The World As We Know It [RP]

"Well when I was four my dad and mom were shot by mechs right in front of me. They were part of the early rebellion, which wasn't as active as us. So after that, the Mechs took me to one of the worse orphanages around here. The food was scarce and horrible and the living conditions were so bad it was almost too much to handle. So I found this special place that was at the edge of the orphanage fence that I would go every night." Alex sighed, and tried not too dig up too many memories as she said the next part. "One night when I was six, a boy that was a couple years older than me passed by the fence and tossed a fresh loaf of bread over the fence. He asked if I wanted to come out and join him. And being the neive girl I was, I climed the fence and went with him. His name was Nathan, and he taught me everything I know. We were best friend since that night, and when I escaped the orphanage a day before my sixteenth birthday we went and got matching tattoos." Alex turned her wrist so it faced up and looked at the anchor. "Not long ago, he saved me from the Mechs, and he was taken away."
Kai frowned, but then his mouth curled up in a warm smile. "im sure you will find him. if he really meant that much to you, you will definitely see him again." though he smiled, he frowned inside. there was some part of him he couldnt find. he wondered, with the broken useless part of his heart removed and replaced with the mech half, he wondered if he had lost his ability to feel emotional pain, or pity. it upset him, but he wouldnt show it. he knew there was something missing, and he was sure there were other emotions he lacked. maybe it was just his imagination, or maybe he just needed to relearn some of it.
Seekay did another scan in the area and took note of a possible mech going into a park. He decided to look into the phenomenon non-agressively: weapons put away and cloaking disabled. Followed the signal to the rooftop several buildings away. When he was in position, he zoomed in with his optical sensors and noticed the mech in question was a young cyborg girl: no visible weapons...low threat assessment.

He watched the girl from the buildings roof in confusion about his confusion.
Celeste looked around, feeling as though she were being watched. she gave a nervous look at the girl sitting with her on the bench. "i dont feel like this is a good place to sit...." she hoped that her parents hadnt sent their mechs to find her. she looked around nervously.
Seekay watched the girl. He had forgotten that humans had a sixth sense for being watch. He berated his processors and proceeded to do the calculations on possible scenarios if he revealed himself. Concluding that there were no harm would come to his chassis, he activated his thrusters and touched down into the alley below. His previous programming was screaming for him to stay in the shadows. That at any time, his former "boss" could order him scrapped. He ignored those warnings and went with his gut. His foot touched the sunlit pavement as he begin to step out into the sunlight.

As he casually (if that's even possible) made his way to the girl on the bench, he assessed her. He would have found the hair follicles to be an oddity: whitish silver. The cyborg part made the oddity irrelevant. He noticed her anxiousness and nervousness then noticed her left arm: robotic. He filed it away as a possible threat. The emerald green eyes were also an interesting feature: not many humans or cyborgs had that kind of color as they made the eyes stand out. Assessment complete: harmless unless provoked.

He halted several yards away to do another scan before he begun his final approach.
Celeste spotted the mech and got up. she turned to the girl sitting with her, "i gotta go." this must be one of her fathers mechs, she was sure of it. she didnt want to be taken back. she got up and walked away, trying not to look frantic. she passed a few trees and hid behind one. she wondered if the mech could detect her heart beat, or perhaps brain activiy, as they were her only biological parts remaining after her accident.
Query: why did the girl withdraw? This unit's approach was non-threatening. This does not compute.

Seekay halted on the side of the pathway. Although the assassination mech could detect the girl through several means, he made no move to "seek" her out. the Within the next nanosecond, Seekay processed several reasons as to why the girl ran and hid. The orange lights seemingly dimmed on the chassis upon realization: she was fearful of him. As his subroutines brought up the current situation of the day and the realistic relations between man and machine, it should have come as no surprise: he was a machine.

He couldn't understand why he was feeling this way...or feeling feelings in general. How can a machine feel? How can I, who was programed to only kill, have any self thought. Does not compute. Must process this further. Seekay turned 90 degrees and took one last look at where the young female had hidden herself. He spoke aloud for the girls benefit,"This unit is causing unnecessary discomfort. This unit will now withdraw."

The automaton turned to leave the park.
Celeste peeked out from behind the tree, "you are not one of my fathers mechs?" she stepped out carefully, "you arent here to take me home?" this mech seemed unusual. there was something that made this mech seem less like a machine. how was that possible? she knew it was full mech, that was for sure, but something was different.
Seekay did not realize that there were some humans that chose to face their fears. The lights on the chassis seemed to flash as to mimic his sudden surprise. In the few seconds it took to face the girl who had revealed herself, he did an informational search on the internet using the girl's picture that was stored in his databanks from earlier, "No. I am not here to take you, Celeste home. I am not a unit of your father's nor will I be one. This unit is self sustaining."

Seekay made no move to approach Celeste.
Celeste breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at the mech with a curious expression, "then why did you follow me? mechs dont normally have reason to follow people. her expression was careful, this mech didnt seem violent, but she coulldnt let her gaurd down till she knew. you could never be too careful. she looked the mech up and down, trying to figure out what made this mech seem different from others. she couldnt put her finger on it, but for some reason the concept of "self sustaining" seemed odd for a mech. did it have concious thought? or was it running off some weird programing?
"Clarification: I was not following you. Further Clarification: I was not trailing or hunting you." Seekay deduced that Celeste was in this situation before, "This unit detected an interesting signature and investigated."

Seekay paused, "This unit was...curious."
Celeste chuckled at the odd mech. "curious? what kind of curiousity would you have for a 95% mech, 5% human cyborg girl like me? i have no skin or organs to study, merely my heart, my brain and whats left of my memories." she smiled sadly. it was true, she had lost part of her memories during the surgery that connected her brain to her mech body.she regained a few, but she still had a ways to go.
Seekay thought hard and long, 3.5 milliseconds, and was stumped. Why am I curious? Logical question...

"I am unable to answer." Illogical answer.

Seekay scanned the area again. Nothing was detected.
Celeste tilted her head to the side, "well i guess you wouldnt know. why arent you with a human? have to orders or programming for anything? ive never heard of a mech going against programming." she asked. she was honestly curious now as well. what kind of mech went against programming and just wandered around?
"Logical query, " Seekay processed what he could say that wouldn't bring danger to him, "When this unit was built, it was programmed with an extraordinary ability to learn and adapt to infinite scenarios. When this unit was reactivated, program and upgrades were installed. You may think of it as a leash. I evolved out of the leash and deleted necessary items to become fully...independent."

He noticed how Celeste tilted her head in response to his previous statement. Possibility to adapt and evolve.

Before he answered Celeste's other question he crossed his arms, "As for your first query. I was programed to be self sustaining. The ability to adapt and learn resolves me of that need of lesser automatons."
Celeste smiled a bit, "thats interesting." she approached him so that their conversation wouldnt be at such a weird distance. its not like she could really be hurt anymore then she had when she lost her body. "i wonder," she looked straight in his automated eyes, "have you developed...feelings? you seem different then a normal mech." she raised an eyebrow in curiousity. she had always been interested in psychology, so she wondered what sort of adaptations this mech had made.
Coppélia was going to reply. Maybe say something about needing some fresh air. That was the truth. But then the girl got all weird on her. She realize why when something, as she could not see them as person, approached. The person scared the girl off and then followed her.

Coppélia felt conflicted. She should most likely move on and ignore what ever was happening. It clearly didn't seem any good. Yet her curiosity filled her and after a moment or two she followed, keeping back, trying to see what was going on.
Jett stretched his leg out slightly, making sure the panel was secure, flashing Serenity a smile. 'Thanks for that. I'm Jett by the way. Local cyborg and misjudged teen, at your service.' He joked. His smile remained until Sarah came out and then it slipped slightly. he half expected her to start yelling at him, and was surprised when she actually said the words. Maybe it wasn't the apology he wanted, but he figured he'd accept it for now. 'It's okay. Just don't do it again, or I really will leave you for dead next time.' He warned with a stern glare, letting her know he wasn't fooling around.
Serenity smiled, then got up and stretched. "its no problem" she start to cough again, and grabbed her inhaler. she sputtered a bit before taking a breath of the medicine and cursing under her breath. "dang lungs just dont like me." she looked up at the two, "sorry about that."
Sarah smiled and giggled lightly as a tear formed in her eye, "Sorry it was so hard to get that out of me.... Its just-" the tear ran down her cheek, "Nothing.... Its nothing."
Jett was slightly appalled by the sight of her crying. Instinctively he reached out and wiped the tear away. 'Hey, no crying is permitted here. This is the Rebellion. You have to be a role model here. Any sign of weakness and they'll boot you out on your arse.' He said firmly. 'If you don't get it together then how will they known you are reliable?' He reasoned, poking her shoulder with a mechanical finger. 'I may be half robotic but I know some stuff.' He turned to Serenity. 'Guess you ought to take it a bit easier now?'
"The subject of feeling is currently being investigated by this unit," Seekay answered and considered his next words, "Your concept of feeling may be similar to what I am investigating. I understand feeling and emotions in the context of definitions and observations. Perhaps it is not the same. But I also believe that this unit cannot give a complete answer due to lack of data."

Seekay was about to ask another question to Celeste when his sensors picked up movement nearby (Coppelia). He narrowed the scenarios down to two: 1) activate energy blades and command unknown entity to reveal themselves 2) activate camouflage and withdraw. Option 2 was chosen, "You have brought data to this unit which must now be processed. This unit...thanks you for your assistance."

Seekay vanished as he activated his camouflage and retreated silently to the exit of the park.
Celeste watched the Mech go. she had such a long unusual day, she almost craved to be home taking a nao in her comfortable bed, but she still didnt want to go home. "you can come out." she muttered to girl who had been watching them.

Serenity smiled awkwardly, "me take it easy? yea right." she watched him wipe Sarahs tear, and took a few steps back. "maybe i should go find my idiot brother." she said, walking away slowly. she had no intention of finding her brother, as she was sure he was training with Alex, she just felt a bit awkward with that situation. she went around behind one of the lab rooms, sat on the ground and pulled out her old paper copy of War of the Worlds and continued where she had left off reading.
Seekay made his way back to the alleys undetected. As he deactivated his cloaking and activated his flight pack, he process all that he had recorded in the past minutes. Although he was a robot, it would take much time before he could fully come to a conclusion on this matter of feeling.

He flew out of the alleyways and took to the skies and headed back to where he had taken up position overlooking the rebel tunnel entrance.
"Im not in command, the only reason im important to them is because i work for Genisis AI- Or at least used to. I get emotional when im forced to look into my past," she lightly giggled again, "You can thank Eriks for that tear,"

a man working for the rebelion came in, "Miss Genisis-"

"You can tell George to f**k himself!" she lashed out in anger, "I have a life outside of being his slave, i didnt come back to give him the shutdown coads," Sarah got up, left the aid building and walked off somware into the distance trying to escape reality

Eriks walked out of the aid building and wached Sarah walk away, I hope she dosnt leave again, ​He thought to himself

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