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Fantasy The war

Ember Reileen Rose

Crazy Asian
This world must be protected. So much evil is running rampant, humans only see the tip of the iceburg. All the evil and vile creatures that bring them nightmares in the night, if only they could see what really goes on. All the monsters and evils that they fear so much exsist.... Dragons, vampires, werewolves, fairies, demons, angels the list goes on. I myself am a child of the kingdom of heaven, my father on the other was a tyrant; I loved once but it was forbidden. He tried to tear us apart by ordering me to love another of his choosing... I defied his order thus resulting in me being cast out and my left wing being torn off to ensure that I could never fly again; he didn't keep it though it was discarded far from where I fell. This newly born planet that many deities conceived and my father took claim for it's creation, this is my home now. I was damned and broken but mother earth would not allow me to die; the deities of old taught me how to harness and use the elements of earth, air, fire, water and spirit. Mother earth healed me and took me under her wing, I am now a protector of her and all life that she holds from evil and destruction. My abilities and powers bestowed upon me from my father are still there but now I'm empowered but the elements, to protect those who need it and to find and reattach my long lost wing. It didn't take long for my father to figure out that I survived his punishment, it was then that I had no choice but to slay my own brothers and sisters.... The very swords I used to protect them and fought beside them with are now used to spill the blood from their veins. The war is never truly over, I know that I am not the only one that fights against the odds in hopes that one day it will end. There are many out there like me, I hope to one day run across one in my journey to recover what was taken from me. It is a big bad world out there, the funny thing is the battle has only just begun.
Ember crouched next to a fallen tree, scanning the perimeter of the clearing before she continued. It's too quiet, she thought to herself; only days before she was attacked by demons and now there seems to be nothing. Ember never letting down her guard, stayed in her current position to see if anyone or anything decided to pop up.
Leos couldn't understand what was going on everything was peaceful when he left how long was he gone. flying above the clouds he spotted a girl next to a fallen tree, no one was around so he decided to land and ask what was going on. landing away from her then turned back to his human form" its a lovely day is it not?" he asked walking up to her. he was not much of a smiley person so it was like a grumpy guy walking up to someone.

Not knowing were to go Salem wandered around a forest she stumbled upon. she hatted to be around it in the dark, but it was the only place she could hide from the people after her. "its still day you will be ok" she told her self over and over as she walked on. she never could tell how people knew she was a demon her human form was cute and she was always smiling and friendly.
Ember was taken by surprise when the creature not only landed nearby but turned into a man and had spoken with her. She quickly had gotten to her feet with the lighter of her swords drawn, "who are you?" She asked; ready to have the blade become a whip at any moment.
He put up his hands "i mean you no harm i just wanted to know the year" he said avoiding the question. "when do women fight?" he thought to him self eyeing her swords. then he cleared his throat "and isn't it plight to say your name before you ask anothers ?"
After examining him with her eyes, she raised her eyebrow and nodded. "I suppose you are right, I am Ember... Forgive me for keeping my sword drawn but I have very little trust to give especially to shape shifting strangers" she replied as kindly as possible. Whoever he is, he could pose a threat... But yet I sense no evil coming from him... We shall see then, she thought to herself.
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he nodded putting his hands down "i understand it seems that the world now is a lot darker then when i roamed it." he put his arm to his stomach then bowed "my name is Leos it is vary nice to meet you lady Ember" he looked up at her and gave her a fake smile . it was really all he could do he has'int been able to give people a real smile in ages.
Ember then decided to sheath her sword, still checking to make sure that the perimeter was clear. "I'll be setting up camp here for the night, you are more than welcome to join me Leos. After the wood is gathered for the fire then I can hunt." She said with a smile.
he striated up and nodded "thank you i would be happy to join you" he started to walk off "ill go get some wood". after walking off he gathered some logs "there is a strange sent coming from her" he thought at he headed back.

Salem had to rest she was so tiered from running she was about to collapse. "maybe there will be a good spot in that clearing" she thought leaning on a tree. pushing her self off she started to walk agen.
As Kaethel examined the surroundings from his perch up in the tree he resisted the urge to let a sigh. It didn't seem that his quarry was visible from here. As he quickly climbed down he re-examined some of the prints in the ground and bent grass. Whoever was in the area recently had disrupted any chance he had at a quick mission. Still, it looked like he would have another chance soon, since night time would be occurring within several hours. For now, he would have to settle for hunting for a good spot for the night. He kept cautious as he departed from the tree's area, for he had the feeling he wasn't alone out here.
"You are too kind" she replied with a nod, "I'll go hunt then, you are making my job much easier" she said before disappearing into the shadows of the woods. Ember armed herself with her bow, making quiet and cautious steps as she did; so any possible prey wouldn't be frightened away by her.
Leos watched her go then started to make the fire he was never vary good with his hands so he did it the old fashion way and blew on it, after fanning away the smoke still coming from his mouth he sat back feeding the fire when it needed it.

Salem sighed as she got in to the small clearing seeing nothing she walked back into the woods and sat down agents a hallowed out tree. "this will have to do i guess" she said to her self as she hugged her knees. she hatted to be alone but it may be for the best she thought leaning her head agents the tree.
As he quietly stalked about the foliage Kaethel quietly drew his crossbow and readied one of the bolts for it. It had been a bit of time, but the sight of the deer a short distance away from him was a welcome sight. If he could successfully kill it, he would have enough to eat tonight and maybe some remainder to turn into several day's worth of jerky. As he took aim he kept crouched down and quickly hit the trigger of his crossbow with his pointer finger, watching it shoot off to it's intended target. Hardly any time after the deer crumpled to the ground the tiefling set upon it, quickly moving to collect it and move it out of the way of anything else looking for an easy meal.
As Ember went deeper into the woods she felt a presence, not being able to put her finger on it she kept going. Where is any wildlife? The woods are lush and yet I haven't spotted anything yet, she thought to herself. Ember briefly stopped to see if she could track anything, upon close examination she spotted deer tracks that were no more than a couple hours old; nodding to herself she then followed the tracks hoping to catch up to it. Looking up beyond the trees, the sun had begun to slowly fade away; time is of the essence now and once the darkness settles in not only will the cold be against her but anything could be lurking and waiting for it's next victim. Ember quickly got on the move and followed those tracks.
Salem couldn't rest with the cold setting and all the noises in she felt like she was going insane "maybe its just people" she laughed to her self. "i should try to make a fire" she said trying to cheer her self up getting the materials she started to make a fire. "yes i did it!" she shouted happily it was a small fire but it would work. "i guess the 100th is time is the charm" she said to her self happily, now starting to warm up she started to hum.
As Kaethel stopped by a small pond he laid his prize down the bank. The silence provided an eerie comfort as he then set his crossbow down next to the deer, a bolt loaded but the string not pulled back yet. That thing had a sensitive trigger, just as he liked it It would be irresponsible to keep it fully cocked and loaded unless he was one hundred percent sure it was time to use it. Was the silence caused by the werewolves he was tracking passing through here at an earlier point? Part of him sincerely hoped so. It had been some time since he had been able to go after something that could easily turn the tables on him and make the hunter the hunted. As he went about the task of skinning and cleaning his quarry his instincts were very sure something else was nearby. As he slowly picked up his crossbow he pulled the weighted string back with the crannequin. Was it just a predatory animal? Or maybe something else?
Ember stopped every now and then to catch her breath, something about the tracks caught her eye. There were other tracks not human but not exactly animal either; Ember was hesitant at first but despite her instincts telling her to go back, she pressed forward knowing that the deer is essential but whatever is or was pursuing the animal couldn't be good. Ember followed the tracks until they came to a stop, crouching down to look for clues she had seen where it had fallen; Ember began rubbing her fingers in the soil that is moist upon smelling it she knew that it was blood. Damn... Looks like someone got to it before I could, she thought. Heaving a heavy sigh Ember had gotten to her feet, bow still in hand she started to go back in the direction that she came until the sound of a large tree falling in the distance caught her attention. I wonder what that could be, something big enough to take down a tree or natural causes one way or the other I'll head that way and check it out.. I can't come back empty handed, she thought to herself. Ember then went in the direction of the sound hoping that it wouldn't be anything that she would regret, the sun was practically gone by now and the woods were dark and ominous.
Leos jumped up after hearing a crash from the woods after hearing no other sound he shrugged then went back to messing with the fire "its almost dark out" he thought looking up at the sky. he shrugged agen "she will be fine ill go get her if she is out to late"

hearing the echo of a large crash Salem cradled into the hallow tree "its getting dark and already there are loud noises" she thought starting to get a bit scared. noticing what she is feeling she laughed to her self "a demon getting scared that's a first" still smiling to her self she watched her small fire burn wile she kept en eye on the darkening forest.
The sound of distant trees falling interrupted Kaethel's concentration from where he was aiming. Unless there was a large enough settlement nearby it seemed unlikely that regular people would be out for wood, especially since the sun was starting to set. On one hand, he felt obligated to investigate, given it could be a lead on his assignment. On the other, the deer would likely be gone when he returned. Needing to make a split decision he quickly carves some of the better bits off the deer before wrapping them in some cloth and putting them in his backpack. He did the same for other odds and ends from his kill, intending to use them as bait. Satisfied with his work he went in the direction of the trees, trying to move as quickly and quietly as possible. He kept his crossbow at the ready as he moved, knowing things were most dangerous at night time.
Ember continued on though the chill and hunger were beginning to set in she ignored it, she stopped long enough to catch her breath upon doing so; what looked like a bonfire in the distance caught her attention. Before proceeding any further she marked the nearest tree by using an arrow, carving an x and firing that same arrow into the tree beside it. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath before continuing on; Ember had finally made it to the bonfire. She checked the perimeter before entering, everything looked clear; what had thrown her off were two freshly uprooted trees laying on the ground on opposite sides of one another around the bonfire. A good sized buck lay dead close to the fire, taking one last look she took the opportunity and went to take the kill. The ground began to tremble and a loud voice chilled her to the very bone; she stood still frozen in her tracks. The ground trembled again another loud voice had replied to the first, "look! Told you we would get somethin!" A giant said as he came up to the bonfire eyeing Ember as he signaled his friend to come out of hiding. "It doesn't smell like human! What is it?" The second giant asked the first. "I don't know but it was about to take our snack! So now it will be our dinner!" The first replied with a malicious smile. Ember dropped the buck and attempted to run but was cut off in either direction of possible escape, they gave her no choice now she had to fight or die. "If you do this there will be regrets" she said while readying her first arrow to be fired. Both giants laughed before they could even stop laughing Ember fired her first arrow planting it into the first one's eye; he howled in pain and blindly stomped the ground until his vision cleared. She tried to make a break for it but his friend punted her into a tree, causing her to drop her bow and temporarily knock the wind out of her. While trying to catch her breath the giant that kicked her charged at her with full speed, without thinking she used her angelic light to blind them both. After that one bright flash of light Ember had enough time to harness the power of fire using their own fire against them, she engulfed the one that harmed her completely in flames; her focus stayed on him before she even remembered the other exsisted, he had snatched her up and squeezed her. Ember screamed in pain losing all focus on the now screaming flame giant, she tried to unsheathe one of her swords but it was in vein his grip is far to tight around her. She knew if she didn't do something soon she would be dead and her father would finally get his wish.
"that was a scream" Leos said jumping to his feet he turned into his dragon form and flew off to find were it was coming from. "it had to be her" he thought looking down over the trees. finally seeing a fire he swooped down and landed seeing a one giant in flames and the other holding Ember. "let her go you filthily giant!" he yelled pulling out his long sword he cut into the giants arm making him drop her. after watching her drop he grabbed her and flue up "are you alright?"

he asked looking at her.

" that did'int sound good" Salem thought hearing a scream off in the distance. peeking out of the tree she looked around they might be in trouble " she said climbing out of it. she did'int hesitate she started to run in the direction the scream came from with her scythe out.
As he approached he had heard the loud booming voices. Giants? Well, that would explain a lot. As he kept to the edges of their makeshift camp he managed to see the flaming giant, along with the one that was just attacked, with whatever that giant had taken out of its grasp and out of reach by something that could fly. Still, it wouldn't hurt to make sure these two giants didn't have the chance to repeat this trick. Kaethel quickly removes his crossbow bolt and loads a poisoned one in it place. If he couldn't land a killing blow he'd at least be sure it was a debilitating one. He takes a shot at the giant that wasn't set ablaze, intending for a shot to his head or neck, but really hoping for anywhere the poison could quickly spread from.
As the fighting with the Giants continues, a pale orange hue begins to light up the night sky. It began to get brighter and brighter, until eventually a large glowing orange Phoenix flew into view above the Giant still standing. The Giant, now distracted by the large new arrival, attempted to swat the majestic bird out of the sky, but with little success. The Phoenix burns brighter and sends a large pillar of flame straight into the Giants face, and it stumbles back, clutching onto it's face. The Phoenix then takes this time to land on the ground, and with a bright orange flash, a man in a large red jacket takes its place. He fist pumps the air as he jumps around in place, shouting to himself.

Running up on the scene Salem stopped and seen two dead giants, one guy shouting, another with a crossbow, and one guy flying with a girl in his arms. "what is going on?" she said vary confused wile holding her scythe to her. it was one of the most strangest things she seen even for a demon.
Horace grinned to himself. The intense light emitting from his scrying disc faded down to reveal a tall ginger man wreathed in smoke and wispy flames. The young looking mans boasts resonated within the bronze disc, and could even be heard amongst the fighting across the ridge from where he was hidden. He flicked his hand across the disc and the view changed to another combatant locked in battle against the mighty giants. A man held a crossbow, it took courage to face down a giant with little more than barbed bolts and a device to sling them. Horace hadn't witnessed a fight this intense in a while. It took a lot to get him moving, but perhaps this was it.

Stretching the ache from his bones, Horace hid the bronze scrying disc within his robes, the holographic pictures fading as it became but a normal disc of beaten metal once more. And with that he got up from the log he rested on and headed toward the sound of giant and the smell of smoke

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