The Walking Dead

(((Spark I want you and megan to follow them. They see you following them. But you lose them. Which you come across where Group B is staying at. I'm not sure what berace and cold cake are doing. When you come cross Group b we'll have most of the group togetter. Remember your not sure if group b is with the people who toke bryan and steven.)))

Jon looked behind him and saw Kat looking around. Jon knew the world Kat just came from. A crazy, world that had gone mad. Jon reach his left arm hand out, Kat. Hoping she would trust him to protect her. even if there was a walker around. "I promise. A walker will not even get ten inchs to you. If you didn't notice, I got MR. Assult with me. Jon shows her the M16 Carbine he has with him. The strap around his arm. "Come on, let me show you around the town. Introduce you to a lot of nice people." Jon still holding his hand out. Kind smile he has on him.
Harli spotted some clouds of dirt further up the road. She stomped on the gas and followed as fast as she could. She turned a corner and spotted the SUV. "Megan! Look! Thats the truck!" She shouted as she floored the truck. She was going to get whoever it was that destroyed their safe haven.
(((Spark I want you and megan to follow them. They see you following them. But you lose them. Which you come across where Group B is staying at. I'm not sure what berace and cold cake are doing. When you come cross Group b we'll have most of the group togetter. Remember your not sure if group b is with the people who toke bryan and steven.)))
The sound of the truck Harli is driving makes a loud flooring sound. Paul looks back and see's it's Megan and Harli. "There not dead!" Paul looks at Darrel "There not dead Darrel!" Paul raise's his voice at Darrel. as Paul continues to look back. "Thank you paul. I wouldn't of put the piece's togetther. Here's a bright idea...GET THAT DOUBLE BARREL SHOT GUN AND KILL THOSE B****S!" Darrel yelled bak at paul hitting the steering wheel with both hands trying to lose Megan and Harli. Paul picks up the double barrel shotgun in the floor below him next to the hand radio. the shotgun already loaded. Paul rolls down the passingers window, ready to shot at the two ladies. As Paul sticks half his body out the window aiming for Megan. Paul smile's as he shots the double barrel shotgun holding two hands. Shoting the head of the truck.

The truck pulls over, trying to avoid next shot. But is keeping up steady speed. Paul aims for the passinger Megan again. But Darrel makes a hard right turn down a dirt road making Paul miss with the shotgun. Paul leans back in the SUV. "More ammo!" Paul demands, opening the double barrel sawed off. "Here take this..its full.." Darrel hands Paul his hand gun. Paul take the handgun darrel hands him and puts down the double barrel in the floor below him. "Shot out there tires...Paul..SHOT OUT THE TIRES..." Darrel tells paul. Paul nods his head in a yes nod leans out and again and waits for Harli the driver to get up closer so he can have a better chance of hitting the front left tires.
Harli swerved and changed gears in the truck. "4 wheel drive." She floors it again gaining on them. "They have Bryan and Steven LOOK!" She points out the back of the mens heads. She growled as she passed Megan her Desert Eagle. "Shoot at them and don't loose my gun."
Megan jumped when they shot at the truck with the shot gun. She held on tightly to the seat and then they missed the second shot. She sighed in relief. She felt a gun drop in her lap and she picked it up. "I'm not a good shot but fine!" Megan played a lot of call of duty so she tried to channel that in as she leaned the gun out and tried to shoot at the SUV
Darrel looked and saw Megan was shooting at Paul. Darrel then slowed down the SUV to let Paul hoot at the tires. Paul aim's the hand gun, holds it tight. And just then she get's up close and Paul shoots the left tire of the truck. Missing two times, but hitting it the third time. Darrel hearing the ti into re getting shot and blow. Darrel make's a hard left turn into another dirt road. Paul shoots a bird at Harli and Megan laughing as he leans back inside the SUV.
"Shit!" Megan gasped as she felt the tire blow. She leaned back into the truck and braced herself in case something happened. She didn't want to crash or get hurt if the car tipped over or rolled over or something
Harli slammed her hands on the steering wheel as she hops out of the truck. She pulls down the tailgate and grabs her other tire and a jack. She pulls them to the left front tire and begin to change them. "This is bull shit."
"We're not going to catch up to them at this rate." Megan hopped out of the truck. She banged a fist on the truck head in anger. Whiever they were they got Bryan and Steven. Who knows what they wanted with them.
Harli finished changing the tire and walked around the truck. It had a few bullet holes. She opens the hood and climbs up on the bumper. She looks around checking if it was okay. "The truck is okay." She walks over to Megan and takes her Eagle back. "Get in we will find them."
Megan got back in the truck and looked for tire tracks or anuthing on the road ahead of them. "Who knows where they went." She said to Harli. She was as mad as Harli about the situation. Something happened in that mall this morning underneath their noses. And they got awat with it and taking two members of their group.
(((Next yall are going to stumble upon where Group b is staying)))

With Bryan on the floor looking at Steven. Steven looked sick, as if something was wrong with him. Bryan almost chew's the tape off, facing Steven. And away from the front sit, so Darrel and Paul won't notice what he is up too. Now, Bryan's mouth is free from the tape. The tape down o his chin, Bryan nods his head at Steven. Bryan sweating, trying to get free from the rope. Paul tied on him and Steven. Bryan wiggle's his arms trying to get free as hard as he can. Bryan looks at Steven, Bryan motions his mouth in silent words hoping Steven can read his lips. "Can you cut me free?" Bryan use's his silent lips hoping Steven understands. Bryan turns around slowly toward the front seat so if Steven could try something.
(Jackson and Declan...... Harli and Megan are in your hide out)

Harli was becoming light headed. She looked around a spotted a beautiful 2 story house. She pulls up and shuts off her truck. She motions for Megan to follow as she moves to a side gate and opens it. She walks silently up to the back door and tries to open it. Locked... She backed up some and slammed her foot against the door. She posted her gun up eye level and walked in.

Steven moved silently and tried to get to Bryan. No luck. He thought for a second and his eyes lit up. He begin to try and catch the edge of his tape on something. He finally got it caught and it pulled off. He looked at Bryan with a sad smile and mouthed. "Im going to break my hand. It will slip through the rope."
Megan slowly followed Harli into the house with her machete raised. She eyesd each room carefully making sure no walkers were inside. Tbe house was quiet and she relaxed a bit. She was exhausted from today and all the running around and being shot at. She knew Harli must be tired too.
Kat looked back over to Jon as he spoke, and saw his outstretched hand and warm smile. She had also noticed his gun earlier, but hadn't addressed it. With how things were now, the walkers everywhere, it was odder to not carry a gun.

Well, if she had to trust someone here, Jon seemed like a good one to place that trust in. He appeared to be a nice guy, and he was the only one she knew so far who she could easily communicate with, without pen and paper.

So, after a moment of hesitation, she took his larger hand in her small one. "Lead the way, then." She signed with her free right hand, managing a small smile.
Declan jolted when he heard a slam downstairs. Scrambling away from Jackson's hug(Declan was rather relieved), he stood and made his way to the bedroom door. He stuck his head out into the hall and looked around, seeing no one. Glancing back at Jackson on the floor, Declan brought a finger up to his lips, signaling to keep it quiet. He suddenly remembered Remy was downstairs and his eyes widened as he quickly made his way into the hall and to the top of the stairs. Looking down he could see nothing but the front door and the back of the couch Remy had been on. He slowly made his way down the stairs, cursing himself for having left his bag downstairs.
Jackson seemed rather disappointed when Declan left him. Jackson awkwardly stood, sliding his hands into his pockets. He walked down the stairs, calling out a gentle "Remy?" His voice had gone back to its bitter--ish state. Jackson hesitantly stepped down from the stair, his knife clenched in his hand. He gazed around for his sister like friend, worry setting over his face. He ran his fingers through his shaggy brunette hair, his baby blue eyes traveling around the room anxiously.
Harli heard a male call out. She pointed her pistol at the stairs and growled. "Who is there!" She called out as she moved forward. She stepped infront of the stairs and pointed her gun at the 2 men. "Drop any and all weapons. NOW!" she shouted.
Jackson's hands shot up and his knife nearly sliced his foot open, he eyes the women with a nervous look spreading over his face "L..Look we're not gonna do anything.." He glanced over at Declan with anxious eyes, hell,

People these days will shoot you in the head for no reason at all, and with the guns the girls held.. Well..
Megan stayed quiet holding her machete, letting Harli do the talking. "We're not going to hurt you." She said, lowering her machete to not seem threatening
Harli's eyes looked down at her gun as she dropped her hands to her side. She looked up at the two men. "I-I'm sorry.." She backed away. "This is your hide out." She looked around then at the men. "We just need something to drink." Her light headednss came back. "And food."

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