The World As We Know It [RP]

Alex stumbled a bit but regained her footing. "It's fine. You might want to learn how to use that thing, and quick. Now you guys are going to have to trust me." She walked to the end of the alley and turned to her right. There was a small door on the ground that almost blended in. Alex opened the door and pulled out one of her two guns. "Stay close to me. I know the tunnels like the back of my hand."
As they entered the tunnels, Kai felt himself stumble along a bit, not only was there little light, but he was still coping with his leg. he felt Serenity grab the back of his shirt and mumble, "i cant see past you, youre too tall so you can guide me." Kai grinned, and copied her by lightly grabbing Alexes shirt up near her shoulder.
Alex slowed her pace a bit, remembering that they were new to the tunnels. "We are on our way to the rebellion. Now if I'm correct, and I'm pretty sure I am, Kai will have to gain their trust with that leg. And since you, Serenity, are book smart they will probably use you as a liaison of some sort. I'm in charge of supplying weaponry to the rebellion, mostly guns. And most of us have a sort of code name we use. Mine is Angel, and you two will have to come up with some. Kai, I can train you fairly quick and Serenity I will hook you up with our main liaison. Any questions?"
Kai stopped, and Serenity bumped into him, "hey why did you stop?" she had liked the idea of working as a liaison. Kai shook his head, "oh no, there no way we are getting involved with anything involving the rebels. im not losing any more family members." his expression turned serious again. Serenity wanted to protest, but knew she had already promised not to put herself in danger.
Alex turned around to face them, making Kai let go of her shirt. "You have a better chance of surviving with us then by yourselves. Especially Serenity. The liaisons are the most guarded people besides the leader. The Mechs are looking for you as much as they are me. You might want to rethink what's safe and what's not for you now." Alex took off her trench coat, revealing her cut off, corset-like shirt. It almost had no back, revealing her giant angel wing tattoos.
Kai examined her interesting tattoos. "but what of me? if i get shot Serenity has no one. we only have each other." he frowned.

Serenity put her hand on his shoulder, "it will be fine, why cant you except that we have no other place to go."

Kai cast her a worried glance. "to tell you the truth, im not sure i came back with all my emotions intact. im still recovering, and i never told you i had heart surgery. my heart is half artificial and im not sure if they did anything to me or not."

Serenity gasped, but didnt say anything. she had nothing she could think to say.
"We can get it checked out if you want. We have our own mechanics and technicians. But from what I know, they can only manipulate you through your brain, not your heart. It may not all be yours, but they can't change your feelings. I've had to go through a somewhat similar situation." Alex leaned up against the wall. Her eyes had grown used to the dark and she could see the two standing in front of her. "I'll let you choose, but you might want to hurry. The meeting started a whole ago."
Kai looked at her, pondering. he didn't want to put his sister in any danger, and he didnt know what to think of this girl he had just met. he didnt know what to feel. "can i trust you?" his blue eyes searching the darkness.
Alex smiled sweetly, remembering her saying that over ten years ago when Nathan and her first met. 'I'm supposed to be like you and help him aren't I? Just like you helped me.' "Of course you can trust me."
Sarah was frustrated, she pulled a metalic ball from her poket and pressed the button on its side. "Im sorry hotshot" she said as he fell over. She started twords the door, "Please dont fallow me." she said leaving to the rebelion
Kai sighed, "alright, we are in then." he held out his hand in the darkness. he smiled again, not sure if she could see it.

Serenity gave him an approving smile, whether or not he could see it.
Seekay landed on of the higher rooftops of the city and deactivated his flight pack. He took another glance over the city. Receiving chatter of an unarmed human destroying mechs with just a wave of his hands, Seekay zoomed into the location. He saw the look on the man's eyes: a look to survive. He zoomed his opticals back out and took several milliseconds to process what had transpired and what he'd done...better yet, what he'd not done.

Seekay processed that the possibilities of his own rebellion were not programing errors. They weren't. This wasn't a war for the survival of machines. This was a war for slow and steady integration and extermination of **** sapiens (humankind). Seekay's choice was made. He begin to delve into his programming and begun to make changes...
"Awesome!" Alex grabbed his hand and kept leading them along the tunnel. "So do you guys have any questions? And I'd love it if you would tell me a bit about yourselves. In return I will tell you my story."
"no questions from me yet" Serenity said as she began processing how weird her day had been. she was too analytical sometimes.....

Kai allowed himself to be tugged along. Alexs hand was smaller then his. "you drag people around often?" he asked.
One block till the rebelion, she thought, in pain. Just thinking hurt. A part of her wanted to stay but she couldnt leave the rebelion. The mechs slowly went insane, "SIR YOU ARE UNDER AREST" one said to a man walking his dog with a little girl, Sarah asumed was his daughter. Somthing was wrong, she started running to the rebelion dispite how much pain it put her through.
(honestly, you guys are going way to fast for me to keep up, i couldn't be on after my last post and you guys still went 2 more pages ahead... i'm sorry but i seriously can't do this RP)
((Well Kaze the whole point of and RP is being able to keep up, Like honestly there are different characters doing different things, If the rest of us can pull it off you can too))
(oh so you have school and then house work and then a job and then more housework before you go to bed so hopefully you can wake up quick enough to get a sibling to school an hour before you have to be at school? thank you for making it clear that all our lives are the same *Sarcasm*)
(I wasn't saying that at all, but your not the only person with a life outside of these walls - it's all time management and if you can't RP then don't i was just tyring to help)
(Guys cut him a break. If he doesn't wanna do it he doesn't have to... okay.. bye Kaze.. I hope I get another chance to rp with you sometime.)

Natalia gave the guy a blank stare. Her gaze flicked momentarily to the robot, recognising the equipment and quickly assessing it. Fourteen thousand volts.. should be more enough to short circuit everything robotic within the immediate area. She thought calmly. 'I think perhaps your intel is wrong officer. I have no one in my shop.' Very carefully she slid a hand under the counter, finding the emergency overload switch and flicking it on. Fourteen thousand vaults coursed through the floor of the shop, overloading the circuits of everything in the shop. Sorry Helper-Bot, she thought sadly while the man swore at her. She turned around and sprinted for the back room, using a key to unlock the door.

'We're getting out of here. Like right now.' She said, grabbing his hand and pulling him to a small access hatch in the floor. 'Get going, I'll be right behind you.' She said before running back to seal the door between the front of the shop and the back room and then grabbing a duffel bag full of tools and other small necessities. Natalia had always believed in being prepared. She grabbed Helper Bot, who was frozen from being short circuited and tossed him to Rio. 'Don't drop him. Now start climbing. We're getting out of here.' She said, climbing down after him, replacing the hatch and fusing it together with a blowtorch from the bag. 'That should hold them for now. If they can start working again by the time we're out of this tunnel.' She muttered. This looked like they would be in for a looonnngg night.


Jett groaned as he was both attacked with the EMP and released from its hold. What was with people these days? He tried to help them and they go and knock him out. it was unfair. She better not have short circuited him that's for damned sure. Stupid rich brats.. How he hated the way they treated him. What had he done to her, other than save her twice? She didn't want him to follow her? Well too bad. The b*tch had stolen his damn shirt after all. He got up, brushed past markus and ran after Sarah. it was slow going. When he'd fallen one of the bolts in his leg had slipped and he didn't have time to fix it. He wasn't sure if it was a good or bad thing that she'd left a trail of blood. She would be going slower too, he knew that. Damn stupid rich brats.. He cursed under his breath, kicking up the speed and forcing himself to run properly, despite the pain in his legs. After ten minutes he saw her in the distance.

'SARAH! STOP RIGHT THERE OR I SWEAR TO GOD I'LL KILL YOU MYSELF!' He shouted breathlessly, holding his side as he caught up to her. 'I'm going with you. As long as I am able to function you don't go anywhere without me.' He panted, looking up at her with intensity. 'Do you understand?
The man's bottom half short circuited out along with all the mechs. "DAMMIT!!!!!!!!" he reached for his back up radio device "All units on alert..." He growled he gave a brief description of the two suspects and waited for someone to come repair him.

Rioko took the robot and climbed down waiting for her, When she was done patching up the door he stared at her intently. "Why would you do that?!" he yelled, his face red. "You honestly.. you realize you just potentially lost everything you worked hard for!?" He sighed handing her back her robot. "Look ill just go back up there and tell them i forced you to.. youll be off the hook. This is insane!!!" He continued yelling "Stupid .. stupid" he hit his forehead continuously with the palm of his hand. He didn't lnow what to do now, this was all his fault. And all because of that stupid girl who was in trouble. Goddamn it why did he have to save her? She wasn't even around anymore. He turned around to look at Natalia. "You are insane.." he smirked, and laughed a little running his fingers through his hair. "And i need a shower.." he sighed.

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