The Walking Dead

Jackson seemed visibly relieved. He dropped his arms, gazing at the women hesitantly, it had been so long since he complicated with a woman besides Remy, and she was a 14 year old child. "I uh.. " Jackson awkwardly walked over to his backpack, tossing the two females a granola bar.
"We won't stay long either." Megan said. "We'll leave you alone soon." Her stomach gurgled, she only had something small to eat all day. If they had food that would be great. She knew that they had to go out and look for Bryan and Steven again soon
Harli's expression didnt change from the depressed look she had as she sat and nibbled on her bar. She looked up at Megan and then back down at her bar. She needed to find them and find them now. She needed Bryan. He was like a older brother, like a friend. He understood the shit she went through. She looked up and Anthony her son was standing in the middle of the room. "Why do I keep seeing you?" She mumbled...
(Trying something new. Taking a page out of the Pro's book. :D )

I remember the last time I smiled. My little sister, stayed with me in my apartment. I had recently broke up with my ex girl. I was hurting, but I'm tough. I been cheated on all my life in relationships. why should this be any different? If she didn't pull me off of him. I would of choked him to death. My ex, who knew she liked skate borders? I knew how bad I was acting toward Steven. I had nothing against him.

It just brings up pain knowing he looks exactly like the skater who was messing around with my ex. I can't even remember her name anymore. She's blocked outta my mind.

All I can remember is her face. Her face as she cried and wanted to explain to me what happened. It was a mistake? How do you explain a man. In your room with his pant's down? I'm actually hoping I see her though all this madness. Her as a walker. I'd love to show her how I feel...

The SUV stops hard making Steven fall on top of Bryan.

And this is not a good position to be in. Bryan thinking to himself. As the SUV is cut off. Darrel and paul get out as the both go on each side of the SUV in the back. opening the doors. Darrel gets Steven and Paul gets Bryan. Dragging them out of the SUV. "WE'RE HOME!" Darrel smiled at what he said.
Jackson casted his eyes over the female with mild curiosity. "What?" He asked in a odd tone, he hesitated at the scream and without a word he sprinted outside, his knife back into his hand, he froze at the horrific scene infront of him, Remy was surrounded by walkers, trying her best to fight them off, Jackson cried out a "Remy!" He sprinted up, taking out 2 zombies with his knife and elbowing the last one in the neck, cringing at the sound of bone snapping, he grabbed Remy and stared down at her, a large gash was in her neck and she gazed up at Jackson with teary eyes. Jackson felt his knees weaken and buckle and before he knew it he was on his knees, cradling Remy to him with his head buried into her shoulder. (I like never use Remy. SOO)
Steven yelled out to Darrel. "Set me down before I puke on you!" He wiggled out of Darrel's grip and threw up. Waking up from being hit on the head was like having an hang over. Steven looked up at Bryan. There was fear in Steven's eyes. "They will find us you ass hole! And they WILL KILL YOU!!!" 
Harli dropped her food and dashed outside. She shot at the remaining walkers and looked ocer at the man and the girl. Tears where brought to her eyes... "Kid... put her down..." She sobbed. "She will feel more pain as she changes. Take the pain away."
Jackson clenched his fists, the 21 year old looked more like a heartbroken child. He stared up at Harli, tears dripping down his unshaven cheeks, his tears getting mixed up in his recent scruffle. He leaned down to Remy, kissing her forehead an whispering a gentle "It's okay.." He felt her breathing stop, and his gaze seemed to crack, he watched, she groaned and stared up at him with white, blank eyes, tears continued to drip down his cheeks and he slowly slid his knife into her scull, he closed her eyes with a gentle hand, he rested her on the ground and stood without a word, walking off into the once thriving fields, his hand resting on the top of his head.
Harli moved to the shed in the back yard and grabbed a shovel. She started to dig and dig and.... dig. Once her palms where bloody and she was done she placed the girls body in the grave and begin to bury her. "Bury the ones we love burn the others." She said to herself. "HEY KID!" She called out.
Megan just stood in the door way as she watched this. She sighed and walked back inside. No matter how much death you see in these times it's still hard. She sat down and leaned her head against the wall to just rest a bit.
Darrel picks up Steven with his handgun in his hand. He picks up Steven and lays him over his shoulders. "You puke on me. I'll put a bullet though your head." Darrel carries Steven to a near by wearhouse. That seems to be in the back of the town. Where only Darrel, and Paul were allowed to go. Darrel opens the already unlocked door to the wearhouse and walks in as its dark and only the sun shines though the cracks of the warehouse itself. Paul looks around to make sure no one in town see's him. Looking down at Bryan. Paul starts to kick bryan in the ribs again, and again. Bryan's face in the grass. Paul looks at Bryan not keeping his distance but getting down on his knees and right next to bryan. Pulling Bryan by his hair. Bryan has a pissed off look on his face. Looking to his right, where Paul is. "You mad?" Paul asked looking straight back at Bryan. "....."

Bryan did not say a word his angry eyes spoke for him. Paul lifted up Bryan over his right shoulder following Darrel into the warehouse. Darrel and Paul throw Bryan and Steven on the dirty concrete floor hard.

"You boys hang tight. We have plans for both.." Darrel smiles and waves good bye as Darrel and Paul leave. Paul closing the door behind them both. Darrel walks in front of Paul and hands him his handgun. Paul takes it. "Take this extra clip.." Darrel taking a extra ammo clip from his left pants pocket giving it to Paul. "Try to escape..shoot them both in there knee cap then the head. Make it painful. I'll explain it to the towns folk it was just a walker or two.." Darrel tips his cowboy hat at Paul as he walks away. Paul holds the handgun and clip in both of his seprate hands. 
(((The werehouse. It's on the ground. Not up stairs as in the background.)))

Jackson turned to gaze at the woman, his gaze was blank, he blinked and casted his gaze downwards, silently walking over to the grave. He stood on the dirt, his gaze dim, he muttered a quiet "Thanks." He turned and walked into the house, the screen door shutting quietly behind him, he grabbed a towel from the closet "I'm going to wash up in the river." He said flatly, his voice not out to anyone in particular. He walked out of the barn, walking to the river silently, his figure was a blurr from the house. He stepped into the water, fully clothed and sat in the stream, his wet hands rising to comb through his hair until it was wet.
Just fifteen minutes ago Sinovera had come upon an old warehouse that looked pretty much abandoned. She thought that it would be a good place to set up shop.

If there aren't any Walkers that is.

Even if there were Walkers she could maybe kill them and then move in. It was a fairly defensible area.

Only fifteen minutes she had been in there with no Walkers in sight when she heard the sound of footsteps and struggling. Her eyes grew narrow and she quickly hid in a room that was just off the main room and hunkered down. The room was dark and cool and she could hear the scurrying of little feet on the cold concrete ground.

Please don't be Walkers. please don't be Walkers.

She just kept repeating that in her head over and over again. There was the sound of men talking and she nearly let out a sigh of relief. She kept it in however when she remembered something a wise person once told her.

The living are more dangerous than the dead.

"Shoot them both in the Kneecaps and then the head. I will just tell the others that it was just a couple of Walkers." A cold sweat broke out on Sinovera and she shut her eyes tight. They were killing people. Her hand went to the knife that was hidden in her cleavage and she gripped the handle tight. She didn't know the people that were going to be killed, but no one deserved that kind of death. Not even Hannibal Lecter...okay, maybe him. But no one else. She took a quick peak around the corner and saw that their backs were turned to her. She had to save them.
(WHAT THE HECK. I leave to graduate and you people- Ffff- Well, I'm still sitting here(They're closing up.) and I found internet connection on my phone. xD Soooo-)

Declan had watched hopelessly as everything happened. He eventually gave the second woman, the one who had remained in the house, a glance. "You guys can stay, but I expect our stuff to still be here." he said hesitantly. He turned and followed Jackson out. He knew how hard it was to lose someone close, and Remy's death seemed to really affect Jackson. He made his way to the river, a concerned frown on his face. He couldn't say that he was deeply affected by the young girl's death, seeing as he hardly knew her, but it still hurt.

Stopping under a tree near the stream, Declan leaned against it. He crossed his arms and furrowed his brow as he watched Jackson. With a sigh, Declan pushed himself off of the tree and walked up to the stream's edge, the water lapping at his boots. "Jackson." he called softly, not wanting to startle the other.

(I tried my best.)
"Hm?" Jackson returned, his fingers running slowly through his hair, his watery eyes shutting, a few tears excaping. Jackson's knees pulled up to his chest and he leaned his forehead against his knees, his breath beginning to quiver, from the cold of the stream and his fighting to contain his tears.
Declan squatted, his hand reaching out into the water. He took in a sharp breath at the temperature, but his hand remained. He looked up at Jackson, only seeing the other's back. "Jackson... Get out of there. You're going to freeze." he continued gently. He thought he saw Jackson shaking, either from crying or from the cold, Declan didn't know. "C'mon... I'm not leaving until you get out of the water."

He decided to keep the topic of Remy out of the conversation until he got Jackson back onto dry land.
Jackson gazed at Declan, hesitantly crawling out of the water, curling up on the grass, his body shivering, tears beginning to drip down his face. He closed his eyes, his wet hair sticking to his face, his fingers curl around the grass, low, childish whimpers coming from Jackson.
Declan sighed and stood up, walking to stand in front of Jackson. He sat down and stared at the man curled up on the ground before reaching out to pat the other's back. He said nothing, simply doing what Jackson had done for him before; he was comforting the other. Well, he was trying. Declan never had been one for all that "You'll be okay" crap.

However, his heart broke as he watched Jackson. It was sad to think that someone with such a strong personality, someone who had been in the other role before, was now curled up on the ground like a lost child. It was heartrending. He reached out and moved the wet hair from Jackson's forehead.
Jackson closed his eyes at the feeling of Declan's hand brushing the hair from his face. He sat up and laced his arms around Declan, beginning to full out sob into the other mans shoulder, sometimes putting up a wall and acting tough doesn't help. His hands took fistfuls of Declan's shirt and he hung to him like of he didn't he would die.
((gosh you guys are just adorable xD ))

Megan stood up and went into the kitchen calling for Harli as she picked out a few things of canned food. she used a can opener she found and opened them up and ate them. It filled her up for now. she looked over to Harli. "what should we do about Bryan and Steven? They could be out of the city by now for all we know."
(Hopeless romantic here. I can't help it. ._.)

Declan's eyes widened as he was, once again, hugged by Jackson. I'm guessing he's a hugger, he thought as he sat, his arms hanging limp at his sides. His body shook along with Jackson's sobs. Biting his lip, Declan reluctantly wrapped Jackson in his arms, returning the hug. "Shh..." he said gently as he awkwardly patted Jackson's back. Despite the fact that he needed it to keep a healthy level of sanity, Declan was not very used to contact with another person.
Jackson didn't entirely care about the amount of response he was getting, anything would make him feel somewhat better. He nested his head into the crook of Declan's neck, his breathing quivered as he began to get ahold of himself, his embrace remained tight and his eyes remained closed, occasionally he would mutter a "Please don't go.." Or a "Thanks.." His tone partly muffled, his face resting against Declan's neck.
Declan eventually tightened his hold on Jackson and sat back on his heels. He reached up and patted the other's head, staring at the sky. "I'm not going anywhere." he said in response to Jackson's mumbling. Though that's partly because you're sticking to me like super glue, but... "I'm right here..."

Considering he wasn't the one who had just lost what he assumed was a very dear friend, it was rather awkward for Declan to be in this position. He wasn't necessarily the go-to person when in need for some sort of comfort. In fact, people usually shied away from him before. Now that there was no one to shy away, Declan had gotten used to not having to be gentle with anyone. He had no idea what to do besides let Jackson have his time.
(PFT. Declan is GOING to learn how to care for other people in this way xD )

Jackson sensed the awkward vibe coming from Declan and he awkwardly stood, he grabbed his towel, tugged it around himself and simply left, if it was even possible his heart felt like it fell deeper into his stomach, and the lump in his throat just grew bigger. He walked into the house silently, he grabbed his bag and walked upstairs to change out from his wet clothing, luckily he packed a extra pair of clothes. He changed out of his damp ones and slid into his dry ones, his wet ones resting in the bathtub. He walked downstairs and sat down on the couch, staring at the ground with a clenched jaw.
Sinovera was pumping herself up for going out there and being a hero. She took another look out there and she nearly cried out as a memory hit her. She slid back against the wall and his her face in her hands, trying to silence her cries, and succeeded for the most part.

<em>”Come along little princess, uncle Joe has a little present he would like to give to you. He left it up in her your bedroom.” The voice called to her. This was the night she had been waiting for. The night where she could finally be rid of this pedophile once and for all. He took her hand and led her upstairs, away from her parents. It never took him long and she would always stay in her room afterwards, too dead inside to move. They went into her bedroom.

“Take off your clothes.” He said. His voice was so soft, and, trustworthy. But it was the voice of a snake. She did as he told her to do and took of her clothing. She went to the bedside. He came to her and reached out to touch her. She grabbed her dagger from the bedside table and plunged it into his chest. Blood pooled out of the wound and dripped down her arms. She pulled it out and stabbed again. This went on until her parents finally came up. She was no longer their daughter that day, but a monster.</em>

Tears streamed from her face at the memory and she crawled away to a small area she found earlier where she could hide, and she hid away from the men. She didn't want that to happen to her again. She would die first.
Standing up, Declan sighed. He scratched the back of his neck and stared out past the river, inter the trees. He shook his head and turned, suddenly remembering the two women who had arrived. Cursing himself under his breath he jogged back to the house. Walking inside, he looked around and spotted Jackson sitting down. Declan patted Jackson's head as he walked by, into the kitchen.

Leaning against the kitchen entryway, Declan crossed his arms and tilted his head. After a long pause, he eventually spoke to the one who had just helped herself to some food. "What brought you guys this way?" he asked gruffly, his stare remaining serious, yet curious.

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