The Walking Dead

Harli looked down at the car with a crazzed expression. She raised her pistol as she followed it. "What if Bryan is playing a truck. Or steven. Ill shoot those ass holes" She grumbled as she took off down the far left hallway. "COME ON MEGAN!"

Steven begin to wiggle around becoming frustrated with the rope around his wrists.

Megan craned her head when she heard Harli call her. She sighed and ran off after her. When she was within ear shot she called outt to her, "Harli you're being stupid here, do you honestly think they would just up and leave like that??"
Kat smiled and signed a thank you to Jon, then stepped outside. It seemed like a nice morning outside, as she looked around. At least there were no walkers ambling about. She still did a quick look around for any before she walked down the steps.
Megan stopped when she heard a weird sound.she looked around trying to figure out what it was. It soundee like something moving. Feeling something bump her feet suddenly she looked down and saw a toy car. "Huh?" She looked p amd arou d to see who was controlling it. "Hello??" She called oit
Harli ran over to Megan. "Follow it!" She shouted at the girl as she sat there still following the toy car. "I think Steven and Bryan are messing with us!" She growled. "COME ON MEGAN!!" she shouted as she ran toward the little toy car.
Darrel drive the little toy car as far as he ould see it. And then drive it into a store, into the store entrance. As he leaves the toy car remote in the plant so they won't find it. Darrel quickly runs toward the scurity office. Opening the door and now in the dark hall way. He see's the scurity office to the right. "'s Paul...I'm coming in.." Darrel opens the door slowly and see's the crazy man now known as Paul. Steven and Bryan. Darrel close's the door behind him. Darrel looks at Steven, then Bryan then the walks head over by the wall ahead of him. Darrel looks at paul. "We have to move quickly." Darrel suggested as he gets behind Steven ready to push him out the door. "How are we going to get them down the ladder?" Paul asked getting behind Bryan. "Paul your not thinking...we're going through the front doors..." Darrel smiled as if he had a plan. Both men pushing Steven and Bryan back out the scurity door. And Out of the hall way.

Darrel and Paul push Bryan and Steven toward the front doors. Where harli and Bryan blocked it off with a desk and bench. Now with the bench and desk fully removed out of the way. Paul and Darrel take bryan and steven outside. The sun is bright. What a sunny morning. "Push them to the side..." Darrel side as Paul and Darrel push bryan and Steven to the side. Darrel now running to the corner of the mall to get his SUV. It take's Darrel a couple of minutes. As Paul is standing by Steven waiting. "How long has it been now?..." Paul looks at Steve asking him. Even though with the tape on his mouth he can't answer. Just then Paul, Stevn and Bryan start to hear some music. From a far, as it gets near. The music gets louder and louder. The three look to the left and see Darrel driving the SUV slowloy aroud the corner. With a small on his face, knowing the plan. A horde of walkers following behind. Darrel the drives full speed ahead and makes a U-Turn toward the mall front doors. As he drives full speed ahead. As if he, yes was going to ramm the front doors. to keep them open for the walkers to walk in and attack Harli and Megan. As he gets near the doors, he rams thiugh the front doors. busting though them glass's shatters everywhere.

Even on paul. Such a loud noise alerts megan and harli. Darrel backs the SUV up. Darrel gets out as classic Beethoven is playing loud. Darrel walks over by Bryan hits him with the handle of the hand gun on the top of his head. Knocking him out. Darrel unties Bryan from the chair. And ties him up. Hands behind his back to his feet. Paul is doing the very same thing. Knocking out Steven with the night stick. Darrel and Paul must move quickly as the horde of walkers gets ever closer. Both crazy men load Bryan and Steven into the SUV in the back seat. Brya on the floor and Steven on the seats. Both men get in the SUV and take off like a bat fresh out of hell. With the music cut offas they drive away. The horde of walkers turn there attention to the broken down front doors. 
Sorry if the typing seems sloopy as more as usual. Was a bit excited about posting this one. Couldn't wait.

I hope its still readable. :D
Megan stopped when the car stopped. She held her machete up in case someone was here. "Be careful." She said to Harli as she walked in and checked everything. Nothing. "Someone is playing a-" she heard glass shstter somewhere and turned around quicjly and ran out. "What was that?!"
Harli turns from the sudden crash she runs out into the hall and watches as a SUV drives away and walkers start to push though the broken doors. "shit shit shit shit." She cursed as she grabbed meagans arm pushing her to the stairs. "RUN!" She took off stumbling up the stairs shooting at the walkers that where advancing. Running down the hall she picks up the crossbow and arrows as she turns slamming into the door that led to the roof. She held the door open for Megan. Once the gil ran through the door, Harli slammed it shut and ran toward the side of the building. a few walkers where making their way from the stairs to the front. There was banging on the door. "LETS GO!" she shouted as she slid down the latter and started shooting walkers on the ground. She motioned for Megan to follow her to the truck.
(((Just to let everyone know what's going on in the main storyline. There's a short truce between the psycho's and the crimnals. The reason why Darrel didn't kill or kinnap Megan, Jaylee, or Megan is because the crimnals want them. But Darrel is setting a trap for both. Because he wants the mall, as well as the crimnals. Group B don't worry your storyline is coming up. The crimnals have a map of the whole area. It's coming up.)))

With Bryan still having the knife in his leg thigh. The pain is still is still there. As he is facing the roof of the SUV. Looking up at it. As he just now wakes up, the pain in his leg wake's him up. Paul stairing stright at Bryan, holding Bryan's knife. "I toke the knife out of your leg..." Paul said holding the bloody knife by bryan's face. Rubbing Bryan's knife on his cheek, Bryan's own blood is on his face from paul rubbing the knife on his cheeks. Paul take's the knife and leans foreward, looking at the road ahead. The music has stopped. "Hopefully your lady friends are not dead...they are needed for something...some of our friendly neighbors...desire a womens touch... " Darrel looking back at Steven and Bryan. "Just becasue..we're crazy doesn't mean we're crazy enough to come to fair terms with crimanals..." Darrel looks foreward.

Paul looks over at Darrel, at the drives side. "I'm soo hungry...I can eat.." Paul and looks at Steven.

"Paul..we haven't ran out of food just yet..." Darrel looks over at Paul. "Why being so nice to those crimnals? They are no danger to us!" Paul Puts his hands on the dash bored. "That's it...they are no real danger...we have the weapons...not them..I told them..all we wanted was the men...the women..they can have...being locked up for a bit of a long time..a man can crave a touch that only a woman can bring...we have women...but it would be a bit..werid if our women started to disapear wouldn't it? have to be smart about these things paul...don't worry Mark and his band of misfits wont be around for much's just we need this truce to get what we want...the map of the area mark has it...the mall is what we will take over next...after those walkers get those women...then we get the mall...plenty of supplies in there we need...hand me the's time to set our trap into action.."
Megan followed Harli down the ladder using her machete to cut off a few wallers heads that were in the way. "Who the hell crashed the door?!" She shouted as she climbed into thentruck and slammed the door. "Gun it!!:
Steven woke slowly groaning in the process. He felt as if he had a hang over.He tried to mumble out through the tape. "Take the tape off and open the door unless you want puke everywhere!" but it came out as a mumble. He held his stomach hoping they wuld take the tape off soon.

Harli slammed her foot on the gas. "WHAT THE HELL!" She shouted looking for any signs of where the SUV went. "I have no clue who did it but they where out of here quickly." Harli chewed her lip."I have a really bad feeling."
"Me too." Megan said as she looked for the SUV as well. She had a really bad gut feeling about what was going on and she hiped Byan and Steven were okay. "Whatever happens we can't lose our cool. Stay calm and think clearly." Megan said hoping to caom Harli down a bit if any
Jackson huffed as the pressure released. He gazed down sadly at Declan, hesitantly moving to sit next to him. He awkwardly rubbed Declan's back, chewing on his lower lip, gazing down the stairs "They weren't who they were as humans.. Their personalities and memories.. Aren't there.." He sighed and continued to rub Declan's back.
(-thumbs up- Got it, Gun. o 3 o) 
Declan let out a shaky, tear-less, sob. His friends, his sister, his mother, his father, everyone... Gone. He was alone. Everyone he had known was either gone or had betrayed him. Letting his weight fall against Jackson, Declan closed his eyes, not wanting to see the bodies in front of him. "It isn't fair..." he said, his voice barely above a whisper. He opened his eyes and let his head droop. "It isn't fair." he repeated, his eyes beginning to sting. It was then that everything that had happened since the beginning came rushing back and hit him full force.
Jackson sighed and hugged Declan to him, resting his chin ontop of Declan's head "I know..

I know.." He said in a whisper, squeezing Declan softly before he stood up, pulling Declan up with him "Come on.." He murmured, walking towards the vacant room that wasn't filled with dead walkers "Just take a nap, usually makes me feel better." He sat in the chair at the corner of the room, gazing quietly out of the window.
Declan let himself be hugged. He really needed it after so long. Jackson smelled nice... like nature: how it was before the shit began. Declan had missed that.

When he reached the room, he walked straight past the bed and sat down in the corner of the room, with his back against the wall. He sniffed and let his head fall forward against his propped up knees. The window was just above his head, so he listened, searching for the usual sound of his friend's farm life. The tractor, the horses, the cows and chickens, the dogs barking. But no. Instead, he heard nothing. Nothing at all. It was still; dead like everyone else out there.

What am I still doing alive?
Jackson's gaze softened, he got up and sat down next to Declan, taking him into another tight hug, his hand rubbing slowly along his back, he whispered the occasional "Let it out.." Or "It's all going to be okay." He knew it wasnt, but right there, right now? Well it was pretty damn nice. Jackson rested his cheek against Declan's head, closing his eyes and sighing gently.
(Ohmahgawd. They're having a moment. O ^ O)

Declan weakly shook his head, leaning further into Jackson. "Tell me how it's going to be okay, Jackson. How? Look around. We're in my dead friend's farm house, his body is in the other room, and there are dead people walking the streets. How is it going to be okay?" As he spoke, Declan wrapped his arms around himself and stared at the wall on the other side of the room. He was, in truth, too comfortable to move. He hadn't felt another person's warmth in so long. He didn't care if it was someone he had just met - a guy, at that - he was going to stay there.
(Murhur ^3^)

Jackson's gaze went down on Declan and he sighed, "We all die at one point Declan, and eventually we ARE going to become walkers. That's just how it is. But right now. Right now we are here, in a house away from the city, with a comfortable bed, with a roof over our heads. All we can do is think of right now." He tilted Declan's head up gently, making him gaze into Jackson's serious eyes "We are ok." He said with a quivered tone, tears had obviously been building on the surface of his eyes and he was trying his best not to cry
Declan had had an argument, but it was quickly forgotten when he realized how close he was to Jackson. He attempted to scoot away, but only fumbled. "I-" His gaze flicked down to Jackson's lips before going back to the light blue eyes. "Yeah." he ended up saying, his words forgotten.

(Muahahahah- How corny. xD And short. ._. Sorry, I'm using my phone right now.)
(Dawww! I'm using my phone too.)

Jackson's eyes wondered down to Declan's lips before they quickly flicked back to those navy eyes. Pink began to find Jackson's cheeks and he shifted, the tip of his nose brushing over Declan's, making him tense. He opened his mouth to say something but ended up closing his mouth.
Jackson's eyes are so blue... Declan gulped and leaned back a little. "Uh- Wh-What were we talking about...?" he asked, his eyes searching Jackson's. He noticed the slight blush on the other man's cheeks and became slightly confused. Shifting his seating position, Declan moved his hand, only to have it graze against Jackson's.

(Muahahahaha. I am the master of cheesy/cliché romance scenes. > :D )
Jackson gazed down at their hands for a moment, hesitation running over his face "Does Declan even like guys?" He thought to himself. He gazed at Declan, his hand moving, grasping his gently, he watched for Declan's reaction, his other arm awkwardly moving from being curled around Declan.

(*Bows down to you* xD )

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