The War of the New World (Shape shifters vs vampires)

Raxenite looks at Stier, nods, then redirects her attention to the boy on the bed. She walks to him stiffly and then lowers herself onto her knees.

"The smell..." Raxenite complains. She gently lifts the boys arm then mumbles, "Get me a bucket..." She raises her voice, "... A bucket!" The scent and thought of tasting bad blood begins to boil her own blood.

The process begins once the bucket is placed next to Raxenite. She punctures the boys arm with her extended fangs and begins to fill her mouth with the repulsive taint. Once her mouth was full, she stopped to spit into the bucket, then continue. She did this several times for about 20 minutes. Each spit, her face expressing regret and anxiety.

As Raxenite slowly drained, the boy's breath was becoming lighter and weaker. For a moment, it seemed like he stopped breathing.

After the 20 minutes of draining and spitting had finished, the bucket was full. Raxenite was gagging so she got to her feet and stumbled her way outside to throw up any bad blood that had been accidently swallowed. The boy was very weak and pale, but still breathing.

"I need to taste good blood..." Raxenite growls to the person that helped her as she stumbled out of the tent.

"The boy... I am sure he will live. Lots of oranges..."
Skit had smiled up at Stier when he was pulled closer,he liked Stier just like Kin. When the stranger had started helping the one on the bed Skit had buried his face into Stier's side and covered his ears with his hands,not paying attention to what was happening until it was all over. When it was he had peeked over as he uncovered his ears,he sniffed the air before slowly slipping over to the stranger in the bed.Sniffing the man like a dog would he nudged him with his nose as if trying to wake him up,Stier had brought this man here and Skit wondered why.
Stier put a hand on Skits shoulder signaling him not to do that. "Skit. Do you think you can go get some citrus fruits anywhere inside the camp? It could save this mans life." Stier tried to keep his voice quiet as to not wake the stranger. All Stier knew, the guy could be a serial killer. But it wouldn't have been right to just let him die. Stier flipped hair out of his face. He did save Stier though. As far as he knew at least.
Skit looked at Stier and huffed as he looked back at the stranger he wanted to wake up,he had sat on the ground and thought if they had any citrus fruit. He knew where they kept all fruit but wasn't sure if they had what Stier was looking for,Skit hopped up and started walking as he grabbed Stier's wrist and pointed to where they kept all the fruit and veggies.
Stier looked at where Skit was pointing and looked back at him. "You go find Kin and stay there. It will be safer for you." After Skit walked off Stier made his trek to the area Skit pointed at and began to look around. He didn't see any, but it didn't mean there wasn't any at all. Stier walked back to where he first came here and looked for Hakidonmuya. He needed to see if she was okay.
Skit ran off to his Hut and peeked in,seeing Kin in there bed he was completely covered by two blankets of soft fur. Skit quietly went in and walked over to where Kin was,now he was able to see Kin's head peeking out from under the covers and Skit smiled.Kin was still sound asleep and still wasn't looking to good,but seemed a lot better then before.Skit lightly lifted the edge of the covers and slipped in under them,snuggling up beside Kin as he stayed under the covers fully.Kin shifted slightly at the movement and wrapped his arms around Skit,feeling the sudden nice body heat.
Once Raxenite regained her posture, she looked at the people as they were talking under their breath. This made her feel a bit worried as she didn't know what they could be planning. One of the men run out of the hut, and return with some fruits. There was a bit of commotion until both men, Skit and Stier went seperate ways. Raxenite looked at them both as they walked with their backs to her. She mutters to herself, "Did they forget me, or do they trust me?"

She jogs up to Skit to find him watching a boy sleep in a hut.

"I need fresh blood, to wash out this taste." Raxenite mumbles, looking outside to spit, then turning her attention back to Skit.
When Raxe came Kin had woke up by the strange scent that was unfamiliar,hearing what she asked barely since he was still dazed.Skit had turned to Raxe turning away from Kin he looked slightly confused at first then got it and nodded,he didn't mind if she took some of his blood though he was a bit worried about it. Then Kin had finally processed what was going on and jumped up out of the bed,though it was difficult since he was still weak,and he came up behind Skit.Wrapping his arm around Skit he glared at the stranger with blood red eye as a slight growl escaped his mouth,he had just about went ahead and tackled the stranger to the ground but he knew he wouldn't be able to hold up if he did.

Skit had looked at Kin surprised at his actions.
"Does the guardian dislike me?" She quietly asks, looking at the red eyed man, her voice remaining calm and subtle in spite of his growl.

"Have you ever had the taste of rotten flesh in your mouth? Imagine it lingering for days. With your permission, I'd like to have some of your boy's blood." She glares at Kin, her eyes glowing a tinge of transparent red. She gestures her hand towards him.

A phenomenon that young apes did to seek permission from their mother or father, the parent would glide his or her hand across the young ape's hand as a sign of acceptance. Raxenite assumes the man doesn't know this but does it anyway to see his reaction.
Kin just stared at the stranger and seemed to deny her request,he rather her drink his blood though the fact that he was very low at it is showed it might not be a good idea.His eyes had began to lose there color as he rested his head on Skit shoulders and buried his face in his hair softly panting since standing was hard for him.Skit had turned his head slightly and nudged Kin's head with his,slightly whining as he looked to his friend.Kin just sighed,understanding what Skit was trying to show,with that he had reached his hand out and brushed it across the strangers also knowing what she meant.

Skit had smiled but Kin had no intention of moving where he was,if he saw any false movement from this stranger he wouldn't think twice about ripping her throat out.
Raxenite smiles briefly after Kin gives her permission. She kneels down to Skit's height and holds his arm out.

"Have you ever had a vampire drink from you before?" She asks, then glances up to Kin, then back to Skit.

"It will feel like two needles, then a tingly feeling." She states before extending her fangs and slowly putting a small portion of the boy's arm into her mouth.

Her fangs seep into the skin slightly and blood rushes into her mouth. She closes her eyes and tries not to smile, otherwise the mouthful of blood would seep out from her sides of her lips. The drinking lasted no more than ten seconds, then she retracted her fangs and moved her mouth away, then licking any excess blood lingering on the boy's skin, the saliva healing the two small holes.

"Thank you." She says with a sigh of relief, smiling at the boy and looking into his eyes. Something sparked, a feeling she hasn't had ever since her ex husband passed away. She slowly stands back up to her normal height, meeting Kin's eyes.

"This was a one-time thing, I won't do this again to any of your friends."
Skit had shook his head watching Raxe now,he had a small smile on his face since this was interesting.When she bit his arm he watched her with a very curious look on his face,he didn't seem bothered other then his arm slightly tensed up.When she was done he had looked where she bit and started licking it as she stood even though the holes were gone,Kin had just watched. His color in his eyes had completely vanished and turned pure white,he looked at Raxe and softly huffed. He was tired and that was easy to see,but he didn't like other vampires because of what they did to him. Though he did deserve it he always disliked them along with most people.
Raxenite scruffles Kin's hair, messing it slightly. She smiles down to him, then looks at Skit.

"You should rest, both of you. I have a sleeping bag in my backpack, I can rest outside." She states, gesturing to her backpack mid-sentence.

"I won't be an inconvenience any more, if I already am." Raxenite says, rubbing her arm, her body posture implying anxiety.
Skit nodded as he stopped licking his arm and now just looked at it still curious,Kin hadn't moved. He just stood there with his arm still around Skit still not sure of this vampire,and he wasn't going to relax until she was gone. Skit could feel Kin losing his grip though and could tell he was getting tired,which made him start thinking and then he smiled when he got an idea.
Raxenite stood on the spot and waited for the two men to leave for the hut. She throws the backpack off her back, having it lean against the hut that she found Skit and Kin in. She begins to unpack her sleeping bag...
As soon as the vampire had gone outside Kin collapsed on the bed behind him and sighed as his breathing grew heavy.He quickly got under the covers of fur and closed his eyes,only for them to peek open again after feeling something move in under the covers. He lifted the fur to find Skit snuggled back beside him,Skit looked up at Kin and noticed him looked at him under the covers.He smiled and sat up sitting on his butt which lifted the covers with him,Kin smiled as he watched and then saw Skit raise his hand out to him making a slight whine sound.Kin's smile faded and he shook his head,"No....I can't..."Once again Skit whined as he laid back down beside Kin,it was obvious he was worried but Kin didn't want to harm him and had made a promise to the lion girl.
The night was cold. The grass was damp. The moon was a quarter light. Raxenite is use to the cold dark nights, snuggled up in her sleeping bag. She cannot help herself but to shiver, and tonight was colder than others. Matter-of-factly, she couldn't breath without making a loud chattering sound with her teeth. She tossed and turned, trying to sleep. As she moved around, a lot of sound was being emitted from the sleeping bag itself which no doubt kept one of the boys inside the hut awake. In a way, she was hoping the sound would lure one out and comfort her.
As the two slept Skit's wolf features had show as his ears changed and his wolf tail curled up behind him,his ears twitched to the strange sounds he heard.He lifted his head slowly as he listened,looking to Kin who was already asleep Skit slowly got up trying not to wake him. Being curious he went to see what the sound was to find the vampire girl in her sleeping bag outside,he seemed slightly confused at the sight since he had never seen a sleeping bag and wondered what she was doing.
Looks over her shoulder as she shivers to see Skit's figure standing in the doorway. She smiles, sort of. It was hard to smile since her jaw was jittering like a nutcracker on wooden steroids.

"Hey... Did I wake you?" She mumbles, her voice quiet and her skin snow white, "You look confused." She continues. Laying on her back, she looks up at the night sky, then the boy.
Skit just stared at her and the walked over,squatting down and poked the sleeping back.His head slightly tilted and his ears stood up at the strange sound it made,he never heard something like that and he had the curiosity of a cat. He plopped back down on his butt as he stared at the sleeping bag,his tail wagged behind him since he was happy to find something new.
Raxenite smiles at the boy, and is fascinated by the animal features appearing before her.

"You like my bed? It's called a sleeping bag. It's from a place you've probably never heard of..." She drifts off into a faze, then snaps back into reality, "I can tell you a bit about it if you like." She shuffles over and pats on the small extra space in her sleeping bag.
Skit nodded his head and smiled,though didn't move as his ears faced behind him and he turned around. He could hear movement and his ears suddenly went down as he slightly whined.
"What's the matter?" Raxenite asks, feeling like she's talking to a dog and not a person. She sits up and feels Skit's ears out of curiousity.
His ears twitched when she touched them and he looked back at her,he could hear two voices he hadn't heard before close by and was worried about it. He listened to where they were and noticed they were near Stier as well,maybe other new people? Skit didn't know but he'd make sure to listen out for them and Kin,since he could hear Kin's breathing getting worse.
Raxenite's hearing senses not being as developed as Skit's hearing, she couldn't pick up on any sounds. However, there was a familiar scent in the air. She whispers to Skit, "Vampires." The notion had her nervous since she hasn't encountered her own kind until today, and he didn't seem very welcoming.

The scent was getting stronger as Raxenite sat up in her sleeping bag, looking around. The boy was moving about, into the hut and back out.

"What are you doing?" She asks.

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