The World As We Know It [RP]

He cleared his throat, doing the gentleman thing and not looking down at her breasts. He shook his head. "I'm not really thirsty." He looked over at the collapsed girl. "She nearly got me in trouble.." he breathed. "You are lucky, having something you can inherit" he mumbled sitting down in a nearby chair, leaning back. "Let me guess, you are married?" he smirked.
Serenity followed the cyborg and stopped outside the house. she had no idea what she was doing. one minute she was quietly reading in her apartment, the next she was in a fray and now stalking someone she didnt even know.
Sarah looked up at Jett "Thanks hotshot" she said with a smile, "We need to get to the Ulte soon, its starting in 12 minutes" she staired into Jetts eyes and for a moment her emotions flared, no, she couldnt love a machine. She kinda threw everything a way. And in 15 minutes. She wondered ware her best friend was. And how he reacted to her being gone.
"Query: Is this emotion that I am processing annoyance or relief?" Seekay watched the newcomer through his scope as he took his prey into a nearby structure. He took another look around at the scene and noted the chaos which was brewing. "This is not a good time for another shot if I don't want to be found. These humans may be slow initially, but they adapt well."

"On the other hand..." Seekay deactivated his cloaking and activated his flight pack, "these new developments of this unit...of myself...must be investigated further."

Seekay shot into the sky and headed away from the battle zone.
Natalia stared at him as if he were insane a moment before laughing. 'Hell no! I'm only eighteen you know.' She exclaimed going to the small barfridge to get a can of coke for herself. 'As for the inheritance thing, it isn't actually a family thing. I worked for the guy that owned it before he went to jail. No one else wanted it so i signed the papers and got the deeds for this place. It was nothing too hard. I've slowly been turning it around from the dump it was. I'm thinking of cleaning up the graffiti and stuff next month.' She shrugged, flashing him a smile and sitting on the counter, swinging her legs casually. 'What was your part in all that mess anyway?'


Jett shook his head at Sarah. 'Hell no. You were just shot in the side. You're not going anywhere. For all you know the sniper could have known you were going to a meet. They could be following you. I may not like you much but i won't let you endanger all those lives. I don't care how important it is. There won't BE a rebellion if you lead some maniac there. Besides, you can't move in your current condition.' He gave her a stern look. His friend, Markus, walked outside to see a girl hanging around. 'Umm can I help you? Are you one of Jett's friends?' He asked, confused. What exactly was his friend into. 'If you are, you can come in.' He offered, holding the door open for her.
"But the rebellion is our only hope, and i have somthing they need" Sarah pulled out a small computer chip, "It has Genisis Worldwide data on it and its password locked, but if my dad gets it back it will only be me, him, my sister, and my step mom along with life replaced with mechs. I cant deleat it. Its what i can use to override and shut down anything made by Genisis worldwide. If the rebelion got this. And i tought them how to use it. This could all be over."
He felt somewhat uneasy as she asked about the prior situation. He lifted his hand up and brought the can to him, making it float almost across the room, and he took a sip. "I've always hated carbonated stuff" he flew it back to her, placing it back in her hand. "I saw someone in trouble.. and i helped. Because I'm stupid." He groaned. "Everyone knows in this shi* of a city, you can't help anyone or your F*cked" he stood up and walked towards her, getting close enough to feel her slow breath on his lips. "You didn't seem too upset when i was holding you against your will back there.." he smirked, "You wanted to kiss me, huh?" he leaned in a bit inches away from her lips.
"Er, not exactly. i just got involved in the conflict and kinda followed." she sighed. "but im not really sure what to do at this point." she accepted the offer and walked into the house. she looked awkwardly at the wounded girl and the cyborge. "uh, hi again."
Serenity frowned, "dont call me sweetie you munchkin" she said as civilly as she could. "im not a child." she sat down and flipped open her book. "besides, if you move too much you will lose more blood."
"I dont care, i should be dead anyways, if i die getting rid of Genisis AI i die nobaly" she turned to Jett "Please, let me go."
Jett shook his head firmly. 'I don't care how important it is. It can wait. You're not going to endanger anyone. You were marked by a pro. They're still out there. They would have seen each and every one of us there. The rebellion has to come second to your own damn health.' He said firmly. He didn't care about the damned rebellion. She had gone and got herself shot after he had gone to all the trouble of saving her from the Security Mechs. She was an idiot. 'Listen, even this chick knows better than you and I don't even know any of you but take it from me. Losing blood sucks. Do you want to end up like me? Part Mech? Because that's where you're headed.'


Natalia raised an eyebrow as he stole her drink and returned it all without touching it. 'Someone's got a few secrets.' She said with raised eyebrows. When he moved closer she laughed at him. 'You're certainly an odd one.' She said, shifting further away from him slightly. 'I hardly know you, why should I want to kiss a random stranger? I'm a fairly easy going person, you simply took me by surprise.' She flashed him a smile and slid off the bench so she landed infront of him, flashing him a seductive smile. 'You, however, are definately thinking about kissing me right now.' She said, shooting him a teasing look as she put a hand on his chest, feeling the thud of his heartbeat. 'Unfortunately for you my only love is robotics.' She said, placing slight pressure on his chest to push him away. 'Unless you manage to somehow convince me that your worth my time.' She added, flashing him another seductive look, a playful smile dancing across her features.
He laughed a bit, and walked a step closer to her. "I think you act hard to get.." he said softly, Almost whispering it. "And what if i did want to kiss you? Would you stop me?" He questioned, chuckling placing his hand upon her hand on his chest. "And who's to say i don't already interest you, I mean your still talking to me aren't you?" He pulled her hand off and let her go, "Besides, time is all we have.." There was a moment in his expression where he looked at her nostalgically, appreciating her delicate features bit by bit, his eyes absorbing the view as much as it could, starting from her feet ending in an intense eye contact.
Sarah frowned at Jett, "I dont care if im a mech, im doing what i want." Sarah quickly got up and ran out the door, holding the bullet in so she wouldnt loose to much blood, three blocks from here, she thought, Hope i can make it. She ran past every concerned look, everyone asking if she needed help. My dads gonna need some help if you get out of my way. She cept running, slowly becoming weaker.
Natalia laughed at his words, almost blushing under his gaze. She was used to people staring at her. It wasn't always the apprecialtive way he did though. Some days they were looks accompanied with mutters of 'scum' and 'that Hart brat' She frowned at the thought and then flashed him another smile. 'If time is all we have then why do I have a can of coke?' She teased, setting the can aside and lightly tugging him down by the shirt, moving her lips to his ear. 'Your fly is down.' She whispered, laughing softly as she let him go, moving away to adjust one of the robots in the window display. 'Come on then, if you really want to kiss me you have to rise to the challenge.' She taunted.


Jett cursed and ran after her, catching up easily and grabbing her around the waist. 'I told you NO. You are not going anywhere.' He said firmly, picking her up carefully so he wouldn't hurt her any more than she already was and carrying her back to Markus' place. He held her firmly, placing her back on the bed that she was on before she did her escape. 'Stay.'
He let out a short laugh and looked down at his fly, zipping it up. "don't make me crush that can," he teased. His heart was steady, his palms were not sweaty, he wasn't scared or nervous, he was actually calm and collected. "Well.. I don't back down from challenger" He thought, a big smile taking over his expression and he walked up behind her, he had to make the moment his no matter what. He would have the last laugh. His left arm wrapped around her waist, as he slid his right hand down her shoulder softly, his fingertips grazing her skin, once their fingers met he intertwined his with her own. He paused momentarily letting go of her hand, and turned her to face him. "I find your persona pulling me towards you, and i honestly don't know why" He whispered into her lips as he inched in to kiss her, both his hands on her waist at this point yanking her feverishly against himself. "Challenge accepted...." he breathed
She felt her heart pound as he grabbed hold of her, her breath catching in surprise as he turned her to face him. She bit her lip nervously, backing up slightly and hitting the counter. 'Well you've got me cornered that's for sure. But I didn't bring you here to flirt. i only brought you here because you needed a place to go.' She said before grabbing hold of his shirt and tugging him down, kissing him forcefully and teasingly before pushing him away with a playful. 'This is neither the time, nor the place. I'm not that easy.' She said in a tantalising tone, smiling seductively. 'I have a business I have to run, and there's an unconscious girl in the back room.' Natalia reminded the redhead, brushing her blonde fring out of her eyes. 'i think we should get to know each other a little more before we go any further.' She flashed him another smile, patting his shoulder lightly.
Alex had woken up a few minutes ago to the two majorly flirting and knew a kiss was going to happen soon, so she slowly got up and walked out of the shop. "That's what I get for not eating in four days. Passing out and waking up to them doing...well whatever they were doing." She looked around, making sure there no one saw her, and she turned into an alley. She walked over to some trash cans and found a container of rotisserie chicken. Most of it was gone but there was some scraps and the bones still left. Alex sat down on the ground and ate the bits of chicken, then started knowing on a bone.

'I don't need any of them. I can get to the rebellion myself.' She got up and walked towards a back passageway the mechs didn't know about.
He kissed her back with just as much force and want, sucking on her bottom lip and biting it as she pulled away. He smiled a goofy smile, In his mind he knew she liked him, even just a bit regardless of how much of a stranger he was to her and she to him. And just as quickly composed himself. "I agree completely," He smirked. He heard Juliet's thoughts about taking on the rebellion herself from the back alley. "That stupid girl is going to take on the rebellion by herself.." he said to Natalia, as he face palmed. "In all honesty i could care less, I saved her once I'm not going to do it again. I'm probably being watched right now by the authority.." he growled. Peeking out of the store windows a bit paranoid, pacing around the room. "what if someone else saw me?" he questioned, rubbing his face with nervousness. "This will NOT go well for me" He looked at Natalia "If they see you with me, the might not let you go.."
OOC: Apparently what i said has been completely ignored as by 3 fricken pages of proof. So Dist you have my two characters which are suppose to be the big bad guys, i guess i'll let you take them over as no one acknowledges me.
Natalia raised an eyebrow at him. 'I think it's time you were honest with me. What kind of trouble are you in here?' She demanded to know, frowning slightly. Helper-Bot wandered in glancing from one teen to the other. 'Mistress. Do we have a customer?' He asked, in a tone that simulated confusion. Natalia looked over. 'No, no Mr Rin is discussing something with me. Do me a favour and begin work on the current repairs.' The bot nodded and walked out. Natalia turned back to Rio. 'That was my Helper-Bot.' She smiled slightly, a proud gleam in her eyes. 'I built him myself. He's the first to have worked completely without being hooked up to the system.' She was very proud of her feat, though she didn't like to boast too much. She was just highly skilled in robotics. She knew that. And she didn't want him mistrusting her creation. 'But that's beside the point. You ought to tell me more about what I'm getting myself into.
He smiled, seeing how proud she was about her robotic masterpiece. "You are very clever.." He leaned back against the wall, crossing his arms. "I honestly don't know what I've gotten into.. I'm sitting outside enjoying the day and this girl runs by being attacked, I heard her thoughts-" he paused, hoping she hadn't of caught that. "I uh, i assumed she was in trouble and, I couldn't help myself..I might of crushed a few mechs..." He cringed a bit as he said it. "It was kind of cool, they where crushed like cans." He lifted his hand levatated a can of soda from her trash, demonstrating what he did, he pinched his fingers together and crushed the empty can instantly, flat as paper. "Well this is small scale.. so it's flatter, The Mech looked more like an accordion.." He smirked, a bit proud of himself. hid powers had gotten stronger since he was a child, even though he rarely used it. "I don't know if you should worry or not, Natalia..BUT they did seem kind of angry, I wouldn't want them coming to your shop.." He said, worry crossing his expression. "thinking about it.. Maybe i should leave" he mumbled. He honestly didn't want to leave, he felt the need to protect her for some reason, even though she looked like she wouldn't be in any danger. He leaned off of the wall walked towards the door, pausing in front of it, "Your lips were soft by the way.." he jerked a smile, teasing.
'You're not going anywhere.' She said suddenly. 'Look, i don't know what numerous ability things you have but you could use someone who's a little street smart. We're all in hell here anyway, and while I admire the inventors of such technology, I don't agree with our workforces being replaced. And I certainly don't believe we should be slaughtered like animals. I'm not going to let you go out there on your own when you could be perfectly safe here.' She said firmly, grabbing his hand and pulling him back towards the centre of the shop, pushing him against the counter. 'Besides.. I can't just let you walk off when I'm in the middle of flirting. You cannot just kiss a girl and walk away.' She pointed out, her hands firmly on his chest. He had practically waltzed into her life and she wasn't about to let him ditch her just like that. She stared him down firmly, her green eyes intense on his. 'I don't let people get away that easily.' She said with a wink before tugging him down to kiss him again. This time she didn't pull away, her hands gripping his shirt so he couldn't escape, her lips moving against his.
A smile swept over his face kissing her back, his lips sucking on her own. He moved his head accordingly, his hands on her hips pulling her to him as he leaned back against the counter, her hair tickling his cheeks as he kissed her, his eyes closed. He couldn't help but lose himself in the kiss, his right hand sliding softly up her back sinking his fingers softly in her hair. He pulled back and looked her in the eyes, "what if you get in trouble? You barely know me, miss" he smirked. His heart beat steady, but his stomach was fluttering incessantly.
Natalia just shrugged. 'It's nothing unusual. I grew up learning to avoid getting caught out. Do you know how many Mechs I had to dismantle to gain my knowledge? I've been hiding since I was seven and my dad got me to help jack cars. I literally think they have a record of my past offensives under a photo of me as a weedy little kid with terribly lank blonde hair.' She shrugged again, flashing him a smile. 'I wasn't exactly overly cautious at first. Now i am. I think i can defend myself from a few Mechs.' She leaned in to kiss him again. 'besides, I have a random semi psychic to protect me, right?' She joked, taking hold of his hand and lightly tugging on it. 'but if you're gonna be spending some time with me I need to make sure you can be of use. Come on, lets see if we can teach you how to mend a few robot parts.' She said, leading him to the back room. It was a larger space, with a small kitchenette at one end, near an inbuilt bunk, big enough for two, for if she ever needed a quick nap. The rest of the room was designed as a workshop and was separated from the more domestic side of the room by a sliding soundproof door. It had been the first modification she'd made for this place.

'Welcome to my home away from home.' She said with a smile, causing the Helper-bot to look up. She simply gave it a quick gesture and it began to work again.

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