The War of the New World (Shape shifters vs vampires)

Luka nodded to travis and then looked up. Her eyes widen and she looks to Travis "I smell blood...." she pauses and looks outside "Vampire blood" She grips her sword tightly.

He shook his head "No it was a woman... She was different...." He looked around like he was being watched "She wasn't a vampire but she wanted to kill me"
Travis frowned and nodded . "They don't usually fight on the offensive." He muttered and ran with Luka and the others to investigate, finding one of his mates with his throat slashed. "****!" He yelled and knelt beside his body. He wouldn't heal in the daytime, in fact he was already gone. "Where are they? Was it a rogue?" HE shouted, looking around at the guards who should have been keeping watch.

"I hope you killed her." Chenoa said. "We have enough on our plate without some crazy woman trying to run the show too." Chenoa noted with a frown.
Angelina watched the two Vampires kneel down beside the dead body, yelling at the guards. It seemed they hadn't seen her, and a slight grin appeared on her face. But immediately, it vanished. She saw one of the guards look her way, pointing and making herself visible.

"That cat masked girl! She killed him!" He exclaimed loudly to the other two by the body. For a moment, she stayed. Her blue eyes sparkled through the mask as she stared at them. Than with a swift jump, she jumped up to a higher tree branch, and than another. She did this until she was at the very top.

Fog swept over her, making it impossible to see who or what she was.

But as quick as she had arrived, she had already left. She was back on the Werewolves territory, on the same cliff as before. The violin was still gripped in her hand, splattered with blood from the man she had killed.
"A cat?" Travis yelled and glared at the guards. "What the hell was she? Did you let one of those damned shifters in here? You will be leading the front lines tonight, if anyone's going to die it's you lot!" Travis yelled at them, furious. "Was she alone?" He asked the guards who looked to each other and nodded. "Alright. We'll leave a couple of you here and you can sound us if they attack again. But I trust you can handle one little cat by yourselves." He snarled.

Chenoa frowned at Wrex's explanation and continued to direct her men. She changed into her mountain lion and linked out of her people clothes, stretching and continueing to lead her men as they slowly changed to her animals. One of the few advantages to being an animal was often the enemy did not truly see them. But now the vampires were smart and they killed any animal even if it was not a shifter. But their smaller warriors, like the squirrels and the rabbits prove to be an excellent form of attack even when the more powerful shifters provided the bulk of the damage.
Luka moved away to the tree lines looking around. "Shes gone Travis." She turned back to the male and watched as he shouted at the guards. She shook her head and grabbed Travis' arm. "C'mon, theres no time to yell at them." She shook her head and moved into the trees.

Wrex watched as his leader shifted. He shifted as well in to his ghostly white wolf form. He padded ahead of them and looked around. His head whipped around to his leader and he let out a growl. "Shes here!" He bounded to the cliff and met her head on. "What do you want!" he growled to her.
Angelina did not answer, just simply strode past him. She had vampire blood covering her hands, and the wooden knife still remained in the middle of her palm. Once she was completely behind Wrex, she glanced at him through the blue and golden cat mask.

"Shouldn't you be preparing for battle? You don't have much time now." She said softly, averting her gaze away from his and beginning to walk away. Her waist length blonde her swung gently from side to side as she walked.

Than she suddenly stopped.

"I don't think it's a good idea to warn your other members that I am here. I would have to kill you." She said quietly, disappearing into the forest like smoke.
Wres huffs and watches her leave. He growls out into the trees "Come back!" she paced along the tree line looking for her. "What do you want from us!" He growled again. His clays dug into the dirt as he paced.
"I don't want anything from you." She said quietly, her gaze forward instead of staring his way. She continued to walk away, her long hair swaying softly in the wind. Claws shot out of her fingers, and she stopped in her tracks.

"You wouldn't hurt one of your fellow werewolves, would you?" She asked quietly, knowing this probably wasn't a good idea. She had just told him part of what she was. The other part? He wouldn't like as much. Yes, she was part werewolf and vampire.

As an assassin, you are not allowed to even speak or make contact with others. This was forbidden for her.

Turning towards Wrex, her eyes had an eerie glow to them. She continued to grip the wooden knife in her hand, prepared to disappear at any moment.
Chenoa looked about confused. "Has anyone seen Wrex? He's leading with me! Find him." Chenoa barked and grew bored waiting for them to do her bidding, so she bounded after him. She grinned when she saw him, his white coat gleaming. She failed to see the girl behind because she was behind a tree from where Chenoa was, and she ran up behind him and tackled him playfully. "Always be on your guard! What if I was a vampire, eh?" She laughed.

Travis shouted angrily and kicked the body of the dead vampire in frustration. "Let's go kill them." He growled and marched his men out the front gates.
Kin was sitting on the ground not really paying attention to anything around him at the moment,he was thinking though some ideas he had a while ago and was tweaking them a bit since he was bored. He didn't really care about what was going on around at the time,didn't know why but it just didn't spike any interest what so ever.

Skit was standing writing in his little notebook about what was going on and sketched out some pictures of what he saw,He was ready for anything even though it didn't seem like it. His book wasn't near being full even though he's had it for a long time,it had many pages to fill and he planned on filling them all. At the moment he had nothing else to write so he snapped the book closed and looked around as he slipped in into his back pocket of his bell-bottom jeans which were very long on him.
Angelina stood completely still, not moving an inch. Even her breath had stopped. With lightning speed, she sped forward and vanished from sight. She had no business there anymore, especially since the other leader was there. She didn't want the other girl to discover her.

And she had sensed the vampire's marching into the Werewolf's territory, so she decided maybe it was a good time to leave. She didn't want to be caught up in the bloodbath.

Appearing on the edge of the werewolves territory, she looked behind her, knowing the boy was probably wondering where she had gone. A grin played on her lip, walking into the shadows and vanishing.

The only thing that was visible in the darkness were her eyes. They were a bright red, illuminating shadows around her. But not only that, they were a vampire's eyes.
OOC: I'm sorry which of your characters is vampire and which is shape shifter again? hahaha
OOC: Thank youu!

Travis marched down with his men and began to plan strategies with them. "We will loop around and surround them, but we will have to make the loop large enough that they can't cut out and escape. They'll be able to smell us from far away so we'll need to spread out wide and start circling, well, get to it. Kill them all. Men, women, children, the elderly, I don't care take no prisoners." Travis barked. "Except the daughter. If you catch their new leader I'd like to meet her before I kill her."

Chenoa grinned and bounded off before Wrex could even recover from her surprise attack. She ran up and stopped right in front of Skit. "Why are you not prepared for battle? Honestly you men these days. Focus! The enemy is approaching soon! Hide so we might ambush them when they are in our camp. "She demanded.
Kin heard Travis plan and only heard 'bla bla bla' since he knew all this until the end,the daughter,leader,a smile crept on Kin's face as he found his new target.He hoped she would be fun to play with and now went though all the little plans he had in his head wondering which one to choose for this,or should he just go and wing it. Which was just as fun since you never know what was to come,he was now very excited about this.

Skit stared at Chenoa with slight confusion then sighed,like he knew where to hide.Did he even need to? he looked like a little kid and he was pretty much one,which was always the down fall of the other if they misjudged him. He was ready but never heard what they were going to do so was clueless on the 'plan' if there was one and thought they were just going to go along with it. Though of course that's never the case,there always had to be some type of plan.
Chenoa groaned, still in her mountain lion form and picked him up by the scruff of his shirt. She leapt into a tree and started climbing, which was significantly harder carrying another person. "You better hope your shirt doesn't rip or you'll fall to your death." She murmured with his shirt in her mouth. When she deemed they were high enough she set him down on a branch. "Stay here. Keep watch then if you won't be of any other use. We could all die today, I don't think you understand that. I am here to protect you and our tribe, or die trying. Be helpful, show appreciation. Please." Chenoa demanded.

Travis deiced now would be as good a time as any to march out, and he quickly started leading his group stealthily, pleased when they all fanned out like he instructed. Even though they were ata disadvantage in the day time, it only meant the enemy would not be expecting them to attack so soon. They were probably still recovering from the raid the night before, licking their wounds, literally. Travis snickered at th thought as his men slowly surrounded the entire camp from far away, each of their steps closing the circle ever tighter around it.
Skit looked at her and nodded smiling,then stopped as he heard something.He looked down around the area as the sound grew louder and he wondered if that was what Chenoa was talking about. Skit was now ready to jump down as he looked around the place,He listened very carefully and it was very obvious he knew something was there.

Kin didn't listen to any of Travis' plan since Kin had his own,go in,get girl,get back and kill anyone in his way.Simple and he loved it since of course there was always going to be someone in his way,just like every other time. but of course every other time he dealt with it with no problem,he hoped this time would bring more of a challenge.
Chenoa dug her claws into the tree bark as the hair on her back rose, a low growl erupting from her throat. "Skit, if it all goes wrong, if we all die, I need you to run back to the cave where we hid the women, children, and the elderly and take care of them. Keep them safe and hidden until the Vampires are gone, then move them further inland. Until then, stay up here in this tree. That's an order." She said, staring him in the eyes to make sure he understood.

Travis led his men further into the woods. "It's too quiet." He mused. He crept his men further in until the camp was in sight. As far as he could tell it was... empty? Could they have already fled inland? "Kin, shout ahead." Travis whisper-shouted to him. "Get in there, make sure they're all gone. If it's safe signal us to come in." Travis demanded.
Skit looked at her and he slightly relaxed as his move to jump down was changed,he sat in the tree and looked now seeing people. And it wasn't there own,he slightly whined but didn't move as he stared at the people he saw. Knowing he couldn't move now he hoped the others were ready,and he was ready to take off as fast as he could to the cave if needed.

Kin was way ahead of Travis,he had already looked around most of it and he saw no one around. Which really frustrated him,this was the worst fun he's had so far. He hoped this really wasn't all there was or he'd be going out on the next person he saw,this wasn't the first time he's gotten excited for nothing but he was sure to make sure it was the late.He was now in sight of Travis and he just shrugged his shoulders,a sign of nothing here.
Travis sauntered in like he owned the place because, in his mind, he did! They were gone! It was his now. The men started to gather around and look about warily, jumping when even a chipmunk scurried in about the branches.

Chenoa pressed her furry forehead to Skit's then waited for the right moment, any second now, 3, 2, 1. She leapt from the trees with a mighty mountain lion roar, leading the attack and huffing in appreciation when the rest of her people followed suit. She landed right on Travis's chest while he whipped around to see where the roar came from and was flattened to the ground with all of her weight thrown on him. If he had any air in his lungs it would have been knocked out of him. Travis scrambled to grasp his sword which had been knocked from his hand and he looked about frantically. Everyone was too damn preoccupied fighting to save him! What the hell was he thinking? He didn't need saving! He put his armored arm out to defend from her bites and bared his fangs at the crazy cat he could only assume to be their leader. She pinned him down and clawed through the armor on his chest, leaving streaks of gashes down his torso and causing him to throw her off. Naturally she landed on her feet and bounded right back at him, not letting off him for a minute even as one of her claws caught his cheek and she gashed him so hard you could see his teeth through the holes in his cheek. "You want to take our land? Kill our people? Over my dead body!" Chenoa roared, causing the rest of her people to scream, hoot and howl in response as the blood bath commensed. Chenoa raised her paw over her head to deal the last fatal blow.
Kin ran and tackled Chenoa to the ground,but didn't fall with her.He stood smiling and now in his 'crazy' mood since now he was able to have fun without being yelled at about aiming for the wrong people.This was his target and he was so happy he found it,dumb idiots so pathetic they jump over little things and some let there guard down. Kin saw them all as pointless as statues and better stay out of his fun or he'll be smashing some heads,literally.

Skit watched from above worried as he did,he really wished he could help but he was told to stay. And he seemed to be the only one to do so so he couldn't pass his job to another,besides he was a bit too young for this said some of the others before. He was hoping to show them they were wrong but turns out he wouldn't get that chance this time,or maybe never if this turns out wrong.
Chenoa quickly rolled to her feet and growled at the damned vampire that ruined her attempt to kill Travis. She threw herself at him, claws out stretched and jaws aiming for his jugular. She dug her nails into his shoulders and arms, attempting to tear at the muscle and use him as a grip while she gnashed at him with her teeth, attempting to get around his stubborn armor. She attacked him with such ferocity she surprised herself. Never had she hated any one creature so much. Killing the son may not have made their lives much easier, but it would have been a huge gain for them! And this bastard stopped her!

Travis gasped and put his hand at his face where she had ripped through his cheek. "That little *****! Kill her Kin!" He demanded while he turned to fight off a fox.
Kin's eyes went from white to red as he stopped Chenoa by grabbing the top and bottom of her mouth,not caring about the claws.He peeked over at Travis."Don't tell me what to do!"He said and somehow just that little demand pissed him off to where he threw Chenoa towards Travis only to miss him and take out the fox instead.This tended to happen when he got angry but his eyes when back to white right after and he glared at Travis."Got it?...."He said in a very irritated voice that had a hint of holding the irritation back. He was not going to take orders from this person,this one hadn't caught Kin's eye yet.
"What the, you're a part of our clan! Just shuttup and kill some shifters. I'll deal with you..." But Travis didn't get to say when exactly he would deal with him because Chenoa was on him like butter on toast. She threw him up against a tree and stood on her haunches, her paws on either side of his face before she gave him what can only be described as a wicked grin while she went to literally bite his head off. Travis deflected and shoved her off of him. He managed to grab his sword then and lunge at her, only to watch her leap above it like a cat afraif of water. The analogy made him chuckle during battle and he swung again.
This one started pissing Rin off,no,he already pissed him of.He'd like to see that idiot try and deal with him,end up with his own head stuck on a stick.Rin growled as he watched Travis take his target,dealing with any that tried to interfere with him while he was watching. After all Rin had enough anger built up to smash this whole place,he figured he'd just take it out on the ones all around. Whether with him or not,they were all going down if they were in his way.

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