The War of the New World (Shape shifters vs vampires)

Kin was leaving until he heard what was said,he looked back surprised.A boy who said nothing changed a definite answer,who was this boy to her he wondered. Kin wasn't sure about it though,he usually screwed up a lot,but he felt slightly happy as he saw the boy,no,Skit,jump up happy.

Skit was indeed happy and he shifted to his human form keeping his ears and tail and hugged Chenoa before running over to the vampire,ending up hugging him too.His tail wagged happily behind him as of now he's got a new friend.
Kaleo growled some as he moved them to his room. Her lips never moved from his neck. She let the blood slowly roll down her throat. Her red eyes close as she let her nails dig into his shoulders.

Wrex smiled and moved to his leaders side. He nudged her "Don't you think we should go hunting then" He took off his pants and changed into a white wolf.
"Yes let's. Skit think you can rally the people up for a party? Bring everyone back home for it. We're going to have celebration!" Chenoa laughed and changed into her mountain lion. "We're going to hunt. Be good." She said and kissed Skit's forehead. "You too." She told Kin before dashing off with Wrex.

Travis grinned and collapsed them onto his bed, running his fingers down her spine and doing the armor she still had on. She lifted it off her body and then licked his own blood off of her neck.
Skit nodded and grabbed Kin's wrist,pulling him along as he did what he was told.Kin was still in shock from Skit suddenly hugging him,it was not a normal thing for him but he'd have to get used to being touch because this kid seemed to do it a lot.He wondered if this kid could talk,or was he just quiet and since he was stuck with him he was sure to know soon.
Wrex smiled and took off into the woods looking for a deer or two to bring back to the pack. She slowed when they came to a clearing and smiled. Then he spotted them 3 bucks. he looked to his leader. "Ill take out the 16 point. you take out the 10 point" He slowly creeped into the clearing.

Luka growled and bit down harder and she shivered as he licked her neck. She removed her lips from his neck and looked down at him with blood on her lips. A smile formed across her face as she lowered down letting him taste his own blood from her lips.
Chenoa rolled her eyes but nodded as she scaled a tree, knowing height was her best chance. She leapt from the top branch right on top of the bucks back, singing her teeth into it's neck and holding on tight while it stumbled to the ground and fell over, slowly dying from blood loss.

Travis kissed her hungrily and rolled over on top of her on the bed. He pinned her down below him and sucked on her lower lip, flicking it with his tongue.

[MENTION=3301]Ember Bare[/MENTION] I accepted you to my new game. :P
Wrex ran and ripped the flesh from the 16 point buck and it stumbled off into the trees. Wrex followed behind until it fell to the ground dead. He tossed it across his back. He pranced over to Chenoa and gave her a wink.

Luka kissed him back and growled when he sucked her lower lip. Her legs wrapped around his waist as he kept her pinned. All she could do is let him do what ever he liked, because he was much stronger than she was.
Angelina let out a few sharp breaths, worry flooding into her blue gaze. She hoped no one had been around to see this, especially since her face was now uncovered completely.

Letting go of the man's limp body, she leaned down and picked up the cat mask. But she felt her heart sink. The mask had completely split in two from the bullet. She could no longer wear it.

Cursing under her breath, she threw it aside and began to walk away. There was really nothing she could do to fix this problem. People were going to have to see her face whether she liked it or not.

Letting out a deep sigh, she began to pad towards the shape-shifters camp again. At least, that was until a guard stopped her. The guard was in his animal form, curling his lip into a snarl. Angelina simply watched the grey wolf circle her slowly, not showing one bit of fear in her gaze.

Shattering the silence, the wolf whipped his head to the sky and let out a long eerie howl. It must have been some kind of signal to warn the others.

Grinning, she figured this would be a piece of cake to escape from them. But it turned out she had been surrounded in less than a minute. She arched an eyebrow, acting as if it were no big deal.

"Well, well, well... I wasn't expecting this at all." A man said from behind her, grabbing her arms with rough hands and yanking her towards him. A few of the others guards snickered, eyeing Angelina seductively. Her blue yes burned brightly, a threatening look on her face.

"Pervert." She spat at him. But his grip only tightened.

"Don't be like that now." He said, leaning in closer to her. She ducked her face away, her fists clenching. She could have snapped each of there necks at that moment, but that wasn't her plan. Getting into the shape-shifters camp was what she wanted, and all of these guards had just fallen into her trap like mice.

"Let go of me." She snarled, trying to squirm free. The guard's mischievous grin vanished and was replaced with an irritated look in his eyes. Instead of making another hasty comment, he shoved her towards the other guards, who seemed to be happy to have there hands on her.

"Take her back to camp. I'm sure Chenoa and Wrex would like to see this one."
"Show off." Chenoa grinned and started dragging her buck back towards the camp, padding lightly through the fall foliage. When she heard the howl she frowned, they were nearly at camp. She dragged the buck faster and ditched it at the entrance to the camp with one of the younger guards. "What is going on here?" She asked, quickly changing back into a human. "Who's she?" She asked, pointing at Angelina. "She looks like a vampire." Chenoa said, then walked right up to her and took a sniff. "Smells like one too. Well, sort of. Why haven't you killed her yet?" She demanded.

Travis smiled and looked down on Kaleo. "Don't feel pressured. I won't have you resenting me for some sign I failed to read." He told her, nuzzling her neck and nipping it, licking at the drops of blood that spilled.
Skit sat on Kin who was laying on his stomach on the ground,he sighed keeping his head up with his arm."so what did she want you to do after?I'm sure she said nothing about sitting on me..."Skit shrugged his shoulders and softly laughed looking down at him he pat Kin's head.Kin just sighed again and just dealt with it,it wasn't like the kid weighed anything anyway.
The guard who had grabbed Angelina from before scratched his head nervously.

"We thought maybe you would like to see her first. She has a different scent to her. Like a Vampire, but I also smell werewolf on her as well." He said, looking back at Angelina, who averted her gaze away from the others. The guards gripped her tighter, the same perverted grins on there faces from before.

"Werewolves are rare in this land. I was thinking maybe we could use her against the vampires." The guard finally said, turning back towards Chenoa. He arched an eyebrow, as if awaiting her answer.

"You're guard is correct," Angelina began, her brilliant blue eyes illuminating the darkness around them. She blinked softly, than continued.

"I am half vampire.. But half werewolf as well." She finally said. Angelina gave Chenoa a threatening glare, as if challenging her.
Chenoa dismissed the girl when she spoke. "Well that's rather stupid of you." Chenoa said and clocked her guards on the head. "If you wanted her to HELP us you bloody well shouldn't have kidnapped her." She glared. "And you, stop glaring at me like that alright? We're women in a man's world, we stick together. Or you die. Either one. I don't mind." She told her sharply. She had really begun to take on her role as the leader quite well. "What is with us taking in all these orphans? First the vampire, now this halfling, what next? A griffin? She can stay in one of the huts with a constant guard... a female guard." Chenoa said, eyeing the men harshly.
Not wanting to argue anymore, the guard nodded.

"Of course, Chenoa." He said, turning back around and nodding at the other guards. They seemed disappointed as Chenoa told him Angelina would have a female guard instead of one of them.

She stared at Chenoa for a moment, the threat in her eyes vanishing. Finally, after a long moment of silence, Angelina cleared her throat impatiently.

"I would prefer it if you didn't refer to me as a 'halfling'." She said in a stubborn tone. A small grin appeared on her face as if taunting Chenoa.

Before she had anything else to say, the guards led her back to there camp. Various people stared at her curiously, whispering to one another as she padded into camp with the guards by her side.

"You're hut is right over there." One of the guards said, pointing towards the back. She nodded, taking a step forward, but was stopped.

"Have fun." A guard said seductively, watching her walk away and disappear into the hut. Rolling her eyes, she crossed her arms over her chest.
"You're welcome to join us at our celebration tonight. Food, dancing. It will be a good time. And it will be nice not to be the only woman." Chenoa grinned and walked off. to help Wrex prepare the food while Skit and the vampire boy got the people back into town.
Angelina looked back to Chenoa, wondering what she meant by 'only woman'. Peeking out of her hut, she took a long look around. It seemed that Chenoa had been right. There was no other woman here. Just men.

She let out a long sigh of frustration, knowing this probably hadn't been a good idea after all.

Oh great.. I'm in a camp full of lustful men.. She thought to herself irritably. Getting slightly bored, Angelina walked out of her hut and out into the open.

She looked around again, noticing almost everybody was staring at her. A few of the men winked at her, and she groaned softly in anger.

Walking away from the stares, she decided to explore the camp. After all, if she was planning on killing one of these shifters unnoticed, she might as well have a good look around, right?
Skit got off of Kin and grabbed him trying to pull him up,"Alright,alright."Kin said as he got up and followed him,not sure where he was taking him since they had already gotten everyone here.Skit could smell and he had heard Chenoa,which means she must be back. Skit seemed excited as his tail wagged behind him which made Kin laugh a bit.
"Oh good, hello. Build a fire, we need to cook this meat." Chenoa grinned as she used one of her knives to skin the great buck she had killed. She grinned at Skit and how happy he looked. "Will you save a dance for me tonight, Skit?" She asked him playfully while she stripped the buck of his skin.
Skit let go of Kin's hand,ran up and hugged Chenoa nodding his head.Of course he will save a dance for her,there was no way he'd miss out on it. Kin smiled as he walked the rest of the way to them,he wondered why Skit was so excited about this lady all the time. maybe they were related? nah that didn't seem right,he would just ask Skit later he guessed.
Chenoa laughed and patted Skit's back. "Off you go then. Light a fire, I taught you how off you go." Chenoa grinned. Even thought she was only 3 years older than Skit she acted more like his mother. She was forced to grow up very fast and now she acted like a mother to all the people in her tribe. She grinned and nodded to Kin. "Do you people dance?" She asked hi. "Well, I bet not ike we do anyway. You'll have fun." She grinned, already excited for the festivities. She finished skinning the buck and cut it up with an axe so that bits of it would fit on the stake for cooking.
Skit nodded again and Kin was dragged off before he could answer by Skit,they went to go start the fire like he was told. He knew how but this was the first time doing it without Chenoa,he knew he could do it but was a bit nervous. though Kin was there so he'd be fine.
Chenoa grinned and draped the animal skins over rack so they would dry. She would rub them with fat later to water proof them. She took the meat and put it through spits. "We will need a couple fires to cook all this meat." Chenoa told them. "And one large one in the middle for dancing." SHe grinned while she started her own smaller fire as quick as a rabbit then set up a spit for the meat to roast on. Then she made another fire, and did the same with the meat.
Skit started on the big fire with the help of Kin,Kin had no idea what any of this was about since he's never seen something like it. These people and the Vampires were very different with everything,no wonder they haven't settled this war yet. And both sides seemed stubborn about there beliefs so he could tell they weren't going to go anywhere,which made him wonder how this war will turn out or will it just continue on and on.
We'll fast forward to the party. :)

Chenoa stepped out of her hut in her formal garb, a rouge dyed dear skin clinging to her skin with feathers and flowers strung throughout her hair. She had painted tattoos on her body for the celebration and the dark marks that littered her skin were intricate and beautiful. From flowers to scenes of war, it was difficult to know where to look. She stepped out to all of the fires blazing and the meats roasting and she laughed. "Where are my drums?" Chenoa called, running over to a group of children who would be playing the drums tonight. She sat with them cross legged and patted on the drums with them showing them the rhythm she wanted before she launched into the first dance she was born to lead. In the dark the flames cast her shadow wildly around the circle, as if it were doing an even more wild dance than she was. At the end of her dance she threw her head back and howled at the moon, laughing when the rest of her tribe followed suit.
Skit skipped around happy,he had feathers hanging down beside his face in his hair and he wore his normal clothes since he really had nothing else.On his face and arms were painted tribal tattoos in a blue and dark green color,the paint was always his favorite part.Kin was with him also with feathers in his hair and tattoo's on his face that Skit had done for him,he really didn't know anything about these things but Skit helped hum understand somethings as things went on.
Chenoa laughed when she saw Skit and danced over to him. "Are you having fun, my friend?" She asked him, messing up his hair. "Have you tried the deer? It's very good." She looked at Kin with a frown. "Oh, hm... can you eat what we eat or do you need blood? You may have some of mine if you need. It replenishes very fast." She tol him, tapping at her neck to show him he may dig in if he so pleased.

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