The War of the New World (Shape shifters vs vampires)

Kin watched the two talk from a ways away,when she winked at him he had no idea what she was trying to say."What was that about?...."He shrugged his shoulders and decided not to get into thinking about it at the moment. His stomach growled and he sighed as he placed his hand on it,he wondered where Skit was and got his answer. Skit had ran up to him from behind and jumped on his back,wrapping his arms around Kin's neck and his legs around his waist.Kin had almost lost his balance but found it and tried to look back to Skit."What are you doing?"Skit just smiled back at him and then looked over at the lady they had met and a new stranger,with a slight tilt of his head it was easy to say he was confused. Kin just pat his head,"Don't worry,she's just saying hi and was going to ask if he'd like to join too."
Hakidonmuya nodded, and looked at Skit. I've got a bit used to vampires now...., she thought. But i'm not sure he is... What if he is a total vampire killer? What about Skit?, she thought again. She shook her head, and thought again, maybe i should not let him get close to Skit. Not right now. Then, she looked around her shyly, then looked at Stier again. "Ah, no problem.", she said. Running out of topics, she looked around her again. Maybe there is something she can use to talk about.... The food! "Why don't you get a snack or something? I think you might be hungry. I was just about to get a few for myself and....", she hesitated, then continued, "my friends.". She looked at Skit again, and shook her head. Hakidonmuya tried to tell him not to get close to Stier, yet.

She took two steps towards the food, and then looked at Stier once more, "Why don't you grab some of it?", pointing at the food there is.
Stier walked to the food. He grabbed an apple and took a bite. He looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "Is everything okay?" Stier noticed she was acting strangely. He knew he was intimidating, bot not to this extent. He figured something was bothering her but wasn't sure what, exactly.
(I have a feeling you meant Kin and not Skit Yana,Kin's the vampire.)

Kin watched them,she really needed to work on her signs cause he still had no idea what she meant.He started thinking about what she could be trying to say,at least until he was tugged toward them. Skit had waited long enough and wanted to say hi to the new person,he never saw a bull before so he was very curious about it. Kin as always just went a long with it though he wasn't sure it was a good idea just to go up out of no where,he thought of tell Skit that but it was a little late. They had already reached Haki and the new person,Skit simply waved at them with a smile on his face as Kin stood behind him staying quiet.
Stier noticed two people standing behind a small ways away. He noticed one man and a woman. Stier decided to do something about it. So he smiled at them and waved them over with Hakidonmuya and himself. He took another bite of the apple and also was continuing to hold the conversation he was currently having.
(( Sorry, i forgot =u= My mind was full of thoughts then... Anyways, sorry for the late reply! D: Been kinda' busy IRL =u= ))

After her mind swam through different thoughts, about a bunch of case scenarios that might happen if Stier met Kin and know he's a vampire.... She tried to think of a solution to solve all of that in her mind. But, she realized that Stier, in front of her, was talking to her. "I'm... Fine.", Hakidonmuya finally said, after throwing one look at Kin before saying so. Hakidonmuya saw Skit, and she quickly waved her hands. "Skit!", she yelled. Hakidonmuya put on a 'it's - a - serious - situation' face. Hopefully Skit knows what she meant. Since the conversation has gone silent and a bit awkward, she decided to ask Stier, "So... Is the apple... Good?".
Skit noticed that look since he got it a lot and hid behind Kin,Kin simply sighed with his arms crossed now."How about we wait for them to come over here?"He said looking down at Skit who had peeked out from behind him,Skit nodded even though he really wanted to meet the bull person. He wondered what they were talking about,and was it really that serious? It didn't look that way but he didn't want to take any chances.
Why didn't either Skit or Kin come here?, she thought. Maybe they won't take any chances. However.... Seriously, this is really awkward. Hakidonmuya looked at Kin and Skit one more time, giving them a bitter smile... Which is the 'i - seriously - need - some - help - here' face. But maybe i could just introduce him to Skit and Kin...., she thought again. She looked at Stier, and quickly grab one of his arms. "Umm.... I'd like to introduce you to some people.", she said before dragging him away towards Skit and Kin. When they are in front of Skit and Kin, she said, "Skit, Kin, meet... Stier.".
Once she came over with the new person Skit quickly jumped in front of the man and looked up at him with a smile as his tail wagged behind him,this man seemed a lot taller then Skit and he was very curious about this man. Kin just glared at Haki giving her the 'make up your mind' look,then he looked at the stranger and had no idea how to react to him so he stayed simple."Hi..."He waved as he scanned the man.
Stier felt slightly uncomfortable being man handled but kind of like the fact that people were interested in him. Stier heard the man greet him. So Stier said, "Hello. It is a pleasure to meet you." Stier finished his apple, core and all, and extended his hand to shake with both the people that Hakidonmuya pulled him over to see. Stier sized up the two and didn't feel threatened. Stier's face brightened sincerely. A small smile escaped his hard visage.
Kin though saw this man as a threat and was hesitant about shaking his hand,but did it anyway since he thought it would be awkward if he didn't. Skit on the other hand had grabbed the man's arm and was lifted off the ground,he laughed as he locked his fingers together so he could hold on and swung his legs slightly. This man was taller then Skit by quite a bit,though Kin was too but not by much.
Seeing the face Kin gave him, Hakidonmuya shook her head in silence. Hakidonmuya saw a small smile from Stier. She was quite relieved. My next hope is just that the two--- wait, three of them would shake hands, she thought. Just shaking hands. The worst case scenario thing that if Stier found out Kin is a vampire is still flying in Hakidonmuya's head. She was reminded by her rumbling stomach that she was hungry. "Oops, sorry.", Hakidonmuya said, chuckling. I could try to go and have them get along..., she thought again. She looked at the deer meat, and looked back at Stier and Kin. "I'm just going to... Take a few bites, and i'll be back.", she said shortly. She went to the table, grabbed some of the deer meat, and plunged it into her mouth, watching the rest of the three from behind the table. Let's just hope everything will be okay, she thought again before taking another bite at the deer meat.
Stier's smile widened. He didn't feel warmth when he shook the mans hand. Yet, strangely, he didn't feel provoked in any way. But he didn't want to assume anything until he knew for sure. He shook the woman's hand as well. Steirs' curiosity got the better of him. "What are your names? And what do you shift into? I haven't met very many shapeshifter in my life." Excitement was filling Stier's body.
Skit had held onto the man's arm and didn't say anything like he always did. Kin just sighed as he watched Skit with a smile,"Well,he's a wolf...hmmm..."Kin started thinking about it more now,about Skit and how he acts. Though he was a kid so acting childish was okay but it was just strange sometimes,Kin still wasn't used to staying around here so somethings were just odd to him.
Stier let out a low whistle. A wolf, Stier thought. "I've never met a wolf before. How does it feel when you become a wolf? Is it empowering?" Stier felt many questions flood his mind but decided against asking too many at once.
Skit simply looked up at the man and shook his head with a smile on his face,he didn't feel hardly any difference when he shifted. Other then his body was a different shape and size,though he was just like his wolf form when it came to moving around so he was used to it. But being a bull seemed so cool,they were so big and strong and Skit couldn't imagine how awesome it felt to be like that. Kin crossed his arms,"Just so you know,that means no to your questions."He chuckled and Skit looked back at him before letting go of the bull and running over to him,hugging him around his waist.
How strange, Stier thought. No mental or emotional changes with him. Stier said, "I always feel more powerful when I change. Maybe it's only me." Stier felt a little let down. Stier motioned the two to follow him to the table with the food. He grabbed another apple and took a bite through half of it without thinking much of it. "And what about you?" Stier asked Hakidonmuya. He almost forgot about her.
Skit followed the bull dragging Kin along behind,he had something to eat before everyone else so he was fine. Though he never saw Kin eat anything and wondered if he was hungry,did he get hungry? Skit looked up at Kin and poked his stomach with a slight confused look on his face,Kin had looked down at him and shook his head."No,I'm fine."Kin said with a smile,though it was a lie.
Hakidonmuya looked back at Stier. That's fast, she thought. "Me?", she said before taking another bite at the deer meat. "Well, i could turn into a horse.". She chuckled, "It's not that awesome, but i feel kind of special since most of the shape - shifters in my tribe were usually....", she took a deep breath and looked at Skit, then back at Stier again, "wolves.". "It makes me feel a bit special.", she smiled.

(( Sorry for the late reply, i'm currently having tests at school! D: But i'll try to reply ASAP! :3 ))
Stier looked at Hakidonmuya. He looked back at the others. He took a bite of his apple. Then he began to smile and chuckle softly. "When I was a young boy, my best friend was a horse shapeshifter too. But not only that, but he was my mentor." Stier had a look of serenity as he said this. "A small band of rogue vampires attacked my clan though. As they culled my clan, my mentor transformed and was the most brutal and elegant creature I had ever seen. All I am trying to say is that even though you are a horse, the things you do is what makes you awesome. Not your animal." After Stier said all this, his nostalgia was replaced with a cold realization that his clan was gone and he was alone. He quickly hardened his features and put his steely facade into action.
Kin suddenly fell quiet,he seemed more nervous now and looked away from the bull shifter. Now unable to look back at him,he was worried now since it seemed him and this shifter wouldn't get along. Skit noticed Kin looked nervous now and whined softly like a dog as he looked up to him,Kin just pat his head as he smiled back down at Skit.
This is not so good, she thought. Not at all. Hakidonmuya did hate vampires... Most of them ransacked her tribe, and one kidnapped her sister. She was indeed sure that every single one of the vampires were evil. But it changed when she met Kin, and a few other vampires on the journey to... Ironically, beat em' up. Even so, she was cold to them back then. Her mind is reconstructed in this camp, where vampires and shifters join as one. Seeing Stier's hardened face, she finally said, "He.... Or she, must be pretty awesome.", she paused, "Also, thank you for the encouraging words. Those stuff really means much to me.", she let out a faint smile, trying to say something to divert them from the 'vampire discussion'. She looked at Kin once, then quickly turn away. What can i say to avoid the 'vampire discussion'?, she thought deeply in her mind.

After a few seconds, she finally said, "And.... How is your best friend, or mentor, right now?". That's probably a bad question, but i had no choice..., she thought again in her head. Hopefully the answer won't be a bad story.
Stier looked at Hakidonmuya. Stier took a deep breath before answering, "I honestly don't know. He kind of went his own way a few years after that. Probably settled down with a family, I suppose," Stier shrugged. It didn't matter to him exactly where his mentor was, only that he was safe. Deciding to change his own topic, Stier shifted the discussion. "So, are most people here partial to newcomers?" Stier asked. "Because if not, I can leave with no questions asked."
"Actually there very good with newcomers of all kind..."Kin said without thinking,it just came out though of course it was true. He just figured he shouldn't say anything else,though he had a feeling he would out of habit. He just didn't want to draw too much attention to himself yet,since he didn't know what to expect from this guy and what he could do. Skit nodded in agreement with what Kin said,staying by his side since he could feel that Kin wasn't feeling good at the moment.
Steir got a look of approval on his face. "Good to know," he said. Stier scratched his beard in thought. Then he asked, "How long have you guys been here?" It seemed a harmless enough question. More ice breaking, if you will, between these strangers and himself.

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