The World As We Know It [RP]

Serenity stood up, and felt a breeze. she looked down and remembered that she had used her shirt to help Sarah. "er, anyone have an extra shirt?" she blushed, though she talked tough, she was still self conscious. she was thin and well built for a bookworm, but with being a bookworm came a sense of modestly.
Jett scoffed. 'Yeah whatever. One way or another she's going to apologise for treating me like sh*t. I did nothing but save her and what do I get? i get called a damn AI and have her shoot me with a damned EMP! They wreak havoc on a guy's circuits you know. It's not my fault I'm partially mechanical. It's her father's, so if I feel like joining the damned rebellion then i bloody well will. The least she can do is say she's sorry.' he snapped. He looked to Serenity. 'Now you know how I feel. Mine was the first bandage for the ungrateful brat.' He said, shooting the unconscious girl another glare.
Eriks sighed, "I would try to explain how hard her life has been but you wouldnt get Sarah like Ulte does," Eriks went into a room with some medics and Sarah to patch up her shot before closing the door he said to Jett "I know how it feels to get stuck with her for a day, i just hope you stay with us long enough to understand her,"
"Kai give me your shirt!" Serenity tugged at the bottom of her torn shirt." her face was a bit red, she didnt like showing skin ever."

Kai laughed, "no way, you look fine, youre skinny anyway. besides, its cold in here!"

Serenity glared at him, "youre a guy, its ok for you to go shirtless."

"not in front of these people its not" Kai looked around, "besides, i uh have an ugly scar" he pointed to where his heart was. Serenity understood, and didnt say anymore.

Celeste pick herself up off the ground, and frowned as she rose up into the air again. she got up over the buildings and looked around. she felt she had been in enough trouble today, but she didnt want to go home.
Jett rolled his eyes. 'Yeah I'm sure she's a real gem. But if you rescued someone and all they did was call you a Mech and then knock you out with an EMP and didn't apologise you'd be pretty unhappy too.' He grumped, folding his hands across his bare chest as he overheard Serenity fighting with a person whom he now assumed was her brother. there was always something in the way that siblings fought that helped identify them. He cringed as the bolt in his leg jammed up. 'Shit.. i don't suppose you have anyone good with technical stuff here, do you?' He asked, sitting on the step. He pressed a pressure point in his leg and the entire front panel popped open to reveal the inner workings. 'When i fell earlier it bumped a bolt or something and i gotta fix it before it renders my leg useless.'
Serenity was fed up and decided she would just have to put up with he new found belly shirt. she heard a loud clang and spotted Jett and the other guy talking. it had appeared that something was wrong with Jetts leg. she stomped over to the two guys. "i can fix that if you want. im pretty skilled in fixing just about anything." her tone wasnt the most agreeable, but she figured if she could help she would. she didnt want them to think she was useless. "unless you want one of these shmucks to do it." she said in an unintentionally mean manner. she was definitely in a disagreeable mood.

((im have way too much fun with this character xD ))
Alex just looked at the ground where there was blood from Sarah. "Yeah, you're right. Let's get training. We won't win against the Mechs by just standing here. The training rooms are this way." She headed towards the room, wondering if Sarah was going to make it or not. It would not be good if she was to die. She was a big part of the rebellion and if she was to die, someone else would have to take over. And most people here weren't the best choices for leaders.
Jett looked up in surprise. He'd never taken the girl as a technical type. She just didn't look the part. He shrugged, shifting his leg towards her a little. 'If you can promise you won't further cripple me in the process, accidental or not, go for it.' He said with a very careful stare at her. He wanted to know if she did in fact plan to fix him or was just saying that to ruin his parts. But she had no reason too, he could tell by the way Kai was walking that he'd recently been fitted with a leg of his own. So she couldn't do it just because she hated mech. it'd look bad.

(Sorry guys, Exam today, won't be on for another six hours. Don't go too far without me. xx)
Kai cast a glance back at his sister as she started tinkering with the other guys leg. he looked down at his own. with all the walking he had done he was quite used to it, though he wasnt sure he would be very effecient without practice. he followed Alex as she led him to the training rooms. "dont go too hard on me. before i had my surgery i was what you would call a 'wimp'" he rubbed the back of his neck, "i wouldve loved to do stuff like this but..." he decided he wasnt comfortable telling anyone about his half mech heart yet. "i had leg problems."

Serenity took out a small tool kit and poked around carefully with a small screw driver so she could see what was wrong with his leg. she grumbled as she worked. she wasnt really what you would call a docile girl. she had a short temper and little patience with her brother, as well as anyone she thought to act like he did. "according to manual 33x this should......" she mumbled as she recalled some of the mech manuals and tech guides she had read. she had a photographic memory for anything she read about in books, but not much else. "didnt you ever ask for instrutions to fix your own leg?" she looked at the mechanics with fascination.
I'm waiting in line for my turn in line. Mc Donalds aggravates me, it's always so crowded and there is some bum in the corner talking to himself. Don't get me started on the cheap robots they use. Finally it's my turn. "HOW MAY I HELP SIRZZZZZ" The robot moaned.

"I want a number eleven meal with a root beer"


" I already said, I want the meal"


"Rootbeer! I want rootbeer!"


I walked to table 47 and waited. Then a tray covered with food shoots from a large tube in the roof. "well... wheres my root beer?" The colorful large drink dropped from the ceiling. Finally! I start to take a bite out of a "chicken" nugget when my teeth bite into a bolt... "DAMN!"

"Well now you can! And I've been told in an excellent teacher, so you should learn quickly." Alex walked into the room and flipped a switch to turn on the lights. There was a weapon station, but other than that the room was empty.

"Please close the door behind you. One time I didn't and everyone got annoyed with the noise." She picked a handgun off the table and handed it to Kai. "The first test is easy. Targets will pop up around the room, whether on the walls or ceiling, and you shoot them. I will be monitoring you from another room. Good luck!" Alex turned around and walked to a wall. She put her hand on it and a hidden door slide open. As soon as she had gotten inside, the door closed and was once again invisible. Alex picked up a breastplate looking article off the floor and quickly changed into it. She then sat down at a small control panel and pressed a green button that was labeled 'START'. The first target popped up
Kai closed the door behind him and took the gun as she handed it to him. "is this all? when i said wimp i meant i had no muscles and i couldnt run well. i never said i couldnt shoot." he smirked, took aim, and muttered a few math terms to himself and fired, putting a bullet through the center of the head of the target. he turned quickly turned and did the same for the next few targets, his feet planted firmly in place.

Celeste managed to fly a little before her damage proved to much. she fell a short distance, but landed gracefully. "curse this young body." she pouted a bit. "why did this have to happen to me?" she complained like a teenager. she was really 19, but she had been reconstructed as a 15 year old since the it was her age when she had the accident. she managed to get through the mech therapy and adjust to her new limbs, but her mental and emotional growth were slow due to flaws in connecting her body to her brain and heart. there were little electrical noises coming from her damaged leg as she walked through town.

((i wont do anything with Serenity till Ali gets back.)
Alex rolled her eyes. "I never said you couldn't. It's just a basic procedure I'm required to do." She knew that he couldn't here her through the wall, but she felt the need to say it anyway. She watched the screen in front of her and played with her cyberlox until the last target was shot. Alex got out of her seat and walked out of the control room, the top half of her body was covered in some of her armor.

She was wearing a breastplate made of a light bulletproof material, but was just wearing a black tank top underneath for practice purposes. She pushed a small button on the bottom of the breastplate and what appeared to be angel wings created from the same material popped out. As Alex moved, so did the wings, as if they were really attached to her body. "A friend made this for me since my code name is angel. I use the wings as shields." Alex smiled and put her hands on her hips. "You did great on the targets, but what do you think about hand-to-hand combat?"
Kai smiled nervously, "im a wimp remember? this is the part where you actually have to train me." he watched the wings as they moved, it was pretty cool. the kind of thing his sister would have gone geek all over. "thats pretty cool. im not sure what kind of name i would have." he shrugged. he hadnt been the nickname type, so he wasnt really sure. he also knew he would have a lot of work in the hand to hand combat part of training.
"Ok, if I threw a punch at you right now, what do you think your natural reaction would be? It is most likely to grab my hand, try hitting back, or just trying to avoid my fist." Alex walked to stand right in front of him, almost as if she were a drill Sargent. This was most likely going to take longer than she thought.
Kai nodded, "i should probably kept my arms up to guard myself right?" he put his arms up in a poorly mocked kick boxing stance. he felt excited, he was going to be able to fight and defend himself, and he got to do things he never did before his surgery. he was going to learn everything he could so he could get stronger. he was going to watch anyone else die like her had his parents. he smiled as he looked forward to his long hard training.
(sorry, wasn't able to get online..)

Jett made a face, holding perfectly still as she poked about in his leg. 'I can't see clearly enough to risk poking around. If it were as easy as just detatching the thing then I'd do it, but unfortunately it isn't. It was meant to be getting upgraded today but then the bloody Genisis kid decided to go and attract the attention of fifty odd Mechs and I didn't make my appointment, obviously.' He shrugged and watched her facial expressions as she worked. She was quite pretty, in her own way, but he didn't know if he could handle being friends with a genius. It'd make him look stupider than he already felt. Besides, she'd probably just pick at him about his mechanical parts. Markus did that, he thought with a sigh. He was always telling him to take better care of the parts. Maybe he ought to listen more.
Sarah opened her eyes slowly moaning, "Wha- Ware-" she looked up at Eriks, "Eriks?" she asked her vision still blured. "Yes Sarah, do you remember what I said three days ago?"

"Uh" her head still hurt and she couldnt think clearly, "No..."

"Dont play dumb with me," Eriks said as calmly as posible, "Youve probably lead them here with those cyborgs."

She looked at him like he wasnt the same person, "What?"

Eriks laughed, "Thats what George would say, but i did say to you 'Dont go out there, your going to get hurt'"

She looked away, "Sorry..."

"If you ment it it would be alot more worth while for me to give a damn," Eriks said, "Get up, somones waiting for you outside,"

She swallowed hard, "If he wants an apology he's not gonna get it, he needs to earn it..."
Seekay kept over-watch on the entrance of tunnel on a nearby rooftop. There was only one way to the roof by foot; Seekay wasn't too worried as he was cloaked. He scanned the streets with the scope on his sniper rifle. The chaos from before had died down considerably. There were still pockets of mechs gone haywire, but it was being dealt with quietly. Haywire was such a erroneous term for this situation was what the robot was thinking to himself. "For the watchful few, this was anything but an accident. This was planned." Seekay continued to methodically sweep the area with his scope.

It wasn't too noticeable, but it seemed as if some the mechs were beginning to congregate in some areas...almost as if an assault was planned or almost as if section of the city was being quarantined.

"The calm before the storm..." Seekay thought.
"Yes, but more like this." Alex moved closer to him and repositioned his arms. "That way you can block any basic punches and throw really quick ones yourself. Of course these are just the basics and it's going to take a little bit for you to become more advanced." Alex smiled almost mischeviously. "So are you ready to actually try using what you just learned?"
"sure" Kai smirked. "anything to help protect innocent lives." his expresion grew serious, he didnt want anyone to have to experience a loss like he and his sistere had.

Serenity went to reconnect a cord, got a slight shock, "ow!" she pulled her hand back, waving it a bit, "well, im glad your letting me help. ive read a ton of books and there is so much about this hardware that intrigues me...." she successfully reconnected the wire before screwing some loose peices into place.
Jett's leg twitched as she reconnected the wires. It sent a shock through him too. 'Damn it.. that hurt ya know?' He said, cursing and gripping the edge of the stairs. 'I'm still attached to this.' He reminded her, shooting her an annoyed look. Stupid brainy know it all brats.. always having to take an age. not that he could really be annoyed, she was helping him after all. 'You know, I still don't know your name.'
"sorry, it me too." she said her eyes fixed on his leg. "my name is Serenity, you?" she asked readjusting some of the calibrations and screwing the main cover on. "there you go, all done!" she smiled at her work, at least 90% positive she had gotten it back to how it should be. "if there are any problems i can look at it again later." she offered, reaching out her hand to shake his as she waited to hear his name.
"Ok, then keep that stance. I'll throw a few punches and you try to block them. If you want you can try to hit back." Alex got in the same fighting stance right in front of him. She smirked, knowing that it would be fun to train him and see exactly how good he gets. He might even get as good as her soon enough. "Now don't try going easy on me just because I'm a girl, or else your going to end up getting your butt kicked. Ready?"
Kai nodded with a serious expression, "i wouldnt dream of going easy on someone with training, im good with one mech leg thanks."

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