The World As We Know It [RP]

Serenity chuckled. "me, find an exit? no i was just looking for a quiet place to read." she shrugged, examining the wristblade before it disapeared. size, width, and ability to hold energy, which she noticed her didnt use. she did a few calculations in her head. "assasin mech. model____ by the looks of it."she said with a smirk, recalling the many books she had read on mechs. some of which she stole, due to how classified they were. "now i just have to figure out how you managed to disobey your orders. you are a curious mech, a phenomenon consistant with a code error that leads to a "ghost" in the system that allows disobedience and even on occasion, emotion" she said with an intrigued look.

((if youve seen I Robot then you might understand where i get the 'ghost in the system error code' thing.))

Jett raised an eyebrow as Sarah seemed to ignore what the guy yelled out. 'Uh.. you do realise you were called, right?' He asked, poking her in the ribs lightly with a non mechanical arm. He listened to her story, frowning. 'Maybe you just need someone to look out for you?' He shrugged. 'Patience is key, but you seem to be difficult to have patience with. I know from experience and I've only just met you today.' He smiled gently at her before continuing. 'Also a difficult woman to take care of seeing how stubborn and ridiculously accident prone you are.' he teased her slightly.
(its okay Ali, im just glad you posted ^^)

Sarah looked at Jett. "I dont realy care if George wants me, he just wants the shut down coads so he can fight against the mech's, then he's just gonna send me out so i can be 'normal' again... The only reason im accident prone is cuz those damn drones are out to get me..." she said
Seekay recorded what the girl was saying as she droned on. I will have to research more of this girl and where she has found her information. Some of it should have been deleted from every database.

Seekay spoke up once the she was finished, "Thank you for your time and your information. I will resume my previous objective and allow you to resume your business."

Seekay began to silently walk away.
Serenity raised an eyebrow. "what no more questioning?" she was somewhat disappointing. this was a fascinating robot she would have loved to examine, even if it mean disassembling it and reassembling it. "perhaps a mech of your intelligence would have no interest in why i know about a top secret classified model of mech?" she said, hoping to provoke the robot a bit. the more it said, the more she could analyze the psychological aspects of its programing.
'Maybe if you kept your head down a bit then it would be easier to avoid trouble.' The boy responded, shaking his head at her. He didn't understand this girl at all. He was still annoyed at her treatment of him, but he figured he'd let it slide. She'd redeem herself eventually he supposed. 'I don't understand why you let yourself be used by them anyway,. Sure they're the rebels and all that, but they are only using you. except maybe Eriks. What happens one you have finished your part with them?'
"Hopefully by then the mechs will be eraticated and i realy can live a normal, well normal for me, life." she looked into Jetts eyes, "After the rebelion maybe it will be like 2023 again. You know, without the failing econamy and world war three. More peacefull and people sticking out for thier friends more often." she wandered off in her thoughts, "Have you herd of Anarchy and Bliss? Not the statuses but the legends?"
I never knew humans could be...bothersome. The mech stopped and turned his head towards the girl. But this girl may come to this unit's defense if my processors and calculations that I will not "run into" any one down here.

You may follow this unit if you so desire. But I ask that you keep your vocal processing to a minimum." Seekay started down the passageway again.
Serenity raised an eyebrow in curiousity. she shrugged and followed quietly. she didnt really have anything better to do, and she figured it was worth her time to study this peculiar mech. she didntsay anything, at the mechs request. she pulled out her book, and read as they walked, carefully watching where she stepped as she did so. it seemed odd that she was reading a Scifi book when her world very closely resembled a science fiction story.
After several moments, Seekay broke the silence,m "Query: Why is do you direct curiosity towards this unit?"

Seekay sent another passive "ping" throughout the tunnel system.

The automaton assassin stopped in his tracks. His most recent passive scan brought several unidentified blips to his scanners. As human eyes would narrow, Seekay's optical lights dimmed with suspicion.

"Hold position here, female, " he quietly ordered the human behind him. He activated his cloaking as his pulled his rifle from his back. He followed the blips on his scanners down several passages until he came to a T- interesecting passage. He looked around the corner and saw the blips: 5 mechs were on the prowl. It is a reconnaisance party. Lightweight, Light armored, and quick servos. He slowly put his rifle away and quietly unsheathed his blades. He had to wait for the right moment. The scanners on those mechs would detect the energy signatures of his blades the moment he activated the energy feature. He patiently waited until the party passed before quickly dispatching them. The five metal bodies clanked to the floor as he ground one of the heads into the floor. Worthless consumer models.

He uncloaked and was fired upon. Enemy fire from more mech forces pinged off his armor from the direction the mech patrol came from. He dove into the passageway he had came as round impacted on the floor and wall. He brought his rifle to bear: two shots, two kills. He fired several more rounds down the passage as he reactivated his cloaking. His invisible form charged through the dust and smoke. He activate his active radar as well as his energy blades and became a beacon to anyone and anything nearby.
Serenity ducked around the corner and watched the assasin mech easily do away with a group of other, more cheaply made model of mechs. gunfire erupted in the tunnel, and Serenity stayed back. she drew her weapon, but the mech was quick to dispose of the other mechs. as it activated its energy blades, Serenity approahed it, armed with her large pistol, aiming in the direction the other mechs had come from. "you better get outa here mech. the rebels are going to be all over here in a matter of minutes." she warned
"Negative." Seekay retreated to where Serenity had taken cover, "If I leave this position, the rebel base will then be soon over run." Seekay fired several more shots down the corner and noted several red blips had disappeared from radar. He withdrew back into cover as more fired erupted on Seekay's position, slowly chewing the corner away.

"Enemy reinforcements incoming from direction of enemy fire. I have learned from my own personal reconnaissance, this passage is the only entry point for this sector, " Seekay emptied his magazine down into the enemy force and reloaded.
Sirens started going off, "Um, i guess the story can wait," Sarah said hurying to Georges ofice. I guess Jett was right, I only lead that mech down here, she thought as she walked into the mans ofice, "Whats the siren for?" she asked.

"Mechs in entrance 5 and 8," he responded while geting his gear on, "We could have used the comand EMP on them if you taught me how to use it,"

"Im sorry, I forgot you were three," she said, "Am I going on assalt or background?"

"Background 1," he said, "I dont want you on front lines but having you out there would still be helpfull if we get to caried away,"

She nodded, "Should I get ready?"

"Yes ma'am," George replied

Sarah left the office and started to make her way to the armory.
Serenity remained behind cover where she was. she managed to peek out and take a few shots at the cheaply made mechs. each shot she took was precise, right through their central processing units. since they were simple mechs, and Serenity could easily tell the model, she knew exactly where to aim. a few calculations in her head, simple math really, and a deadly sense of aim was hers to wield. just as she dispatched a mech, a round wizzed past her, tearing through her shirt and barely grazing the skin. a small bit of blood welled up and ran down her arm. she pulled her head and shoulders back behind her cover, put her hand gun back in its holster and put her hand over the wound. she cringed, sinking to the floor as she kept steady pressure to stop the blood that began to cover her hand.
Jett followed after the girl, confused. He stopped outside the office, catching hold of Sarah's arm as she walked back out. 'What's going on?' He heard gunfire and frowned, the sirens doing his head in. What was happening? He didn't let go of Sarah's arm, making her stay in one spot as he listened to the sound of shots ringing out, seeing the rebels grab ther weapons and starting to head for the entrance. 'Are we under attack? How did they find us? you'd better not be planning to ight in that condition.' He said firmly, referring to the bandages around her waist. 'I'm not going to carry you back to the medical centre with more goddamned holes riddled through you.'
The assassin mech methodically emptied another magazine down the passage from behind the corner. He ducked behind once again behind cover to reload. Once this magazine was gone, he'd have one left. He took a nanosecond to check his hull integrity.

Hull integrity at 90%.

Superficial damage.


The Nanites are at maximum repair. As long as that module isn't rendered inoperable, this will work in this unit's favor.
He fired several more shots down the passage and realized that his audio processors lacked the sound of the female's weapon's report. He spared a glance and noticed her back was to the wall and she was in pain. Another nano-second passed and he diagnosed that the wound was not life threatening...just painful. His sub-processor told him to leave her and save himself. He denied those suggestions. He rolled through the hail of gunfire to her side of the intersection: dents being made into his leg armor.

He fired until the magazine ran dry and reloaded again, noting that the opposing mech bodies were creating suitable cover, "Human female, shut off your pain processors and provide support, " He took her pistol and handed her his rifle, "The magazine is full. I will engage in CQC (close quarters combat). Provide cover fire."

He activated his flight pack. Broke cover and used the boost to close the gap, firing the pistol until the magazine ran dry. Each round found its mark. He screeched to a halt behind the barrier of dead mechs and took one of their weapons while extending an energy blade in the other hand. He noted that both legs only had 50% functionality after that stunt. He opened fire.



Seekay realized that, without backup, it was only a matter of time before him and the female were overrun.
"Mechs spotted in entrance 5 and 8, a steath and conflict noted, maybe some security turrets." she told him, "I was ordered to get to backup squad and arm up, go to command or ask George ware to go- Actualy sence you havent been here for long, come with me." She walked into armoury, "Get me my armour and shotgun," she told one of the men helping people get ready, "Get him what he asks for," she said gesturing to Jett.
Serenity gave the mech a funny look, and suddenly felt angered. "shut off my what? for gods sakes!" she used her good hand to tear some cloth from the bottom of her pants leg, and tied it around her arm as tight as she could, using her good hand and teeth to tighten the knot. she clenched her teeth at the pain, taking the gun the mech had given her. "im sick of this!" her anger and frustration were apparent, which in an odd circumstances made her more nimble. she unloaded the magazine of the mechs gun into a large amount of enemy mechs with deadly precision, even for a large gun. she cursed under her breath as she ran out of ammunition. she could feel her entire arm pulse from the release of blood, but the cloth wasnt entirely soaked, which told her the wound was, in her opinion, minor. even though she was in pain, she could still use her injured arm. she leaned against the wall that continued to provide cover, wondering if the mech would be alright. she, due to her pride, would not leave. she would be shamed to let her combat skills go to waste if she retreated.
Seekay sliced through a mech that tried to break through and brought up his arm as a shield as he ducked down behind cover. His damage processors sent warning messages saying that his arm was now inoperable. He tossed the spent machine gun behind him and picked up another. keeping his head behind cover he fired down the corridor, using his radar as his eyes. Once that gun was spent, he pick up another and repeated the process.

Several enemy rounds found their way through the barrier and rendered his leg inoperable. Grabbing several machine guns as well as the dropped pistol, he boosted back to where the female was located. He crashed into the wall behind cover dropping the various weapons by the female.





Seekay did a diagnostic and found that fluids were slowly pooling around his sitting form. Using he good arm and leg, he made his way to the girl. He picked up one of the weapons and fired down the corridor again, almost willing his repairs to work faster.
Serenity picked up a weapon and resumed fire. "You need to get out of here. i cant work better injured then you can with non-functioning limbs. ive got this, the rebels will be around soon so go, get out of here before youre added to the scrap heap!" she emptied another guninto more if the enemy mechs, increasing the amount of debri that cluttered the tunnel. another round grazed her hip. a shallow wound opened and a bit of bleed came forth. this wound wasnt nearly as painful as what was one her arm so she completely ignored it. it was do or die, and she didnt like the sound of the latter.
Seekay rolled behind cover again as the enemy fire knocked away the gun he was holding in his operational hand, "Request processed. Request ignored." He picked up another weapon.





The mech let out the equivalent of a relieved sigh as the fluid stopped oozing from his chassis' torso. He activated cloaking, overriding subroutines that would shut it down to devote power to repairs. He went prone and slowly made his way forward. Bullets whizzed over his head and he noted that he had not been detected yet. He overrode his self preservation protocalls. If he could get into the midst of this force, he could cause massive chaos.
Jett raised an eyebrow at the girl but followed anyway. When she mentioned the weaponry and armour he almost smirked. A girl like that definately needed the armour. 'I'll just take some armour.' He said to the techie who immediately gave him the armour.

'Don't you want a gun?' The guy asked, to which Jett smirked again.

'Na, I'm all set. Got everything i need right here.' He said, tapping his mechanical arm fondly. That was the one good thing about having mech body parts. They given him a nice set of weaponry to play with. He figured they'd probably fully upgrade him if he allowed it. But he liked being as human as possible.
(([MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION] yay I finally have free time again))

Alex quickly stopped her sobbing, even though a few tears were still falling down her face. "I-I'm supposed to stay strong. I can't let my guard down for even one second. Sorry you had to see this." She wiped her eyes and looked at him. "I probably don't look that great right now. But thank you anyway, nobody has really ever cared about me here.
Kai smiled, "well, when all you have is a sister, you learn to care for those who need it most." he gave her a quick hug. "now, like the strong rebel soldier you are, get up, dust yourself off, and stand tall." he grinned encouragingly.

(yay! i barely remember anything that happened with Kai and Alex though)
OOC: I've been waiting for people to post. If there aren't any posts by tonight, I'm going to go ahead and move forward.

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