The Walking Dead

"SHUT UP! SHUP UP!" The man yelled as Steven is tied up to the chair next to Bryan. Bryan looks at Steven with a "kill him first." Type of look. "I'm...i'm suppose to wait here...for the chief...yes the chief...everything will be fine when the chief arrives..." The man said pulling Bryan knife. having the knight stick on his left side of his waist in his belt. Bryan make's a sound though the tape best he can. "coco for coco puffs" it sounded like. But you can't tell fully with the tape on his mouth.
A smile spread over Jackson's face "Its nice." He slid out of the car through the window, not bothering to open it, he gazed around, beginning to wonder off around the perimeter of the house, after looking it over he jogged back "No walkers." He grinned widely, maybe, just maybe they found a good place to stay, for a long time. He picked up Remy and bowed his head to Declan in a thanks, "We would've died without you man, really, thanks." He readjusted Remy, raising his eyebrow and sighing at the fact that she was still sleeping, he draped her over his shoulder, muttering cr*p about teenage girls underneath his breath as he entered the fence.
Steven looked over at Bryan. "Who is this fucker?" He huffed as he looked up at the male. "What the hell are you doing and who the hell are you?" He eyed him closely. He then looked back at Bryan with the look What about everyone else?
Declan followed shortly after, his bag slung over his shoulder. He walked the distance to the house and made his way up the stoop before knocking on the door. When there was no response, he tried opening it. It was locked. With a sense of dread and despair, Declan reached up over the doorframe and felt around for the spare key his friend had often let him use. He found it and slipped it into the doorknob. Hesitatingly, he turned and pushed the door open. It slowly and quietly swung open letting Declan take a few slow steps inside. He held his hand up to Jackson in a gesture that said "Wait." With his machete gripped in hand, Declan ventured further into the house. He cleared the rooms on the first floor and went back to the door. "First floor is clear, don't go up into the second one just yet."
Jackson sighed and nodded, walking inside cautiously, he rested Remy on the couch before his gaze brightened "Is there any chance that there's a lake of some sort near by?" He really wanted to shower, he chewed on his lower lip, giving Declan desperate eyes.

Remy sighed, opening her eyes "Where are we?" She asked in a lazy tone, Jackson grinned "A house that belongs to Declan's friend." He walked over and knelt by Remy, sighing and explaining to her what happened while she was asleep
Declan dropped his bag onto the floor and wearily ran a hand through his hair. "There's no lake, but there's a river not too far away." he answered, leaning against the wall for support. The events of that day came back and he suddenly felt exhausted. He closed his eyes and tilted his head back against the wall.
Jackson nodded and ran a hand through his bangs, sighing and gazing at Declan "Are there beds upstairs?" He asked hopefully, he hadn't slept on a bed in god knows when. He listened, he couldn't hear anything but their bodies and talking, his eyes brightened "There can't be walkers in here." He jogged upstairs excitedly, looking around, nearly lunging into the first bedroom he saw.
Declan's eyes flew open as he heard footsteps on the stairs. He pushed himself off the wall and ran after Jackson. "F*ck!" he cursed under his breath. "I said not to come up here!" he said a bit louder as he launched himself forward and grabbed Jackson's forearm, keeping him from going into the bedroom. He slammed himself against Jackson, pushing the other against the wall. His hand flew over Jackson's mouth as he listened. A shuffling came from the room, then something scraping against the closed door. The scraping became slamming as whatever was in there struggled to get out into the hall.
Jackson tensed, his eyes slowly moved from the door to stare awkwardly at Declan, his tongue snaked out and licked against Declan's hand in a childish way of trying to get his hand off. Jackson continued to lick and suck on Declan's hand, his eyebrow raised.
Declan grimaced and pulled his hand away, wiping it off on Jackson's shoulder. "Dude, that's disgusting." he complained. He the. Realized the closeness between the two and stepped back, looking around the hall. When his eyes landed on Jackson again, he sighed. "Just... Go back down." he said, beginning to herd Jackson back downstairs. Running a hand through his hair, Declan leaned against the staircase banister. "We'll deal with whatever it is in there, but later."
Jackson began to complain before his gaze brightened, he nearly shoved Remy off of the couch, collapsing on top of it, kicking off his shoes, he tugged a blanket from his backpack, sliding it over him, passing out the moment he got comfortable, low snores from Jackson echoing through the house.
(( Okay! I'm all caught up now >< Lets hope I can stay caught up! ))

The group Megan was with seemed to go off and do their own thing. Megan wanted to be alone, she was used to it all her life. She picked out her clothes from various stores and stuffed them in her bag. Still avoiding using any weapons she picked out more blunt weapons, and even better, a machete from the hunting store in the mall. She even picked out a sleeping bag for her to sleep on.

She walked down the large mall, seeing a good ol store she used to love, and still did. Build A Bear. She walked in and picked out one of the many models. she knew exactly how to work all the things here after coming so many times, and built her own teddy bear. She smiled and held it close to her. It was something to calm her down and keep her sane. She ate some of the food that she had in her bag, and sat in the food court to eat them.
In the security office, with Bryan and Steven tied up. By the strange and pretty much mentally screwed up man. The man looks at Steven face to face. Getting close and closer. Very close. "Your gonna make a very good..." The man said. Looking over at Bryan. "You too fat boy!" the man backs off. Bryan mumbles something with the tape on his mouth. You can barley hear him. "I'm not fat...just...f*ck you.." is what it sounds like he's saying.
Steven sits there trying to think. He then does something trying to be brave. He starts to try and wiggle the hidden pocket knife out of his pants. He almost got it into his hand as it drops to the floor. "Motherfucker!" He shouted. He then begins to shout. "HARLI! HELP US SOMEONE!!!"
The man cuts off a piece of tape that he gets from that table behind Steven and Bryan. He cuts off a piece and tapes Steven's mouth. "Yup...this is the end...eaten by some crazy rent a cop..." Bryan thought to himself looking at the crazy man. "Won't be long now..." The man starts to laugh pulling his own hair. "See..had another couple...come in here...the mall see?! and I toke care of them....the loving couple...togetter..." the man walks off to the closet behind him. Opening it up and grabbing...something..someone...he turns back around toward Steven and bryan. Holding a womans head, the wasn't a walker before. But just a human.

Even though the head is cut off the brain still working. The walkers head still operating. Looking at Seven. Chopping its teeth.

He holds the head in front of Steven. Getting it closer to his head. "Give her a kiss!" Bryan looking at the guy "What...the....f***?!" to himself. "Meet miss headless!" The man laughs to himself. "Holding by the womans hair shaking the head in front of Steven.

Back in town where Darrel add Kat are. Darrel is seen driving toward the entrance to the toward talkig to Jon. With the window rolled down. "Jon!" Darrel yelled Jon comes to the window holding a M16 Carbine. "What's up?" jon asked. "We have a new young lady in town. Cross from where I'm staying...between marry and rick. Show her around town. Make her feel comfortable." Darrel said. "Will do." Jon replied. "Where you off to?" Jon asked. "To go pick up Paul...he should be done hunting about now..." Replied Darrel. As Darrel drives off the two guards closing the gate behind Darrel. Darrel waving good bye.
Steven moves away from the guy as much as he could kicking his pocket knife toward Bryan. "He started to mumble and whimper through the tape. He moved his legs and kicked toward the man. Making him self fall backwards.

Harli begin to walk down the hallway, running into Megan. "Hey, have you seen Bryan?" She asked as she looked around the area looking for any sign that they had been there.
Darrel is seen driving down the country road. Down the way to the mall. He grabs the radio and radio's Paul. "Paul...paul...come in...are you still at the mall?" Darrel asked. Continues to drive laying the radio down by hiss passingers set.

The man picks up the knife Steven kicked. "Oh..I like this knife.." The man looks at Bryan, Bryan looks at the man. The man pulls out the knife bryans knife, from his belt it was tucked into. And walks over to Bryan. "You can have your knife back..." The man says slowly lowering the knife to Bryan. But then SLAMMING the knife into his left thigh leg! As he lets go as blood stains thoughhis blue jeans. And bryan can't take the pain. Moving a lot. Due to the pain. Yelling, but the tape overs it up. He picks up the knife Steven kicked and picks up steven setting him up again. Bryan's heart race's feeling the pain. The knife still stuck in his left thigh.
Steven started to bite the tape trying to get it from his mouth. One corner peeled off and steven begin to cuss at him. "HOW THE FUC.K DARE YOU! WHEN I GET OUT OF THIS IM KILLING YOU YOU MOTHERFUCKER! YOU BETTER HOPE I DONT GET MY HANDS ON YOU!" Why he was standing up for the man who seemed to hate him he knew not why.

Harli frowned. "I haven't seen him at all. " She glanced around again and huffed. "Will you help me search?" She asked Megan as she begin to look in different stores.
"Guess so." She said grabbing her bag and keeping her machete in the sheath around her waist. she looked around the stores that they walked past, spilled bottles of perfume and lotions in one of those girly shops scattered the floor. "Doubt he'd be in there."
"SHUT UP!" The man pulls out his night stick and hits Steven over the head. The man gets ore tape and wraps it around Stevens mouth. Hoping it will stay taped. Blood going down to his lower legs. Bryan in pain, in tears looking at the dark ceiling. While breathing hard. The man lays the walkers head faced up to Stevens chin on his lap. To scare him. "Don't move to much...don't won't her to turned around and chew off your ding a ling!" The man turns around closing the door to the security office. And locking. Now he just walks back ad fourth. "Two years....I was locked that asylum...knowing this day would come...NO I"M NOT LIEING!" The man yelled looking at Steven even though he didn't say nothing with the tape on his mouth. The man laughs while pulling his hair and stopping looking at Steven. "We..WE...RUN THIS WORLD NOW! We're...HOME..."The man laughs to himself.
Steven stares at the walker head that lay in is lap. He stays perfectly still. Not moving one inch. His breathing was almost nonexistent. His eyes stay locked on the walkers head.

Harli begin to run through the halls of the mall. "BRYAN!!!" She called out. "STEVEN" She ran a bit faster. "WHERE ARE YOU GUYS!" Se turned to Megan. "They couldn't have left us?" Her heart almost breaks. She was feeling a bond with Bryan and not he seemed to run off.
"I doubt they did." Megan said. "And stop shouting, you're just gonna draw attention to any walkers that may be in here." She ran to catch up to the reckless Harli

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