The World As We Know It [RP]

He walked around the room, his eyes catching on to every detail, every nut and bolt, every battery and processor. He wasn't much of a robot assembler, but his mind was something different, his abilities came with a great perk, he picked up on things quickly and in his mind the putting together of robots became nothing more than an easy puzzle. He lifted his hand slightly, pieces of robot parts beginning to float up in the middle of the room, he studied each nut and bolt for a quick second, and snapped his fingers. The bolts and nuts and pieces came together to form a small robot. The only problem was, he could build it but not make it work. His mind didn't reaolly put together the electronic part or circuits, just the model. He laughed a bit and grabbed it in mid air. "Not bad, huh?" He laughed a bit "If only i were making marrionettes and not robots, this would be an amazing trick" he handed it to her. "I'm sure i will learn fast.." He walked towards the sound proof doors, and chuckled. "Convenient" he winked her way, teasingly.
She shrugged at his pointed glance towards the compartment. 'It's easier to sleep if I can't hear the others working. we have about three other employees, but they each have mondays off. I don't exactly bring people here. it's my safe haven.' She took the robot from his laughing slightly. 'While your gift may be impressive it won't be of much help to me if you can't connect the wires up. You'll have to learn the long way.' Natalia led him to one of the work benches, pulling a small worker drone frame over. 'Here, watch carefully.' She said as she began to connect the wiring correctly and repair the bot, moving slowly so he understood what circuit connected where.
he watched intently, taking notice of her hands. He noticed when she built her robots, it like she was making art, he could see the comfort in her form the way she moved her hands in such a delicate way when she handled the cold metal and wires. He couldn't help but stare ar her face, he smiled leaning in kissing her cheek for what seemed like forever, pulling back breathing out softly. His face became hot "I think, wiring isn't my thing.." He leaned in and placed his elbow on the table cupping his chin in his palm. "I could assemble the robots, and you can do the wiring." He grinned like an idiot.
She blushed as he kissed her cheek, taken by surprise. 'That was unexpected.' She said with a raised eyebrow, smiling at him. 'You could do that, or maybe i'll just make you take your pretty face to the counter and run customer control.' She teased, returning the kiss on the cheek with one on the lips. 'You know, I rather like your company. You're entertaining Rio.' She said with a smile. She reached a hand behind him to touch his hair. 'That must take a hell of a long time to brush.' She commented absently.
"Not really, it's faily easy, just falls into place i suppose." he shrugged. He froze suddenly his mind picking up voices and thoughts.

"He has to be around here somewhere, he destroyed my soldiers.." They were someones thoughts. and they where close.

"Shit..." he whispered "They are looking for me, I just heard someone..." he quickly looked out of the window. "It's not safe here, Nat-" He was interrupted by an abrupt intrusion at the front.

"Where is the shop keeper?!" a man dressed in a police uniform, a gun in hand. He was half mech, his bionic hand portruding out of his wrist like a foreign object. From the way he moved and walked you could tell from the waist down he was all machine. 5 mechs behind him for support.

He breathed in and covered his mouth "Shit..."
Natalia bit her lip and gently pushed him into the soundproof compartment. 'There's a lock on the inside. Lock it.' She said, kissing him again before closing the compartment and walking out to the front of the shop, her Helper-Bot in tow. 'Gentlemen, how can I help you today?' She asked pleasantly, eyeing him carefully as he held the gun. 'There's no need for that weapon. We've done nothing wrong.' She assured him with a smile. Unlike many people she knew, Natalia was a brilliant liar. 'Do you have something you need fixing? Your mechanics seem in need of a little adjusting.' She said with a nod to his hand. 'I could take a look and fix it in no time.' She said calmly, deliberately acting as if she wasn't hiding a practically complete stranger in her back room. If they took him they would take her too. it was as simple as that.
He did as she told him to and locked the door "Shit..." he thought, "what if we both get caught... she has more to lose than i do.. she has a business, a life.. im just a nobody" he paced back and forth, smacking his forehead with the palm of his hand in a panic.

The armored man gave her a disgusting smirk "Listen, don't play stupid" His voice was hoarse and gritty "We have good sources that tell us the little bastard is in here.." He coughed not even bothering to cover his mouth. He stepped closer to the counter and got him her face. "If i were you, Id give him up, before i use my little robot here.." he pulled out a mini smart bot, the bots were a new design from the authority, that could laser through the wall and see things hinding behind it, in it, or through it. "He WILL find him, and then BOTH of you will be taken.." he chuckled "Is that what you want?" he put the bot down and pressed the button on his wrist activating it. "You want to go to jail for the bastard...?" The mechs behind him blocked off the front door.
Alex walked along in an underground passageway only she knew of. It was built long ago for the people that worked underground to get to one place to another. As she walked, she sang old songs from when the world was just entering the 2000s. It was all they would play at the orphanage and Alex fell in love with it. At the moment she was singing Angel with a Shotgun by The Cab. It was one of her favorites and had inspired her angel wings tattoo that covered her whole back. Now that she had a gun it just made it all that better. She took an extra gun out of her coat pocket and put it on the other side of the holster.

"I'm an angel with a shotgun, fight until the war's won. I don't care if heaven won't take me back. I'll throw away my faith babe, just to keep you safe. Don't you know you're everything I have..." Her voice trailed off, deep in thought. 'But I don't have anyone. Well I did, but he was carried off by Mechs. Who knows if he is even still alive.' She looked down at the anchor tattoo on her wrist. Her and the boy she was thinking about, Nathan, had gotten matching tattoos on their wrists the day she got out of the orphanage. 'Now I'm alone, wandering underground, and searching for the right place to get out of the tunnels. We never thought it would be like this.'
((Well man just join in wherever, my character and ali's character is being bugged by the mechs and juliet is lost in the just pick a place and join in))
(you do know that my two characters are suppose to be the big Bad characters of this RP right?)
((ok well, i killed some of your mechs with telekenises, so i think you should be trying to capture me and NAtalia right about now.))
((im just gonna pretend Serenity is somewhere else since im totally lost))

Serenity wandered through the park near her apartment complex she received a message on her Iphone 20x ((random nameXD ))and noticed it was from her brother. he would be leaving for home in ten minutes, and would be at the train station in 20 minutes. she smiled, she hoped his operation had gone well.
Alex found the tunnel she needed to take to get up to the surface. She would have to pass by the train station, but she doubted anyone would see her. Once she got to the surface, Alex partially hid her face with the collar of her trenchcoat. A girl was standing by herself, obviously waiting for someone. Alex walked up to her and poked her shoulder. "Do you know what time it is?"
Serenity pulled out her phone again, tapping at the clear surface. "its about 5 pm." she looked around as a train came into the station. she didnt see Kai anywhere...and she was worried. "SERI!!!!" Serenity was yanked to the side into a hug. "let go Kai, we are in public!" she pushed him away. he grinned, "its been so long since ive seen you! how have you been?" he brushed his long blue bangs out of his eyes. "ive been fine, how was the surgery?" she asked. he shrugged, "it went perfectly, but the rehab was horrible."
"Thanks." Alex watched as the siblings catch up when she realized she had seen Serenity somewhere. "Weren't you the chick who started shooting the Mechs with me and some other people?"
([MENTION=1144]kaze[/MENTION] Jett and Sarah are at Jett's friend's place cos he is forcing her to stap put due to her wound, maybe Kaze could hack into the chip in Jett's brain and talk to him or something? Convince him to join him and make him think its his own plan? I dunno xD just an idea)
"Er, yeah i kinda got involved." she had a guilty look. she knew Kai would be angry, he had told her not to get involved with the fight against the mechs, yet she had anyway.

Kai gave her a serious look, "you were WHAT?" he asked sternly, "here i am doing all i can to stay alive and you run off and shoot mechs??" he grabbed the gun from her belt, "i told you this was for self defense!"
Alex looked at Kai up and down. He was pretty good looking, and it seemed he now had a Mech leg. "You aren't giving her as much props as she deserves. She was pretty good with that thing. " Alex pointed at the gun. "I probably would have been dead if she wasn't there. Of course no one would have cared, but still..." She muttered the last part to herself. It was probably true, she had no friends and no family. Why would anyone care if she had survived?
"this is serious!" Kai gave Serenity a stern look. "as carefree as i may be sometimes, we cant ebdanger our selves like that, you are all i have left!" he turned to the other girl, "we lost our parents to mechs when she was 10 and i was 11."

Serenity sighed, "i will be careful, i promised you i wouldnt die didnt i?" just as she finished, Kai wobbled on his mech leg, still not 100% used to it, and fell.
"Oh crap are you ok?" Alex quickly helped Kai up off the ground. "Not used to that leg yet huh?" She looked around, noticing the growing number of people around them and a few Mechs here and there. "Look, I'm kind of on the mech's most wanted list right now. And if I'm guessing correctly, you both are too. So we might want to talk about this somewhere else." She turned and gestured to them. "Follow me." She walked out of the station and started heading towards where the rebellion was.
Serenity scowled, "i didnt even do anything! it was self defense!"

Kai dusted himself off "thanks, and no not really. thats not the only thing i have to get used to though...." he frowned, "anyway, cool it Seri." he followed the girl, "whats your name by the way? im Kai, and this is my sister Serenity"
"Do you think it matters to the Mechs if it was self defense or not? Plus you were seen with me. That's enough for them." Alex continued walking, they were going to have to take the tunnels. People had seen them and a few were still looking. It's the only way to throw people off. Only when they were almost to an alley that led to the tunnels did she introduce herself. "I'm Alex Call. Wanted for stealing, escaping the system, and of course being a part of the rebellion."
Serenity raised an eybrow. "well Kai is know for being a doofus despite how smart he is, and 'sporty' despite how weak he is."

Kai glared at his sister, "Seri is known for being a crabby introverted bookworm who is too smart for her own good." he looked back at Alex, "so uh, where are we going then?" he asked curiously as he stumbled on his mecha leg again, umping into her this time. "sorry! i totally didnt mean that" he apologized with a goofy grin.

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