The War of the New World (Shape shifters vs vampires)

Skit had helped Kin to there hut and let him rest,he left Kin alone to sleep as he took a look around and kept watch. Chenoa still hadn't came back and Skit started worrying since there seemed to be no second in command,but he couldn't drop his job just because Chenoa wasn't here. So Skit went over to the edge of the village and climbed up his watch tree,he stopped and sat on a branch on the top of the tree as he looked around. His wolf ears and tail showed as his ears twitched to any sounds and his tail wagged behind him as he hung down,he didn't catch any sound or scent of a vampire so it all seemed clear for now. Though he did spot a couple figured here and there but it was hard to make out who they were.
As the sun began to set, Raxenite came to the end of the meadow and the start of a farmland. She did not want to intrude but she knows the dangers of the wild at night so she took shelter in the farmer's home which appeared to be abandoned.

She placed her gear on the table and started up the fireplace. After she unzipped her backpack, she grabbed out some blood that was a few months old, kept fresh in a mini freezing container. It wasn't as tasteful as fresh blood, but it was still the substance she required.

Raxenite examined the house thoroughly and tried to picture the final events of the home. There was a broken chair and a chunk of the table missing, she figures something violent occured which either killed the owners of the home, or had them flee. She hopes for the latter is the case.

The moon rises high in the sky, Raxenite is usually at her peak around this time but she had been travelling all day which has exhausted her. She prepares her sleeping bag then zips herself in and slowly doses off.

During her sleep, she rolls around a bit, tossing and turning... A dream of her Other Half again.
Stier woke up in a cold sweat, bolting upright. He looked down at his "mattress" saw a 'Stier' shaped stain on it. Rising to his feet Stier walked out of the hut under the full moon, basking in its radiant beauty. Stier decided that it was time for a walk. Starting at a slow pace and steadily increasing, Stier jumped into the air and triggered the transformation mid-air. Before he lands, a hulking black bull with rippling muscles materializes where the man who was Stier had been and landing with a thud, continuing to run at a relatively fast speed.

Feeling the air rushing in and out of his massive lungs felt amazing to Stier, knowing full well that this was him when actually free. Stier was stronger and more resilient to sickness and pain than most while transformed. Feeling nearly invincible, he kept running. And running. Until something rushed into his side, fast and hard. Stier was knocked off of his feet and he landed about four yards away. Picking himself up off of the ground, Stier looked at his attacker. He looked more like a teenager who couldn't lift more than a small rock opposed to knocking a bull larger than most clear off its feet. Short cut hair, deep blue eyes, and a feral snarl on his face, he looked more like a bogeyman in a sixteen year old boy's body.

Stier shifted back into his regular form to refrain from him wanting to trample over this kid with little effect. Moonlight shifted slightly amongst the clouds and began to shine on the scrawny person. He opened his mouth and hissed at Stier like a snake would, protruding fangs that could rival a walrus. Tension filled the air between the two. Stier began to clear his mind of all distractions that could steal his attention. He cleared his mind enough so that he could tap into his inner beast. Living among the nomads had taught him that even though you can transform into an almighty animal, you don't need to change into it to become strong. Only train your soul to become man and beast at one time. What Steir failed to learn until years later was that it wasn't the full strength of his bull. Only a portion to make him strong and versatile.

The vampire-walrus-boy made the first attack, rushing Stier within the blink of an eye. Before Stier knew it he was caught by the throat. Finally tapped into the strength of the bull, Stier swung his arm down and forced the things grip as well as its arm to break. The vampires face twisted with pain and rage at the fact that its meal had fought back must have been a wake up call. Focusing back on Stier, he ran at him again but less graceful and he tried to lash at Stier with his claws. Without batting an eye or shifting any gaze away from his opponent, Stier jumped into the vampire boys body with his shoulder. Essentially a "Bull Rush." Landing on top of him, Stier began beating his head in with his massive fists until all that remained was a pulpy mass of gore on the jungle floor. Finishing his attacker, Stier plunged his hand into the vampires chest and ripped out his heart. Stier crushed it with a final squeeze of his hand. Suddenly feeling like a comet had fallen on him, Stier plummeted to the ground with a heavy thud and blacked out again.
([MENTION=3758]MegaPatman[/MENTION] :/ One Skit ain't asleep,he's outside in a tree watching around.Two Kin's sleeping in a completely different hut.)
(Awesome X3)

Skit had noticed Stier leaving his hut and watched him,he knew it wasn't safe for someone to run off alone but Stier seemed strong enough to handle himself. So skit just sat there and watched around like he had to see if any danger was around,he had lost sight of Stier but he still kept an ear out.
Zhang had been walking for what has to have been hours when he crossed through a field headed towards fire and light he saw near some huts. He was headed towards one of the huts with a glazed over expression that told of his blood loss that if he did not get rest for soon would surely kill him, no matter the fact that he stopped the bleeding. He was walking along half out of the world when he tripped over something, when he recovered he looked down to find a vampire, its heart literally ripped from it's chest. When Zhang looked around instinctively to find if their were more around or to see if he could find who did this he saw an unmoving form a few feet away laying unconscious. He quickly made his way to the form to find a large man laying on the ground with his hand and wrist simply drenched in blood, which Zhang assumed was the blood from the vampire heart. He reached down and touched the side of the mans throat and felt a slow steady pulse still going within. He heaved him up and over his shoulders by borrowing strength from his rhino animal form, which would cost him if he did not quickly find shelter to rest, and he started to heave him to the huts. As he made it he was spotted by another male that through the quickly darkening haze around his vision he could not make out. He called out for help for him and the man he held, and after setting the other man on the ground he promptly dropped to the ground unconscious like a stone would fall into the ocean.
Skit heard the call and had quickly jumped down from the tree,shifting into his wolf form before hitting the ground he darted to where he heard the call. It wasn't to long before he found Stier and a new stranger with him,both seemed unconscious so Skit wasn't worried about approaching them. He went over to the stranger and sniffed his head,nudging him with his nose as he whined trying to get him up. He knew he wouldn't be able to get even one of them to the camp since he was just a child and wasn't that strong.
Raxenite wakes up from her nightmare after thrashing about. She was sweating and her breath was heavy. She felt rejuvenated however, so she packed her equipment up into the backpack and carried on West.

The moon was three thirds through its cycle when Raxenite saw light coming from a hut in the distance. All the other huts were dark except for one. She was curious more than anxious as she approached the light. Something was in the air... She could smell blood, it was not vampire or human, and from this her hopes rose to meet a mystical shapeshifter.

As she approaches the hut, she stops from the sound of a growl.
Stier awoke with a massive pain in his ribs and head. He felt like he was hit by an elephant. Pushing himself up was a great deal of effort. Looking down Stier noticed that his hand was covered in blood. Next to him were two people: One with a huge gaping hole in its chest and a beaten head of gore. And the other was a well built man who had a huge gash in his back."What the-" Stier looked up to see a wolf standing idly by (I hope) whimpering. Then Stier recalled the events that had occurred for him to black out. A vampire had attacked him and Stier called upon his bull's strength to overcome the enemy. Stier tried standing up, slowly as to avoid falling and hitting his head. Once he was up on two feet he looked closer at the wolf and asked, "Skit? Skit is that you?" Stumbling a bit Stier turned around and stalked closer to the unconscious man. Carefully, Stier lifted the man into his arms and began to walk to the camp, hopeful that the guy wasn't already dead from bleeding out or blood poisoning.
Skit was now happy that Stier woke up and barked as he wagged his tail in a playful way,when Stier started heading to the camp Skit followed behind as he changed to his human form. He hopped on past him as they went though not to far off he froze as he looked around listening,he heard something approaching the camp and growled as he tried to pin point where the intruder was.
The scent of blood was getting stronger as Raxenite halted her movement. She peered around but couldn't see anything so she proceeded even closer to the camp/hut (What is this?) until a wolf with a feral growl appeared from the darkness of the shrubs. Raxenite took a step back, then casually crouched down and watched the wolf as it examined her, pacing back and forth.

"You are neither dead nor dying, and I smell blood here." She says, rubbing her chin with her thumb.

"Little wolf, you don't need to be angry at me..." She sighs and shakes her head, "... Who am I kidding? You're a feral wolf, can't speak English."

She gets up onto her feet and turns around to walk off when she suddenly hears a groan from the bushes that the wolf came from. The groan stopped Raxenite in her tracks, and causes her to turn back around to look at the wolf in a more curious manner.

"Are you... A shapeshifter?" Raxenite asks, her voice emphasising on 'shapeshifter' which expressed her joyful hope.
Stier came out of the shelter of his hut that the stranger was now resting in. Then he noticed Skit standing outside growling at a girl. He only heard her say "A shapeshifter" in an excited tone. He cleared his throat for her attention. Then Stier said in his deep voice, "Who are you?" She looked like someone who had been traveling for quite some time. She had a bag on her back, which kind of gave it away that she was a traveler of some sort. Stier tried to look intimidating, standing to his full height. He wasn't going to let his guard down since his last encounter came from someone half her size and weight. He wasn't sure if she was or was not a vampire, but it didn't hurt to be cautious.
(It's more like a village/camp,multiple huts around and a couple large ones.)

Skit had shifted out of his wolf form and still growled at the girl,his growls grew slightly quieter as Stier came over and asked."who are you?"As Stier asked Skit had slipped over behind him hiding as he softly growled at the new stranger from behind him. He stayed close to Stier as he always did with Kin when he felt unsure or scared of someone.
"My name is Raxenite." She says, performing a polite bow by crossing her left foot with her right foot, swaying her arm in front of her stomach, and her other arm behind her. A large smile is on her face as she looks at the two men.

"You two are shapeshifers! I've been travelling for so long and only now have I actually met one. Not just one, two! You are one... Right?" Raxenite says joyfully, then gesturing to the wounded man.

"How come you're wounded? If you don't die from bloodloss, a vampire will sniff you out, like I did." She says, looking around.

"I can't sense anybody else around us so be lucky it was me. Most of my people drink then ask..." She rolls her eyes as she finishes her sentence.

"I have bandages if you need any... You may also need me to suck out some blood, your blood smells foul, it's poisoned." Raxenite says, gesturing to her bag for the bandages, then her mouth where her fangs slightly extend.
Skit had no idea what she was talking about,maybe she couldn't sense all the others that stayed at this camp.There were at least a hundred shape shifters living here,though now it was obvious that she was a vampire. Skit knew he smelled something different and like Kin,now at least he could see how Stier acts and reacts to vampires.
Stier tensed after she said that she had "sniffed" them out. It unsettled him. But she hadn't attacked him.. Yet. So far, so good. After a few moments of thought, Stier decided that the man in his hut needed medical attention. He stiffly stepped toward Raxenite and let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding. "We have one person who is hurt badly. I would hurry up though. I'm not entirely sure how he'll react to a vampire checking him out and such." He turned around and started back towards his hut. "And my name's Stier." He made sure that Skit was mostly shrouded my his own muscle from Raxenite. "And if you try anything sneaky to the young man in there, you will regret it for only a moment," Stier promised.
Stier took it a lot better then Skit thought,but he saw that as a good thing. He wondered if he should try and get Kin now with all this going on,but he was scared to leave to get him. So he just stayed with Stier for now at least until he saw a moment to go get him,so he just held onto Stier as he did Kin all the time.
Stier felt Skit on his arm. Stier felt the boy there to be calming. Stier showed Raxenite his mysterious Savior and traced his finger along the long slash in his back. Looking up at the vampire girl he asked her, "Can you do anything to help him survive? Anything at all?" Stier knew nothing about vampires than what he had been told. Which weren't good things. But meeting this vampire, he began to hope for a peace between the two. To stop the fighting. Putting a hand on Skit, Stier begna to grow his confidence back even if his strength had not yet returned.
When Stier put a hand on Skit he looked up at him and smiled,Even though he 14 he could be mistaken for a 8 year old easily. He just looked at the hurt man,and since he was the youngest here he didn't feel very eased. He looked to where Kin was staying and softly whined to himself,wanting to go but he stayed close to Stier still.
Unknown to the scent of shapeshifters, Raxenite is unaware of any others in the area. She frowns slightly.

"Sneaky? Do I look like some rogue to you?" She snaps at Stier, "I'll do what I can." She calmly says.

Raxenite follows Stier to the wounded boy in the hut. She looks at the boy and holds her arm up to her nose, then exists the tent after the boy asks her to save his life.

She clears her throat when she was asked, "What's wrong?"

"That blood smells so foul. It's almost like he's rotting. If he has any normal blood left in him, it'll leave him very weak... All I can do is drain the tainted blood, then spit it out."

She walks back into the tent, taking short inhales and deep exhales, trying her best not to sniff the disgusting scent.

"What I must do... It'll feel very uncomfortable for you and will make you feel weak. You might even pass out and die from blood loss. Either I put bandages on your back and you die from blood poison, or I drain out the poisioned blood and risk killing you from blood loss. Are you sure you want to risk it?"
Skit didn't like the sound of any of this,it all sounded painful and he didn't like it at all. He wandered if there was a better way that wouldn't hurt so much,though he wasn't the one that'd feel it he still felt somewhat bad for the one that did. The only thing that stopped him from wanting to see if there was another way was the fact that these strangers somewhat scared Skit,that's why he was happy Stier was here or he really wouldn't know what to do.
"Don't worry about what he feels at the moment," Stier said. "He's dying. Do what you can please. Try to save a life. Just don't kill him." Stier looked at the man on his bed, slowly dying. He pulled Skit closer to him, trying to make him feel safe. Not much I can do now, he thought.

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