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Fantasy The world of a thousand legends (always open)

Sera's eyes blinked like a camera lens, seeing Aer so flustered. "Cover up...?" She looked down noticing her glances...then blood starting surging through her body once more. She was finally, truly, awake. And it was hard to tell which of the two girls' face was redder. "Hyaaaa!!", Sera cried, hiding herself with her arms and turning around. "Y-you..you saw me..y-you saw..", she muttered out loud, her head sizzling in embarrassment. "Aahhh! What do I dooo! Aer saw my ugly bodyyy...! I'm ruined!" She continued complaining to herself, eventually making herself proper, then glanced at Aer, still red and ashamed.

Sera's reaction she was prepared for, but picked up on a line which stuck in the back of her mind. Did she really think... Aer sighed. Looking back at her, with pink bloom still present on her face, she felt she had to say something to her to break the awkwardness. "You know, if you call your body ugly like that again, I'll have to resort to more than just flattery..." she pointed out, Aer's natural teasing returning to her, though in a kind of subtle manner. Leaning in towards Sera, she put on a smile that only could be considered as sincere, a spur of intuition in her eyes. Quickly, she whispered, "...Besides, I didn't mind the view.", before planting a thoughtful kiss on Sera's rightmost cheek, holding for a good few seconds before pulling back in humble humility.


( :x )
Craggard froze as he saw the marrow stalker. It blended in perfectly with the surroundings, only being betrayed by its electric yellow eyes. He took a very slow step forward, and the stalker did the same. He took another hesitant step, and the stalker mirrored his movements, down to the barely noticeable quiver of his body.

" Just-" Craggard eyed the stalker nervously.

" Don't move..." He whispered. That thing had to get bored eventually. And if it didn't, Craggard could attack it by surprise. He favored the second option. If he tried that, he could not only prove himself to Lecoro but also get bragging rights. And that was unresistable to him. Craggard drew his daggers, trying his best to do it as quietly and subtly as possible. He held the dagger behind his back as he watched the stalker. He felt incredibly unnerved by it.

@Ghost Hunter
"Ahh..!?" Sera sat there, stricken by intense confusion in her mind. 'D-did Aer just..k-k-ki..do that..!? A-and didn't m-mind the...!?..'. Sera's chest felt like her heart was pierced by a barbed and hooked cupid's arrow that wouldn't get free. Her thought process was going haywire. Her body had never been considered anything but an abomination by people that knew her secret, except by her mother and Minnie, which she'd, up to this point, ignored as mere politeness. But, to hear Aer say she'd use other means than flattery to deny that... 'Well, s-she was...staring a bit...maybe..?'

Then Aer's smile...and the ki--she couldn't even think of the word. It made her feel like she was floating in the clouds. Sera placed her hand on her cheek, small tears starting to appear in the corners of her eyes. "You...it..", she skakily started, "..you'll have to do...better than that..to c-convince me!". She was trying very hard to hide her elation, attempting to put up a strong front and standing up with slight inbalance. The moment her words left her mouth, though, she had a feeling that she set herself up for something she may not be able to handle.

Minnie giggled silently to herself. 'Whoa, Aer's words are almost too powerful! Hang in there Sera!'

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It seemed Sera wasn't ready to accept what Aer thought, at least yet. She had to go to a further extreme if she had to get her thoughts through. Sera's expression betrayed her speech, but Aer was seeking to respond to it nonetheless. And without doubt, she knew the most appropriate way to express it at the time. Almost with lightning speed, Aer leaned in with a second wind, sincerity still patterned into her smile as she closed the gap between them, whispering but a few words before anything more; "Well... if you insist~" Aer mused, planting her lips snugly on Sera's, embracing them in loving, delicate execution. Meeting eye-to-eye with the teary-eyed Sera for but a slow moment showed Aer all she needed to know before closing her eyes, focusing on the intimate moment she had put herself in. Aer put all her effort into it. I guess soon will be the best time to tell the truth to her... And perhaps, it was.


(Challenge accepted)
"M-mmhh!? Mmh..!..Nnmm.." She couldn't believe it. Her lips, they came so suddenly and tenderly in contact with her own. No amount of courage Sera could muster would be enough to do the same. She closed her eyes, her tears of embarrassment replaced with tears of happiness in an instant. Sera tightly wrapped her arms around Aer as she returned the kiss with as much passion as she could. Her knees felt like jello, but she held still. Her heart raced like mad, so much that she felt like Aer could hear it. 'Your lips...so soft..! I'm gonna go crazy...Gods, please let this moment last forever..!'

Minnie silently left the tent, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. 'That Aer...so bold...even I felt Sera's heart explode..'


(Challenge succeeded at 1000% completion rate, you get all the prizes!)
Aer kept them there for a good while, embraced in what seemed like endless time as they quietly sent their feelings across from one to another. Sera's magic seemed so calm, it was almost as if its flow had been calmed by the scene at hand. Wrapping her arms around Sera in response to her, she wasn't sure how she would continue after she pulled away - if she even could. But with the will of what seemed to be a thousand, Aer managed to pull away from the memorable embrace, a pant blatant to her departing breath. Her heart, whilst not as fast as Sera's, still beated heavy-handedly in the face of such a pleasure. There was one last thing she had left to say. "Aha...ah... If that wasn't enough for you, I have a... secret I can show you if you really wish... ah... you must promise me to never tell, though... ha..."

Sera whined slightly as their lips parted, wanting it to continue. She was panting for air, and was kind of...aroused...after that. "Hah..hah..a secret...to show..? ha.." Sera's mind tried guessing what it might be, in this kind of situation. One thought led to another, and in her state of arousal, one thing in particular came to mind. "Ah! W-wait...do you mean..? Y-you have a...d-down there..!? N-not that I'm against it! I-I'm just..surprised..hah.." Sera seemed to have already assumed what Aer wanted to say, even if it was completely wrong.


(Honestly, not too many things first come to mind after saying 'a secret to show' in this situation..)
Aer's surprised reaction was immediately apparent. "N-no, not that at all! ..Maybe 'show' wasn't the best way to put it." she stated in quick reaction, trying to think about to word her next sentence very carefully. It was important for a first reaction, after all. After catching a few, deep breaths, Aer took off the odd ring that lay on her left hand, placing it into her own palm. "I mean this ring, and what it symbolizes... I wasn't given this ring, nor did I get it myself. It's not from anyone... but, the world itself..." she explained, rotating the ring in her palm, almost as if reading something on the inside of the ring. Standing with humble pride, Aer placed the ring back on her left, and bowed with a noble aura not present but until that very point. "Allow me to re-introduce myself, Sera. I'm Aer Van Volupa, games extraordinaire, noble woman and... Goddess of Games. It is my greatest pleasure to meet you~"

@Yum222 (Annnd the confession.)
"Hah..? You're...a Goddess..? No way..." Sera once again couldn't believe what was happening. She pinched her cheek. "It's not a dream...but...then, why me..? You..you really love me..?", she wasn't able to believe completely, even after seeing Lukard before. "I always thought gods were like...untouchable people, with angel wings...and..and..." Amidst her rambling, the starting giggling, then outright laughing as she slid to her knees, too wobbly to support herself. She was just laughing, though there didn't seem to be any reason for it.

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She understood Sera's confusion - honestly, the half-elf had little reason to even believe that she was really a Goddess. Aer in her current condition did not really envisage the look of a goddess, considering her mortal appearance at such an early age. Aer wished she had some form of greater being to show Sera, but as with her lack of experience, she did not. Sitting back at Sera's level, she held her own hands in what seemed a conservative manner, in a way that showed that she understood if Sera didn't believe her. "Even gods sometimes start out human, you know. I just happen to be a lot... younger than other gods, like Lukard. Compared to his age, I'm practically a newborn! ...But, it's not as if I can't have such feelings just because of my origin. My feelings are genuine, Sera. Don't forget that." Aer noted, a small pause before a sly smile grew on her. "Though, if you really wanted me to, I could try out angel wings in my domain some time if you challenge me to a game and win... well, that field I transported you to, as I explained it."

Sera listened to Aer with a genuine smile, but she couldn't stop laughing or giggling occasionally. When she was done, she knew she was being rude. "Hah..s-sorry Aer, I can't stop..g-gihihihi...hah..it's just...so ironic...I can't.." She finally tried to take deep breaths, calming down. "It just occurred to me...hah..earlier, I was praying it'd last forever...gihihi..I was praying to the gods! T-teehehahaha!~" It was no use, Sera was stuck in a giggle fit, of all things. If anything, she wasn't sad or in pain anymore.

The offer of seeing Aer with angel wings did appeal to her...as soon as she'd regain her senses.

It was delightful to see to Aer that Sera had recovered in such a short period of time, even if she was laughing almost at Aer's expense. She could see the irony clear as day, but it was also clear that Sera was certainly one to laugh easily at jokes, given the laughing fit she was about to have. "Glad to see you're up and well, Sera. By the looks of things, you seem have recovered and more!" Aer noted, poking Sera's forehead in small protest, though, she let out a few small chuckles and giggles herself.

She smiled at the poke. "Hehe...~ Hah..I'm good now. Just need to rest and let my blood start flowing again." Her body's wild magic seemed to be regenerating her health at a decent rate. "I get a little weak and lightheaded after those attacks...I-i wouldn't mind a little help getting back up..", she said with a blush, stretching her hand towards the goddess. 'Aer, the Goddess of games...I wonder what that makes me..?', she thought to herself.

She accepted Sera's hand, pulling her upwards to the Goddess. It was great to see that she had seemed to have accepted Aer's rather hefty title, despite Aer's outwardly appearance. It brought a load off her chest, and around Sera, she could now breathe easy. "...Must be awkward, having a person with such a big title with you. Hopefully that isn't a problem." Aer stated in humble nobility, reminding herself of the half-elf's lack of dress as she tried to support her using her own shoulder. "You may want go get dressed before you go outside though, hun. I'm sure Marcus would be in for a hear... actually, nevermind that. Just remember to get dressed, alright?"

"R-right, dressed, got it...", Sera said, picking her clothes from her stuff. Her body felt like it wanted more intimacy with Aer, but it probably wasnt the time or place for it. She then remembered wanting to change outfit yesterday, so she decided to put on the new one Minnie had bought her a week ago. It was composed of relaxing green colours that had a medium-length skirt for bottoms. 'A battle-skirt', Minnie had told her it was, and it did give room for her legs to move, though it still felt short to her. The top also seemed to show off her cleavage a bit. All in all, Sera looked rather attractive in it, even if she was shy just wearing it.

She turned to Aer when she was done changing. "H-how do I look?"

Aer was practically stunned by the sudden change, the new outfit giving a completely different air to Sera - a more outgoing, battle-ready girl seemed to stand directly in front of her. The combination almost brought a tear to her eye. In awe, she commented with a rather gleeful zeal, "I can't find the words to describe it, Sera... quite truly, I'm jealous! Honestly.". Moving to the exit of the tent, she gestured to Sera with an inviting smile, remembering Lukard's words as he departed. "...We need to leave for Gyinsheer, so I'd say it's about time we go wake up the other two, if they're even willing. Maybe you'll have to introduce me to some new clothing sometime - perhaps there's a place in Gyinsheer? Either way, we'll have to ask about the place when we all get there. We'd best leave as soon as possible, at the very least."

Sera blushed deeply at the praise, leaving the tent. "T-thanks..." In her mind, she of herself more of a country bumpkin, and Aer was a noble woman and goddess. She doubted her figure would ever compare to hers. "I'm not an expert on clothes, it was Minnie that picked this out...but I'm sure you'd look stunning in anything." She put her boots on and grabbed her naginata. She took out her whetstone she received from Marcus and started whetting the blade. It was getting rough from yesterday's fighting.

Leco growled and extended his claw. " Just- Don't move..." Craggard said eyeing the monster, drawing his daggers.The marrow stalker watched the pair for a few more moments, before unleashing a blood curdling screech and jumping into a nearby tree to the left of Craggard and Leco. Leco thought of running after it, but he thought otherwise. "I've never heard one scream before...I don't know what that means...should we keep moving?"

(Sorry clockwork, i'll do deume in a bit)

@Clockwork Syringe @Emu
Craggard lept backwards in surprise as the marrow stalker screamed. Its shrieking echoed through the swamp, ringing in Craggard's ears long after it stopped. His grip on the dagger tightened. For a second he looked at the stalker with fear, but it quickly turned to anger. He was already sick of the thing staring at them, and he still felt prickly from his earlier talk with Lecoro. He almost felt like it was taunting him somehow with, like it was a personal attack on his ego. He proceeded to glare at the stalker, only stopping when Lecoro spoke up.

"I've never heard one scream before...I don't know what that means...should we keep moving?" Craggard didn't reply to Lecoro, his mind spinning with different scenarios. At first he thought they should stand still, but the screech made him think otherwise. Should they keep moving like Lecoro said? Maybe it wanted them to run away. But maybe it wanted them to think that it wanted them to run away so it could attack them while they were standing still...

Craggard emitted a sort of snarling noise, and ran up to the tree where the stalker was crouching. He gave the tree a firm kick, causing the leaves in the trees to rustle and sway.

" HEY! GET! DOWN! HERE!" He screamed, disturbing the eerie silence of the swamp. The marrow stalker locked its eyes on Craggard from above, and its tentacles were raised attentively, waiting to strike.


@Ghost Hunter
Sliding on her shoes and the outer workings of her outfit, she stepped outside along with Sera, shielding her eyes slightly from the bolstering sunlight. Her eyes readjusting, Aer responded to the compliment in kind. "Oh, you'd be surprised how many things you could look good in! I may allegedly have a stunning figure, but even mine will have some downfalls. Though, I can't exactly say what, personally. My lips are sealed, once and for all.". Quick on her feet, Aer approached the tent where Marcus and Maliset slept, and poked her head in with foreign curiosity, calling out to the duo in a more soothing and quiet voice than usual, as to not startle them if they had been asleep. "Morning, you two... I hope you aren't too sleepy, because we got a long way to go today after we get ready~"


@Computing Magus @Federen Mason (We gotta' have you here at some point. :P )
"Emotions can be a difficult thing to deal with..I would know. And i'm glad you cure yourself of the sadness the thoughts of this person you lost. Too much sadness can depress, but a little is healthy." Deume said. "And besides, I was never once a mortal, I've always been a god. I have no knowledge of how it feels to be one." Deume smiled. "funny...all my existence I've been teaching emotion to a bunch of beings that I can barely even sypathize with." He said, laughing. "You must go back to your friends now, Lukard. Thank you for visiting this grizzled old lizard, and for gathering the knowledge of this enchantment. Goodbye, God of the Forge and Craftsmen. Until we meet once again." Deume smiled at Lukard, flapped his wings, and flew back to the courtyard.
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Once Deumex flapped away, Lukard began to contemplate what he was supposed to do next. It was still relatively early in the day so he decided to get a head start and await the group at Gyinsheer. Placing another portal at his feet, he created one that would lead to the outskirts of the city in a relatively untraversed area. He was known to frequent Gyinsheer so he was aware if something happened to the city or not. Walking through the portal, he simply appeared in a clearing with nobody around and quickly threw on his handsome disguise before heading to a nearby tavern with a view of the gate. Once inside he found a table at the patio and ordered an ale before heading over to the Forgemasters to scope out the place. Ale was one of his weaknesses and he loved the ale that Gyinsheer produced.
" I SAID GET DOWN HERE, YA PILE OF TWIGS!" Craggard yelled again. The marrow stalker emitted a clicking noise that sounded like it was laughing. Leco drew his sword and hesitantly held his position. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH-" Leco's words were cut off as a heavy stench filled his nostrils with it's origins coming from all directions. "What in the..." Leco pivoted on one foot and looked about the trees. His warrior instinct kicked in, and he went into combat position. "CRAGGARD, GET AWAY FROM THERE!!" Leco pleaded. The stench grew heavier. The marrow stalker screeched again, and this time, it's call was answered. A larger marrow stalker, jumped onto the fallen tree, and two of similar size jumped down to Leco's left and right. Effectively surrounding the pair. They all made the eerie laughing noise. "Craggard, there's more..." Leco said not budging, attempting to show the creatures he wasn't afraid. The marrow stalker in the tree screeched a third time, and it's eyes changed to an electric blue color for a moment, the same going for the other stalkers. They all made the clicking noise. And in an instant, they all ran back into the trees. And the stalker above Craggard jumped away as well. Leco was confused and didn't budge from his spot.
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"CRAGGARD, GET AWAY FROM THERE!!" Lecoro yelled in a pleading tone. Craggard looked back at Lecoro and sneered.

" FAT CHANCE! I'M GONNA RIP THIS THING TO SHREDS!" He yelled, but his voice was drowned by the marrow stalker screeching again. For a second he thought the call was echoing, but something was responding to the stalker... He suddenly felt a chill run down his spine, and Craggard slowly turned around to see two more marrow stalkers surrounding Lecoro, both bigger than the last.

"Craggard, there's more..." Lecoro said, standing still with his weapon drawn. Craggard took a step forward to aid his friend, but in another tree Craggard had his own company. As their eyes turned a shade of electric blue, Craggard prepared himself to attack. Before he could lay a finger on any of them, they all scuffled back into the trees.

" Get back here!" He yelled, staring into the trees. He heard nothing but silence in return. He scratched his head.

" What the hell... are they running away?" He asked Lecoro, dumbfounded.

@Ghost Hunter

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