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Fantasy The world of a thousand legends (always open)

((OOC: Completely off topic but I have a strong urge to give Lecoro a hug because he's a BIG SCARY KITTY, but that would be outrageously out of character. That is my deep, dark, secret. ))

Despite his stomach dropping at the thought of danger, Craggard scoffed at Lecoro. He suddenly felt a bit insulted at Lecoro's apparent implication of his weakness. Had he not proven himself earlier? Just because Lecoro was at least two feet taller, had huge fangs, was rippling with muscle, and had terrifying strength that Craggard couldn't keep it?

" Oh, please! I won't have you thinkin' I can't handle myself! I'll wander if I wanna!" Craggard said, folding his arms. He power walked after Lecoro until he was practically jogging ahead of Lecoro.

@Ghost Hunter
" Oh, please! I won't have you thinkin' I can't handle myself! I'll wander if I wanna!" Craggard said, sounding a little insulted. The vampire started walking quickly ahead of Leco. Leco narrowed his eyes and ran in front of Craggard, putting on his chest to stop him. "Look, I did not mean to offend you, when I said stay close, I meant that for both of our safety.That forest is an awful place Craggard, and we need to stay together to make sure the beasts stalking us don't split us apart. If we stray from one another, we'll both die" Leco said with a serious tone, and an expression to match. "I went in there alone on my way to Inderigo, and well...let's just say I got a souvenir." Leco spread the fur on his mane, the fur looked a little shorter than the rest of his mane. "Look." He commanded, showing a hideous scar to Craggard. A long line of suction cupped shaped wounds filled the area of shorter fur. "The creature stalked me for a good full hour, I could smell it...it jumped from the treeline onto me." Leco said, switching sides and showing another scar on his neck, this one was a deep gorging bite wound. "The thing was huge, but it moved so fast." Leco looked Craggard in the eye. "The only reason i'm alive right now is because a group of travelers saw my struggle and helped. The group called the monsters marrow stalkers...and they told me never to enter plague woods alone, and always travel closely."
"The only reason i'm alive right now is because a group of travelers saw my struggle and helped. The group called the monsters marrow stalkers...and they told me never to enter plague woods alone, and always travel closely." Lecoro said in a grave tone. Craggard's eyes darted away from the ugly scar that decorated his neck and away from Lecoro's own yellow eyes staring at him. He shakily jeered at the lion.

" Whatever." Craggard simply grunted. He took a huge step in front of Lecoro and tried his best to stay ahead of him, now angered from Lecoro's lecture. His usual cheery face was now stony and cold.

The warning either went over Craggard's head or he was simply too hardheaded to believe him. And as for the scar? It merely meant that Lecoro made a mistake one way or another. Craggard was confident that he wouldn't make mistakes. It wasn't as if Craggard hadn't seen his fair share of beasts as well, and he had always made it out fine! He felt a strong desire to tell Lecoro off, but using his better judgement, he held his tongue. A small part of him realized that this would be dangerous, but he quickly pushed that away.

Still, that feeling was persistent.

In the back of his head a deep dread was forming.

@Ghost Hunter
Leco sighed heavily and followed Craggard. He frowned and crossed his arms as he walked, wondering if Craggard would try to split up in the swamp. He shivered, at the thought. Leco decided to stay behind Craggard, to watch the flank. As the pair got to the southern exit of Inderigo, Leco attempted to warn Craggard once again, trying not sound as though he was nagging him. "Watch the trees, i'm putting my life in your hands Craggard. They always attack the bigger people first. More marrow..." Leco said, feeling his scars. He folded his ears back and winced, they still stung. "The swamp isn't much farther from here." Leco said with a grave tone.


Lukard was soon noticed and Deumex changed into a fiery tempest of emotions and roared in his face. However, when he mentioned that Lukard had a powerful energy about him and that he accused Lukard of an alliance with Zenon, he decided to show himself. "I'm offended you think I'd ally with that foul menace, He's been causing trouble, though not for as long as the two of us have been in existence," Lukard then shed his disguise and transformed into his true appearance(The picture on the bio). I am Lukard God of the Forge and Craftsmen who ascended to godhood 50,000 years ago, pleasure to make your acquaintance.

@Ghost Hunter

When Lukard shed his disguise and revealed his true form, Deume laughed.
"50,000 years??! You're merely a pup!" Deume transformed into his neutral form. "But still, a pleasure to meet you as well, Lukard." Now much calmer than he was just a second ago, Deume examined the child-god. "50,00 years ago eh? I was never informed about this, well...I was snoozing a little." Deume said, chuckling. The soldiers and blacksmiths were now watching the two, bewildered that two gods were standing right near them. The priests however, simply kept chanting blessings. Deume looked about the courtyard, then back to Lukard. "Shall we go to a place with a bit more privacy? I'd like to speak to you with no others about." He asked with in a serious tone. "I have just the spot." Deume noted.

@Clockwork Syringe
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"But of course! Although I have an inkling as to what you wish to discuss, but lets wait until we have more privacy as there also something I want to make you aware of as well," Lukard replied. "As to being a child, I guess you could put it that way when you're being compared with the first god ever." Lukard may have looked as if he was being neutral, but he was meeting the first ever god in the universe, so he was quite estatic. Lukard was a human at one point after all.

@Ghost Hunter
"Someone she cares more about than you? ...W-wait, me?" Aer questioned, surprised at Minnie's comment. If Minnie meant what she said, then the only conclusion would be that Sera... Aer began to reside in her thoughts as the idea of Sera's feelings rattled around inside. Was it love at first sight, or something else? Could one even fall in love as quick as that? Am I just being paranoid? Aer's feelings were up in the air at the time, so her only reaction was to abide by Sera's side, holding her hand as she lay in her less than healthy state as she began to recover slowly from the wild event that seemed to happen inside of the half-elf. A light bloom grew on Aer's cheeks like a ranunculus in glorious spring. "If you're putting that much faith in me, I guess I can only respond in kind..."

Minnie realized she was piling the pressure by accident, so she quickly added "You don't have to force yourself to respond to her feelings, yours are just as important as anyone else. Love isn't supposed to feel like a trap, it should feel...liberating, and natural." She looked at Sera. Though she couldn't see her face, she seemed like a mother looking after their child, brushing her hair off her face.

Sera had heard Aer's voice faintly, then felt a comforting hand brush over her face. She smiled with a light rosy tint in her cheeks, squeezing the hand that held hers warmly. She cracked her eyes open slowly, her pain finally dissipating into a dull ache. Her breathing was a lot better. "Nnn..hey..~", Sera mumbled, her eyes lazily going from Minnie to Aer.

"Wait? We can go right now!" Deume said, flapping his wings, he grabbed Lukard with his hind feet and flew to his throne with him, it only took a matter of seconds to get there, And the park has been completely barren since the throne was made for him. He place Lukard down in front of his throne and sat in it. "There, that's better." He said with grin, the sun seemed to hit his throne just right, making the god's white scales shine in the light even more than before. "Now, what did you want to make aware to me?

@Clockwork Syringe
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Lukard was a bit startled when Deumex went to pick him up, but he chalked it up to mysterious ways. Once settled down on the ground in front of Deumex Lukard began to speak when Deumex asked him what he wanted to make aware of. "Well in the 50,000 or so years, I've done things with my time such as figure out the secrets of metal and craft, witness Zenon's troublemaking, but I want to make aware of a Goddess that came into existence not by slaying a god, but all on her own. I find it intriguing so I descended to take a look and she's aware of her own power and she knows who I am. Currently they're on their way to Gyinsheer, home to my followers, The Forgemasters, so they should be fine for now. I'm eventually going to go back to the group to observe for a bit longer. Anyway, that's what I wanted to enlighten you about, no pun intended, so what did you wish to speak to me about?"

@Ghost Hunter

Deume nodded as Lukard spoke.
"Thank you for informing me." He said. "Now, I wanted to talk to you of your ascension, how did you do it?" The dragon asked.

@Clockwork Syringe

(Sorry for short post, super busy)

"My ascension?" Lukard inquired. "Well, its a long story, so let me explain, also I'm going to need to sit down." Lukard snapped his fingers and a pillar appeared out of the ground for him to sit on. After sitting down, Lukard began, "About 50,000 years ago, a dark god named Zegrath was causing us ALOT of trouble so we asked you for help. Unfortunately, you were asleep so we took matters into our own hands and I was tasked to craft a blade for our wizards to enchant with whatever enchantment I have no idea. So long story short, our champion was slain, I picked up the blade and I struck him down gaining his power. Soon, I contracted my own domain, began experimenting, gathered some followers and here I am. Oh I also broke the blade and the remnants are within my own plane, this way no humans can craft this weapon again.

@Ghost Hunter

((I feel ya, I was busy as hell earlier this week))
"I know... though, I would be lying if I said I wasn't beginning to feel a similar way..." she stated quietly, looking upon the rather heartwarming scene between Minnie and Sera - like mother and child, she thought. There was nothing better in her vocabulary that could describe them. When Sera came to, Aer's face lighted up bright as the blush that donned her, clutching the recovering half-elf's hand tighter. The suspense in her eyes had all but lifted. "Sera, you've come to! Thank goodness! ...you've thrown me for a loop, you know. But you're awake... and honestly, that's all that matters right now..." she told to the awakening Sera, a breath of relief escaping Aer like a worry to the wind. "I-I mean... morning, Sera."

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"Watch the trees, I'm putting my life in your hands Craggard. They always attack the bigger people first. More marrow... The swamp isn't much farther from here."" Leco cautioned. Craggard gave a grunt in response. He stopped walking for a moment, stiffening. They were indeed getting closer- the air was gettting dense and humid, and his boots squished as they hit the muddy ground. He gagged a bit, smelling the rotten, thick air.

He continued walking for awhile, but his fast pace gradually slowed as it became harder to move through the sticky mud. The stench was getting stronger and stronger. Every one in awhile he eyeballed the trees warily as Lecoro instructed, and each time he was relieved to see nothing strange was there, even though they weren't even at the swamp yet.

Finally, he spoke up, having not uttered a word since they began walking.

" We almost there?"

@Ghost Hunter
Sera giggled lightly at Aer's relieved words, looking up at her. She still felt groggy and half-awake, speaking her thoughts out loud. "Aer really does look cute when she blushes...morning~", she said, starting to sit up, eyes closed to focus, but she was a little wobbly. Her head leaned towards Aer, and Sera stopped herself right before colliding, then reopened her eyes. She was terribly close, close enough to feel Aer's breath on her lips. Sera froze there, her brain not 100% percent able to process the situation.

The moment Sera sat up, her top undergarment conveniently slipped off, having been loosened during Minnie's drying. The half-elf hadn't realized this yet, so her embarrassment would surely follow. Minnie would have made Sera rest more, but she currently had her hand to her mouth, having silently gasped after hearing Sera's clothes slide off with her sensitive ears.

@Pandorian (Surprise!...Don't stare too much..)
" We almost there?" Craggard said, obviously getting bored. "No, we just entered the forest." Leco said, watching the trees. The odors barely bothered him, but not long after they entered, he caught a very familiar scent. "Watch the sides, one is right there in the trees." Leco whispered harshly. He gestured to his left, pointing out the grotesque monster. It's eyes pierced through the trees, and it moved with them. "They're six feet tall....how do they not make a single sound?" Leco whispered again, extending his claws. The trail lead to a muddy clearing, and a large fallen tree was overhead, propped up by a bunch of smaller trees. It looked like a sort of gateway to a giant stinking puddle. The marrow sucker jumped out onto the giant tree gateway, crouching and watching the pair walk. The tentacles covering it's back thrashed, as if they had a minds of their own....aching to kill, just the like marrow stalker. "Craggard...it's right there...do we stop or keep moving?" Leco asked, his eyes on the monster.


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"Killing another god....that's just madness..." Deume said surprised. He contemplated for a moment. "Lukard, I need you to reforge that blade.We must use it to bring down Zenon. My champion could bring it into battle!" Deume said excitedly. "You may have just saved Xeria! Of course...it is in your realm...so it is your decision whether to assist in the matter or not." Deume paused and waited for the god to give an answer.

@Clockwork Syringe
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Lukard realized what Deumex was asking him to do, but there was one problem to his request. "There's one problem to that request, when I broke the blade, the magic seemed to just "poof" as if it was dispelled. I would greatly love to help figure this out, but there's only one problem, what happens if Zenon sends it back our way if he defeats your champion? I'm just thinking about this from all sides, I'm not so sure we want that huge risk. As for the blade itself, I know what it was forged with and can easily replicate it, but again, we come full circle to the fact that I have no idea what enchantment was used."

@Ghost Hunter
Deume narrowed his eyes thoughtfully. "On your travels I want you to do as much research on the enchantment, the wizards,everything. There must be documents on the event. A god ravaged the lands for heaven's sake!" He thought for a moment, then Deume lowered his head to Lukard's face, and breathed a white vapor, it entered Lukard's body. "That will allow you talk to me. When and if you find anything, the vapor will come back to me and allow me to tap into the information." Lukard raised his head back up to the sky. "Is there anything else?"

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"I will see what I can accomplish, but it has been 50,000 years since that event took place. The city itself may be lost to time, hidden if you will. However, I'll figure out what needs to be figured out. Once I take a look in Gyinsheer, I'll work on it, probably enlist one of my most trusted followers to help as well." Lukard was hoping to avoid having to go back to his birth city as it contained some dark secrets more than likely, some about a special someone. The expression on his face clearly betrayed this to Deumex.

@Ghost Hunter
Deume noticed Lukard's odd expression and tilted his head to the side in confusion. The white vapor inside Lukard's body glowed, and it caused a small white flash in Lukard's eyes. "You know I can see your thoughts right now right, you're right here in front of me." Deume said sighing. "Are you not a god? A divine?? If you truly wish to expel evil from this world you must cast aside your mortal feelings, child. They hold you back! Look at yourself, what do you see, a god or mortal? Deume asked.
A whistling followed as the man continued to walk down the rock path, looking off around the grass around him. Casual puffs of smoke came out of Aldwin's pipe as he came off the path he'd been following with a quick swerve. He took a stop off the path, taking view to the forest not far from him, beginning to set up a small tarp, tying it high to a tree and the roof to the floor with two large rocks. Afterward, he made for sticks to gather, and after following the steps through, he set up an unlit fire.

Aldwin settled himself upon the floor around the bonfire, pulling out a small match and his pipe, flicking the match against some steel to light the plant substance inside, tossing it over to the needles of the fire pit. He laid on his back as he rested, anyone on a journey easily being able to spot him.
"I'm probably preaching to thin air about this, and I'm a relatively new god, but I believe we should listen to our feelings every now and then to make sure we don't loose ourselves. As to my thoughts, Zegrath killed someone special to me during his rampage and it's been haunting me ever since. It's almost impossible for me to push her out of my mind due to the bond that we shared and whenever I see something that reminds me of her, it takes all of my will to push it out of my mind. That alone, is why I'm so hesitant to go back, to be reminded of what I lost when I gained this power," Lukard explained.

@Ghost Hunter
"Cute, h--" she replied, before her words were cut short by Sera's movements leading the half-elf right next to Aer's face. The features of Sera's face was all close for Aer to see, an opportunity right in front of her, but her view quickly turned to another, more... revealing issue. The blush that resonated on her face was only fueled further as she rather guiltily stared for a moment too long before she pulled away from Sera slightly in a cold sweat, though the wider view did not exactly help to her agenda. "S-Sera, you might need to... cover up yourself..." she explained, her gaze averted to the side and her lip bit, though her eyes glanced rather deviously from time to time as she waited for Sera to respond to the incident. I guess Sera is still really out of it, Aer had realized. She was just glad that she was awake and well, at least.

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