The War of the New World (Shape shifters vs vampires)

Skit was a bit surprised when his hair was messed up but when he saw it was Chenoa he smiled and fixed it,he waved hello at her as Kin shook his head,"I can eat...It's not like i'm allergic to everything but blood..."He said as he looked to her with a slight irritated glare,he could eat normal stuff and get 'full' but that taste for blood won't go away. Oh course just animal blood worked fine for him,unlike most other vampires.
Chenoa frowned and rolled her eyes. "I was only trying to accommodate you. There is no reason to snap at me, I merely offered my blood. I've been drunk from before it does not bother me, but suit yourself if you prefer animal blood and meat that tastes like ash in your mouth." She told him simply, walked over to the dear on the spit and pulling off a flank which she handed to Skit. Sh grabbed another for herself and bit into it and when she was finished she pulled Skit out on to the dance floor where they danced wildly together.
Kin just watched as they danced happily,he was smiling at first but it slowly faded as he watched. He hadn't thought about that before,he could live on animals but not forever.He'd soon get very hungry and being around so many 'treats' how could he handle that.And being around Skit,what was he going to do if he broke with him there.Would he got after him?He shook his head getting the picture out,he didn't want it to happen so he had to think of something. What if he went after the vampires?Would that work?He sighed,he had already tested his limit once so he knew when it was,but unless he dealt with it before then it wouldn't help at all.
"Get him to dance will you, he looks like we just shot his puppy." Chenoa said with a smile to Skit and danced around the flames. She threw a special kind of flower into the fire from her hair and watched as it turned the smoke purple with a laugh. An older man was smoking a pipe of herbs and Chenoa nabbed it from him with a grin and took a puff, blowing circles like a pro though it was frowned upon for women to smoke.
Wrex sat and watched everyone. He sat in the dirt in his human form, gnawing on some deer. When he was finished he huffed and moved to his hut, looking around then plopping on the deer skin bed. He layed on the bed with his arms behind his head as he hummed a soft tone to himself, lessening to the sounds of the shape shifters.

Luka looked up ant him and growled when he licked the drops of blood from her neck. He tilted her head some with a smile. "Its funny that I hated you for the first 3 years I knew you" she spoke softly as she looked to the roof. Her arms wrap around his neck tightly and she pulles him to her. She then harshly whispers in his ear. "But i don't wanna be one of your toys." she pushed him up as she stands up. She looks back to him and shook her head. "I know what you do... And i won't be one of them" she moved to the door.
Skit nodded and ran over to Kin grabbing his hands and pulling in out to dance,Kin had no idea what to do but as with everything Skit taught him.Kin had forgotten about his worries as he danced with Skit,he smiled as the little boy that seemed to have so much fun with anything and always had a smile on his face. He had no idea how he stayed so happy but he didn't want it to go away,since it always made him happy to see sure a happy face around even the likes of him.
As the night went on and everyone danced Chenoa called for silence. The drums stopped and she held her finger over her lips, grinning when all that could be heard was the crackling of the flames. "We have done a great thing, we have won our first battle against the vampires. We have eaten, we have danced, and now, we will run!" Chenoa howled and quickly morphed into her mountain lion, taking off into the forest with the rest of the tribe following behind her. Even the children who couldn't change yet ran behind them, their caretakers watching them closely. Chenoa bounded through the forest, roaring and tearing up the ground. There was nothing more freeing than the moon o her back and the wind in her fur. She laughed and ran as hard as she could.
Skit had shifter to his wolf form and grabbed Kin before he ran off,he ran up beside Chenoa with Kin clinging to his back.Kin didn't get what this was about ether just he just went for the ride and didn't ask any questions,and even in his wold form you could tell Skit was happy as he ran. Kin didn't know Skit could be this fast since he was young but he was doing pretty good,he couldn't help but smile.
Chenoa grinned over at Skit. She loved her tribe and all its people. They were like a pack even though they were all different. They really were a motley crew. Some were bears, mountain lions, wild cats like herself, foxes, squirrels, rabbits. All beautiful and unique. She still wasn't sure ho she felt about the vampire, and it was strange to be around one in a friendly way again. It did bother her that he looked a bit like Gregory, and she didn't like that one bit. She missed him and felt no one could replace him, and so that was why she never married despite what her tribe demanded.
Skit had suddenly stopped running almost sending Kin flying forward off him,"What the??"He looked at Skit wondering why he stopped and noticed he seemed to be looking for something,his hears moved towards a sound and he darted towards it.He didn't know what it was but he'd find out,he didn't signal danger since it might not be and he had Kin with him so he wasn't afraid of finding out if it was or not.
Chenoa continued to run with a smile on her face, stopping in a glade and creating what can only be described as a dog pile with her tribe, laughing with them and stretching out when she noticed Skit was gone.
"I don't think we're suppose to be here Skit,we need to go where the lady went right?"Kin asked looking around worried,but it looked like Skit didn't listen as he continued on and sniffed the ground trying to find what he had heard."Skit?"Kin tried to get his attention but then Skit shifted to his human form and Kin fell to the ground,he sighed and jumped back up following Skit since he couldn't leave him alone.
"Skit?" Chenoa called, padding back in the direction they came, the sniffed the air and began tracking him.
([MENTION=3856]AngieG[/MENTION] Repost...)

Wrex sat and watched everyone. He sat in the dirt in his human form, gnawing on some deer. When he was finished he huffed and moved to his hut, looking around then plopping on the deer skin bed. He layed on the bed with his arms behind his head as he hummed a soft tone to himself, lessening to the sounds of the shape shifters.

Luka looked up ant him and growled when he licked the drops of blood from her neck. He tilted her head some with a smile. "Its funny that I hated you for the first 3 years I knew you" she spoke softly as she looked to the roof. Her arms wrap around his neck tightly and she pulles him to her. She then harshly whispers in his ear. "But i don't wanna be one of your toys." she pushed him up as she stands up. She looks back to him and shook her head. "I know what you do... And i won't be one of them" she moved to the door.
How did i miss that? Sorry!

Chenoa ran back to the camp, wondering if Skit went back there. She checked his hut, then she checked Wrex's. She frowned, seeing Wrex just lying there. "Why aren't you celebrating with us?" She asked him, figuring Skit would be alright, he'd have howled if he was really hurt.

Travis rubbed the back of his neck and rolled his yes. Why the hell were women so damn confusing? he just had her writhing in his bed and now she was walking out the door. "If it makes you feel better, I remember your name. And I don't ever remember the names of my toys, Luka." He told her honestly. Well it was a start.
Wrex looked over to Chenoa "Hmm?" he sat up slowly and yawned. "Fine.... Ill get up." she slowly stood and stretched cracking some bones. "Damn i aint that old." he huffed and followed her out of his hut grabbing his white button up. He looked around and smiled some

Luka looked back to him, then turned to him. She sighed and looked around his room then back to him. Her purple eyes a little annoyed. "What do you want from me..." she asked quietly with saddened eyes. Before he could answer there was a knock at the door and Luka's eyes widened. She looked around and moved to him and whispered harshly to him "Where do I hide?"
"Well everyone's gone now. You missed the night run. Skit disappeared but, I think he'll be alright." Chenoa shrugged. "You never danced with me though, party pooper." She grinned.

"You don't need to hide." Travis said, as if the very thought was ridiculous. "Relax." He said, answering the door with a big smile to see who was there.
Skit caught the scent what he heard he and took off towards it,Kin ran off after him and then noticed something."Skit?...."He said now in a worried voice as he looked around,he remembered this place but from where.He saw Skit stop and and he stopped behind him,then remembered where he saw all this before.The vampire's place,Skit stared out at place in front of him.He hadn't sen this place yet but knew what it was,he knew it was dangerous and when danger was near he howled.But just before he did Kin covered his mouth and made him duck down low."Shhh....Just back up,we're going back..."He whispered as he backed up with Skit making sure he didn't make a sound.
Luka hid anyways as he opened the door to a guard. "They are getting ready for the night. Its a smart time to attack sir" The guard said. Luka huffed and looked around. She moved over to where his swords where.

Wrex smiled "We can dance now if you like?" he looked down at her with a smile on his face. His white hair fell over his eyes as he looked down at her.
"Attack? How? We lost men and many are wounded. I'm still wounded." Travis said with a frown.

Chenoa laughed and took his hand, allowing him to lead the wild dance they always did around the fire at celebrations such as these. She spun in her buckskin dress, the feather still in her hair even after the night time run and her skin littered with the tattoos. "Were you not in the mood to party tonight?" She asked Wrex.
The guard glares and huffs "your father says get the troops" Luka ran her finger over the blade and nicks it.The guard pushes past him smelling the blood "Sir you know that everyone should be in their room at this time if there is no fighting." he trys to move past him. Luka licks her finger.

Wrex smiled as they danced "You know i dont like crowds. He moved her around the fire as they dances quickly.
"Get the **** out of my room." Travis said simply, shoving him out. "If I have company I have company and it's none of your damn business." He told him, shoving him out and slamming the door. "What an asshole. He just wants to do some major ass kissing to my father." Travis said, rolling his eyes.

"Even when the crowd is your own people and people like you?" Chenoa asked him.
wrex smiled and sighed some as he held her close while they danced. "weird right?"

Luka looked over to him with her finger in her mouth. "Sorry that was my fault." she looked back to his sword and wiped the blood from the blade. She then turned back to him.
Kin kept going backwards with his hand covering Skits mouth,they were still to close to the vampire's place to call it safe."Almost,come on..."Kin said as they walked,until Kin tripped over something and fell back letting Skit go.Which as Kin thought was a bad idea,Skit howled loud and it echoed through the area to both the Shape shifters and the vampires since they were close to dead on center in the middle of them.Kin quickly jumped up and covered his mouth."Crap..."
"Why are you comfortable with me then?" Chenoa asked, looking up at him when suddenly she heard the howl. "Shit." She muttered, quickly morphing into a mountain lion and bounding off towards Skit's howl, noticing how terribly close it got to the vampire camp. "Skit what are you doing out here?" She asked when she she reached them, panting and scanning the area for danger.

"No don't be. I didn't think we'd be attacking again tonight. I'm still hurt." Travis muttered, touching his cheek which was still tender and his arm was still a little bit too fleshy.

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