The War of the New World (Shape shifters vs vampires)

Kin pointed to the vampire's place."He apparently heard or smelled one of them and didn't know what it was at the time,so he decided to follow it...Your lucky I stopped him from howling right next to it or this might have turned out pretty bad."He still had Skit's mouth covered at the time."I tried to get him back so he wouldn't do that..."He looked at Skit and he slightly whined thinking he might have done something wrong.
Chenoa sighed and stared off towards the vampire camp. "Come, let's get away from this area." She told them and bit Skit's tail lightly, giving it a yank so he would follow her back to camp.
Skit softly yelped when she yanked on his tail and he followed,Kin did too but looked back at the vampire camp before continuing. He pat Skit's back with a smile on his face,wanting him to know he did nothing bad just something a bit dangerous.He hoped he wouldn't do it again by himself or it might not end as well as this time.Skit smiled back at him as he skipped on with Chenoa,staying in his human form.
Chenoa was still in her mountain lion form when she addressed Kin. "Now, about the blood thing again. As I said before you may drink from me because our blood replenishes very quickly. I don't want you getting hungry and hurting one of my people, especially Skit." She told him firmly. "So, cut this shit with the pride about not drinking from us. Don't bite the hand that feeds." She told him on their walk back.
(Btw,do you know where I am in People are Property?)

Kin crossed his arms as he followed,"Like I said,I'll be fine...Besides you don't have to worry about Skit,if it gets that bad you'd know..."He huffed,why was she pushing this?He finally got it out of his head and now it's back to haunt him again,but he knew now he'd rather tell her then see what would happen to Skit. He wasn't that prideful,just stubborn and to him those were two completely different things.
(Hah! No clue! But it's the next day so just... wakeup... bahaha)

Chenoa sighed and nodded while they padded back to the camp. "Fine fine. Men." She muttered and bounded back into camp, deciding she would sit up and do first watch. She crawled into a tree on the outskirts of her village and watched, waiting.
Skit figured it was bed time and pulled Kin to his hut,once there he took out his feathers and helped Kin with his. Then they both washed the paint off of them,Kin laid down in bed Skit showed him and closed his eyes.He was tired from all that's happened today and just wanted to go to sleep now,but then he felt sudden weight on his stomach and he opened his eyes to find Skit sleeping beside him using him as a pillow. Kin just sighed and closed his eyes again,he didn't mind Skit being with him anymore.Just by not even a day of being with him he's used to him already,Kin smiled and fell asleep as he thought the day through.
Wrex was left there standing by the fire He sighed and mumbled "This is why i don't like to be around anyone." He moved back to his hut and sighed again as layed down.

Luka sighed some and looked to him "Sorry i couldn't find you Travis.." she looked around his room.
Chenoa came back to find that Wrex had left and sighed. Damn. She always messed things like that up. She sighed rested her head in the tree she was in for watch, yawning her way up until morning.

Travis nodded. "We're not attacking tonight. Let's just go to sleep." He sighed and took her hand givigng it a squeeze and laying down in his bed, dozing.
Luka looked at him and watched him lay down. She silently made her way to his door and stepped out of the door way. She made her way to her room and changed into her batman shirt to sleep in.

Wrex fell asleep quickly and drempt that they where being attacked by the vampires. That the slit his throat. He woke quickly and sat up. He looked around and sook his head.
Travis fell asleep until morning and stretched when he woke up, looking around and finding no Luka. He shrugged and went to take a shower.

Chenoa dozed off on watch towards sunrise, resting in the tree her paw dipping over the edge of the branch.
Wrex turned into his white wolf form and padded to the river. he walked in and started cleaning himself. He shivered at the cold water then got out. He bounded up the tree Chenoa was in. He nudged her with his maw.

Luka woke up and stretched. She grabbed her clothes and moved out of her room and into the bathroom. No one was awake at tho hour so she just stripped down and slipped into the warm water.
Kin woke up and looked around,Skit was still sleeping on him and he sighed.He slowly slipped out from under him and stretched as he got up and walked outside,looking around he noticed no one else seemed to be out. He decided to go find something to eat before he was stuck with Skit following him,so he ran off into the woods.
CHenoa started and nearly fell out of the tree, yowling and falling on it, but catching herself so she was hanging upside down. "Don't you know never to wake a lady?" She asked him with a laugh and jumped to the ground, landing on her feet and shaking herself off.
He jumped down next to her. He too her hand in his mouth and pulled her. "Come on... I wanna show you something" He took off with a grin on his face.
Chenoa smiled and nodded, morphing into her human form and following him close behind. "Is it good or bad?" She asked him with a grin, taking his hand.

OOC: Going away for the weekend guys. I'll be back monday. Sowwy. :(
Luka woke up and stretched. She grabbed her clothes and moved out of her room and into the bathroom. No one was awake at tho hour so she just stripped down and slipped into the warm water.

He smiled and shook his head "shut up and come on" he drug her to the top of the cliff and made her look at the camp as the sun slowly moved over it. The light glaring off the dew from the night.
Chenoa smiled and closed her eyes, leaning back on the sunlight. "Very lovely. It's been awhile since I've enjoyed one of these." She sighed and opened her eyes to smile at him.

Travis awoke, sore and exhausted. He needed blood, and he needed it now. He rang for room service and had them bring him a bottle, which he quickly consumed before groaning and flopping back on his bed.
Wrex smiled back at her and changed into a wolf. He then layed on the grass looking down at the tiny camp. He then looked to the distance wondering what the vampires where doing.

Luka moved from the shower and wrapped a towel around her slim body. She brushes through her black hair and looked around. She then poked her head out of the door of the bathroom to see if anyone was in the hall. She seen no one so she moved out of the bathroom and started down the hall to her room.
(Okay I have no idea what has been happening, but Angelina is in the shape-shifters camp, that's all I remember xD )

Angelina padded out of her hut, sighing as she stretched. When she reopened her eyes, she found several of the men staring at her seductively, and she rolled her eyes.

"Such animals.." She muttered with an irritated edge in her voice. She looked up towards the cliff, seeing Chenoa and Wrex standing there and staring at the rising sun. A small grin appeared on her face, looking away and padding towards one of the guards.

She poked his shoulder from behind, placing her hands on her hips when he turned towards her. He had a perverted look on his face as he ran his eyes up and down her body.

"May I help you?" He asked seductively, a grin on his face. Angelina would have slapped him, but she knew better. Removing her hands from her hips, her blue eyes burned with anger.

"Would you stop speaking to me in that tone?" She snapped, than continued what she was saying.

"Anyways... I would mind if you told Chenoa that I'm going to leave camp for a little while." She said while taking a step towards the entrance. But he quickly stopped her, grabbing her wrist. Immediately, her teeth gritted in anger.

"Let go of me." She growled in a rather calm tone. He did nothing but flash her another smirk.

"Sorry. Can't leave camp. Chenoa's orders." He said while pushing her backwards.
Wrex smiled back at her and changed into a wolf. He then layed on the grass looking down at the tiny camp. He then looked to the distance wondering what the vampires where doing.

Luka moved from the shower and wrapped a towel around her slim body. She brushes through her black hair and looked around. She then poked her head out of the door of the bathroom to see if anyone was in the hall. She seen no one so she moved out of the bathroom and started down the hall to her room.

Chenoa smiled and looked at Wrex. "Thinking about the war?" She asked him, following his gaze towards the vampire camp. "I wish we could just leave, start over in a place they would never find us." She told him. "Do you really think I can lead our people to victory? Even they don't have that much faith in me." She said, looking down at her hands.

Travis groaned and got out of bed, deciding to go take a shower. He got up and threw a towel over his shoulder and went out in the hallway. "Hey Luka. I like your outfit." He smirked, eyeing her in the towel.
Wrex smiled over at Chenoa. He moved to the trees and changed back to human form. He pulled pants over himself as he moved back to her pulling her into a hug. He then placed his hands on hire shoulders as he looked at her. "you are a great leader." he looked at camp and back to her "You have came this far.... don't give up."

Luka jumped and triped at the sound of his voice. She fell on her bum with a oof as she looks back to I'm and glares. "Travis what are you doing awake this early." she hopped up from the ground and backed away from him and looked down at her legs that where now covered in dirt. She glared at him again and stormed back to the showers. She dropped her towel and stepped into the steam, being hidden by it.
Kin came back to the shifter's camp smiling,he was full and happy at the time. He didn't see Skit out yet and wondered if he was still sleeping,he went to Skits place to fond Skit not there."Skit?" he called out,leaving his place and looking around. Where did he go? Maybe it was his turn to watch? Kin didn't know but he felt worried for some reason,Skit seemed to get in trouble easily and he could see why that lady always seemed to be around him.

Skit was wandering around in the woods looking for Kin,he woke up to find Kin gone and was curious on where he went. So Skit started to follow Kin's scent until he lost it and now just walked around looking,he figured Kin didn't go too far and didn't even want to think that he could have left them and went back to the vampires.
"When have I ever given up?" Chenoa grinned and wrapped her arms around him in a hug. "I just don't want to fail everyone. Because if I fail, we all die."

Travis chuckled and followed her, leaning against the door frame to the bathroom. "I could ask you the same thing."

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