw no sign of the responsible being. Shifting her bag on her shoulder she’d turn from the alleyway behind the restaurants, spitting out her gum and popping in a fresh strip, chewing a little more viciously than before.
"We'll deal with him when we get back." Seraphiel said snidely, putting more emphasis on the words 'we' as she spoke. She did use her power to... get to know him already, convincing him to do anything else would be child's play. If the Seraphim were known for anything, it was their wings and their voice. "But for now, stay close. We can't have you getting kidnapped on your walk back. Keep in mind Lorgar and I flew here when you were whisked away." She said with a few tone that left no room for argument and authority that could compel even the archangels to heel. "As for you, we need to exchange a few words before we return to the diner." She said evenly, though not less authoritatively, to the other Seraphim.

"We all have our ways" I said to her with a smile, motr confirming what the other she had said about dealing with him. I then looked to his counterpart, and thought to myself how many times through the ages that other angels and demons that wanted to add his own hammer and shield to their side. "Indeed we do, indeed we do." With that I turned towards the young woman again. "Would you mind staying while we talk? Then we will make sure that your boss is... presuaded"

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Lyssanna looked between the two, shrugged her shoulders and simply said, "Whatever." She waited to follow their lead. Lysa could feel the headache's pulse lessen in her temples, but she was still tired of the situation that had occurred. She sighed, looked off to the side, and thought to herself. "At this point I would do anything to get home and work on my physics paper."
"Now that none of us are going anywhere, let's get this over with, do you had any idea what is going on here, why the demons are going after this particular little girl." She asked almost gently when she regarded the fallen angel. "You must have been tailing them for a while since evidence suggests they were tailing her for a few days. Further to the point, what are you going to do about it, things will only get worse since we attacked them when they made a move?"
Lysa's expression went from irritable tiredness to a pale face of worry. "Worse?" Was all she said as she contemplated what that could possibly mean exactly. She didn't want to imagine what could be worse than getting dragged out of the back door of her job to who knows where.
"If they are smart, oh in his madness, my brother has grown crafty," She said with exasperation in her voice, masking the true gravity of the situation. "They will come in force, no longer casting if any know their purpose, maybe even taking or silencing any witnesses. If they do give up on taking you, they will simply end you're life, or one of the worse scenarios I mentioned before. That won't happen sweetie, because even if he leaves you to your fate, which is very very doubtful, you still have me." She gave her a warm smile, her voice as smooth and soothing as a lullaby as she waited for his answer. If they will not unite their strength for the war, they will for this child. At least that is what she hoped.

"What am I going to do?" I said as if ever so slightly surprised that she would ask a question like that. "I am not going back to the throne, I can tell you that much." I looked to her at that moment. "I lost faith and respect for the father eons ago, same with lucifer. If that means I have to fight two armies then so be it. Angels don't fight for mankind they fight for the fathers glory, they fight so the father can continue persecute and judge his greatest and most favored creations, instead of imbracing them all. Lucifer went mad with power but his original cause was just." The entire time I had been talking with my hands motioning to everything. "He wanted to save all of mankind, everyone would know the grace of god, know his face and feel his pressence. The father said no, we will have them suffer, endure hardships and trials so devistating that a majority of them will lose any sort of faith. Then after all of that is said and done instead of trying to sway them back, he let's lucifer have them. The father is a tyrant, and murderer" this was the reason I would never fight for the light or the dark. Neither of them deserved it.

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"You're views aside, Evidence, I was not talking about the war." She rubbed her temples with dainty hands. He was being a bit too presumptuous. The was would come, yes, but the child needed their attention. "I was talking about the wellbeing of this child. I fear for her safety, and since you don't seem to know the reason for their attack, I want to know if you will stay with her long enough to find out or leave her to her fate. To rebut your argument, and aid this current one, I have already relieved her guardian angel, the same kind of angel. EVERY. SINGLE. HUMAN. Has as a LIFELONG PROTECTOR and the only reason mankind isn't in hell already. I will stay in his stead and the Scribe in his place in the heavens. We will debate later, what will you do now?"

"I know what it is they are after, but I am not about to go spouting it off to the likes of your kind." He lookd to the waitress " I will look out for her yes, for they are not done yet" I turned back towards the angel "your work is done here, go back and get your pat on the head if you so chose, doesn't matter to me" I then looked towards the waitress again and motioned towards the dinner that she worked at "shall we?" I asked her not likeing the angels pressence.

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"You make me laugh, Evidence." She knew the moment she called him that the first time, she would never be able to turn back. It was his nature after all, to not know his betters. "I will go where she goes, remember. I have relieved her guardian of his duty, and now it is mine. You think I trust you much more than you trust me? You assume I would leave my charge behind, heavens no!" She took a step forward, looking at him with burning eyes. "I will go where she goes, to ensure she does not fall into darkness but is lead into the light."
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My eyes matched hers in that moment. "You walk your path alone then, for no other guardians will fight like you have. They don't take the fight to their enemy, they let the enemy come to them, and when they do they come in numbers and stirke another angel down. They are winning because angels don't like fighting, they want peace yet are too unwilling to fight for it. There are very few angels like yourself, for that you have a shread of my respect where others have none" with that he turned to walk away. "And if she falls to them, I will rip off your wings."

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"As expected from the most convoluted of paradoxes in creation." She said with a radiant smile as he turned away. By technicality, she did have the light from the wings of the banished, rending them from heaven after Michael made sure they lay on hell's doorstep, defeated. She would not be worthy to wear that light if she was to fall against anyone other than her own brother. Still she would not tell him that since the war began, no angel has fallen, Gabriel and Raphael saw to that, carrying each injured back into the heavens before they were extinguished. Her brother would have to believe true victory before the end of days came to pass. "I will spread them out for you and snuff out their light if it comes to that." She promised, following a pair of steps behind him, satisfied.

I had heard her words and chose to ignore it. He would keep an eye on her, although it seemed like the angel would do her part well enough. I was just getting to turning the corner and a person appeared from almost nowhere and I bumped into them. Shaking it off I stood back up and offered my hand to them "I am sorry about bumping into you" and that was the moment that I noticed that this woman was a fallen angel like myself.

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"Okay. Well alright then." Said Lyssanna feeling a bit awkward having witnessed the little debate between the two angels. She started to step away back to the diner. "So... I'm just gonna go now... " With that she about faced and was met with police sirens flashing in the distance. "Back to the diner that's surrounded by cop cars and scared looking people. Great." Lysa let out an exasperated sigh as she made her way towards the place she was kidnapped from. She thought back to when she was being healed by the angels. "I don't suppose the could magically fix this situation too." Lysa thought as she imagined trying to explain what happened and how she was okay.
Folding the paper from her gum strip with her fingers, her attention was diverted upon the sudden cluster of police cars and onlookers, turning the corner and colliding with another body. She stumbled back on one foot, glancing up with a polite apology on her tongue. However, at first glance she’d see the unmistakeable ‘ness’ or the two angels before her. Within moments she’d make the connection between them and the body she’d just disposed of, the apology turning to a grimace. She paid no attention to the mortal girl stepping around them, only to speak once she'd pass by.

“Was that you?”

She flung an arm back at the alleyway she’d just vacated, then to the cop cars with an accusing glare narrowing her eyes.

“Y’toss a demon down to the earth and leave it there? I had to clear up y’mess y’know!”

Her hands stuffed themselves in her jacket pockets, still frowning Lopa stood there. Although she spoke to the male her attention flitted between him and the female angel behind him, quite fairly tossing the accusing stare upon them both.

“Y’lucky the other mortal’s didn’ come across him first.”

Her shoulders slumped back, cocking her hip to one side too, her posture relaxed and open, even though her eyes were still hard and annoyed.

"My apologies for the mess, and thank you for cleaning it up." Is what I said to her as i offered my hand to her. "We, or at least I am lucky that you happened by when you did." She was quite accustomed to the speech behaviors of the area and might have been here for quite a while, then again in New York you might be a few blocks from a person, yet never see or meet them. "My name is Lorgar" I would keep a weary on the new angel and the waitress to make sure she was doing her job, and that she was safe for the time being.

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