The War of the New World (Shape shifters vs vampires)

Chenoa suddenly found herself the attention of two very deadly vampires. She frowned and when Travis swung again she leapt with all her might up to a tree branch, hanging on to it just by her two front paws. She quickly changed back into a woman and while Travis stared dumb struck at the sandy blonde beauty dangling naked from a tree, she pounced yet again and used these wonderful things called thumbs to deftly undo the latches on his armor. "So that's what you look like!" Travis laughed, but Chenoa felt the other one coming up behind her and she quickly changed back into a mountain lion just in time to leap around the blow she was sure was meant for her.
Rin had noticed her leaping and decided to come from where she couldn't dodge with it,above.With a hand swing of his hands down right above Chenoa,he was a the end of his rope.What an idiot,and he wants me to listen to someone like him?Rin thought as looked at Travis,in Rin's eyes he was just like the pointless statues but worse.And annoying statue that could talk and wouldn't shut up,and no matter how many times you break it it always comes back louder and dumber.
Chenoa noticed how both of them were gunning for her and she wondered if maybe, they'd follow her. She'd have a better chance and her crew would be safer if those two demons were away from them. She tested this theory by looking up at Rin in the tree above her and slowly padding backwards, waiting for him to make the leap at her. She didn't have to wait long because Travis beat him to it. He grabbed his sword and bounded after her, laughing at the thrill of the chase as she turned on her tail and dashed off through the forest brush. Being a vampire, Travis was pretty damn fast too. He could keep up. But at one point he lost her He stopped in a tiny clearing and peered around, looking up and down when suddenly out of no where she was on him again. She'd imagined she'd lost the other one somewhere back there. It wasn't him she wanted. It was Travis. His armor was in shreds and his sword was cast aside. "Call your men off and I'll spare you." Chenoa snarled in his face. "Call them off!" She roared again. Travis seemed unmoving, even while at her complete mercy. "I always liked my women on top." He taunted. "Come on now, let me see that pretty face. Far too pretty to be in battle. Surrender and I'll take you away from here, hmm?" Travis smirked and Chenoa roared, furious. She bit down hard on his forearm, watching him twist and scream in agony before she released him. He took off running like a shot back towards his camp, not caring if his men came with him or not. Chenoa licked her lips of his blood then gagged, changing back into her human form and spitting it out. "Vile creature." She muttered, then grinned and waked up to Skit that all was well. She had no idea where the other vampire went, nor did she care. But what she did know is she took on the second in command of the vampires and won, so that was a damn good start.
Wrex got there too late. The head vampires son took off and he looked to Chenoa. He hung his head while in wolf form and looked up to her "Im sorry Chenoa" he lowered to the ground. "I got caught up."

Luka ran as quickly as she could and ran into the bleeding Travis, causing them both to fall to the ground. She moved off him and ripped some of her shirt off and tied it around his arm. She knew the healing won't take long but blood loss was a problem. She helped him up off the ground and pulled out her sword. She moved him to the camp and into the underground tunnels. She leaned him against a wall and moved to the icebox. She gets a blood bag and tosses it to him.
Kin actually didn't move from where he was,that annoying Travis was in his way and Kin finally thought it though seeing if he killed him he'd be in deep trouble.So he stayed taking care of the little pests,and when everyone seemed to leave he didn't go. He figured something happen to Travis and chuckled."Hope his head was torn off."He said to himself imagining it,if someone else killed him Kin would be set and wouldn't be blamed. It's a win win to him and he was happy,hoping that was true.

Skit jumped down from where he was shifting to his black wolf form right before landing on the ground,then he went over to Chenoa in a cheerful mood. He had seen everything and was happy they got rid of them,well almost of of them. Some hadn't left yet and Skit wasn't sure what to do about them,he wondered if Chenoa was going to.Well of course she was but his mind just rambled on anyway,thinking about what happened.
Travis eyed her warily and accepted the rag. "Thank you." He muttered, bitter at the loss. "They were stronger than I thought. That girl, she tore me apart." He said dabbing at his cheek. "She's just a ******* kid! And that Kin guy, he needs to be dealt with." He muttered. "I need blood. Now." He muttered, leaning heavily against the wall. "Give me your wrist, I'll only take a little." He murmured.

Chenoa walked back towards the camp and noticed the other vampire was still there, fighting her people. "Stop!" She said, calling her people off and grabbing a shawl to cover her body. "You're surrounded now." She told him. "You won't win. Now either we can kill you, or you can help us." Chenoa said simply, making sure everyone kept their distance from him.
Skit changed to his human form and followed her,looking at the vampire who stayed.He wondered why he did and who was he to the people that came?Could he be important or just an idiot who was left behind.

Kin looked over to his target from before and smiled,"I help no one,I only do what I want. And if someone gets in my way i deal with them."He chuckled,being surrounded meant only more fun for him.He wouldn't have to look for prey anymore,and he was sure to get bored before they were all done. though now his target came back to him on there own and he was happy."What happen to that guy?Did you rip his head off?"He laughed,hoping he was right.
"No. I let him go because he called your people off. Killing him wouldn't help my cause. It would only anger his father." Chenoa shrugged. "If you're a rogue vampire then why fight with them? Why not live alone elsewhere?" She asked, eyeing him warily. Rogues were dangerous, and there were a couple of them floating about. "And if you do not fight for them, why were you trying so damn hard to kill me?" Vampires were a confusing lot. Sure every now and then one of the tribe went rogue and ran off, remaining as their animal for forever. But that was only when they couldn't take the first transformation. The beast completely took over, and the person was lost. Beyond that, everyone stuck together.
Kin sighed,now having to answer annoying questions,"I don't 'fight' with them simply tag along for the fun,since they seem to always have fun fights going on around them."He chuckled."And you were my target since they targeted you,which means your important,which means you should be better then there rest,right?"Kin slight tilted his head to the side with his smile on his face. Most didn't consider him a rouge until he went up and killed them for being in his way,even then they haven't labeled him one.Well now maybe since the big bad pain in the butt got pissed at him,but oh well.Kin really didn't care.
Chenoa frowned. "It is vampires like you that lead the rest of the world to believe you lot have no soul." She bit out. OF course, she knew they did have souls. She'd seen it. Her one and only man, the one she'd loved, had been a vampire. One night he got caught sneaking out and the next morning his head was on a pike labelled traitor outside the town. The memory still bit at her heart and she snarled at Kin. "You're no use to us alive then." She murmured and changed back into a mountain lion, motioning for her men to move in. "Goodbye, Vampire."
No soul?Kin never though about that before,he hated thinking about because he'd start thinking about why he does what he does and so many questions pop up along the way.He never wanted to think about it,his smile had faded off as he watched the one in front of him.Already bored of this and his fun was spoiled,thanks to some girl who didn't know how to shut up and just deal with it right of the bat. But no she had to ask questions and judge people on there answers,she remined Kin of someone from before but he just couldn't remember who.
Chenoa watched him as he didn't move to fight back against the closing circle of shifters. "Stop." She told them, looking at him and being annoyed at how much he looked like Gregory had. "Get out." She growled and turned on her haunches to walk away. The shifters clearly looked shocked at her decision but she didn't care to listen to their protests. She walked off towards her hut and went inside, shifting back into a human and crawling on her little make shift bed. She pulled the deer skin over herself and sighed.
Skit was now very confused and ran off after her,he jumped up and down slightly as he pointed out at the vampire and looked from her to him back and forth.What was she thinking? Was something wrong? He wanted to know,like the curious little kid he was he had to know.

Kin watched her confused,couldn't she just make up her mind? Ether way he just walked off to where the Vampires were,his fun was over and he didn't care about them for now. besides he wanted to see what that girl did to Travis,he hoped it was bad at least.He go there and looked around with his smile back across his face.
"You traitor!" Travis yelled angrily at Kin when he waked on to camp, still clutching his cheek and his lame arm laying limp at his side. He knew no one could take hi in a fight right now, nor would anyone want to. "You're banished!" Travis said, deciding that was the next best thing. The shifters would find him and kill him themselves, and maybe he'd even take a few of them down in the process. Win win really. "Get out!" He shrieked.

Chenoa looked at Skit and raised an eyebrow. "Don't you know better than to walk into a lady's room?" She mock, scolded.
Kin couldn't help but chuckle at Travis,he saw that coming and really didn't care what he said."She did screw you up didn't she."He laughed as he continued walked to him,how pathetic."You take my game,you end up losing to it and run away,then when someone comes back from just having fun with what you failed at you start yelling and banish them?"He couldn't help but keep laughing as he walked up to him."what a load of crap."he said almost mocking Travis as he stared up at him with his little grin. Wondering if he's pissed Travis off even more,he didn't care about being labeled traitor but he was going to have fun before he left.

Skit sighed with a smile,just forgetting it. He knew she had a good reason and he was sure he'll know what it was when the time comes,at that time must not be now. He sat at the door and looked at her,with a look still wanting to know at least what was on her mind at the moment.
"Get. Out." Travis growled and a couple of guards grabbed his arms, yanking him away from Travis.

"How old are you these days, Skit? I feel like you grew up so fast." Chenoa noted with a sigh.
When they yanked Kin yanked back making them fall back on there buts beside Travis and Kin glared up at him his eyes turned red."i don't follow your orders."He growled back at him."I have never and don't plan to,your too pathetic and pointless for me to even care what you say."He wanted to push this to the point of blood shed if possible,it would be fun.

Skit counted with his fingers and held a one and a four up showing fourteen,Skits been helping Chenoa for a long time now it seems.Ever since his parents died he's just hung around her whether she knew it or not.
"You are not my concern nor does your opinion matter." Travis said simply. "Guards, deal with him." He commanded and marched off back into his room and closed the door behind him.

Chenoa grinned. "You'll make a fine warrior. And the women will love you. Strong silent type." She laughed and sighed.
Kin sighed,"how boring..."he looked over at the guards."Stay put dogs..."He said before turning around and leaving,what a disappointment. Though Travis better make him a concern now or he won't be breathing long,he smiled at the thought of Travis' head on a stick.It made him happy and he really saw it as a plan at the moment since now he had no worrys.

Skit smiled,if he had his tail out it'd be wagging. He never really learned how to talk so he just never did,not like he needed to since all he does for now is howl a warning if something's coming or it wrong.
Chenoa smiled. "Keep an eye on the camp, Skit. I'm going to go for a walk." She told him and changed into her mountain lion. "Help take care of the wounded. I don't think we lost any. Clear out the vampire bodies though. They're stinking up the camp." She grinned and padded by him on the way out. She walked out of camp and followed the stream through the crisp, fall morning. She knelt down and lapped up some of the water from the stream and continued walking.
Skit nodded and shifted to his wolf form before running of to do what he was told to do.

Kin walked around in a jester like way with a smile on his face as alway,he couldn't stop thinking about all the things he could do now.He could go after Travis and the other vampires or head to the shifters and there little leader,then he stopped.He started thinking about what she said about him having no soul,it stuck to the back of his head and wouldn't go away. it really stumped him,why did he act this way?he knew the answer but stopped thinking about it,he was tired of thinking now and just wanted to go at it blind.
Chenoa trodded through the forest and sighed when she reached a pleasant glade. She rolled over on her back and stretched out in the sunlight, yawning and debating taking a nap, right there in the glade. She knew it wasn'r safe, and that was the only thing that kept her eyes open. With all these rogues running about she wasn't sure where was safe anymore.
Kin continued on as he was and the spotted the lady from the shifters,he stayed back away from her as he watched what she was doing.He wondered why she was here now and not with her people,did that mean her people were unguarded?He smiled as the question came to mind and he figured it wouldn't hurt to find out,he started on towards the shifter's place from before and he looked around when he got there.There didn't seem to be any major guard,but he stayed hidden for now as he watched the shifters.

Skit was dragging around the dead Vampires away from the place,then he stopped and smelled something familiar.He sniffed the ground and walked until he spotted Kin hiding,once he saw him he howled as loud as he could to signal danger.
Chenoa perked up and took off bounding towards Skit. She let out a mountain lion roar and when she noticed Kit, she pounded back on his back and snarled. She brought her claws up and went to bring them down on him to cause a fatal blows. She bit the back of his neck, hard, determined she would kill him this time.
Kin let out a loud scream when he was bit and he threw her off without a second to lose,he held his neck with his hand as he stayed on his knees. Guess that was the guard and it did a dame good job at it too,he snapped back at Chenoa once he got used to the pain and shoved her back into a tree only to back up and slightly hiss at her.He turned away and walked a bit before falling back on his knees as the pain came back,he leaned over to placed his head on the ground as he gripped his neck hard.

Skit ran over after seeing Chenoa and shifted to his human form when he got there.

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