The World As We Know It [RP]

Celeste was still trembling "im not a mech i swear! please dont hurt me!" her eyes were wide with fear. she had been in a horrible gas fire caused by a fight between the humans and the mechs.

((sorry bout the short post.))

Alex turned her head around to look Kai. "Yes, but most of them are dead." She waited a moment and then busted out laughing. "I'm just kidding. I'm not the ones to take care of any bodies. That's someone else's job." She turned her head back to look at where they were going. "Only one other person has been down here that I know of."
Serenity heard noise from in the tunnel. "what was that? it sounded like alarms? Kai isnt going to get shot at for having a mech leg is he?" she asked nervously.

Kai gave a nervous frown, "i thought you said we would be safe here? i just got this leg, i dont really want to lose it thank you."
((star try to make longer posts))

Sarah knocked on the metal wall outside of Georges ofice, "Hey George what was that about?" she said coming in, "He was a mech," George responded, "Our scanners went insane when he brought you down here,"

"He had me! You would kill me to get rid of what was either the stupidest AI built by my father ever or a FRIEND?" she asked, "Think, damn it"

"Sorry ma'am,"

"Im not ninty, dont call me ma'am," she said, "I have the version updates, i can teach you how to use them if you dont shoot my friends,"
It fades to black for a few hours.

He wakes up, and stretches getting out of bed putting on his boxers and pants, and sat at the edge of the bed, relaxing, watching her sleep.
((Im trying, but my post size often depends on what my character is able to do in any given situation, and you left Celeste cowering in the corner!)
"I don't know, but let me go ahead of you guys. I'll come back to get you in a couple of minutes." Alex ran off down the tunnel and turned the corner. "Don't shoot! It's just me. I've brought two more recruits and one has a Mech leg. If you shoot him, I'll confiscate your guns and give them to someone more worthy to wield them. Got that soldiers?"
The troops staired at the newcomer, "We have orders from miss Genisis to hold fire, you may bring in the ricrutes,"
Kai followed Alex into the underground HQ, looking around in amazement, "this is pretty fancy for a cave." he couldnt really understand how it had gotten quiet so quickly, but as long as he and his sister were safe, he had no complaints.

Serenity looked around, her eyes wide. it was a technological and architectural wonder build in the safety of the underground. surveillance and machines galore, though not mechs. she couldnt even begin to calculate what it had taken to set up such and operatioin, though it was of modest size.

Celeste didnt want to move, but as the sodliers disbanded she slowly stood up and looked around. she felt she should leave, but she couldnt will her mechanical body to move. despite the cutting edge technology that supported her life, her senses still won when i came to everything.
((haha dististik, I had made Alex head of weaponry. So she's not really a newcomer.))

Alex walked around the facility, showing Kai and Serenity every different station and pretty much every part of the HQ. "Serenity, you can go and train over there with our other liaisons." She pointed over to a group of people surrounding complicated looking computers and machinery. "And Kai, you can come with me to train." Alex walked over to another tunnel that housed different private training rooms.
Jett narrowed his eyes at them all. He knew they didn't believe he wasn't a threat, but he wouldn't attack unless they did. He saw the new three arrive and looked in surprise. he recognised the two females. Wandering over he grabbed Serenity's arm. 'What the hell are you two doing here? And who's the guy?' He demanded to know, looking from one to the other in confusion. 'I thought you would have been smart enough to go home and hide after all that happened.'


Natalia woke slowly, her eyes taking a while to adjust to the dim lighting. She sat up slowly, pulling the blanket around her and studying Rio. 'You weren't thinking of leaving were you?' She teased, crawling over to him and trailing a hand down his spine. 'Because its not very nice to make something a one night stand when the woman in question saved your life multiple times. And destroyed her shop to do it.' She said with a smile, kissing his neck lightly. Her multicoloured hair now hung around her face, trailing in choppy layers, her goggles lay on the floor near her clothes. The green lipstick she normally wore had been removed long before, leaving her lips a soft shade of rose. She began to play with his hair again, fascinated once more.
"I'll explain more when i get patched up, i need to go to aid," Sarah said leaving George and going to aid however she saw a fimiliar face or to and got side traked, "Hey sweetie watcha doin here?" she asked Serenity
Serenity was susrprised, "hey, let go, that hurts!" she was somewhat nervous, she didn't like being grabbed by a stranger she had barely just met. she turned to Sarah, "dont you have any respect kid? i told you not to call me sweety."

Kai grabbed Serenity away from Jett, "hey, get your hands off my sister or im going to kick your fleshy little a** with my new leg" he glared at Jett.

"KAI settle down" Serenity yanked her arm from her brothers grip. "both of you settle down. why dont we talk this through with grabbing people and yelling. she glared at her brother.
Sarah laughed, "Sorry, force of habit," she started fealing faint, "I need to go to aid befo-" she was cut off by the sound of her falling on the floor, passing out from lack of blood
"What's with the fixation with my hair?" He smirked, and stood up. "I wouldn't dream of going anywhere" He grinned "mostly because id get killed" he teased. "im going to make something to eat, because im starving.." he stretched and walked out into the kitchen.
(([MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION] you mean with Sarah fainting? Because I didnt see that until after I posted. I dindnt think anything important was going on until I posted and saw it. I will just delete the post. I'm sorry about that. ))
((actually i didnt see the faint either, i was just thinking that jett and Sarah hadnt responded after Kai got angry.))
(OOC: Found a pic for my character. I'm posting it in the character place)

"Task Completed. Unwanted files and programs deleted." Seekay activated his flight pack and took off.

Seekay was at a loss of what to do next. He, essentially, cut all ties from the head of the mech forces. He'd eventually be labeled as an enemy to all other mechs. But that would take time. Hours? Weeks? Days? Time would tell. He landed on nearby roof near the location where he shot Sarah. He wasn't surprised when she couldn't be found. After several seconds of scanning the area, he activated his cloaking and made his way to the streets. Being careful not to bump into anyone or anything he searched for clues. His search was success full as he picked up a blood trail.

"Scanning detects that the blood has 69.345% chance of belonging to previous target,designation: Sarah. Will trail until further options arise." Seekay knew that he'd eventually be hunted by the mechs. He also knew that he most likely would be shot on site when seen by humans, "What is that illogical saying of the humans...follow your gut?"

The trail ended at a tunnel. He processed his options and decided to take back to the rooftops and wait.
Jett made a face at them all. They all seemed pathetic and stuck up to him. Fine, whatever. They didn't want his help then that was fine. They could all go to hell. He'd done what he had come here to do, to make sure Sarah got there safely. That was when he noticed her pass out. 'I told you guys to help her!' He shouted, moving to help the girl. 'You're all idiots, can't even look after a single seventeen year old!' He exclaimed, picking her up. 'SOMEONE GET ME SOMETHING TO PUT HER ON!'


Natalia flashed him a smile again, sighing slightly as he left, letting herself collapse back on the bed. She should get dressed, she thought to herself. She should. But she was comfortable. Comfort trumped always. That was when she remembered poor Helper Bot. She should try and fix him. It was unfair that he was forgotten like that. She pushed the blankets aside and got dressed, finding a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt with INSPIRE written in bright colours. She dressed quickly, ran a brush through her hair and wandered into the living room, smiling at Rio from behind the partition. 'I decided that I might as well try and fix Bot while I have the time.'
Serenity gasped, "we need to get her to the infirmary! where is it??" she stooped down next to jett, tearing the bottom half of her shirt off. she didnt care, she was skinny, and besides, this girls life was more important then her dignity. she pressed the wad of cloth into the wound, trying to stop Sarah from losing anymore blood.

Kai just stood there, he had no idea what to do. he wasnt used to this. the last time he had seen anything like this was when their parents died. he felt as though he were glued to the ground in horror. he was starting to feel bad about acting like such a jerk now.
A boy came over to help with Sarah, "Damn it, i told her she shouldnt leave Ulte," he looked up at the two helping her, "Come on, the medics here take to long to help somone dying, lift on three," he said, "one, two three," he led the two too the aid building, "Hey dumb f**ks patch up this girl before we have another casualty" he yelled at the medics as they came over to take Sarah, "Thank you," he said to the two "My name is Eriks, who might you two be?"
"Serenity, and the guy standing over there like a dope is my brother Kai, im not actually that familiar with him though." she pointed a thumb at Jett, who was crouched next to her.

Kai took a breath, "wow things are hecktic around here. maybe you could should me the training rooms now?" he turned to Alex with a complicated expression, "im not good at handling heavy stuff like this. but im into anything that requires excercise."

Celeste, not know what else to do, mad her way back out of the tunnel, and in making an attempt to fly away, she looked back to see if she was followed and ran into a building. she fell with a loud thud. she sat on the concrete, hoping her day couldnt get any worse.
Jett shot them both suspicious glances. 'I'm Jett. I've been trying to help her pathetic arse since eight thirty this morning. She's nothin' but trouble.' He said in exasperation, shooting Sarah a glare. What did it matter. All he'd done for the girl was try to help her and had earnt nothing but disrespect in return. Perhaps it was time to bounce. 'Let me know when she wakes up would ya? She still owes me an apology.'
"Sarah is stuborn," Eriks said to Jett, "Nothing fazes her unless it comes from her own mouth, wich rarely hpens, she rarly thanks people, and it seems like she disrespects you just to get on your nerves... But when you sit there next to her and fixed her 90th mess up of the hour and she looks over at you and says 'Thank you' and explains why, you think she just got a personality swap or somthing... Cuz the fealing of that girl thanking you. Its what i imagine is what it felt like for her to get a thank you from her dad." he paused for a moment, "Nice meeting you Serenity, i need to make sure these dip sh**s dont jack her up any worse."

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