The World As We Know It [RP]

With that, Alex started to throw punches and even a few kicks, smiling as she did. Fighting was always exciting to her and it made her feel useful to mankind. Maybe they wouldn't think of her as a poor girl who was orphaned such a long time ago, but a young woman fighting to save their lives.
Sarah left the room she was in and found Jett still in the lobby of the aid building, she walked next tohimand took a seat, " sorry..." she said under her breath
Kai managed to block a few, but also took a few hits. "Ou hit like a girl! Not that there's anything wrong with that, I[wishI][/i] I could hit like a girl." He said as he attempted a couple jabbs at her.

When Kai's fist came towards her, Alex quickly grabbed his upper arm and twisted his arm around. She made it to where it didn't hurt, but to where he couldn't move. They were now face to face, and she could feel his breath on her face. She looked slightly up at him, seeing that he was a bit taller. "Your stance became to narrow, and you opened up your upper body to much. Try to keep your stance firm next time. Got that soldier?" She said it in a military Sargent tone, but she had a smirk on. It seemed like Alex could just be herself around him and not be a statue with no emotions like she was around everyone else.
Kai emulated her smirk, "alright, lesson learned." although she was a rebel soldier, she was still a girl. he looked down slightly to meet her gaze, and caught a faintly sweet scent. "now if the lovely lady would let go of my arm i would love to move on to my next lesson. " he squirmed a bit, in an attempt to be funny, which he normally wasnt good at. he and his sister were rather introverted following the lose of their parents, so he hadnt interacted much with others.
Alex blushed a bit when he said 'lovely' but just disregarded it and let go of his arm. You're never supposed to let an opponent distract you, but right now he was a student. "Ok, well now we can just move on to some basic rules. One, if you ever get captured by the enemy, you must not speak a word about the rebellion. Two, put others lives before your own. If there is a citizen about to get hurt by a Mech, you save them even if it means you die. And three, while you're fighting, never let an opponent distract you. It happens quite a bit, and that's how soldiers get killed. You must always follow these rules." Alex sighed, remembering a time when she forgot the rules. It was a day that kept coming to her mind and it was a day that she always regretted.
Kai nodded with a serious expression, "others before my self, no distractions, sealed lips." he had always put others before himself, in fact thats how he lost his leg. he had been protecting his sister from an unusual mech attack when his leg had been completly crushed. his sister was lucky enough to get away with a sprained wrist and bruising. as for his heart, it had been weak from his birth.
"Well I think that's enough training for right now. Let's me just put away my armor and we can go get something to eat. Then we can get back to combat training." Alex walked back to the control room and took off the armor, putting her black corset top back on. She wasn't going to say anything about having barely eaten after fainting from not eating. The last thing she had to eat we're the bits of chicken she found in the garbage. Alex hated when other people knew about her eating out of the garbage most of the time. It made people pity her. She walked back out of the room and walked up next to him. "Ready Togo?"
Kai waited for her, then when she returned he nodded as she asked if he was ready. "sure, lets go." he smiled, "by the way, that looks way better then your combat armor." he complimented with a naive grin. he gave her a thumbs up, hoping hte compliment wasnt weird or cheesy or something like that.
Alex blushed a bit more than earlier and started heading towards the sort of cafeteria they had there. "Thanks, if only it could deflect bullets and other sharp flying objects. Then I wouldn't have to change everytime I train!" She chuckled a bit and walked into the small cafeteria and grabbed a hot cup of breakfast tea and a plate of food that seemed to have been put there just for her. "Just tell them what you want and they'll have it ready in no time. They already have my usual memorized." Alex nodded towards the three girls that were behind the counter.
Kai gave her a cheerful nod. he ordered a cheeseburger, fries and a pop. he was a guy of simple taste. he also ordered a peice of vanilla sponge cake with strawberry mousse filling and strawberries on top. he had a weakness for baked sweets since his sister had always made them. he follow Alex to a table, and sat across from her. "you know, my sister may be a crabby grouch sometimes but she can fix anything, and she can cook like no one else. we always ate well even without our parents." he smiled, it was a fond memory. he took a bit of the cake first, a light smile on his face.
"Sounds nice. I had a good meal every once in a while. My favorite was this chicken casserole, but I haven't had it in years." Alex started slowly eating her food, knowing she would get more out of the meal that way. Then a thought occurred to her, he didn't know she was an orphan just like he was. At least, she didn't think she had mentioned it. Of course he probably never had to scrounge around for food in a dumpster or steal the good meals from unsuspecting people at restaurants.
"well maybe i could cook for you sometime?" he suggested, "im not as good as my sister, but i did pick up a thing or two from her.....especially on the desserts" he smiled, and set his cake aside to eat his meal before the dessert. he took a bit of his burger, then popped a few fries into his mouth.
Alex smiled and another fond memory came to her mind. When she was younger, Nathan would go and steal food for her so she could have a decent meal. "Yeah, I'd really like that. Maybe you could teach me a few things, considering that when this is all over and done I will have to learn how to cook for a family." Alex set aside the plate that had held mashed potatoes and a small steak. She then poked at her caesar salad, not really wanting to eat it.

Kai smiled, "of course, whats more fun then learning to cook?" he watched her pick at the salad as he finished the last of his fries. "you full already?" he asked, wondering if something was bugging her.
Alex snapped back to reality and looked up at Kai. "Oh, I was just...thinking." She began to actually eat the salad. The food was giving her more energy, and she could feel it in her body. It always felt like an amenity to her when she ate a full meal. "So what are you going to do once all of this is over?"
Kai thought a moment, "oh i dont know. i just want a normal life. like getting a girlfriend and maybe starting a family later....i mean i am 20." he shrugged. after everything that has happened a normal life sounded like an unreachable paradise.
"Same here." Alex stopped eating, feeling herself getting full, and pushed the bowl aside. "It's going to be hard having a normal life though. I've never really even had a normal life in the first place. I guess I'll just have to learn the ways of a normal girl. All I know is that there is no way I'm going to be a housewife." She laughed, genuinely for the first time in years.
"are you kidding me? Normal is like.....i dont even know" he chuckled, polishing off his cake rather quickly, "me and Serenity were in a couple crappy orphanages till we were 16, then we managed to each get a part time job and live in a hovel of a house surviving off whatever cheap gruel we could afford. about 2 years ago Serenity was recognized for inventing a new kind of medicine for her lungs, though it never took off. artificial lungs are too convenient. its still an existing product though, and earns enough of of modest middle class people who cant afford the fake lung implants. we live pretty comfortably now, but she still holds a job as a librarian at the elementary school neerby our apartment. she wants to save money just in case her medicine goes off the market." he smiled, "i hope im not boring you with my lame sob story, if you can even call it that."
Wave ran a scan through the building. It had to be sure that no human life forms were currently inhabiting the place. It's last place it was at was found out far too quickly to it's liking due to the humans and Wave did not want this to occur again. It could always dispose of any problems, but Wave did not want any more trails that lead to her. If she could find a weapon the disintegrated them, it would be most useful. So far it had no run across such a thing. Still it would have time to locate such a weapon. Then it would not have to worry too much about humans.

After doing another scan to ensure that no heat signatures that weren't suppose to be there were, it made it's way into the building. It had to recharge for a bit and rework a plan to get the humans off it's back.

Coppélia descended from her window. After having done so weekly, she was starting to get the hang out it. Before she tended to stumble or slid or fall. She was sure she'd end up killing herself if she didn't learn how to get down properly. Why she had to have a room on the third floor was beyond Her. But she managed to escape mostly quietly. She was sure no one would check on her, at least not for some time.

Coppélia nodded to herself and then started down the street. It was only fair that she got to go out by herself at this age. But her parents, wealthy and smothering did not see it that way. Add in her accident and now mechanical body, well mostly, she wasn't sure if her parents would let her go anywhere ever, supervised or not. But Coppélia was tired of people cooped up and ignorant as well. So she snuck off and had her own fun. So far nothing bad had occurred. She just wish her luck would not leave her.
Celeste stopped and sat in a park bench. she knew she was getting weird looks, but she didnt care. this was better then being cooped up at home. she looked herself over, finding no dents she sighed in relief. if her parents found out she was gone she would most definitely be in trouble. they shouldn't have any say over her life at this point, she was 19 after all, but to them she was still the frightened 15 year old who barely survived a gas fire. she hated that she had to be reconstructed as a 15 year old and had never been updated. the heart and brain of a 19 year old stck in a mechanical body designed to look 15 was far from where she wanted to be.
Coppélia realize she was running out of breath from walking. Although her body might be growing and some what mechanical, she still had most of her human weaknesses. Her parents said she should be happy, but being so fragile made Coppélia sort of mad. But it was pointless to be mad at her body, at her genes. She had to deal with it.

She spotted a bench only to see it had an occupant on it already. She slowly sat down, looking at the other girl. Then she gave her a small smile. "Out for a walk?"
Celeste looked up at the girl as she sat down. "sorta. i just wanted to do something different for a change." she smiled back slightly, wondering how this girl had become the way she was.she also wondered if this girl could tell she wasnt completely mech. after all, her heart and her brain were the only parts of her original body that remained. "what about you? taking a stroll perhaps?" she thought she might as well ask the same since she didnt know this girl.
"You're not. I like to hear other people's stories. It gives me a way to kind of look at their point of view." Alex took a piece of her cyberlox and played with it. The whole time she was debating on whether to tell Kai her story or not. She trusted him now and didn't see why she shouldn't. "I like your story a lot though. It's quite similar to mine."
Kai raised an eyebrow, "is it? i think i would very much like to hear your story." he smiled gently, "that is, if youre comfortable sharing it. theres no way you suffered through having a sister as boring as mine" he grinned, trying to keep the atmosphere light.

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