The World As We Know It [RP]

Sarah herd Jetts voice behind her, "Damn it Jett if you take me back to that apartment," she started then noticed a mech coming twords her, "Sh**, um Jett, i gotta go, like now," she said running full speed to ware she needed to go, blood rushing out of the side of hER, I can make it. she thought. Then she herd a boys voice, "Sarah, oh my god are you okay?" her heart skipped a beat, "D-david?" a 17 year old boy was standing next to her, "Um, yeah im fine," she said blushing, "listen i realy have somware to be, bye David" she said trying to push herself to the rebelion.
'What do I have left? There's no point. I just short circuited everything in my shop. That would be more work than its worth. Besides, someone has to look after you because obviously you can't do it yourself.' She said with a wink. She jumped down the small drop to the bottom of the tunnel and shouldered the duffel bag, flashing him a smile. 'Helper Bot is coming with us because I can fix him. He's my life's work and he won't be destroyed so easily.' She said with a smile. 'We're in this together now, you and me. Besides, it will give you a chance to tell me more about you. If we're gonna be on the run for a while I should at least know a little about the guy I'm running away with.' She said with a smirk. 'If they haven't worked out who I am yet then we could make it to my apartment. But if we can't then it could be a while.' She said in a low tone, heading down the tunnel, flashlight in hand.


Jett ran after her, grabbing her side. 'God dammit Sarah apply pressure to that freaking wound!' He snapped, pushing a wadded up ball of material that he'd stolen from someone's clothesline against her side. 'I'm coming too. I deserve to have a say and if someone isn't there to look after you then you'll run yourself ragged.' He said firmly. He picked her up, still running. 'Tell me where to go. I'll take you.'
He walked by her side, contemplating their next move. He wasn't completely useless, He could fight, he had powers and abilities to hear peoples thoughts. He looked down at his hands and they were steady as can be, he wasn't nervous anymore and he had never been afraid. He looked over at Natalia as they walked. She was something else, he thought smiling softly, he didn't know what his fixation with this girl was. He could of lived his whole life without knowing her, but now that he knew her, could he see himself without her? It seemed so early to think about those things. They had only met hours ago. But he wanted to be by her side, he felt stronger by her side. He sighed, looking ahead again. "I'm sure it will take them a while before they find out who you are the identification in this city is a long process.." he mumbled. He felt so hot, his body was heating up. As a telekinetic child he remembered after using his powers under stress his body would become hot, The mental strain would render him unconcious at times. He didn't want to be baggage to her. He took off his shirt and jacket; Exposing his chest. His breath quickened, This hadn't happened to him in years. He felt his body begin to sweat, droplets building up on his forehead right at the hair line, rolling down the side of his face. His chest glistened from the sweat as well, he started seeing dark, his eyes began to close he couldn't breath and fell to his knees wheezing. He closed his eyes and began to dream. He saw himself running with Natalia down a corridor, she kicked the door open and they ran through it. Mechs were following, they shot at him, one of the bullets going right through his left shoulder, Even in his dreams he felt the pain it shot through him like a snake licking the base of his skull. He then saw himself on a bed, blood everywhere on Natalias shirt and clothes, the floor, bed and furniture. He was dying. The dream felt so real. As he lay there dreaming his body twitched furiously, the stones and dirt around him levitated.
Natalia let out a panicked cry. What was wrong with him? One minute he'd been fine and the next he was lying on the ground. She rushed to his side, kneeling beside him. As she touched his arm to shake him and get his attention the skin burnt her hand. She flinched back, hissing in pain. Sweat was forming rapidly on his skin. God dammit he couldn't have chosen a more convenient place to pass out could he? She set the bag down, rummaging inside it and letting out a triumphant cry as she found a water canister. She lifted it to his lips, pleading silently for him to drink it. 'Come on pretty boy, drink up. You can't pass out on me now. I just saved your arse. Is this how you repay a girl?' She demanded, tapping his face lightly. He had to wake up. She could hear voices in the distance. They'd be breaking through the hatch soon. The mechs wouldn't be able to get through, for it was too small, but if they sent a human force down then they'd be in trouble. She took his shirt and soaked it thoroughly, pressing it to his skin.

'Come on.. wake up.. please..' She whispered, a tear falling from her emerald eyes, landing on his cheek. She wiped the remaining ones away. Why was she crying? She'd just met him.
He abruptly sat up, water spilling all over his chest "They are going to kill me..." he said, his eyes wide open, he looked at her and stood up quickly, his skin cooling down to a mere warmth. "Sometimes.. I get these visions, dreams that allow me to look into the future.. I cant help when they come on.." he breathed and wiped his face "I'm going to be shot..." he looked at her and grabbed her hand, grabbed her bag and pulled her down the tunnel, as if he knew where he was going. In his dream they had walked all of this before "As soon as we get to the end of this tunnel up into the corridors and through it, im going to get shot.." he mumbled. "Ill be laying in your bed.. blood everywhere, on you on the floor..." he paused. "Everywhere...Natalie" he looked at her, his eyes ridden with panic "You need to get away from me.."
Natalia shot him an annoyed look. 'If your visions said you die if you go to my house then we just won't go there.' She said firmly, turning to the wall of the tunnell and shining her torch to show a ladder leading up to the street. 'I'll go first and make sure the coast is clear.' She told him, kissing him quickly and with force just in case, before climbing the ladder and popping the hatch up. She slowly inched her head out of the hole and saw no one. She looked back down. 'Coast is clear!' She called down, just as a cold metal hand grabbed her wrist and tried to pull her up. 'LET GO OF ME!' She screamed, trying to pull back but she couldn't fight off a mech and was dragged up. 'RUN RIO! RUN!' She screamed before they got her out of the tunnel completely. She glared at the Mech, her eyes cold and unyielding. 'Leave me alone you creep!' She snarled, spitting in the eye of the man from her store. 'What is with you creeps anyway? Oh I get it, you're into bondage and shiz like that. Well sorry bud, I'm just not that into you.' She informed him, struggling against the grip of the Mech that held her.
He gritted his teeth going up the ladder grabbing the Mech by his Robotic foot, using his powers to crush it, and watched him topple to the side. He climbed all the way up "Let her go!!" he kicked the mech in the chest and grabbed her by her hand, running the opposite direction. "You where saying, smart ass?" he smirked "where is your apartment? We need to find shelter least to hide for now" He put his shirt back on and his jacket.
'But you said that you're going to die if we go there..' She said, still in slight shock from what she had just seen. She didn't want him to die. She bit her lip, stumbling over a trashcan and righting herself again. 'I won't let you go and get shot just to bleed out on my bed.' She exclaimed, her eyes wide. What had she gotten herself into? She sighed and began to lead the way, ducking into alleyways to avoid patrols. 'The mechs are on alert.. We should be too.' She looked around cautiously before inching towards a side door, pushing it open and ushering him inside. 'This building connects to mine. We can climb across from the roof. There's a kind of platform I used to use when i wanted to get away from everything.' She didn't explain to him that the Mechs used to constantly hound her about her father. There was no point. He didn't need to know. She began to ascend the stairs to the roof, climbing for ages. after what seemed like an age they reached the roof and she gestured to the platform that branched dangerously across the gap. 'You'll have to take it slow. And if you intend to have another of your fits, i'd do it after you've reached the other side.' She said, trying to make a joke, all the while looking around carefully.
He laughed a bit "You are a HUGE pain.." he patted her head and started walking across the plank, no mechs in sight. He got to the other side and looked back waiting for her "Be careful your breasts don't throw you out of balance.." he laughed and covered his mouth, then winked at her. "This girl is prepaired for everything.." ​he thought
She rolled her eyes at him, making her way to the other side and heading for the door on the roof, descending the stairs to her apartment floor, leading the way to the simple place. The corridor they stood in was fairly plain, with white walls and a greyblue carpet. She found her key and unlocked it, checking the place carefully before ushering him in and taking the duffel bag from him. 'Welcome to my hideaway.' She announced, gesturing to the simple kitchen that branched out into a living room/dining room. A door to their left led to the bathroom, and beside that was the bedroom. She'd converted a small closet space to make it larger and it had become her study. 'If you laugh at me I swear to god i'll kill you myself.' She warned, clearing off some spare robot parts from the couch so he could sit if he wished.
He chuckled plopping down on the couch. "well i'm not dead, so i guess we are fine" He pulled her by her arm, on his lap, wrapping his arms around her waist, his face inches from hers, "I think you like saving my ass.." he raised a brow, a huge grin on his face. "and why would i laugh at your place, If you ever go into my place all you will see is a bed on the floor and boxes everywhere.." he shrugged, kissing her jaw bone. He looked into her eyes, "I think.. I should tell you about me." he began "I have the ability to hear peoples thoughts.. Sometimes if their thoughts are strong enough i see images if i close my eyes and listen..I can also move, crush and do whatever i want with objects and people using my telikinetic powers.." He didn't like The way that sentence slipped off of his tongue. He felt like a weirdo.
She raised an eyebrow at him. 'That's quite a list. And here I was thinking I was weird because i was a robotic genius.' She laughed, kissing his cheek lightly. 'Relax, I'm not going to kick you out. I already knew you were mental. What kind of sane person pushes a girl against a wall simply because she tripped over him?' She teased, turning around so that she straddled his legs playfully, her hands playing with the wet shirt again. 'You know if you keep that on you'll catch a cold. Better take it off.' She said in a suggestive tone, leaning against him lightly.
He smiled catching on, taking off his shirt and throwing it aside."Dont start something you can't finish" he teased, whispering in her ear softly. He then pulled her in by her hips towards him, his lips grazing against her own.
She smiled as he acted on her words, brushing her lips softly against his neck. 'I don't intend to.' She said with a soft smile. Her gaze locked onto his and she bit her lip again, studying him and blushing slightly. She brushed a hand against his chest before reaching behind him to pull his hair out of its tie, slipping the elastic around her wrist as the red hair spilled around him. She giggled slightly, kissing him again. 'I bet you get called a girl a lot, don't you Pretty Boy?' She said in a teasing tone, playing with the strands of hair.
"Actually, i do.." he laughed, running his fingers through her hair. "You look amazing in those tight clothes.." he stared "You must get a lot of perverted comments on a daily" he teased, pulling her down to kiss her lips passionately
Natali smiled through the kiss, finding it difficult to stop a small bubble of laughter that was rising up in her throat. 'Not really,' She said as she pulled away, playing with his hair again. It was fascinating, how a guy could have so much hair and keep it maintained. 'Most people know better than to hit on me. They usually end up needing therapy after.' She said in a cheerful tone. She had enjoyed torturing the last one with a soldering iron, she thought to herself, smiling as she remembered his screams. Was she a little sadistic? yes. Did she regret it? No. 'Don't worry, I'll try my hardest to keep the torture devices at a minimum for you.' She said, winking at him playfully.
He tugged at her shirt, "Soldering Iron, huh?" He had heard her thoughts, in detail and laughed. "You ARE bad.." he got up, her legs still wrapped around his waist. "Shall we take this to the bedroom?" He asked, his hands gripping her thighs as he carried her.
She laughed again, wrapping her arms around his neck and gestured to the general direction of the room. 'I suppose we may as well, but that's where most of my torture devices are.' She warned, kissing him lightly and leaning against him so that she didn't fall.

(After your post fade to black or what? lol :P )
(( O.o jeez you guys......))

Celeste soared through the air quietly. her cyborg body was good for something at least......even if she didnt like it. as long as she could get out of the house she felt free. when she was at home her parents were extremly protective.sometimes she didnt feel alive, like her accident had killed her and she was living in someone elses body. though her heart and brai remained her own, she got funny looks everywhere she went. the only good part of her mostly mechanical body was that she could levitate and fly. it gave her the freedom she never had before the accident.
"Right here," she told Jett pointing to a small shack, "This is one of the entrances to Ulte." He caried her in and down the trap door leading to the underground facility. There was people everyware. "Drop me please, i need to talk to somone."
Celeste spotted a girl and an unusual guy. upon closer inspection, the guy appeared to be a cyborg like herself, though to a less extreme extent. she could faintly feel the waves of electricity coming from his mecha parts. she decended slowly as they disapeared down a trapdoor. she slowly opened the door, and made her way down into a tunnel. she was surprised to see so many people, despite her curios nature, she felt she should leave before she got in trouble.
"Get them" somone shouted, red dots apiered all over Jett and the new cyborg, "Fire on my comand" the same voice siad, "This'll teach tose damned mechs not to f**k with us"
Celeste screamed and backed into a corner, she was afraid for her life. she trembled as they came at her with guns. had her eyes not been mechanical she would probably hve been crying. she slouched till she was cowering in the corner with her knees held to her chest.
Jett had only just lowered her to her feet, when someone started firing. He threw up his mechanical arm to shield himself. What the hell? They must have scanners or something, he thought to himself, cursing. 'I'm not here to hurt you! God dammit I'm one of you! I brought her to you didn't I?' He demanded, jerking a thumb at Sarah. 'Get her some damn medical treatment!' He shouted at them over the bullets. He noticed the other girl, who seemed entirely Mech but was cowering in the corner. What kind of Mech did that?

'FOR F*CKS SAKE STOP YOUR FREAKING BULLETS! I'M NOT ONE OF THE CITY'S DAMNED MECHS!' He roared, gaining all of their attention. He let out a frustrated sigh and walked over to one of the gunholders, snatching the weapon out of his hands, snapping it over his mechanical leg easily. 'Yes, i'm partially mechanical, otherwise known as a cyborg, but do you think I'd risk coming here if i was one of THEM!' He said in exasperation, pointing towards the street. 'I want to get my damned revenge for what those bastards did to me.'
"Hey stop your fire!" Sarah yelled. "Yes miss Genisis," a voice replied. Sarah walked to the new cyborg, "You okay hun?" she asked the young cyborg, "its okay, if they shoot you ill kill them." A medic ran up to her, "Wait, damn it, i need to talk to George," she siad walking downstairs, "Jett dont worie, these people are just as defencive over me as you are, relax hotshot"

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