The War of the New World (Shape shifters vs vampires)

Kin just sighed,"About two days...This brats been here his whole life."He said patting Skit on the head.Skit just puffed his cheeks out at the word brat,then nodded again since Kin was right.Then Kin pointed to Haki,"She just got here like you..."
Hakidonmuya nodded, then said, "Actually i got here by accident. I didn't even know a camp like this exists!". She crossed her arms in front of her chest, then continued, "I was just going to rest for a while....", she paused. Her mind was swimming with thoughts. "but i found these two.", she said as she looked at Kin and Skit. "I decided to stay here for a little while."
Stier realized that these people were fairly similar to him. They have no place to go besides here. "Well, I guess I'll stay here for a while too I guess. No harm in it." Feeling fatigued, Stier sat down on the ground to rest. Stier looked up at them and asked, "Would it be okay if I just rested somewhere? I'm pretty exhausted."
Skit pulled on Kin's shirt as he pointed out,he knew a place they could stay for now. Course it was never the greatest,but it's better then sleeping out in the open. Kin looked down to Skit then to the others,"I think he knows a place."He said before slightly leaning down to Skit and whispered."You better not be thinking about more room mates...."Skit shook his head no in reply,not even he was that comfortable with that many people around. Kin was just an exception to him since Skit liked him,and the fact that he was a vampire and he had to keep an eye on him.
"Go with them then.", Hakidonmuya smiled, and looked at Stier, then back at Skit and Kin. "I'm going to grab a few more food.", she said as she turned, grabbed her knapsack, and walked towards the deer meat. She waved her right hand while walking. She stopped walking, and looked up. "Personally, i'd love to sleep out in the open. I'm sure mother nature will protect me.". She then turned to Kin, "If i need any place to stay... I'll go find you, if that's okay.". Without waiting another response, she locked her eye on the deer meat, and walked towards it.

(( Also, just letting you guys know that i won't be able to post for a few days, until next week, because i have tests at school, IRL :o So Hakidonmuya will keep eating on until then xD Sorry for the disturbance! D: ))
Stier stood up and smiled at Hakidonmuya. Then he turned to Skit and Kin and bobbed his head at them as if saying "lead the way."
Kin nodded with a smile before Haki walked off then turned to Stier as his smile slightly faded,"Alright,Skit."He said turning his attention to Skit before being pulled by his sleeve. Skit walked on pulling Kin as he waved Stier to follow,he wanted to know more about the bull but trying to ask questions without any way to say them would get really hard. So he just figured he'd wait and write them down later,Kin sighed not really fighting for his arm back."So...Did you come a long way?"Kin asked Stier,It was the first question that popped up into his mind but at least it was something to talk about.
Stier looked at Kin. "Oh, probably around two hundred miles of walking," Stier said. Stier cracked his neck with an ensemble of pops answering. "How far did you have to travel?"
Kin couldn't help but tiff before speaking,"About 3,4 miles..."Since he was from the vampire camp of this area."Sounds like you had more of an adventure then I did."His smile had came back across his face,and it was calm and more relaxed then before.
Stier smiled, bright and true, at his remark. It was and adventure though. Probably the best time he had ever had in his life. "An adventure? Most would probably call it that." Stier laughed a low and rumbled laugh. "It was mostly walking. Bandits and thieves were plentiful. But not really worthy of their title. Strangely enough, I only encountered one single vampire. Lo and behold became a friend of mine. Very nice boy."
"Really? Only one?...hmm..."Kin was a bit surprised,it didn't sound like many vampires were out there."Strange..."He wondered if something was happening that he didn't know about,course he did stay where he'd get no word if something was happening.
"Then again, I did stay clear from populated areas at all costs." Stier sped up to meet up with Kin since he seemed to have lagged behind.
Kin sighed with relief after hearing that,"That's good..."He then bumped into Skit since he wasn't paying attention,he got a confused look from Skit and Kin shook his head."Sorry..."Skit then pointed to a the hut in front of them and Kin got it,"Oh here we are."He smiled."you'll be staying here..."He said as he pointed to the hut,"hope it's enough."
Stier looked upon the hut and smiled. He looked at the two and said, "Enough? It's more than I expected! I haven't slept under a roof for quite a few summers. Are there beds or is the floor sufficient?"
The large tiger prowled around the outside of the huts trying to hide her white fur. she hears people talking and deciides to go in closer. she see's two men in front of a hut. slowly as not to alert them to her prescence she moves even closer. a yawn over comes her and it escapes from her muzzle loudly. she decides to run but as she looks back at the men she finds them both staring at her. she steps backwards but bumps into something.
"It's more like a large mattress just lying on the floor."Kin chuckled,not noticing tiger since he was paying more attention to Steir. But Skit was the watch of the camp so he noticed her instantly,soft whines came from him as he hugged Kin's arm and hid behind him. He was just the watch so he didn't know how to handle what he saw,usually he'd just give the signal and Chenoa took care of it but he hadn't seen her for some time so he didn't know what to do.
Hakidonmuya finished the meat, then moved over to an open spot. "This looks like a good place to sleep.", she said as she put her bag onto the ground, in front of a log. She sat on the grass carefully, then lay her head on the bag. She looked at the sky, and then looked around her. Kin, Skit, and Stier was not around her anymore. She decided to sleep. She smiled, then shut her eyes closed.

(( Like is said before, i'm still going on hiatus --- freakin' busy with school.... ;n; I won't interact with anyone at that time, since you can expect a fast - everyday response from me D: Thank you for the understanding! ;u: ))
{ Uh, has there been a co GM appointed while the GM is away. I signed up 11 days ago and found that the GM hasn't been on in a month and four days. Is there someone who was appointed by her to accept people? If so could you please look at my sheet and relay whether or not it's accepted. Thanks]
"What's a mattress?" Stier asked completely serious. Since his time with the Nomads, Stier had slept in a manner of different places ranging from a lake to even a crevasse in the ground hiding from predators. But not a matress. Stier looked at Kin and Skit. "Is it like a bed roll?" Stier didn't particularly notice the tiger around the hut, but could feel its presence.
Zhang looked down upon the city a family of vampires had taken over for enjoyment. The cool damp morning air was coalescing into a fog over the small yet loud city. It was a tourist attraction for a while due to the beauty of the landscape. Mountains shining purple and blue and yellow in the east, a beutiful meadow and a forest beyond to the west, the ocean lay large and vast to the south, and to the north there were dunes and hills and sand as far as the eye could see. It was this last that Zhang stood upon, the crunching sand slipping in and out of his toes like water in your fingertips. He reached for his knives as a child would for his mothers hand, the want for comfort and safety as obvious as the fact that the sun will rise in the morning. He had come here to liberate this city, and liberate it he shall, no matter the personal cost he would kill every vampire he met within the limits. Hell he would kill them anywhere around it too if need be. He prepped himself and then began to run, starting slowly and then gathering momentum until he was running full speed, a powerful force that some would look at and run from swearing that if they did not get out of the way they would be ripped in half. He pulled out a handle with three knives inlaid in it and pointing outwards like makeshift claws and put it on his right hand, he then gripped a seemingly regular knife in his left and took the first vampire outside the city by total surprise. The vampire had been dozing when Zhang had begun his descent from the hills, it had a book over his face and was snoring lightly. It probably never realized it's head left it's body, the thud barely registering whatsoever in the chill morning air. Zhang readied himself for a real challenge and then kept going into the city.
"Well..."Kin got ready to explain,"It's almost like a soft,flat,rectangle box...But I said it was like a mattress...You'll find out."He sighed.his and Skit's was a pile of fur pretty much though when Kin slept it felt like a nice mattress so that's what he thought of it as,Kin didn't know what they called them here.
Stier looked into the hut and saw the "mattress" and noticed it wasn't more than a pile of hay. Hay stuffed in a canvas like material. Stier walked over to it and sat down on it. "Hey! This is kinda comfy." Stier lied down on it and immediately began to drift to sleep. It's nice to feel safe every once in a while, Stier thought to himself. Stretching out completely, he fell right to sleep. No people. No vampires. No shape shifters. Only sleep.
Kin chuckled and figured he should start going to bed to,but as he walked on his fell to his knees. He suddenly became very dizzy and his vision began to become blurry,he was running out of time and wasn't going to be able to hold back forever. He could feel Skit run over to him and keep him from falling,he could feel shaking as Skit tried to keep him awake as well but it didn't work and Kin passed out.
Meanwhile in a distant meadow to the East, Raxenite walks through the plain with no care in the world other than the beautiful landscape that is bestowed all around her. She is unaware of any political turbulence between her people and these new foreigners, (But then again, she's the foreigner, isn't she?) but is aware of the illness. She is curious to meet one of these creatures. "Who knows, one may be following me disguised as a butterfly, or something small like that." Raxenite mumbles to herself, looking around hoping something would happen...

She stands on the spot looking around and waiting for several minutes before she continues trekking West. She has no destination, no goal other than to explore. "It's not so much the destination that counts but rather the journey." Her Other Half would tell her.
Zhang stalked through the foggy town with a unwary gait, the remains of many families lay strewn along the sidewalks many of them obviously trying to escape when the vampires showed up. There were many spots where the men were all in one place in what Zhang could only assume was a last ditch effort to save the women and children by all of them banding together, but it clearly failed. Their bodies were decaying right where they fell and there wives, children, and all of their family members were dead no more then twenty feet beyond. Zhang had already quietly dispatched about seven vampires around the town, not counting the one he decapitated at the gate, and if his information was right that only left three or four more of them. Zhang was turning a corner of a small brick home when one hit him in a flying tackle, rolling with it Zhang ended up on the top of the vampire with his knee in his neck and his claw hand at his throat. "How many more of you are there?", he demanded. When the vampire replied with two Zhang thanked him for his assistance and slit his throat from ear to ear, the borrowed blood of a thousand souls spilling back to the earth from whence they came. Suddenly another shape flitted by in a flash and left a burning six inch slash along Zhang's back. He cried out and fell over, cursing himself for the stupidity of him staying off guard like that. He crouched in a defensive position and gritted his teeth against the pain of the wound across his back that was far too close to his spine for comfort. Extending his senses he made out two more vampires skulking in the fog like fleas through a strays fur,

They must be judging how he is taking the pain, or so he thought. He made a faux heave as if the pain was too much for him in order to lure out the vampires, and just as he expected they stroke. They should have tried for more precise timing because they left themselves far too open for what he did next, pirouetting around to the side of one he tensed and grabbed the faster one by the arm and around the shoulder. He spun him using the vampires momentum to pick hi up off the ground and spin him in a circle before chucking him right into the face of the other vampire. The thud of impact and the cracking of bones and cartilage as they broke numerous parts of each others bodies was priceless to Zhang and he let out a small chuckle. He stepped over to them and quickly put his claws through the back of ones skull and withdrew it. He casually strolled over to the one who had charged him second and looked back and forth between his blood soaked blades contemplating which to use to finish him. The vampire just laughed at him, laughed, for what Zhang had no idea he was about ot die after all. Then the vampire said, "You think you're getting away with this? Our leader has probably been watching the whole time and studying how you fight, he will kill you with no problem you trash!" The vampire began laughing again, that is until Zhang put the claw blade through his throat and he could only laugh with his eyes for the last few moments of his worthless life.

Zhang stood up and heaved out a sigh of relief, he had come in and vindicated a town taking on enough vampires covertly then would have ever been possible in human combat head to head, especially at night. He stretched backwards and suddenly was hit like a ton of bricks had fallen from three stories into his back. He gasped out a breath and landed somehow face up, he was looking up into the face of another vampire which means the last one wasn't bluffing at all, their leader was not one of the one's he already killed. The vampire beamed down at him with obvious glee in it's eyes. He stepped on Zhang's hands at the wrists, enough that all Zhang could do was move his fingers and palm. He spoke slowly and alliteratively, "So thought you could come in here and kill us all that easy huh? Though the boss might have been one of the new bloods that were killed all private like and such? Well you were sorely mistaken guy, sorely mistaken indeed. And now here we are, i have you pinned and you are stuck like that with your knife blade pointed at me worthlessly, your claws to the ground, and all you can do is sit there and wait for me to kill you. But for you I am going to make it extra special slow. You are beaten.", the vampire said with malicious happiness and dark spite laced into each word.

Zhang simply looked up at him and laughed long and deep, then he laughed even harder when both the looks of confusion and rage filled hatred passed across the vampires face. Zhang laughed and said, "You are not the first vampire to have said that and died in a situation like this. As a matter of fact I can't count the number of times it happened on my hands. You think you have me beaten? Well think again.", Zhang laughed and moves his thumb over a little button and switch on the seemingly regular looking knife in his left hand, he clicked it and thump... the ballistic knife was plunged four inches into the vampires still angry face, not even the slightest bit of registration of what was about to happen anywhere in his expression. Just like all the rest this one was, Zhang stood up tossing the body to the side after removing his knife with a bit of work, and wiping his blade clean of blood on the vampires clothes. Zhang stood straight up and nearly blacked out from the pain in his back, he had to make quick progress to a nearby friendly village or anything, surely someone would be willing to help. And with the death behind him, and no doubt to him all the way along the road ahead, he forged his path forward into the dawn.

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