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Fantasy The War Between Wolves

Cinder woke in a particularly sour mood. Not only was she the opposite of a morning person, but as soon as the sun pulled itself over the horizon, her and a few of her pack members were supposed to meet the Burning Sun pack in the southern Bay known as Duskfall. She gave a quiet snort from her muzzle (as she almost always slept in her wolf form) before beginning the days preparations. It was about an hour or so before daylight, but it didn't stop her from going on a hunt. After all, she did have a pack to feed. But instead of waking her Hunter's, Cinder decided to try and be kind and go on the morning hunt alone.

After fully waking up from her drowsy state, Cinder raced into the woods. It didn't take very long for her to see her first kill. There was a large doe grazing in an open portion of the trees, giving Cinder a perfect chance to strike. Quickly, and effortlessly, the Alpha tackled the deer and sunk her teeth into it's throat. There was barely any struggle before the deer lifelessly collapsed. After half an hour of killing small animals, like rabits that she chased after or squirrels that she was just lucky enough to catch, Cinder shifted into her human form and carried her killings back towards the pack's large camp.

"Everyone! Wake up, wake up! We don't have time to sleep all day!" She shouted around camp, hoping to awaken all of the sleeping werewolves.


Aster was one of the first few wolves awake. She had already gone out and hunted for the pack, hoping that having food already killed for the Alpha's would ease the tension that rippled throughout the pack. Just yesterday, another one of their members had mysteriously dissappeared and they were finally going to go hash things out with the Twilight Moon pack.

Aster gave a short sigh in her human form and leaned against a tree, waiting patiently for her pack to awaken.

(Sorry it's rushed, I'm on mobile.)
It had been a fitful night of sleep, as always, filled with breathless dreaming and waking up in cold sweat. Molloch was tense, that much was always assured, but this recent string of sleepless nights was exacerbating the issue. The Duskfall meeting was today, he'd want all the attention and focus he could muster, and this simply would take off his edge. He hoped they would try something, so that Cinder and Loki would let him tear into them... And just as he was beginning to slip away into staggered dreaming once more-

"Everyone! Wake up, wake up! We don't have time to sleep all day!"

With a growl of agitation he roused himself fully from sleep, taking to his feet and cracking out the stiffness in his joints. The smell of the freshly slain game reached his nose, pulling him from the shelter of his tent, blinking the glare of the rising sun out of his vision and the kills into focus. Cinder had been busy.

"You took the fun of the hunt alone. It's rude to exclude your packmates, if I may say so..." His one good silver eye looked between his alpha and the dead animals. Pack hierarchy and such, had to obtain approval.
Dusk woke up quietly. Her cold, grey eyes glared at Cinder.

"I was having a good rest there. At least we have a decent meal." Dusk stated. She looked at the Doe. "Nice one, there." She turned into her human form, which had long, unkept black hair, a plain black jumpsuit with a few marks, and her prized possession, a necklace of fangs. Dusk sat down to eat.
Not long after that, Loki too joined them. He was in his human form, wearing a black long coat and large hat. He had the usual monotonous look on his face. He observer them for a while with his amber eyes.

It seemed as he didn't sleep at all, but that was already normal for him. He then layed back on a tree-"I see we have breakfast"- he stopped for awhile, gazing at the dead animals- " Just make sure to be quick. We have a busy day"- he finally finished the sentence, and immediatly after, he pulled the hat downwards, hiding his face. was he taking a nap perhaps?
"Hm? What is it?" Dusk asked. She was curious - and hungry. "When is the meal served?" She started fiddling with her hair. "But anyway, is it a battle?"
Kara had been woken early in the morning when few still covered the tips of the grass. She always liked to go for morning runs. As the Alpha Padded out of camp she could feel her anxiety to start running. And so she let in. Kara's white paws pounded the ground as she raced through the underbrush. She wasn't really racing towards anything. But she loved how she could feel her heart beating, thudding against her rib cage. Running also helped her to think. She wasn't exactly looking forward to today's meeting with the Twilight Moon Pack. She never got along with them.
Caster was sitting on the branch of a high tree as his pack started to awaken. His stomach growled as he smelled the food, but decided against going down. He was trying to decide who he was going to prank. He and the Alpha were very close, but he knew better than that. He didn't have a death wish. Maybe one of the girls who often annoyed him. As he sat watching the goings ons, the Beta's mind wandered.
"Well I was trying to be nice and let you have some extra shut-eye, but if you'd like me to, I'll start waking you all up at four in the morning. Heck, why don't we start giving each other kisses and hugs and praise the sun while we're at it? Make ourselves even more like the Burning Sun, shall we?" Cinder snapped at Molloch, clearly not in the mood at the morning. Of course, when he did ask for permission to eat, she said, "Go ahead. Fill yourselves up." @Ranulf01

When Loki approached, Cinder looked at him curiously. He really needed to sleep more. She calmly approached him and said with a concerned yet mildly strict voice, "You should probably eat too, y'know. We need to be at our strongest just in case the Burning Sun tries to pull one over on us." @L0ki

After addressing her mate and avoiding showing too much affection to him, Cinder turned towards the rest of the pack. She was doing a mental role-call, trying to see if the remaining members of the pack were still there. "Where's Caster? Don't tell me we lost our Beta already!" Cinder didn't usually jump to conclusions as much as she just did, but with the constant disappearance of her fellow pack-mates, she was more worried than ever. @Rainy83
"Now Cinder, define lost. As in 'I died of Gangrene' or 'I physically cannot find that handsome devil'. Because only one of those is a true statement." Caster called from his tree branch. He kept looking at the sky, almost as if playing hide and seek with the Alpha. He noticed how the branches clashed together, different shades of green combining Into one

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Cinder actually appreciated Caster's humor, and was relieved that he was okay, but she didn't really show either emotion. "Just get down here, Mr. 'Handsome Devil.'" She ordered, her final words drenched in sarcasm.
A cocky smiled appear he'd on the Beta's face as he heard Cinder almost playing along with the banter. He hopped down from the branch, landing in a crouch so that the force was split throughout his body. He then straightened, showing his full height of 6.3". "Why yes Cinder?" He asked with his cocky grin.
It was with a scowl and low rumble in his throat that he approached the carcasses, dropping to all fours and mutating into his more primal form. The last thing he could tolerate was being compared to the base, sniveling Burning Sun acolytes of the humans who dared utter the words 'forgiveness.' Muttering a damning word in his mind, he tore into the belly of a rabbit. Rrrrrip.

"Speaking of Burning Sun and devils, the packsmeet... When do we set out?"
Cinder heard Molloch's question and spoke to both him and Caster, "I plan for us to head out as soon as everyone eats. And 'everyone' includes you, Caster." Even though Cinder was often considered a ruthless dictator, she was incredibly short compared to most of the pack, standing only at 5'7". She looked up at Caster with a cold expression. She felt that everyone needed to eat so that they would be prepared for the day ahead, not to mention that it was a long run from their main camp down to the bay, yet she hadn't even taken a bite of food yet.
Caster scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Fine, but you have to eat too Ms. Pushy" he shrugged and formed into his wolf. He padded over to the food and tore into it, paying no attention to Molloch. He ate a few bites and was finished. Caster never seemed to be hungry in the morning. He preferred to sleep
"I will eat when everyone else is done." Cinder snapped a bit, crossing her arms and staring at Caster with a death glare. Once he started eating, she turned away and looked about the pack once more. No new casualties just yet.
The small quantity of food being consumed by Caster before finishing didn't go unnoticed by Molloch, an almost disdainful look taking over him. "You under-eat, and for that you'll under-perform. Do you mean to be the lowest common denominator of the pack, or does it just come natural?"

Being in top form was paramount in his eyes, both as an individual and as a pack. They had to be the quickest, the strongest, the most robust, or else they would perish or be inconsequential, and he'd had his fill of that.
There was the 'morning Cinder' that Caster was waiting for. He was surprised that she hadn't snapped at him before. But his head turned slowly to the other wolf. "And you, Molloch, over eat, and thus will become fat. So no, I do not aim to the the lowest common denominator. I just aim to be higher than you." He vollied and lifted his head before walking away.

He had never liked Molloch. The other boy always seemed to be picking a fight with Caster. That was who he was going to prank today. Teach the little twerp a lesson.
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Loki observed everyone with a small trace of a smile, expecially because of the beta's jokes. His expression changed back to normal when he heard Molloch's statement.-"Then would make me the weakest of all?"- he finally said. was he being serious or just mocking? Hard to tell...

"Strenght is good, but brains is as important"- Loki was more of the strategist type. -"He's right though, today we need ourselves to be at the peek. We don't know what'll happen at that meeting"- after saying this, he sat besides them with his legs crossed
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Loki's question was more loaded than a powder keg, so he answered with simply a deferential nod. He picked fights, but not with alphas. They were where they were for a good reason, he figured.

Betas, however, were fair game, and he'd be remiss to miss a chance to challenge Caster.

"Forceful words for someone who threatens to waste away from their eating habits. Perhaps your plan is to be as unappetizing of a meal as possible?"
Caster smirked as Loki got on Molloch. He did kind of deserve it. But then the little rat came back at Caster, which only furthered his slight annoyance.

"Perhaps you are right. I don't plan on being eaten. But you on the other hand, everyone knows that fat is the best part of a meal. How kind of you to make yourself more appetizing for your devourerers" the beta answered him.

Hmm, why don't we go in for a little brain dive. Caster thought. But he restrained himself. He didn't want to waste his powers on a pathetic little mutt.
With a growl low in his throat he rounded upon Caster, staring him dead-on, teeth bared for all to see that he wasn't taking too well to the prodding from the other lycan. Then again, jokes had never been Molloch's strong suit, giving or receiving.

"I think you'd find yourself wiser in silence. Certainly less likely to be left bleeding on the dirt," he threatened. It was fully expected that it in-fact wouldn't come to an outright violent confrontation, but it was also expected that at some point the younger wolf would try and fight for more respect from his packmates. Being Molloch, intimidation and violence was his most likely method. @Rainy83
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Cinder was planning to let the argument play out, as she found some amusement in it. But by the time things started turning violent, she decided to intervene. The Alpha walked towards the meat and stood next to the two wolves with an angered expression on her face. Any other day she would encourage a fight, but not today. "HEY! Cut it out you morons, or I'll be the one eating both of you!" Her eyes flashed a dangerous red-gold color and she gave a low growl at the two, even if she was in her human form.

Leon awoke just as the sunlight brushed the nighttime sky, lighting it with a pale orange. He sniffed the air, trying to sense anything out of the ordinary, but found nothing. He allowed him a few moments of stillness before raising up and shaking his pelt of any dirt it might have picked up overnight. His pack seemed to be awake as well, and he greeted them in a friendly tone, trying to ease the growing tension. His stomach rumbled and he hoped someone had gone out hunting. He couldn't show at the meeting with an empty stomach. It would leave him weaker and weakness was not something he could afford when the Twilight Moon pack might take advantage of that. Leon let out a howl, alerting the pack that they needed to move out soon.
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