The War of the New World (Shape shifters vs vampires)

Chenoa eyed him while he lay on the ground. "Did he attack you?" Chenoa asked Skit and nudged Kin's foot with her nose to see if he was still moving or alive. She turned back into a human and spit out his blood again. "These people taste all wrong. If you ever bite them and taste their blood spit it out. It's poisonous." She warned him.
Skit just pointed to the base and at Kin then made a grr face,and then shook his head yes to show he heard her.

Rin jumped away from her,not scared but did not angry.It was understandable so he didn't hate her for it,he sat there not moving since he figured she's just think he was attacking like he'd usually do. He just looked at the two,his smile was gone now and he kept his hand on his neck. It still hurt and it's been a while since he's been hurt,at least he wasn't one of those babies that couldn't take anything.
"Think I should kill him Skit? We did spare him before and he only came back. I ought to let you kill him. It's about time you killed your first vampire in this war." Chenoa grinned and bit Kin's leg so he couldn;'t run away, at least, not properly.
Kin once again jumped back away from her as he slightly hissed at her.Maybe he shouldn't have checked it out,though he wouldn't be doing anything if he didn't and would probably be bored to death. He couldn't go anywhere now and couldn't change what he did so he just waited to see what would happen.

Skit slightly tilted his head to the side as he looked at Kin,he shifted to his wolf for as he came closer and sniffed him.Circling around him as he did,he nudged Kin's head with his nose and sat down beside him on his right.He nudged Kin again in the arm and looked at him with no reaction from the vampire,Skit looked over at Chenoa with his tail wagging. The fact that the vampire did nothing as Skit did his thing even though Skit is still a child and the vampire could easily kill him even now,Skit tested and saw that maybe the vampire's intention wasn't to harm.
Luka sighed as she lowered to the ground extremely close to Travis. She hated having someone drink from her but she had to listen. She pulled up her sleeve and removed her wristband. She paused then moved her wrist to his mouth. Her hand grabs the dirt wall and claws at it when he bit down. Her eyes glowing red as she looked to him, watching him drink her blood. She lets a growl escape her throat as some blood ran down his chin.
Angelina had watched the entire fight, and was surprised to see that the shapeshifters had won. Leaping down from the tree branch she sat upon, she walked deeper into the shapeshifters territory.

She was slightly more alert though, as if she felt like she was being watched. She suddenly heard a WHOOSH behind her, and she whipped around. A man stood in her view, staring at her angrily. She couldn't believe she hadn't sensed him before.

"You deserve this." The man spat at her, gripping a silver sword and stabbing it straight through her stomach. She cringed slightly, but showed no pain in her red eyes. Swiftly, the man yanked the sword out, blood dripping down it and to the ground.

"You are a weak fool.." She murmured, wrapping her fingers around his neck and hoisting him upwards. The man squirmed, clawing at her fingers. He was a shifter. She could tell.

The wound on her stomach healed in a matter of seconds, making the man's eyes widen in shock.

"But.. How?" He whispered to her in a horrified tone. Grinning, she tightened her grip on him.

"Don't ask questions you already know the answer to." She said quietly, prepared to snap his neck right than. But a CLICK noise stopped her.

The man had rose a gun to her forehead, his arm shaking unstably. Pulling the trigger, the gun created a loud POP sound.

Angelina's eyes widened as she felt her mask slip off her face. The cat mask she wore was made of metal, so the bullet would have ricocheted off of it. However, she had just revealed her true self.

The mask slipped all the way off her face, collapsing to the ground. Angelina's delicate, yet very pretty face came into the man's view, and he grinned.

"Angelina.." He whispered, before she squeezed his neck tight, and killed him.
Wrex watched as everything was going on. Maybe he was not cut out for this because right then and there he passed out while in his human form. His white hair covered his face as he layed on the dirt
Chenoa frowned at Skit, then sighed. "He wasn't trying to kill us you think?" She asked and padded over to Kin. She licked his wounds with a sigh, sitting back and watching while they healed swiftly. "Why do you think animals lick their wounds?" She grinned, then turned back into a human again and spit out the blood. "You lot taste rotten. Now, why were you here?"
([MENTION=3856]AngieG[/MENTION] I reposted so you see it)

Luka sighed as she lowered to the ground extremely close to Travis. She hated having someone drink from her but she had to listen. She pulled up her sleeve and removed her wristband. She paused then moved her wrist to his mouth. Her hand grabs the dirt wall and claws at it when he bit down. Her eyes glowing red as she looked to him, watching him drink her blood. She lets a growl escape her throat as some blood ran down his chin.
Kin thought these people were just the strangest he's seen so far,he sighed since she continued to ask more question."I'm simply passing by,and caught eye of what you were doing to the dead."He pointed out to the dead bodies."I stopped for a moment and that's when you came...."He pointed at her as he glared at her.He hoped that explanation would work because he did not want to explain something else.

Skit stared at him as he talked,nudging him every now and then.Kin still didn't really do anything against him,in fact this one interested him.A shape shifter coming right up to a vampire,especially him,and just poke him with no guard up. And at his age Kin would have thought they didn't let such young once out in the battlefield,it was strange to Kin.

Travis stopped drinking and raised an eyebrow. "Vampires often use blood exchange as a form of intimacy, so why do you look as if I'm gouging your yes out?" Travis chuckles. "It feels good. Feel it." He said, licking the blood that dripped off her wrist before drinking a little bit again. When he was done he licked her wound to close it and grinned at her, wiping his mouth. "Thank you."

Chenoa frowned. "If you want to take your dead to burial or whatever it is you people do, go right ahead." Chenoa shrugged. "We just don't like the smell. I expect you to clear out fast though, or next time I'll bite your head clean off. Got it?" She growled.
"I don't care about the vampires anymore,I'm banished."He smiled,"So do what ever you want with them."He didn't care about the bodies at all,though tearing them to pieces and sending them back to the vampires would get them the message.Maybe he could use them,though he wondered what this shifter would think if she knew he'd do that.
Luka pulled away and fell back on her bum and held her wrist. Her iris' turn back to their natural lime green color. A growl comes from her throat as she spoke in a harsh whisper "I know that... Thats why i surpressed the feeling." she watched him closely then moves to him. She pulls off the cloth and smiled seeing that the blood helped heal the wound. She looks up to him. "It looks fine" she said as her smile faded.
"Why won't you enjoy your time with me, Luka?" Travis asked, brushing a hair out of her eyes. "We could die tomorrow in battle. I nearly died today. Let go and stop being so guarded." He murmured, leaning in closer and smelling the scent of her sweet blood beneath her skin.

Chenoa frowned. "Skit do you know the saying the enemy of my enemy is friend?" She asked him, patting his little wolf head while in her human form. "This would be one case in which it doesn't apply." She said suddenly. "You're too unpredictable, too unreliable, you do what you want without a care for how it hurts others. If you thought you could come here simply because you were banished from your home, you were wrong."
Luka watched him not moving. Her purple iris' watched him closely. Then they roam to the hall and back to him. Her blood boiled in her cheeks bringing a slight blush to them. Her hand still on the pink scar that was left on his arm she spoke softly. "Your father wouldn't like that much" she raised a eyebrow.

Wrex moved away from camp. Away from everyone. His pants hung loosely around his hips as he looked around.
Kin chuckled."Like i'd come to you people for help,you'd be just as bad with orders as those pathetic vampires. Like I said before I was passing though,meaning I was passing.Get it?"He explained as if he was talking to a mindless child,he had no place anywhere and he knew that because whether friend or foe if your in his way your dead.Only reason why he isn't forcing that now is because of the strange little wolf she has with her now,that was the only reason.

Skit looked at Chenoa,understanding what she meant.He watched this one take out some of his own before and knew how dangerous this one could be to any side whether in it or not.Then Skit had a thought that popped through,why was he like that? Did he just not care about anyone or was it something deeper and could it be trained? Skit saw him as a wild animal pretty much and any animal could be trained if taught right,right?
Chenoa growled and changed only her hand into a cat claw. She slapped him, but with claws, well, it left a little bit more than a hand print. "I ought to kill you. But Skit seems to like you, so you'll live." Chenoa muttered and started walking back towards her people. "And you're wrong. We are not strictly rules. Nothing is more freeing than being your creature and running through the woods at night. Think what you want, but out here, we are free."
Luka watched him not moving. Her purple iris' watched him closely. Then they roam to the hall and back to him. Her blood boiled in her cheeks bringing a slight blush to them. Her hand still on the pink scar that was left on his arm she spoke softly. "Your father wouldn't like that much" she raised a eyebrow.

Wrex moved away from camp. Away from everyone. His pants hung loosely around his hips as he looked around.
"Free?"Kin's never heard that word when he's with the vampires,so these people were free?Kin was jealous of these people now,he's been stuck listening to a annoying brat while they've been able to go on as they like. Well now Kin was what they could call Free but as a traitor of his kind,how unfair does a life get? Kin just sat there looking at the ground,figuring he should just go on the way he was and where ever he pops up,he pops up.

Skit watched Kin as he thought then ran after Chenoa and made a slight whine sound,if this man was banished from his home and wasn't accepted anywhere where would he go? Skit tried imagining him in the man's situation and it wasn't a happy one,Chenoa accepted Skit after he lost everything but there the same kind. But Skit saw no difference in vampires as they fought.
Travis shrugged. "My father doesn't even like me. He pretends." Travis chuckled and smiled at her. "Don't think about him."

Chenoa grumbled to herself as she marched off. "Wrex." She said, almost surprised to see him. "Where was my right hand man during the battle? You missed it! I slaughtered Travis. One of them is still hanging around but Skit seems to have taken a liking to him. I'm not quite sure what to do with him." When Skit ran up Chenoa frowned. "Skit if he betrayed his own kind who is to say he won't betray us?" She asked him with a sigh. "I don't know Skit..." She murmured.
Skit laid on the ground looking up at her,there was a major difference between then and the vampires. For one it seemed the Vampires have no freedom like they do and Skit was sure he'd even get mad at that. Skit really didn't know what to do ether but if he was the man he sure wouldn't want to be cast out from everyone.
Luka watched him closely as her canine teeth extended and she leans up. Her purple eyes turned back to red as she moved his head to the side. Her lips pressed against his neck and let her fangs sink into his neck. The hot red liquid spilled into her mouth as she drank from Travis' neck.
Chenoa grumbled to herself as she marched off. "Wrex." She said, almost surprised to see him. "Where was my right hand man during the battle? You missed it! I slaughtered Travis. One of them is still hanging around but Skit seems to have taken a liking to him. I'm not quite sure what to do with him." When Skit ran up Chenoa frowned. "Skit if he betrayed his own kind who is to say he won't betray us?" She asked him with a sigh. "I don't know Skit..." She murmured.

@ Kaleo

Chenoa frowned and sighed. "Skit..." She groaned. "Fine. He stays with you in your hut then. He's your responsibility." She told him. Chenoa eyed Kin, sure he had heard everything with those vampire ears. "Here's your chance to care about someone else. You **** up, you hurt Skit too." She told him simply.
Wrex looked at his leader and frowned. "I was dealing with something. Im sorry" He looked at his leader in his human form.
Travis sighed and pulled her against him, running his fingers through her hair while she drank from him. He nipped her ear playfully while he pushed them into his room and closed the door behind them.

"It's alright. Do you feel okay?" Chenoa asked, eyeing him carefully. She put her hand on his forehead as if to see if he had a fever and smiled. "Tonight we celebrate, Wrex. A feast. A dance. It will take awhile for them to heal, they won't attack again tonight. It is time to move our people home." She smiled.

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