The War of the New World (Shape shifters vs vampires)

Wrex smiled at her and brought her into another hug. "You won't fail." she looked her in the eyes and smiled "Trust me"

Luka shook her head as she look to the doorway. She couldn't see Travis because of the steam but she could smell and hear him. She shook her head as the hot water ran over her body. "I get up early because I don't want to be in here with all the guys and be eye f**ked the whole time. Other vampire females like that but I don't."
Stier slowly approached a strange encampment. He noticed how it didn't smell of death and decay. Warily, Stier observed the camp. People, he thought. Actual people. Stier decided that it was a lesser of two evils, so he entered to camp. Stier greeted the first person he came to.
"Wrex, do you see what I say?" Chenoa asked, peering over his shoulder in the embrace at the stranger wandering into their town. "Where do all these lost souls come from?" She asked him with a laugh as the man who guarded the camp directed Stier up to them. "And why are they attracted to our camp?"

"Yes yes you love being different now don't you?" Travis said rolling his eyes. "Regular old hipster."
Hakidonmuya walked into the camp. She shape - shifted back to his human form, from his alternate form, after traveling for a long time. She didn't stop for anything, except food. Maybe this could be a good place to rest. She sat on the ground without another word, and took her backpack. Maybe she collected some fruits for her to eat. But she noticed that there are some other shape shifters, along with... Vampires?

She quickly snatch a dagger from her backpack, moved back a little, pointing the dagger at the boy. "Begone!", she yelled, filled with hatred for the vampires.
Kin simply stared at this stranger,he shrugged his shoulders and started walking again. Not paying any attention to the ones around him at the moment,he had to find Skit. And it didn't take as long as Kin though,Skit had came back to the camp out of the woods still looking around."Skit~"Kin sang as he smiled at the boy,he knew he didn't have to do it loud for him to hear it. And before he knew it Skit had turned around and ran to him with that smile of his,jumping up on him as he wrapped his arms around Kin's neck. Skit finally found him and was happy he didn't run off back to the vampires,Kin sighed."Your such a pain,you know that..."He smiled as Skit let go and nodded,hopping around in front of him.
Wrex smiled at her and let go of her as the new comer approched them. He shook his head some "I have no clue"

Luka huffed and grabbed a new towel. She wrapped it around her slim body and walked from the steam "Yes, Im such a hipster" she glared at Travis. She moved past him and into the hallway where she left her clothes. She picked them up off the dirt and shook them out. She slowly started walking to her room.
Hakidonmuya tried to ease herself. She stuffed the dagger back into her backpack, and glanced at the one they call 'Skit'. "You are... A shape shifter, aren't you?", she asked cautiously, without looking at the person she's talking to. She kept rummaging her backpack to find, perhaps anything she can use to defend herself from sudden attacks other than her daggers. "Why are you be - friending that vampire?", she said as she looked up and stare at the one they call 'Skit'.

"Where am i?", she asked.
Skit nodded at her first question as he stopped running around,though he really couldn't answer the others.He looked at Kin and jester at the stranger with his head,Kin sighed and looked at her."Well,I can't answer why he likes me so much.But I know where we are,the Shifter's camp. The ones here 'take care' of a vampire camp not to far that way."He pointed to the direction of the vampire camp.Skit had came behind him hugging around his waist looking at the lady from around him and nodding at what he said.
Hakidonmuya is still confused. Every parts of her brain is still struggling to understand the means of this. She nodded twice, and said, "That figures. That's why there are so many shifters here.". She then asked again, "But... Why are you befriending that vampire? And why is he here? I thought vampires are forbidden to enter the shifter's camp.".
Kin shrugged his shoulders."Turns out somehow this little guy knows the leader of this area."He said patting Skit on the head."Very well actually,not sure how or why but he does.And there close enough to where this little guy saved me i guess you could say...And the fact that I've been banished from my home,the vampire camp over there,I had no other place to go."He smiled. Skit grabbed Kin's hand and tugged it,making him look down at him."What is it?" Skit pointed at the lady and the showed the sign for eating,Kin got it and sighed."Ah,okay."Kin looked at her."Umm...He wants to know if you like to...go eat with us?..."
Hakidonmuya smiled. Maybe they could be her friends. And maybe, she could actually relax after some time. "Sure.", she replied. "My name is Hakidonmuya. But you may call me Hakidon... Or if you want to, you can make up any name to address me.". Before anyone intterupted, she continued, "As long as it gets my approval.", she smirked.

"I already know that you are Skit. And you are...?"
"My names Kin."He smiled,"And how about Haki?"That was something he could actually remember,Skit started slightly pulling on Kin's arm.He was hungry since he hadn't eaten anything yet,he waved her to follow so they could talk on the way. Kin just sighed as he was dragged and went along with it,he was used to it by now so it didn't bother him much anymore.
"That's fine.", she replied Kin. She watched as Kin was dragged away by Skit. Seeing one of them is waving their arm, she knows it is a sign to follow them. And so she ran a little, and then walked beside them. "So, what are we going to eat?", she asked. "I don't suppose.... You have any deer meat?", she asked. She can't stop imagining a mouth - watering deer meat. They are delicious, she thought. And it's been a long time since i last ate one.
Skit nodded at her,of course they had deer meat. Kin watched Skit and smiled,"Seems so."He figured they did,and seemed Skit knew all to well."By the way,where did you come from?"Kin asked,curious since he hasn't known much about things out of this and the vampire camp. So he wondered if there were more camps of Shifters and Vampires alike,and wondered if they were all really connected or didn't know a thing about one another.
"I came from a tribe from the south.", she answered. "My tribe doesn't really have a name, but our tribe consists a lot of shifters.". "Most of the members of my tribe can shape shift into clawed or horned beasts. Maybe, except for me.", she said, smiling. "I'm a bit unique, you'll see.". Then, Hakidonmuya shape shifted into a horse, her alternate form. She neighed a few times, and then shape shifted back into her natural, human form. "See?", she said proudly.

"And you.", she said, looking at Skit. "You can shape shift into what? Perhaps there are many other shape shifters here whose form i do not know.".
Kin watched with a smile,he hadn't seen a horse shape shifter yet. Skit looked at her as he walked with them,he nodded and shifted into his pitch black wolf. He hadn't seen a shifter turn into a horned animal yet,he's only seen bears,wolves,lions. He shifted back with a smile on his face,wondering if she had seen a wolf yet. They made it to a hut that was larger then the others that smelled of fresh food,Skit ran in without a seconds notice and Kin just chuckled.
Stier saw the wolf shifter and gazed in awe. He hadn't seen one up close before. Stier stepped back and quickly shifted into his black bull form. Feeling the beastial presence of his spirit come to life. Stier felt ready for anything, vampire or not.
Hakidonmuya smiled seeing Skit's transformation. "That is certainly amusing. There are a lot of wolf shifters in my tribe though, but none of them are pitch black, like the night.". Seeing Skit ran onto the place where the food are, Hakidonmuya laughed as well. "Your friend has such an appetite for food!", she said, laughing. Hakidonmuya was just about to run after him, joining him. But before she does so, she saw a bull. Pitch black, bull.

"Kin...", she said, nudging Kin with her elbow. She pointed at the bull, "Have you seen it before? I think it's a shifter. Why would a real bull be here, anyway?". Hakidonmuya had seen a bull before, and her tribe normally hunts them down for food. But she has never saw someone shape - shifted into a bull. Who could it be?, she thought, wondering.
"hmm?"Kin looked to where she pointed and saw the bull,he hadn't seen on but could tell it was a shifter by it's smell." it must be a newbie like you."He smiled."Maybe there hungry too,should we go ask?"He didn't seem to mind at first,but he has to remember he's a vampire. Some won't be as kind as Skit and the others so he'd have to watch it,he then started remembering before. What happened? He'd be tearing there necks out if he was the same man,come to think of it he hasn't been thinking about any of that stuff from before. How did he change so easily,or was it all just because he was missing something.
"Sure.", Hakidonmuya said while nodding. Thrice. Hakidonmuya turned from the food table, and walked towards the bull. "Wait, how do you know that it's a shifter?", Hakidonmuya asked Kin, looking at him directly in the eyes, with one eyebrow arched up. How could he know that that bull is a shifter?, she thought. Even i'm a shifter, and i don't really know if the bull's a shifter or not.

"No matter.", she finally said. She turned to look at the bull. "I'll go ask him.". Hakidonmuya walked towards the bull. But before that, she opened her backpack, to grab a dagger, and stuff it in her pants' pockets. Just in case. She has to be ready for everything. She walked towards the bull, then pats it on the place where the bull's neck meets its shoulders. It's a risky move, but she doesn't have any other idea on how to get his attention. "Hey! Do you want to grab a snacK?", Hakidonmuya said calmly. Hopefully, this doesn't suprise the bull.\

(( Ah, sorry for the late reply ;3; Yesterday i was travelling to my grandma's house D: I'm still at hers today, until new year's eve
:o So i still can reply to the thread, but maybe it'll be a bit late, because there's no decent internet connection here .___.'' Again, i'm sorry! D: But i'm still going to try to open this site if i have the chance :3 ))
Kin slightly held his breath when she asked,but sighed in relief when she let it go. Normally he couldn't tell between a shifter or not so quickly but...he was starving and his sense of smell always increased when he was. That was one way to tell when he was starting to push his limits,but he just shook it off watching as she went on and pats the bull. He saw it as crazy but she should be fine,unless it really freaks it out then there in for it.

(( Just waiting for your response to continue, bro :o

Sorry to disturb you! D: ))
Stier shied away from the people around him. He felt intimidated because of the attention. But slowly he stepped away and shifted back to his regular form. Stier finally greeted the woman, "Hello there. I'm looking for a place to stay. Is there any way that I could sleep here for a few days?"

It was a long shot, but Stier needed to take the chance. He couldn't deal with any more vampires for the time being.

(Sorry I haven't been on lately. I've been at my Mothers house who hasn't had internet, but I'm back home so I should post more.)
Hakidonmuya took a few steps back, looked at the person that stood before her. She was quite suprised that he is a bull shifter. Kin was right. Even Hakidonmuya herself cannot recognize a shifter unless they told her that they are. Nonetheless, she took a few steps towards the guy. Then she looked at Kin, and gave him a wink. Then, she said, "Sure! Why not? I'm myself just got here a few hours ago.", with a smile sprouting on her face. Hakidonmuya looked around her, and reach out her hand to give the guy a handshake. "I'm Hakidonmuya, pleased to meet you.... stranger.", she said carefully.

(( Ah, it's okay ;3; Me myself don't have much of a decent internet connection here in my grandma's :3 But i'll try to post as much as i can
:D ))
Stier hesitated at first, but then shook her hand. "Stier... And I am pleased to meet you as well... Hakidonmuya." That's a mouthful, Stier thought to himself. "Thank you for allowing me into the camp." Stier ran a hand through his hair and proceeded onto the grounds.

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