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Fandom The Walking Dead

Hudson came out of her tent, her hair now in a messy bun atop her head. "Sure!" She nodded and went over to him. She eyed the gun and played with the handle of her knife a bit.

She look at Him and said " Yea you can" she took the pistol and the Bag she was ready to Kill. She had a Knofe in her shoe so just in case the Gun goes out. Nina went and Fixed her Hair in a Bun and Puted on something easier for her to Hunt in To make it easier for her to Move in. Then she went over and said " Okay Ready"


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Zayn smiled, looking over at Elizabeth. "I think it would be better if you stayed behind." He nodded his head, dropped his bags by the dire, started walking to the woods and gestured for them to come with. Once they were in the outskirts of the middle of woods, he lifted up the sniper rifle and put it into trigger position. Suddenly, right in front of them was a beautiful doe. He put a hand out to stop the others to move. He aimed the gun and fired. The bullet went right through its heart, leaving it simply dead on the floor. "God, I'm starving..." He whispered, picking up the limp animal and chucking it over his shoulder.
Hudson looked at it, she was too distracted to see the walker crawling behind her and grab her boot. She let out a scream and tried to get tje hatchet from her belt, but the latch was stuck. She kept trying to kick it away but it just kept grabbing, "Zayn!" Hudsom Hudson screamed

She Looked at Him and said " Nice Shot" she said with a Smile. She then heard a Husdon scream and she then Taped Zayn Shoulder and She ran and she found Hudson and she Shot the walker and Pick her up and said " Are you Okay". She said with a smile
Zayn immediately turned round hearing his name. "Hudson!" He shouted running over to her and kicked the walkers face, even though it was dead, until his whole face was gone. "Hudson, Are you okay? Did you get bit? F*ck, I'm so sorry!" Zayn overwhelmed her with questions and sighed. He hugged her tightly, probably showing too much emotion.

"Yea I Going to Fine Another Deer I just leave you two alone I guess.@ she walked farther in the wood and she found another Deer. She pointed at the deer and she then would go and Shot it in the Heart and said to herself "Finally I got one God".
Hudson was trembling as she stayed in his arms, "y-yea... im okay. Its okay" her hugging back was awkward and she was stiff.... In two years she practically forgot how to hug. "My hatchet... it got stuck in my belt...." she said quietly

She carried the Deer Back to where Zayn and Hudson was. She said " This all we can get right now the Walkers are coming over here we should Head back to Camp". She said in a serous but Kindly. " Sorry about the Walker getting over you it was a Think Fast for me". She said with a smile
(This happened before Nina came)

Zayn let go of her as she became stiff
. "Sorry about that..." He blushed deeply, biting his lip nervously. "It's okay now..." He reached for her hatchet and gave it to her. "Keep this out at all times, okay?" Zayn smiled at her, relieved that she was okay. So many emotions were going through Zayn's mind, and he looked away. Suddenly, he turned around and kissed her gently on her cheek, the warmth and tingles rushing through his body. He backed away immediately and bit his lips again, waiting for her good news or more likely bad news.
-before Nina came back-

Hudson looked a little shocked that he did that, but a grin spread across her face, "I think you missed" she said quietly and stepped closer to him. Running her hand up his arm to rest on his shoulder. She stood on her toes and pressed a small but unyielding kiss to his lips. But when she heard Nina s voice she quickly pulled away and started heading back to camp. There was a blush on her cheeks, so she kept her head ducked a little bit.
Zayn stood there in shock, watching as Nina and Hudson walked off. He shook his head, grinning to himself and shouted, "I'm coming!" Zayn ran off to catch up with the others, the big deer over his shoulder and took Nina's. "I can cook it for dinner." Zayn smiled, seeming unusually happier. He took some sticks and started the fire again, setting up a stand for the deers to cook over the fire. He kept glancing over at Hudson and smirked, replaying her cheesy joke earlier.

Nina was felling a little werid because she saw Hudson Blushing for some reason. Nina said to her self " Why is she blushing in this time right now even I can't do that, you know what Let me just Mined my own problems and do what I have to do." She said to them when they got back to camp she realized Zayn was looking at Hudson over and over again. Which made her feel Alittle werid
Zayn blushed a little at Nina's remark. "Um, Whatever. Nina, You can sleep in my tent. I've taken all my stuff out, so I can take watch tonight." He nodded his head at her, turning the deer slightly. He looked over at Hudson and stuck out his tongue playfully.

He looked at him and said " Yea so you can Look at Hudson Sleep all night yea No You stay Here I take watch I don't even sleep much ways Okay so you sleep I watch deal. I will be fine I know how to kill Walkers Okay" she said with a smile grabbing his gun. And walking away
Zayn sighed and rushed off to her and whispered to her. "Is it that obvious...?" He blushed again, running a hand through his hair nervously, glancing back at the camp.
Hudson smiled a little bit and pulled her knees to her chest. She was having a conversation with Lia about the food they got, but she was barely paying attention whereas she kept staring at Zayn. This is the most she's ever let her wall down.

When he came to talk to her she stood up and grabbed his hand pulling him to the outskirts of the camp, "I guess so." She giggled a bit. She never giggles
She looked at Him and said " Yes It is" she said Looking at Him. I take watch and you go eat I am Fine I will Surive Okay Now Go talk to her do something Why would I care just go okay" she said with a Smile on her face
Zayn smiled her. "Have you always felt like this?" He asked shyly and hugged her again awkwardly. "Sorry, I just really like hugs..." He laughed a little.
She blushed again and took his hand, "I honestly don't know..." she admitted "I guess when you helped me..." a frown was on her lips "I have been so hollow.... I don't have feelings... unless you're around." She said quietly and looked up at him
Zack blushed even more, feeling kind of stupid. "Oh, Well, I liked- I mean loved..." He smirked, "Ever since I met you..." He laughed a little, kissing her briskly on the lips. "God, That sounds so cheesy..."

She was watching Zayn and Hudson Taking while she was On Look out. Nina was sitting there not doing anything But Just Watching the Sky and the ground and the walkers That goes around other places that is away from here. Nina was Back flashing of when her parents and her Older Brother is Still Alive. Nina Knew her brother could be alive and that she still believe that he would find her.
Hudson smiled brightly up at him and ran her hand up his arm, "I haven't had a kiss since 7th grade" she laughed a bit and shook her head "that was even before the apocalypse" she teased and glanced around.

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