The War of the New World (Shape shifters vs vampires)

Skit looked at her and then pointed into the hut with a worried look,he went in and sat by the bed looking back waiting for her. Kin wasn't doing good and the fact that the strange scent was getting closer was bad since Skit couldn't do anything about it,Kin was the one who dealt with the problems and with him like this they were in trouble. Unless Skit could get to Stier in time,he was sure Stier could handle this too.
Raxenite stands up slowly, unaware of the circumstances. She packs her bags quite casually as if there's no sense of danger. As she slings her backpack over her shoulder, somebody grabs her arm and squeezes it.

"What are you doing?" Raxenite grumbles, trying to shake the man's hand off her arm, "Let go." She continues. The man holds her firmly, then pins her onto the hut with a knife against her neck. His eyes are revealed to Raxenite as a deep crimson red.

"Why?" She asks, then swiftly lunges her knee into the man's crotch. The knife falls out of his hand and he collapses before her.
Skit had peeked out of the hut to see what happened since he heard someone fall,after seeing the bad stranger he quickly went back in and ran under the covers with Kin. Hiding and protecting Kin if someone decides to come in,he hoped Raxe would be okay and come quickly,he hoped the same for Stier and the others as well. the thing that puzzled him most was why the bad strangers were here and what they wanted.
Raxenite throws the hood off the man who was too busy holding his groin to think about attempting a second attack.

The stranger's face was pale-white, like Kin and Raxenite's face. His short and dark brown hair was dirty and uncombed, his eyes closed in pain.

"You came here for blood. The only blood you will find here is tainted." She grumbles quietly.

She noticed a patch on the stranger's arm. It was the military insignia from her home land. Memories from centuries past flash before her as if they were mere hours ago...

"Scavenger. Thief. Murderer." She scowls and kicks the man in the gut. Her eyes begin to deepen in red as she swings each kick, harder than the last. As the stranger inflicted the pain, he began to spit blood and take look gasps for breath. Once Raxenite was finished with her kicking spree, she takes the knife that was once at her throat, and throws it down at the man, slitting his throat.

"Your blood is not worth tasting." She grumbles, spitting at the corpse.

As she walks into the hut, everything seemed quiet and peaceful.

"The man is dead." She says quietly, then approaches the bed and feels the soft fur. She is tempted to sleep in the bed with Kin, but pardon's the thought for his sake. Instead, she brings her sleeping bag inside and tucks herself in...
Skit peeked out from under the covers to see Raxe and smiled after hearing things were fine now. He had heard all the racket coming from outside and worried,but seemed Raxe was good and able to take care of her self. He stayed almost complete covered as he laid down with Kin and watched Raxe,the sleeping bag didn't seem all that great and he wondered if she'd like to sleep in the bed too.Kin was already asleep and there was room,Skit got up a bit and poked her,showing her if she'd like to sleep in the bed too.
Raxenite looks up to Skit as he pokes the sleeping bag. She wonders what he wanted at first, then asks, "Do you want me in bed with you?" And the boy nods

She blushes, something that she has not done for over fifty years. She felt her cheeks tingle and smiles at Skit. Getting up out of the bag, she slips into the fur bed and snuggles into Skit, loving every moment since she has not had this contact with another person for many months.
Skit smiled and with the warmth of Raxe and Kin he was happy,he laid under the fur and it was hard to sleep since he was worried about more strangers coming. But he soon dozed off with the smile still on his face,Kin shuffled a little bit but stayed asleep. He was facing towards the two and luckily he was too weak to notice Raxe or there'd be some trouble.
Stier walked back to the encampment after failing to find Hakidonmuya. Thats when he smelled Vampires. More in the direction he had just come from. Slowly, still week from his last encounter, he took to the trees, jumping from banch to branch. After a few minutes of doing this he found three Vampires hanging around about a half mile fromthe other camp. They looked strange and feral. Their eyes were crimson and their flesh was pale. But they looked untrained. They walked about wih an arrogent air about them.

Stier quietly climbed down from his perch and onto the ground. One of the Vampires walked by the tree when Stier lashed out and grabbed him by the throat, tearin his head from his shoulders in one fluid motion. The other two snapped their attention to Stier and their fallen comrade. Boh of them hissed at him, bearing their fangs, eyes glowing brighter. With a deep breath and some exerted force, Stier transformed again, rushing to gore the closest vampire. Just as the Vampire tried to jump out of the way Stier rammed a horn through his head. The other one was a bit smarter and ran away. Stier felt exhausted and drained. He walked back to the camp still in his bull for and slowly drug his hooves outside his own tent and dropped onto the ground and falling asleep again.

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