The World As We Know It [RP]

He heard some shooting near by "What the hell..." he mumbled and looked around. "Honestly.. isn't there a day in this city where you can just sit the heck outside and NOT get shot?" he thought, standing up from the table and looking down the street, balling his hands into fists, ready to use his powers if he needed to. There was, what seemed to be, a constant fight in this city. Everything was screwed up, From the robots to the humans to the outside species creating problems for everyone else. So what if they had advanced technology? What good was it when all they used it for was war. He backed up against the brick wall of the building and sighed, relaxing a bit after realizing he was a bit tense. He lifted his right foot and pressed the sole of his shoe to the wall, placing his hands in his pocket, tilting his head down a bit, so his red hair could cover his eyes, he wanted to stay as inconspicuous as possible.
Alex continued to shoot at the robots as she ran down the street. But her mind couldnt stop wandering to what she was saying earlier. 'This is all so stupid. Everyone knows the orphans never win. We are always the ones to lose the fights, get made fun of, and... never find love. At least that's what they always told us, we would never succeed. Ugh I can't believe I'm thinking about this while I'm Being chased by Mechs,' she thought to herself, not knowing someone who could hear her thoughts was around.
Jett frowned at Sarah. 'If you call me hotshot one more time I'm going shoot you in the face.' He snarled in a warning. He then heard the voice of one of the Mechs and stopped. Had it just asked to help? What the hell? He walked over to the Mech in question, looking very carefully into the camera and frowning. He couldn't see anything of course but her knew whoever was controlling it could see him very clearly. 'Who are you?' he asked it. No mech would risk showing up at a rebellion meeting. If they would speak to him.. Maybe they were the real ones he should be working with, not this group of girls. 'Please.. tell me who you are.'


Natalia wandered outside her shop, looking up at one of the nearby apartment buildings. Why were there shots being fired in this part of town? She frowned, walking over to the library to get a better view. As she wasn't looking where she was going she didn't see the guy until she tripped over him, landing heavily, her rainbow coloured hair flying out slightly as gravity took its hold. She blushed when she realised it was a person. 'Oh hell, i'm sorry. I didn't see you. Umm.. this is awkward.' She flashed him a nervous smile, pushing herself up off him and brushing the dust off her clothing. 'What's going on up there?' She asked the guy.
He caught a listen, and looked up he sighed and gritted his teeth "Oh god don't do it.. don't do it.. DON'T DO IT!" He thought at the same moment put out his hand, crushing the some of the mechs like cans with his telekinesis, and watching them drop to the ground. "aaaaaand you did it... oh man.. oh MAN! YOU IDIOT!" he reprimanded himself after and just sunk back against the wall, hiding in the gap between the two connecting walls
Serenity, despite her excalating condition, continued to shoot alongside these people she didnt know. she wasnt about to be shown up by some girl who was younger then her. i cant die here, i promised my brother i would still be here when he got back. she coughed and sputtered as she kept pace.
Kaze lied as he spoke through the Mech "In truth, i'm a hacker that has been mounted to Mech parts to keep me alive for 10 years... I would really like to help the rebellion but unable to do so in my current state, so i have taken over these mechs which YOU ARE KILLING!, and am using them to hopefully get my message to the Rebellion."
She noticed somthing wrong with the mechs voice, "Who are you realy?" Sarah asked the mech Jett was talking to, "Cuz if they put you in that boddy you would sound like any other mech, wich you dont, so what hacker are you and what are you up to?"
Alex looked at the crushed robots in awe. She looked around to make sure everyone had the Mechs under control and snuck off, making sure none of them were following. She ran over look for the person who had crushed the robots. She found Rioko and walked over to him. "Where you the one that did that?"
Seekay wondered why he was given the orders to trail the human designated: Sarah. Now it…no he knew why. Rebellions were something that he was originally programed to halt by removing key personnel. He had been given the choice to kill if he…no…it deemed Sarah a threat He was currently following the group via rooftops to get a clear shot. The target stopped when she ran into a cyborg of some sorts.

He sighted in the target’s head. His finger fell from the trigger. Programming pushed him to pull the trigger. Yet he couldn’t. After internal debate, he brought his finger to the trigger and sighted in the target once again.
(Can we just assume she fell on him like afterwards? Lol)

He looked at the girl that had just interrupted him. "Uh.." he was nervous. With what had just happened he didn’t know how to react. So many things happening at once he thought. "It's alright..." he whispered. He quickly pushed her against the wall, wrapping his arms around her waist, his lips inches from hers. "I’m so sorry, please bear with me" He whispered as a mech on the alert zoomed by them - searching for the cause of the chaos.
Serenity let out another wheeze before pulling out an inhaler. it was old as dirt, but still functioned. there were plenty of new age remedies, but Serenity saved money by making her own inhaler medicine. she had read so may books she didnt know what to do with all of them. textbooks, fiction and nonfiction. she had learned all she knew from very old books which she kept in extremely good condition. she put the inhaler in her mouth and took a deep breath as she pressed the button. in a few moments she was back to herself, and she watched the interrogation of the hacked mech.
He quickly let go of Natalie and cleared his throat his face red. He turned to the girl who had been running from the Mechs. "Shhhh, we can't talk here.." he said softly "Think of somewhere to meet, and ill meet you there.. but don't say it out loud.. trust me ill know.." he looked around his face clearing up, he turned to them both and sighed. "I'm in a mess.. i can tell" he groaned.
dististik said:
She noticed somthing wrong with the mechs voice, "Who are you realy?" Sarah asked the mech Jett was talking to, "Cuz if they put you in that boddy you would sound like any other mech, wich you dont, so what hacker are you and what are you up to?"
Kaze continued to lie but this time more convincingly "my name is John Whitmore, the Mech i was put in was a stationary build model T-999. It has been my life support link to earth (or whatever planet we are on). I have been spending the past 10 years working on a program that will actually make the Mechs fight each other if they try to attack the Rebellion, but the only way to do that is if i can get to the Rebellion and use this hacked Security Mech to give it to them." Kaze looked at them hoping they would buy it.
Jett frowned. 'Dude, I haven't touch none yet. You can't pin anything on me. I'd happily crush each and every one though. Where are you? We can bring the rebellion to you.' He offered casually. Honestly he didn't care. He just wanted to get out of there. He checked his watch and cursed. Ten to nine. He was meant to be at the hospital for his adjustments in ten minutes. They'd search for him if he didn't. He sighed. Time to go. 'Look, I'd love to help you out and all but I've got to get these stupid parts adjusted. They're getting to be a pain in the butt. See ya's later.' He said, saluting them and pushing his way through the Mechs to get away.


Natalia let out a slight gasp as he pushed her against the wall. 'Umm.. this isn't half awkward.' She whispered back. 'Shouldn't I at least know you name? You know, before we have such a falsely intimate scene?' She asked, flashing him a nervous smile. When the Mech was gone he released her and she flashed him a nervous smile again. 'Well now, how about we make some introductions?' She asked before noticing the other girl. She looked a bit worn out, like she hadn't had a decent nights sleep for a while. 'Look, all I want to know is what is going on? Were you involved in that fight up there?'
Sarah fell over a shot in her side screaming, Why didnt he kill me?"Help" she gasped, she looked around for the hitman, "Coward, all snipers are...." she was too injured to acnolage the lying mech, "Sombody please help."
Serenity was becoming quite detached from the scene, and cursed under her breath. she refused to be held back by her asthma, but what was she to do now?
He looked over at Natalia, the creeping shade of red beginning to engulf his face again "Rioko..Rioko Rin, Is my name" he said, clearing his throat. He looked back and forth at both Natalia and the Other girl. "What are BOTH of your names?" He felt a bit overwhelmed, he didn't know which questions to answer, and how to answer them. His powers couldn't be put out into the open. He didn't know how to trust other people anymore. He felt his muscles tense up, his head starting to hurt. “I think we all need to go, Like.. Now.”
(OOC: I'm surprised you had the shot actually hit. I wasn't planning that)

"Query: why did I not shoot to kill?" Sekekay's systems processed. In a nanosecond, he double and triple checked his targeting solutions...he shot where he aimed. He was at an impass...his programs could not figure out why he had intentionally missed. Other subroutines and programs caused him look for a new position as his current position was revealed. He began to move. "Possible answer to dilemma: Machines are in the wrong?"
((I am getting so confused. What just happened with Natalia? I'm really confused. Was it supposed to be Alex or Natalia up against the wall))
((Okay See, Natalia Fell on me, so i pushed her against the wall cuz a mech was coming, you mistook it for me pushing you against the wall.. but you where running towards me it seemed.. Lol, but now we are all standing around talking. Ok? Make sure to post the person who you are speaking with in your part so they don;t get confused. - My apologies))
Natalia noticed the redness in his cheeks and laughed softly. 'I'm Natalia. Nice to meet you Rioko. Mind if I just call you Rio? Or Rin? It's just easier to remember.' She shrugged, flashing him a smile. She then noticed him tense up and frowned, lookign to the other girl. 'I think we ought to listen. Come on, I know just the place.' She said, thinking of her shop. No one would bother a group of teens in a robotics repairs shop. They'd just think it was a normal day. She had more teens coming in asking for help with their technology than ligitimate businessmen. For now. She grabbed him by the wrist, along with the other girl. 'Come on!' She urged, heading back towards the rundown exterior of her repair shop.
((oh ok, no problem lets just assume you pass out and we leave you resting in the shop))

He let himself be pulled along by her. "You have a shop?" he asked softly. As she walked infront of him he looked Natalia up and down, She was gorgeous, he admitted. "Get it together, idiot..." he thought, shaking his head.
Natalia noticed his gaze but said nothing, instead she just smiled at him, closing the door and flipping the closed sign around. 'Yes. I sort of 'inherited' it when the original owner was busted for possession.' She shrugged, glancing over as the other girl, whose name she still had no idea of,seemed to collapse. She moved to her side quickly and carted her to the back room. 'I'd say the stress got to her. She should be fine.' She said, walking back out. She pulled off her jacket to reveal a black and green corset type top with black fishnet sleeves. She may have worked in robotics but she still believed a girl ought to look good. 'Do you want anything to drink? We've got tea and coffee. And there's some soda in the fridge I think.'


Jett heard the shot and Sarah's screams. instantly he forgot about his hospital appointment and ran back. he found her lying on the ground, bleeding from a bulletwound in the side. 'F*ck what happened?' He exclaimed, pulling off his shirt and pressing the wadded up material to her side to stop the bleeding. He may have despised the girl but he wasn't going to let her die. besides, she might learn some manners if he saved her. 'it's okay, I'm here. We've got to get you some place safe.' He said in a soothing voice, gently putting his arms under her lags and neck and lifting her easily. He began to search for somewhere safe to hide out. He couldn't take her home. Could he take her to the hospital? he wasn't sure. Maybe he could treat her.. He could visit one of his friends and ask for help he supposed. He could feel the blood trickling down his chest and a grimace formed on his features. No. Not enough time to freak out. you've got to get her to a safe place.

Ten minutes later he was knocking on a friend's door and being let in. They helped him settle her and slowly the bleeding stopped. 'Man, what are you into?' His friend asked, his eyes wide. Jett frowned. 'I honestly don't know.'

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