The Walking Dead

"We were at the mall, a large group of Walkers came through and we high-tailed out of there." Megan explained, leaving out important parts because she didn't know if they could trust these people.
With Steven and Bryan in the dark, chilly werehouse. Still tied up, from hands to

feet. laying on there belly's. Bryan take's a deep breath, but on the conrete groud

there is dust. And as he breaths in, the dust gets in his mouth and nose and he coughs.

He spits out the dust. With slobber falling on the concrete.

Not dust, I'm alleric to dust. why did they not put more tape over our mouths? Yet

still tied up? Maybe Darrel or Paul want's us to to scream. But why? For us to get a

plan to get out of here? Paul catching us, and shooting us point blank in the head?

The pain in my right thigh leg still hurts. Putting presurre on it, like this isn't

no good. This isn't a movie, nor any type of show. I don't see help coming. No one.

We're dead. I want to embrace it. I really want to. I look over at Steven, to see what his

plan is. Poor punk, he had a scaly walkers head on his lap. I'll admit it. I would of been freaking

out a bit more. Good for him. I still hate looking at him. Bryan looks over With Steven, laying his right cheek on the concrete.

(((Just pretend there isn't no trash in front. What a bunch of litter bugs right?! And a large moveable metal gate. The gate may look green, but pretend it's grey. Since it just got welded and no one would worry to paint it.)))

Jon and Kat walked around town. Up the street. Jon point's to the front gate further

down the town street. Down the slight hill. while him and Kat walk down it. "Of

course that's the front. It toke a while to build a lot of man power. Don't worry no walkers are getting though that." Jon pointed down to the very well guarded gate. With two men, changing shifts with one man and a young woman. The two new shift takers have take the M16 except the woman she brings her own weapon. Which is a rifle. There is a few ammo on the stand where the two are guarding. For each weapon. "It toke all hours of the day to make that gate. A guy who workers a welder wasn't home. Put a lot of hours into it. I used to be a welder in my youth. But too much time welding is bad for the eyes. Great pay, but dangerous to one's health." Jon crossed his arms.


The moveable gate. Which is in the middle ^

Kat walked with Jon, and looked down the street to the gate as he spoke about it. It was pretty impressive, the large wall a sufficient barricade against the walkers. She had wondered about how they kept the creatures out, and this was definitely a good way. "It is impressive. It obviously works, too." She signed to Jon. She was surprised to hear he had been a welder though. It wasn't a job many people had, at least, many people she had met. Then she looked at the four guards at the gate, the three men and young woman. "Who are they?" She signed to Jon, curious. They were obviously fellow survivors, and guards.
"The guards who watch over the front of the town. Pretty much the most decent shooters we have here. They can teach you a thing or two. About shooting those biters out there. It's not to late to learn..." Jon then pointed behind Kat. To the small church. "There people who still have faith even during this hellish time." Jon looking at the church then back at Kat.

Jon was a faithful man. Had strong trust in god. He was raised in a church, went almost every single sunday. Happy to walk in the house of god. Jon's family was also strong in faith. In his house, not too far back up the hill. is where he is staying. Every night Jon would read a verse from the bible to his daughter. Before she went to bed. It was comforting to know for the child to not be scared. God has her in his protective hands.
Kat nodded at the first statement, and looked behind her as Jon pointed. She saw the church, and smiled at what he said. "I'm glad to know some people still do, at least." She signed to Jon. "It's times like these when we need Him most." She then commented on what he had said first. "I'm a pretty decent shot, though. I'm in the Air Force. Rather, I was, before all this happened." The girl signed, then sighed silently. She wished her team were still with her. This place would be a perfect place to settle, and their military training could definitely help here. But instead, they were out there somewhere, most likely dead. All she could do was pray for them.
Jackson tensed at the feeling of a hand to his head. He got up and walked upstairs, closing the door to the guest bedroom him and Declan had been in. He crawled up onto the bed, not bothering to go under the blankets. Jackson swallowed down the lump that had been building in his throat, his jaw tightening. Remy was the only family he had left, now he was alone..and I guess he understood that. But, that still didn't make the pain any less. Jackson closed his eyes, tears beginning to leak past his eyelashes and onto his cheeks, coating them with a salty, sticky lather.

Why me... Jackson stared at the ground, his fingers beginning to tighten around the blankets. He slid his legs underneath the thick blankets, his legs bending into a angle, his cheek resting against the pillow, his painfully helpless gaze locked on the window, his bright eyes searching around the farmland.
Declan nodded and shifted his weight, but remained leaning against the doorframe. "We got run out of town no less than twenty-four hours ago." he said. He stared at one of the cabinets before glancing at the woman again. "Were there more of you? I know that it's happened before. Getting split up because of a herd, I mean."

(I'll be gone for a few days. I think Gun knows why. ._. I'll be back tomorrow[maybe].)
Harli was inside the house. She ignored everyone and got up to search the house. She came across a study. "Perfect." She mumbled as she searched throughout the drawers of the desk. She pushed everything off the desk and spread out a map. She scanned it and narrowed her eyes. ".... MEGAN!!!" She screamed out. Her finger lay on a town about 3 miles away.

Steven huffed as he rolled over and sat up. He worked out and skated so moving around in difficult situations. He laid back and rolled forward quickly hopping up on his tied up feet. He hopped over to Bryan and lowered down pulling him up into a sitting position. He plopped back down on his ass and looked over at Bryan. "You looked like you needed help." He huffed. "Listen. Im going to turn around and place my hand on the floor. I need you to slam your foot against my hand till it brakes." He looked back at him. "Ive broken it before. Come on. I can get out."
Megan almost choked on the food when Harli suddenly screamed her name. Catching her breath she sighed. "Coming." She walked past the guy and to the study where she found Harli looking at a map. "What is it?" she asked.
Harli looked up at Megan with crazed eyes. "Here. They are here." She looked to the town she was pointing at. "I know it. I just do." She eyed the map closely. She then took off out of the room looking at the 2 men. "We need help! Load my truck up with supplies, food, weapons! NOW!"
(((Here's the prisoners. A little shotout. For ya.)))

From a distance, there is three men. In orange prison outfits, one with a scoped rifle. Watching the country house for a while. Hiding behind a rusty, discolored car. "When they first step out....kill them...." One prisoner said. With such a rough voice. Standing behind the other two one with the rifle and the other with a handgun. Both having there weapons aim on the front hood of the car. Side by side, ready to kill.
"You don't know they are there!" she called after Harli and walked out after her. "We're not taking all of their supplies either!" She looked at them. "We don't even have a plan, whoever took Bryan and Steven must be dangerous if they can take our two guys!" Megan complained to Harli
Declan's mouth formed a scowl. "Sure. Go ahead and raid my house. Then demand that I supply you with my food, my supplies, and my weapons, why don't you?" he growled to the second woman as he made his way to her. "First of all, I don't even know who you are, so I ain't helping you. Second of all, you can't just barge in here and demand things." his anger was giving way to a slight Australian accent. "And last, but definitely not least: Who. Are. You?" He had broken up the question into three parts, speaking slowly to the woman as if she were a child.

He glanced at the first woman. "You had two others? What happened to them?" By then, he didn't even bother with trying to sound American. (Bleh. He has an accent. * ^ *) Though still angry, his curiosity grew.
(((Yes, they followed harli and Megan form the mall. From a far distance. But do not worry one of the prisoners will accidently, get trigger happy.)))
Harli tured toward the man by the name of Declan. " I am Harli, that is Megan." She grew more angry. "We lost two group members by the names of Bryan and Steven. They where kidnapped. I know that are in a town 3 miles from here. LETS GO!"
The prisoner with the scope rifle see's harli though the window. "Pretty..." He thinks to himself smiling, and licking his lips. "Peach..." The loud sound of the rifle is heard fired. Toward Harli, the bullet fire's though the glass window. And just glancing by one inch. very close to Harli's ear. So close. "Screw it! KILL THEM" The prisoner who shoot first yelled. "You!..." Before the prisoner behind them possibly the leader could finish his sentence toward the prisoner who shot first. Both prisoners started shooting toward each window. Careless.
Declan stepped back and mockingly held his arms out towards the door. "You can leave anytime you'd like. I'd prefer now, but you know, f*ck what I want." He scowl remained, his eyes becoming cold. "You're not taking anything. You leave with what you had when you arrived here." Just after he finished speaking, a loud crash was heard and the front window, the one over the couch, blasted apart. He ducked, his arms over his head. "Shit!" He suddenly remembered Jackson upstairs and his anger became worry. "Jackson!"
Harli tackled Megan to the ground and looked over to the two men. "OUT THE BACK MY TRUCK IS BY THE SIDE OF THE HOUSE GRAB EVERYTHING YOU CAN!" She shouted out as she moved to the kitchen, grabbing her crossbow and filling up her bag with food. She dropped the bag by the door and looked at Megan. "Im going to get the truck. Get to the back door!" With that she took off through the front door stumbling down the steps and jumping into her truck. She started it up and crashed through the gate to the back yard she stopped by the back porch. "GET OUT!!! COME ON!!"
(lol she is trying to save their asses and we need to get on with the story and have the group move forward. Harli takes on the role of a leader. She don't let others other than her righthand man, Bryan, talk down to her and tell her when she is being an ass.))

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