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Fandom The Walking Dead

Zayn sighed a little, preparing himself for what he is about to say. "Well..." He paused, "I was abused when I was younger...sometimes sexually..." He bit his lip, and stood up when he heard his name. He walked out and saw the newcomer and picked up his gun. "Well, HI..." Zayn said, circling the man like he had done with Nina. He moved his hand up and covered the scar, hoping that no one had seen. "What do you want?"
Hudson was a little shocked to what Zayn had said. She stayed in the tent for a moment to process it. But quickly left and looked at rhe stranger, with her cold look on. She always tried to maks herself look intimidating, she had to because of how small and fragile she is.

She Looks at him and says "Be Nice, he is Looking for a Camp he has a Daughter Back at A Big House Where Walkers can't get in or Out" but he has no Food only juice water and can Food he just need help and For helping him We can Live with him " she said with a smile
Justing looked at the mall and smiled, he looked at Elizabeth and then pointed at the mall

"What about the mall?"

"We went there yesterday, there´s not much left"

"Can we enter? Please?"

"Fine... but I warned you"

Justin and Elizabeth entered the mall and started to look for usefull things

"Hi I am Sam. Umm I would do anything you want please let me Join your group. I will do anything to stay with you guys Please I Hunt with you all I want is to protect my Daughter". He said seriously. I will share my home with you it is Big 10 bed room 5 bathrooms and a Big living room and Downstairs is where I Do doctor thing to save people
Zayn sighed. He seemed a lot more friendly than Nina had first been. "3 questions. how many walkers have you killed? How many people? Why?" He looked intently at him, loading the pistol trying to intimidate Sam.

" Here we go" she said with a smile. She would Walk and grab Her Knife and Play with it watching what Zayn Would Do.
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"I Loss count of How May walkers I killed. I Killed 4 people that was my mom my dad my wife and my Grandfather because the turn and was Bit" she said looking scared
Andrew and Wendy walked around the mall looking for usefull things until Wendy saw two people. A woman and a kid were inside a store infront of them. Wendy was really exited to see other people so she started to yell.

"Hey! Over here!"
Hudson touched Zayns arm.... had she become a softie? That would be a yes answer. She quickly looked st her feet. She stuffed her hands in her pockets and stayed quiet. If she had been alone in the world again, she would have killed that person without hesitation.

"Okay Look I Check the Place out and I give you guys Some Answers And I see if it's safe or not". She said with a serious Face

"Ok I am Happy to Take You Nina" he says with a smile. He's Hands started to hurt a little because he was tied up and he said " Umm Nina, Hey Nina Can you Un tie me Because my Hands Are F**king killing me". He said with A smile on his Face
She looks at Him and said "Let me think....., Umm No, I don't trust you yet intill I see this Safe house or house you have okay". She said looking at him and then tried around and walked to her tent to get ready to go. She got her gun and sword and she said To him " Ready to go or not" she looks at him smiling

He looks at Nina and said "Okay I am ready I mean where Else am I going to Go Nina if I am Tied up Princess" he said laughing

When she Heard Princess Come Up In his Mouth, she stopped and turned around and went up to his Face outing the gun in the center of his Head looking at him deadly I'm his eyes and said "Never I Mean Never Call Me Princess Were In you SorryLife Again do you understand Me !" she said in her serious Voice.
Gardener sat next to her sleeping area quietly. She was cleaning the dirt, blood, and general nastiness off of the blades of her knives. She had nothing she'd rather be doing and honestly, she'd grown rather fond of the weapons.
Payton sits on the grass in a small backyard, protected by a fence on all sides. A deck leads to the back door of a small, tan house with sliding glass doors. She stares into the fire she made and can hear the distant screams of her family while they were being eaten alive in her ears. She closes her eyes as the memories haunt her.

It was a normal, sunny day in New York City. The family was just relaxing when there was constant banging on the door. Payton's mom answered it and was attacked and bitten in the shoulder by a zombie. More came in and attacked her younger brothers. Her youngest brother, Carson, who was eleven then, was attacked next, then her oldest younger brother after. Payton was the only one to survive out of her family. She has no clue where her father is and hopes he is a zombie.

Payton snaps back into reality and becomes paranoid. She grabs her bow and nocks an arrow and goes in a 360 circle, looking for any zombies. She sighs and lowers the bow, returning the arrow to the quiver strapped to her back. She sits back down and hugs her knees to her chest, waiting for the can of beans to cook.


Gardener continues to run a cloth over the metal. She wonders if her ex is still alive. Gardener flinches as she imagines meeting him out here.

"Talk about awkward reunions," she mused to herself
Payton finishes the can of beans and sighs, not knowing what to do. A loud sound startles Payton. She looks up at the sliding glass doors of the house to see a zombie there, trying to eat through the glass, smacking its hand on the glass while its white eyes were fixed on Payton. The zombie was a girl, long strands of what looked like brown hair sprouts from her head. Payton studies the zombie for a few seconds, feeling pity rise up as she wonders who the zombie was before this all went down. Payton turns around and stands up. She douces the fire with a bit of her water and grabs her bag, her axe, and bow before leaving the backyard. Her bow is put away as she carries her axe. She walks a few blocks before spotting a mall. She stops and studies the building, debating whether she wants to risk it or not. Most likely, the mall has been looted already so she won't find anything of use. She then starts walking again, trying to find a safe place to stay in to survive the cold night.
Gardener puts her knives back in the home-made holder strapped to her leg. She stands up and yawns, before pulling out some of her crackers and munching on them. She was running out of food and would have to begin conserving. Gardener looked up, catching a small, wispy column of smoke rising from over some buildings. A campfire, most likely.

She cursed. People usually meant an ugly confrontation.
Payton finds a small two story house that looks safe enough. She walks up the stairs and on to the porch and looks through the small windows into the house. It looks messy from her view, and there was decent enough light. She tries the door knob and is suprised that the door opens with a low creaking sound. She holds her axe tightly in her right hand as she turns on her flashlight. The place isn't that messy, just a few clothes scattered her and there. But that's not what is worrying Payton's mind right now. What is worrying her is the moans coming from around the house.

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